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Old 2006-03-19, 17:15   Link #161
Incoherance is my friend!
Join Date: Dec 2005
So your saying since you dont understand the honorifics you dont want to see them? 0_o
Mmmm I dont see bleach being dumbed down for TV, naruto realy was not so much dumbed down as badly VA'd alto it dose have a "to TV anime" feel to it....and yes thier such a thing as" to TV anime"...

pretty much...Inu was bearable..but it feels like they didnt even try to VA naruto right...the scripting is bearable but the VAing hurts...its like almost like a 4kids dub VA wise 0-o

and thus we get "to TV anime"...anime whitch is not fully translated but taken from its oridgnal form cheaply or halfwitedly DUBBED this is pretty much everything 4kids has done as well as ,Salior Moon,DBZ,and others....I still think dubing in a full DVD context is the best way to go after that you can edit it to your hearts desire for TV insted of haveing the DVD inffected like narutos DVD is going to be....sure we get the subs but OMG the dub VAing is as bad......
Even if they patch to TV anime to DVD in narutos case..its not going to help the VAing is bad,FMA and INU were done ok from the start so patching it would not be as hard.And both Inu and FMA feellike normal 80ish % DUBBED DVD anime even with all the edits for TV...naruto feels like a 30-50% to TV anime...unless you pay atteion to the scritping then it hits 70% the VAing is what is keeping it down..altho this is comeing from a die hard anime fan thats seen then frist 172 eps fan subed *L* so I might feel its a 70% but most who watch and like it should get a 90 out of it...the opening and ending are so badly done I dout you could get more than 9 out of 10 on it *L*

BTW this is to all
TO me and I might be overly simple in my thinking but these shows are so neat you dont have to water them down just translate them right from the start make the edits for TV and its going to make as much money or more..since the ribid anime fans like msot of us will want to buy it to for being done well....

Last edited by ZippyDSM; 2006-03-19 at 17:37.
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Old 2006-03-19, 18:34   Link #162
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Originally Posted by ZippyDSM
and thus we get "to TV anime"...anime whitch is not fully translated but taken from its oridgnal form cheaply or halfwitedly DUBBED this is pretty much everything 4kids has done as well as ,Salior Moon,DBZ,and others....I still think dubing in a full DVD context is the best way to go after that you can edit it to your hearts desire for TV insted of haveing the DVD inffected like narutos DVD is going to be....sure we get the subs but OMG the dub VAing is as bad......
Huh? DBZ was redubbed and released "uncut". Naruto is going to have an uncut release too. There would be no difference if Naruto was dubbed for a DVD release first or a TV release first. They no longer make two different dub sets. They use the same dub and just remove the lines for the tv airing. It is much cheaper to do than to bring the actors in to make two different sets of audio tracks.
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Old 2006-03-19, 20:40   Link #163
Juan Valdez
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Originally Posted by microlith
Well if they grow up getting it for free, they'll be less likely to buy when they get older. I mean, why start paying for something you never had to before?

/anime is doomed
//doomed by its fanbase
///not fark, still slashies
I dunno about you, but I and I assume many others buy the domestic DVDs of series I really liked once they are available. For sure I'm going to be buying KGNE and Mai HiME once they're out. I don't think anime is doomed in the US.

Dunno about buying Bleach though, since 1) it's most likely going to be on TV and 2) buying DVDs of 72+ episodes would bankrupt me.
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Old 2006-03-19, 23:01   Link #164
Incoherance is my friend!
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by bayoab
Huh? DBZ was redubbed and released "uncut". Naruto is going to have an uncut release too. There would be no difference if Naruto was dubbed for a DVD release first or a TV release first. They no longer make two different dub sets. They use the same dub and just remove the lines for the tv airing. It is much cheaper to do than to bring the actors in to make two different sets of audio tracks.
Frist release of DBZ.....

You miss my point Narutos DUBBING was handled for TV /Kids Frist thus they didnt try to VA it right least this is how some of us feel...they are going to have to patch it or edit it at some time so put effort into dubbing it right would be best for all...then they can edit it..and uncut dubs is not goign to save the bad vocie acting on naruto either....

Juan Valdez
anyhtign 4kids getis doomed....but besides that anime might not be doomed but the overall dubbing is going into the crapper for now...

Sometimes I think US voice acting is 100 years behind japans then I find lil bits of info like like the VA that did Sanosukes vocie on Kenshin sung the ending song...his VA of sano was alil weak(think AL on FMA it would have been perfect if he could put emotion into his voice...) but damn he could at least shows a sign of improvement in some things but naruto jsut knocked everythign back a step..blah I am rambleing.....butthen Dubing in the us is mostly iffy

Funimation 70-90%
Viz inu 80 to naruto 70{ anyone seen thier flame of recca yet?}
Pineoner/Geonoen its either realy good or realy bad 0-o
ADV 30-80 god theya re so hit and miss its scary 0-o bandi is more or less like this but alil better.
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Old 2006-03-20, 00:42   Link #165
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Originally Posted by ZippyDSM
You miss my point Narutos DUBBING was handled for TV /Kids
No, I got your point. You completely missed mine. I claim that with a company with Viz that cuts corners everywhere, I doubt they would go through the trouble to even make a second dub track for the DVD and wrote one script for the DVD and then edited it for TV to save time and money. (At least, that is how they handled Inu Yasha on the first DVD.) The rest of the post is just theory so all I will say is that the VA choices were affected for the better as far as the ADR person is concerned by it being on TV and being a big title.
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Old 2006-03-20, 00:48   Link #166
Incoherance is my friend!
Join Date: Dec 2005
sorry 0-o *cleans out the cobwebs*
ya I know they cut conners for the short run annoys me to know end...VIZ was better than that >< they are follwing a bit to close to 4kids theme and to be frank besides feedign anime to kids I cant even figure how they are makeign money with all themindless edits they make 0-o the 4kids theme annoys me..and doing so makes me less intrested in a seires..but oh well companies now adays rarely care abotu the anime fans.....but still am I wrong in thinking for the long run its best to tranlate it "AS IS/DVD" rather than do it for "TV/KIDS" ?
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Old 2006-03-20, 04:25   Link #167
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If they're going to do an uncut release it's easier to create the original, uncut version then go back and tidy it up for the TV release.

This is what is done for most shows except 4Kids stuff because only they have no intention of releasing an unaltered version.

If you have issues with the dubs then I suggest going to the dub forum at and discussing it with them, as it's frequented almost exclusively by dub fans.

The rest of us will pick up our DVDs and watch it subbed.
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Old 2006-03-20, 06:40   Link #168
Incoherance is my friend!
Join Date: Dec 2005
thats the trouble there not doing that for naruto ,the horried VA casting is a fact of that..altho is bad VAing reason enough to call it TV anime >< ...probly not....scriptig is the meat of it..bad VAing aside its more or less ok.
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Old 2006-03-20, 13:22   Link #169
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Then ignore the dub if you feel so inclined and pick up the uncut DVDs later and watch it subbed. There are options in all of this.
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Old 2006-03-20, 16:47   Link #170
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So lets see if I can recap this crap:

1: some people are upset Viz aquired Bleach because they'll have to pay for it
2: some people are upset Viz aquired Bleach because they are Viz
3: some people are upset because they assume that someone somewhere will create a second version of Bleach for TV

But they aren't seeing the big picture.

Licencensed Anime is good for US consumers. Licensed=more viewers. More viewers=profits for distrobuters. Profits=more licensings. more licensings=more anime for americans to enjoy. Now whats so bad about that, really?

As for wether or not it will get modified for TV is a totally different topic. If its changed or not, its good either way. TV viewers often buy the DVDs (remember Gundam Wing???).

Then theres the other side - when a US company licenses an Anime, it PAYS the japanese company. More income (with out any work to get it) is always nice. More profits=more anime made.

Its a win win win situation when a successful anime is licensed. The only people who loose out are thoes who are too cheap to buy the official releases.

(I am totally discounting the europeans, so deal with it :P )
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Old 2006-03-20, 23:05   Link #171
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Is CN way of handleing this show right?

in bleach we have all see that there is lots of blood. its not that violent but still will CN cut out alot of it for the "safty of the viewers" i see it happening. and thewre will be some cuts fromn the eps. they problem of it is that now . noone will know better. i dont get CN. i more of less follow ocaen groups dubbing a bit better....unless OG is working opn this wew will see but ive seen some pritty bvad dubbing i hope they dont mess this searies up like nbaruto..cause damn his voice stinks so bad.... i cant say it.. it wil ofend even the words that im tytping.... i can some what say the same for SONIC X on 4kids.

Last edited by ottofoxen; 2006-03-20 at 23:18.
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Old 2006-03-21, 01:18   Link #172
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Originally Posted by ottofoxen
in bleach we have all see that there is lots of blood. its not that violent but still will CN cut out alot of it for the "safty of the viewers" i see it happening. and thewre will be some cuts fromn the eps. they problem of it is that now . noone will know better.
There are no cuts for blood on adullt swim and CN doesnt do the editing. Viz does.
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Old 2006-03-21, 01:24   Link #173
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Viz does the editing, but CN tells them what their limits are for airing on the network. CN has the standards that Viz is then bound to abide by. Don't discount network's importance in the editing process, just because they aren't the ones who do the actual dirty work.

Anyway, as you say, it is unlikely that it will be cut for Adult Swim since that has a different demographic.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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Old 2006-03-21, 05:32   Link #174
Join Date: Dec 2004
Originally Posted by scorpio516
So lets see if I can recap this crap:

1: some people are upset Viz aquired Bleach because they'll have to pay for it
2: some people are upset Viz aquired Bleach because they are Viz
3: some people are upset because they assume that someone somewhere will create a second version of Bleach for TV

But they aren't seeing the big picture.

Licencensed Anime is good for US consumers. Licensed=more viewers. More viewers=profits for distrobuters. Profits=more licensings. more licensings=more anime for americans to enjoy. Now whats so bad about that, really?

As for wether or not it will get modified for TV is a totally different topic. If its changed or not, its good either way. TV viewers often buy the DVDs (remember Gundam Wing???).

Then theres the other side - when a US company licenses an Anime, it PAYS the japanese company. More income (with out any work to get it) is always nice. More profits=more anime made.

Its a win win win situation when a successful anime is licensed. The only people who loose out are thoes who are too cheap to buy the official releases.

(I am totally discounting the europeans, so deal with it :P )
I'm not trying to be biased or anything so don't flame me. But what you are talking about is the benefits of Americans. Those who live on the other side of the world don't benefit from this. They lose their favourite fansubbed episodes and have to watch episodes subbed by a not so favoured fansub group. They may not have [As] or whatever on their tv screen.

now i think my next sentence may sound very biased but hey. We downloaded these episodes... it became a hit... and what we get in the end? it gets liscensed and the episodes will be more difficult to be dl
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Old 2006-03-21, 10:26   Link #175
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Originally Posted by NoSanninWa
Viz does the editing, but CN tells them what their limits are for airing on the network. CN has the standards that Viz is then bound to abide by. Don't discount network's importance in the editing process, just because they aren't the ones who do the actual dirty work.

Anyway, as you say, it is unlikely that it will be cut for Adult Swim since that has a different demographic.
Except, in Viz's case, they go edit happy as can be seen with Gash Bell where THEY are the ones editing the guns because they have been left in on a couple episodes before. (Also the ! edit which seems to be at almost random.)

Originally Posted by budak
I'm not trying to be biased or anything so don't flame me. But what you are talking about is the benefits of Americans. Those who live on the other side of the world don't benefit from this. They lose their favourite fansubbed episodes and have to watch episodes subbed by a not so favoured fansub group. They may not have [As] or whatever on their tv screen.

now i think my next sentence may sound very biased but hey. We downloaded these episodes... it became a hit... and what we get in the end? it gets liscensed and the episodes will be more difficult to be dl
First of all, note that he says he was discounting Europeans.

Secondly, it would have become a hit regardless. Your downloading had nothing to do with it.

Thirdly, Bleach is licensed in Europe by Viz Media BV.

Fourth and finally, most Europeans I talk to online claim to reverse-import DVDs for series they like. So this "it's harder to download" argument is just scraping the bottom of the barrel because you are not even supposed to download it.
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Old 2006-03-21, 10:50   Link #176
Join Date: Dec 2004
argh forget it ill probably lose to more then half of the members here who live somewhere in the west...
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Old 2006-03-21, 11:41   Link #177
Join Date: Nov 2004
it was a world wide license or something, so it affects the whole world.
and its a dutch company that licensed it so there is a huge chance it will be available in europe.
personally i hope it will get to europe first, then we will see howmany of the us fans will import the dvd's....

Last edited by Dnous; 2006-03-21 at 12:08.
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Old 2006-03-22, 21:11   Link #178
Card-carrying Hunter
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I have a question. What's the deal with everyone saying, "Bleach is a SJ title, so Viz already had the rights to the anime"? Last time I checked, one instance (Naruto) does not make a pattern. Or has everyone forgotten about Dragonball, YuYu Hakusho (Funimation), Yu-gi-oh, Shaman King, One Piece (4 Kids), Saint Seiya (ADV/DiC), Slam Dunk (Geneon), Fist of the North Star (Manga Entertainment), Rurouni Kenshin, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, and probably some others? I know they have the licensing rights to the SJ mangas, but their respective animes are separate entities.

As for Bleach itself, though, I'm betting $20 that Viz will give Tousen a thick Jamaican accent. Just call it a hunch.
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Old 2006-03-22, 21:35   Link #179
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Originally Posted by Zython
I have a question. What's the deal with everyone saying, "Bleach is a SJ title, so Viz already had the rights to the anime"? Last time I checked, one instance (Naruto) does not make a pattern. Or has everyone forgotten about Dragonball, YuYu Hakusho (Funimation), Yu-gi-oh, Shaman King, One Piece (4 Kids), Saint Seiya (ADV/DiC), Slam Dunk (Geneon), Fist of the North Star (Manga Entertainment), Rurouni Kenshin, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, and probably some others? I know they have the licensing rights to the SJ mangas, but their respective animes are separate entities.

As for Bleach itself, though, I'm betting $20 that Viz will give Tousen a thick Jamaican accent. Just call it a hunch.
Wait, I know I saw this question somewhere before... You asked this same one on the ANN boards and got your answer there. The answer is that ALL of those titles are old and LONG before Viz has begun SJ USA and the Shopro/Viz merger. Shueisha and Shogakukan are now co-owners of Viz and have the Japanese rights and after they passed naruto to Viz, it was obvious they were going to hand Bleach over.
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Old 2006-03-22, 23:23   Link #180
Card-carrying Hunter
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Originally Posted by bayoab
Wait, I know I saw this question somewhere before... You asked this same one on the ANN boards and got your answer there. The answer is that ALL of those titles are old and LONG before Viz has begun SJ USA and the Shopro/Viz merger. Shueisha and Shogakukan are now co-owners of Viz and have the Japanese rights and after they passed naruto to Viz, it was obvious they were going to hand Bleach over.
Yeah, I posted it there and copied it here. Nothing wrong with that. What you forgot to mention is that I then asked about why then One Piece and Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (which, I remind you, was licensed at the exact same time Naruto was), were licensed under different corperations? And if Shueisha is so close to Viz, then why wait so long to license Bleach in the 1st place?
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