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Old 2016-05-09, 23:15   Link #641
Mystic Musician
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Because Wright didn't invent it but were the first to bring a camera and record it.

Sucks for the others that did flight before without camera

Last edited by Kuroageha; 2016-05-09 at 23:37.
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Old 2016-05-09, 23:34   Link #642
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Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
By luck, not because she deliberately intended it that way.
If that's so, everyone's morality is luck.

Morality is all about having the correct emotional biases. If I feel bad at watching people getting hurt, I have good morals. If my emotions say I should help such people and is sufficiently strong I actually do, I am a hero. If I feel a sense of contempt when seeing an African complete with dark skin, I am racist. Most people want to have good morals as defined by their society, yet getting it is more luck than intent because it depends so much on nature and nurture, Nevertheless, good morals (correct emotional biases) still make you a good person. An emotional bias towards selflessness = good, selfishness = bad.

Not really. The situation changed. Until this point she never had to face a situation when she had to choose between her best friend and her duty. Episode 3 doesn't count because the Musashi was far away so it's easier for Mike to keep her emotions restrained and let Shiro have her way.
Hey hey hey, let's not wave away Episode 3 so flippantly. If anything, actually seeing Musashi can be very reassuring - it's not sunk, it's not damaged, it's not grounded. It won't be getting damaged. Everyone ELSE is in danger but Moka, if she's on the ship, is at least physically safe. Entire blocks of negative possibilities are being wiped off the slate with comparison to Episode 3 when all she has was a distress call.

How the hell would you know how many days she might have been deprived of water or food?
We saw her on the 1st and we heard her distress call a couple of days later. Less than two weeks have passed so far. She can not have had a meal since the 1st and she'll still be alive. On the other hand, if she had no water since her distress call, even if she was alive, she won't be in a position where Mike can see her from an external visual inspection (she'll be on the floor, barely animate).

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Maybe Mike regretted her earlier Episode 3 decision to not rush to Moka's aid. Maybe Mike felt she had allowed herself to get steamrolled by Mashiro and the rest, which is kinda true. Mike may well have felt she had let down Moka, and Mike may have even felt like she had betrayed Moka's friendship.
Oh, undoubtedly she's feeling pangs of guilt over that thing.

Maybe the main change between Episode 3 and now is that Mike has become stronger and more sure of herself, and hence is more willing to disagree with Mashiro and go against Mashiro in a big way. Mike now sees a chance to undo a previous decision that wasn't truly her's - It was her going along with a 2nd in Command (and others) trying to assert their will over Mike. So ironically, Mike going against the standard "good Captain" choice may well represent her becoming a better Captain because it shows that she's not going to allow her crew to browbeat her anymore.
As early as episode 1, Mike has always been shown to be a strong captain, able to enforce her will where it counts. So I don't think that her agreeing with the others' objections is a sign of weakness or getting "browbeaten", but strength.

Besides, if that's the path they want, Mike's depiction is entirely wrong. She's shaky. She was nearly in shock. If she has firmly decided she's correct (even if the computation was entirely emotional) and she's not going to let her XO steamroller her, instead of just running in her jet ski, she should be much more firm than what we saw. She might even ask her crew to help her because dammit if we are to risk the ship to the point of near certain death for Moka chan, we can at least do it in a way that has a realistic chance of getting Mike onto Musashi.

Instead, it looks more like even Mike knows what she's doing is wrong, the victory of the id over the superego in the most selfish way.
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Old 2016-05-09, 23:44   Link #643
Infinite Zenith
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Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
How do you know for certain?

I truly don't get why this is such a big deal for some viewers. Why is it so unthinkable to have an alternate history where flight has not yet been invented?

Honestly, I don't see the big deal here. Even today in the real world, and in 1st world nations, loads of people rarely or never fly. Various goods and products are still shipped by truck and rail and pipeline and actual ship.
I know that humanity generally has a persistent spirit and will experiment with things, standing down only when options are exhausted and it is more practical to seek alternatives. The big deal isn't the absence, but rather, the extremely poor justification the tweets imply (i.e. "We gave up"). I have limited tolerance for attitude of that sort, because substantial evidence exists to demonstrate this isn't true of most of humanity. Consider the electric car: those actually pre-dated cars using internal combustion engines, and while they were impractical at the time, recent developments have been made into looking at them again. The same holds true for flight: if powered flight hadn't been developed back then, then it would've appeared at some point in the future. A lot of people might not fly, but still reap the benefits that heavier-than-air flight offers. Express deliveries, meeting relatives who live abroad, watching live traffic updates and being assured of speedy emergency services are such examples. Necessity would have eventually pushed humanity to develop flight.

The "big deal" here is people are implicitly agreeing with Myssa Rei and acting as though those Tweets did in fact come from Suzuki. I doubt that a military advisor for a project would have advanced to where he was by hand-waving things away. As such, we will merely have to agree to disagree here, as continuing would be to go off-mission. Now, I'm sure that a proper background could be provided (for instance, the sea levels and corresponding lack of land for runways and other infrastructure necessary for flight), but until the nature of those tweets is clarified, that is all I will say on the matter.

Last edited by Infinite Zenith; 2020-12-08 at 11:32.
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Old 2016-05-10, 00:00   Link #644
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Originally Posted by ForwardUntoDawn View Post
I read an pair of tweets allegedly from the military advisor, Suzuki Takaaki, somewhere that states:

Airplane was failed to be invented/developed, so no aerodynamic flying objects in this world. No airplanes means no anti-airplane weapons
The keyword is allegedly, since the individual quoting those tweets might not have a very good inkling of who owns that account, but assuming these tweets to hold true, this universe deliberately stacks the deck in favour of WWII-era weapons by presuming that flight, and aeronautical science, never developed due to a lack of need (which is bullshit, since flight would have developed even if the Wright Brothers had failed at Kitty Hawk).
To be fair, I don't think that they are thinking about a specific failure. Rather, this is a world where mankind as a whole was just that little bit less interested in heavier than air flight. The fact that there were lots of people fighting for flight actually helps, because those flight pioneers were also building off each other's accomplishments being shared via written means. Even if those same pioneers existed in the Haifuri world, perhaps they were each a little less enthusiastic. Guy 1 gives up a little earlier, or doesn't try at all, or doesn't bother writing as much down, making him less useful and less inspirational to the next guy, and so on and so on in a cascading effect. In the meantime, lighter-than-air flight continues unhindered and when it matures to a certain point, people will be satisfied with Zeppelin voyages crossing the Pacific in a few days. Not knowing they can do it in one day if only they sufficiently develop heavier than air flight, people will see no reason to see heavier than air as a real affair.

So personally, I can just about buy a world without planes. Further, that this world is intended to be low realism is pretty much obvious in Ep1 in the leaving port scene (Harekaze leaves port like a car...)

What nevertheless has me a wee bit annoyed is how they just lazily put in the modern designs without even a nanogram of thought of what a state of an art warship will look like in a world of no flight. A stupid teenage fanboy can come up with better ideas than "They will look exactly the same as ours, with no compensation for their lost capabilities."

Narrative or not, it still has to be superficially believable, and I'm having a hard time believing modern ships in a world without missiles look exactly like what they would look like in a world with missiles. Could they interest NO mecha designers into building plausible designs for a world without missiles?
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Old 2016-05-10, 00:12   Link #645
Infinite Zenith
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
To be fair, I don't think that they are thinking about a specific failure. Rather, this is a world where mankind as a whole was just that little bit less interested in heavier than air flight. The fact that there were lots of people fighting for flight actually helps, because those flight pioneers were also building off each other's accomplishments being shared via written means. Even if those same pioneers existed in the Haifuri world, perhaps they were each a little less enthusiastic. Guy 1 gives up a little earlier, or doesn't try at all, or doesn't bother writing as much down, making him less useful and less inspirational to the next guy, and so on and so on in a cascading effect. In the meantime, lighter-than-air flight continues unhindered and when it matures to a certain point, people will be satisfied with Zeppelin voyages crossing the Pacific in a few days. Not knowing they can do it in one day if only they sufficiently develop heavier than air flight, people will see no reason to see heavier than air as a real affair.

So personally, I can just about buy a world without planes. Further, that this world is intended to be low realism is pretty much obvious in Ep1 in the leaving port scene (Harekaze leaves port like a car...)
The problem I have here is are less of a concern about feasbility, and more about people just believing that Myssa Rei magically happened on a collection of Tweets that just hand-waves flight away. See my electric car example above. Someone with an open mind and a lot of capital would revisit the concept eventually.

The more I think about it, the more I think Myssa Rei just found some random tweets and figured that she was capable of translating it any way she wished to fit her own narrative because the rest of us don't read Japanese and can't access the Tweets ourselves easily. So no, this isn't something I will just buy, not unless Myssa Rei can produce better evidence or admit that she's wrong. Then we can consider the viability of a world without heavier-than-air flight without MyssaRei acting like she knows everything and setting the precedence for this discussion.

Last edited by Infinite Zenith; 2020-12-08 at 11:30.
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Old 2016-05-10, 00:31   Link #646
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Instead, it looks more like even Mike knows what she's doing is wrong, the victory of the id over the superego in the most selfish way.
She looks downcast because she's aware she's shirking her duty as a captain. But what she did wasn't wrong as a person. It would have been wrong if she put her crew in danger in the process. But she didn't do that. The one who did that was Shiro by disobeying the order of getting the ship out of range.

If that's so, everyone's morality is luck.
It's not a morality issue. Read above.

We saw her on the 1st and we heard her distress call a couple of days later. Less than two weeks have passed so far. She can not have had a meal since the 1st and she'll still be alive. On the other hand, if she had no water since her distress call, even if she was alive, she won't be in a position where Mike can see her from an external visual inspection (she'll be on the floor, barely animate).
This reasoning has no basis. For example, what if she did have some supplies there but only for a few days? Or what if she wasn't locked in there the whole time after sending the distress call? We don't know anything about her situation. Neither does Mike, and that adds to her worries.

If anything, actually seeing Musashi can be very reassuring - it's not sunk, it's not damaged, it's not grounded. It won't be getting damaged. Everyone ELSE is in danger but Moka, if she's on the ship, is at least physically safe. Entire blocks of negative possibilities are being wiped off the slate with comparison to Episode 3 when all she has was a distress call.
Musashi is in the middle of a fight and while it looks okay right now, the other ships could decide to use like ammo at any moment for all Mike knows. I'm baffled that you can't really see why she would be more worried NOW than she was back in episode 3.

Last edited by Kazu-kun; 2016-05-10 at 01:03.
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Old 2016-05-10, 01:03   Link #647
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Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
She looks downcast because she's aware she's shirking her duty as a captain.
Exactly. She has been able to not do so up till now.

But what she did wasn't wrong as a person. It would have been wrong if she put her crew in danger in the process. But she didn't do that. The one who did that was Shiro by disobeying the order of getting the ship out of range.
In that case, you are conceding she is wrong even as a person, because the ship was already deep in range. In fact, it is in a band where Musashi's fire is most effective. The time they took to put down that jet-ski killed off most of the time they ever had for running. As previously explained, if Mashiro actually obeyed the Captain to the letter & spirit, Harekaze will be a burning pile.

But then, admittedly Shiro could have been a bit smarter about it. Since Mike did not give any start time for the order, she could have exploited just the letter of it and immediately called for flank speed and S-manuevers, making it physically impossible for Mike to put down her jet-ski. Maybe that's Shiro's judgment error, but that's not the same as her endangering the ship instead of Mike.

This reasoning has no basis. For example, what if she did have some supplies there but only for a few days? Or what if she wasn't locked in there the whole time after sending the distress call?
Sure, we can think of such convenient scenarios. For example, we can say that Moka was fine but she just happened to run herself into a sharp implement short before the engagement. But they simply aren't major ones. Things like whether she'd have food and water or her getting hurt are most likely to be decided when her ship starts to lose control (around the time of the distress call), not changed at some random point after.

'm baffled that you can't really see why she would be more worried NOW than she was back in episode 3.
Suppose I'm your friend and I phone you in this desperate voice for help. A million negative possibilities fly through your head, one of which is me being beaten to death by superior enemies. Eventually you come over, and you do see me surrounded, but I'm clearly unhurt, shrugging off any hits and delivering one-hit KOs to my victims. Will your concern over my health increase or decrease?

In fact, maybe the animator's should have shown at least some smoke rising from Musashi. At least make her look a bit damaged, so Mike looks like she has something to stand on. Instead, even her paint looks pristine. If this is not bad animation, then they are clearly going for not even partially justifying this.
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Old 2016-05-10, 01:22   Link #648
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
In that case, you are conceding she is wrong even as a person, because the ship was already deep in range. In fact, it is in a band where Musashi's fire is most effective. The time they took to put down that jet-ski killed off most of the time they ever had for running. As previously explained, if Mashiro actually obeyed the Captain to the letter & spirit, Harekaze will be a burning pile.
The time in-universe doesn't necessarily flaw like real-time. If they really wanted the audience to think they didn't have time to run away, they would have said so. But they didn't, and Shiro didn't even try to get the ship back anyway. So I'm not going to blame Mike for this one. If you want to, be my guest, but I honestly don't see much basis for this.

Things like whether she'd have food and water or her getting hurt are most likely to be decided when her ship starts to lose control (around the time of the distress call), not changed at some random point after.
No, it could happen at any time because we don't know anything about her situation. Where was she when she sent the distress call? What did she do since then? Where is she now? We can guess all we want, but we don't have any actual facts. And neither does Mike.

Eventually you come over, and you do see me surrounded, but I'm clearly unhurt, shrugging off any hits and delivering one-hit KOs to my victims. Will your concern over my health increase or decrease?
Increase because now I see the ship is in the middle of fight and I don't really know you're unhurt and the other ships could start using live ammo at any moment for all I know. I'm seeing all this right in from of me so I would want to do something about it. Seems reasonable enough to me.
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Old 2016-05-10, 02:06   Link #649
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Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
The time in-universe doesn't necessarily flaw like real-time.If they really wanted the audience to think they didn't have time to run away, they would have said so.
Well, I'll think them putting visuals, radar plots + speech to give us an idea of the distances involved should allow us to draw the correct conclusions. It isn't even like you even disagree - you are effectively saying "It's not what it looks & sounds like", thus conceding to you it looks a lot like what I'm seeing.

But they didn't, and Shiro didn't even try to get the ship back anyway. So I'm not going to blame Mike for this one. If you want to, be my guest, but I honestly don't see any logic in your argument.
Here's the undeniable fact of life then. If Mike had stayed on board, she could have personally ensured its execution. The Captain can hand things to her XO, but not only was the handover improper but even if it was she's responsible for the results. Further, her order is actually muddled (a sign of poor mental state). Its letter does not specify any start time or executing procedure. As for trying to draw from the spirit from it, WHICH spirit?

"No time given means immediate! Safeguard the ship" - Immediate execution with maximum vigor then. You won't be able to get off.
"...but let me get off" - I thought so, but look Captain, you can't have it both ways.
"...and I kind of want to get back on maybe with Moka-chan?" - sigh OK, I'll keep her reasonably close as long as I think I can.

And that's kind of what happened.

No, it could happen at any time because we don't know anything about her situation.
Possible is not the same as probable. Please see previous answer.

Increase because now I see the ship is in the middle of fight and I don't really know you're unhurt and the other ships could start using live ammo at any moment for all I know. I'm seeing all this right in from of me so I would want to do something about it. Seems reasonable enough to me.
From a rational standpoint, 100 pound ASROC warheads (presumably meaning they'd detonate at optimal distance instead of clearly too far out) and 5-inch guns are not lethal threats to Musashi.

From a visceral standpoint. Then you can't take into account advanced thoughts. She's reacting instinctively to what she sees ... except what she sees is an unharmed Musashi.
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Old 2016-05-10, 02:25   Link #650
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Well, I'll think them putting visuals, radar plots + speech to give us an idea of the distances involved should allow us to draw the correct conclusions. It isn't even like you even disagree - you are effectively saying "It's not what it looks & sounds like", thus conceding to you it looks a lot like what I'm seeing.
No, I disagree. Because your point is not that it looks like they didn't have time. You're claiming they didn't have time.

not only was the handover improper [...] Further, her order is actually muddled.
I don't agree with any of that. I think the order was clear enough and I don't see even the slightest suggestion in the show that they would be unable to run away if they tried. In fact, Shiro's "otherwise we would be turning around and running" line suggests she considers running away a viable option at that point.

Possible is not the same as probable.
You're missing the point.

From a rational standpoint, 100 pound ASROC warheads (presumably meaning they'd detonate at optimal distance instead of clearly too far out) and 5-inch guns are not lethal threats to Musashi.
It's still a danger. That's why they're using training torps in the first place. Plus the fact the Musashi is attacking means something very wrong is happening there. We know it has to do with those rats. Mike doesn't even know that.

Last edited by Kazu-kun; 2016-05-10 at 03:03.
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Old 2016-05-10, 08:08   Link #651
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Originally Posted by Top Sergeant View Post
Ah Misaki, you could be such a good captain with that heart, but if I were your evaluator I would fail you. Your responsibility is the well being of the crew entrusted to your care, and you can't care for them when you are haring off across the sea on an oversized jet ski. I know your dearest friend is aboard the Musashi, but you cannot simply throw off the burden of command. If you cannot bear that burden, then by all means pursue a nautical career but not as ship's captain. You are letting your crew down when you leave in the middle of a battle. You could even be charged with deserting your post in the face of the enemy.

I've trained a lot of bright young officers and NCOs, and I like what I see in Misaki, but she needs the self-discipline that her crew needs her to have.
Don't let your personal grudge affecting your judgement..

I'm rather demoting her instead..(trying to channeling my inner Pike/Minna..)

BTW, we've a present..
Comparing Amanchu & Aria is like comparing Aquors with Muse.

While comparing Tamayura with Aria is more like comparing Vividred with SW.

Last edited by Ernietheracefan; 2016-05-10 at 08:22.
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Old 2016-05-10, 08:31   Link #652
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If Mike get demoted, what will she become? Can she still be Vice-captain?

On good side, Mike now know that Moka is not responsible for Musashi's action which means there is probably some kind of munity on the ship. If she can link this with Mi-chan story, and sees the similarity between two cases, then she will get closer to the truth. The rest is she has to link Hamster and "Tama's berserk" together to discover the truth behind all mysterious munity on the sea.

I think in a future ep, there must be an ep. where most Harekaze crews get "infected". It is only way for our MCs to learn about the truth. If Mike has to rescure and cure harekaze crews too, then that would be her chance to redeem herself.
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Old 2016-05-10, 11:14   Link #653
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Originally Posted by Ernietheracefan View Post
Your wallpapers, gratefully accepted! We will need it
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Old 2016-05-10, 11:23   Link #654
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Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
No, I disagree. Because your point is not that it looks like they didn't have time. You're claiming they didn't have time.
How else can I make any determination as to whether they had enough time but to draw hints from the screen?

I don't agree with any of that. I think the order was clear enough
That order 「晴風は速やかに武蔵の射程以外に出て (Harekaze is to expeditiously move to outside Musashi's firing range)」 is one of those that sound OK until you actually have to execute it. If you enthusiastically and literally execute this order, you run against the Captain's intent, since then she won't be able to hit the water at all. If you delay the execution, well then you are not fully executing the safeguarding intent. And if you think about why Captain is running out at all, well then not picking her up will be rather ... defeating.

Clear orders are not just in the verbiage. They also fit the situation and preempt the questions, so the subordinate won't have doubts. You leave problems so obvious your subordinate can't pretend to not see them, and all of a sudden your order's not so clear after all.

In fact, Shiro's "otherwise we would be turning around and running" line suggests she considers running away a viable option at that point.
Shiro is very convenient. She can be the scapegoat when you need her to be and the authority when you want her to be.

To be serious, however, what can Shiro say at that point. "We should have started running at least five minutes ago, and now it is too late for us?" Of course she wants to try to run, and they'll have to try, but the objective evidence suggests the best time was up long ago.

And I don't see why I should insert huge delays between the cuts when they are not procedurally necessary, just to transfer Mike's fault onto Shiro.

You're missing the point.
Let's put it this way. Certainly, the probability of something irrevocable happening to Moka does accumulate every minute. However, since no real events are happening, this is a slow and steady accumulation (say less than 0.001% per minute). It does not viscerally provoke a response, nor can it justify taking actions that would cause the probability of something irrevocable happening to your ship to accumulate at something like 50% per minute.

It's still a danger. That's why they're using training torps in the first place. Plus the fact the Musashi is attacking means something very wrong is happening there. We know it has to do with those rats. Mike doesn't even know that.
The fact Musashi can suggest it is still in good condition. As for your other part, yes, it is a negligible danger. Let's say it increases the accumulation rate to 0.01%/min. Musashi looks like it'll take only a few minutes to neutralize the threats anyway so let's say Moka's chance of dying rises by 0.05% before everything is silenced. How did this justify 50% per minute accumulations?

And if you say Mike is using her heart, not her brain ... well, again Musashi looks big, strong, tough, unhurt and doesn't look like it is going to. Her own destroyer looks very fragile in comparison. So viscerally she should be producing electrochemical potentials in the same general ratios as the numbers above would indicate.

If Mike is running out to Moka not because of what she sees, but her latest imagination, doesn't that kind of make Mike look .. bad?

Originally Posted by Marina2 View Post
I think in a future ep, there must be an ep. where most Harekaze crews get "infected". It is only way for our MCs to learn about the truth. If Mike has to rescure and cure harekaze crews too, then that would be her chance to redeem herself.
Somehow, I prefer to think that Harekaze's crew will be very forgiving of good old Mike. Maybe the act of the showing forgiveness will cause Mike to grow up in the right direction.
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Old 2016-05-10, 12:38   Link #655
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk
Somehow, I prefer to think that Harekaze's crew will be very forgiving of good old Mike. Maybe the act of the showing forgiveness will cause Mike to grow up in the right direction.
I prefer to think that too. Mike probably won't have problem with those who have grown on her or have known her good enough to understand her mindset like bridge crews or ship's doctor but the problem will come from someone like Kuro.

Who know, Maybe we will have

Captain Misaki : Civil war

Whose side you are on? A. #team Mike B. #team Shiro


Last edited by Marina2; 2016-05-10 at 12:49.
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Old 2016-05-10, 13:05   Link #656
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Mike's action in the last episode was wrong according to the protocol, but technically, she & Harekaze didn't disobeying the order to observe (Mike was able to see Moka). And I'd expecting Harekaze crews to having a discussion with Toumai's instructors (they could escort them back to school).

Shiro is too stiff (but she has a point) and she's by the book type..

Comparing Amanchu & Aria is like comparing Aquors with Muse.

While comparing Tamayura with Aria is more like comparing Vividred with SW.
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Old 2016-05-10, 13:21   Link #657
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
How else can I make any determination as to whether they had enough time but to draw hints from the screen?
If time was relevant to determine any moral implications to Mike's actions, the story would bring it to the forefront. That how fiction works.

That order 「晴風は速やかに武蔵の射程以外に出て (Harekaze is to expeditiously move to outside Musashi's firing range)」 is one of those that sound OK until you actually have to execute it.
Again, if the order was unclear, they would highlight the issue somehow. Instead, what they highlight is that Shiro saw running away as a viable option yet chose to stay. And I'm not blaming Shiro here. After all, the rest of the crew agreed they should stay. But I'm not going to blame Mike either, because she ordered them to leave. They just chose not to.

Let's put it this way. Certainly, the probability of something irrevocable happening to Moka does accumulate every minute. However, since no real events are happening, this is a slow and steady accumulation (say less than 0.001% per minute). It does not viscerally provoke a response, nor can it justify taking actions that would cause the probability of something irrevocable happening to your ship to accumulate at something like 50% per minute.

As for your other part, yes, it is a negligible danger. Let's say it increases the accumulation rate to 0.01%/min. Musashi looks like it'll take only a few minutes to neutralize the threats anyway so let's say Moka's chance of dying rises by 0.05% before everything is silenced. How did this justify 50% per minute accumulations?
Mike's not a robot. She sees her friend in danger, she goes to the rescue. And it's not like she's not thinking at all. The fact that she gives orders before leaving suggests she hasn't lost all reason. But she's not a robot, she's not going to sit there calculating shit to see if it's okay not to help her friend. That's Spock, not Mike.

Last edited by Kazu-kun; 2016-05-10 at 18:02.
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Old 2016-05-10, 14:00   Link #658
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
What nevertheless has me a wee bit annoyed is how they just lazily put in the modern designs without even a nanogram of thought of what a state of an art warship will look like in a world of no flight. A stupid teenage fanboy can come up with better ideas than "They will look exactly the same as ours, with no compensation for their lost capabilities."

Narrative or not, it still has to be superficially believable, and I'm having a hard time believing modern ships in a world without missiles look exactly like what they would look like in a world with missiles. Could they interest NO mecha designers into building plausible designs for a world without missiles?

In a world where highschoolers are given old warships, and in this case THE largest battleship ever built, why instructors use Akizuki Class Destroyers and Independence Class LCSes? Since this is apparently an Highschool, and Instructors are pretty much teachers in this analogy, they should have better ships than that, something to one-up the students.
In this world without large-scale use of aerodynamic lift-flight, they should have Zumwalt class Destroyers, at least.

And how about THE Navies? I mean the REAL Navies that does battles - Wars happens and its definately not a peaceful world. Can you imagine what kind of vessels the Navies would use in this world? 300+m, 100.000ton Nuclear-Powered Monster Battleships bristling with Giant Railguns for capital ships?
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Old 2016-05-10, 14:04   Link #659
Infinite Zenith
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#TeamMike: it may be a military setting, but at the end of the day, these are still high school girls who have around a half season to learn and mature, not seasoned military staff with a job to do (and the requisite training to do it well).
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Old 2016-05-10, 15:24   Link #660
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Originally Posted by ForwardUntoDawn View Post
#TeamMike: it may be a military setting, but at the end of the day, these are still high school girls who have around a half season to learn and mature, not seasoned military staff with a job to do (and the requisite training to do it well).
And they're still a rookies except for Minami, of course..

Originally Posted by Marina2 View Post

Who know, Maybe we will have

Captain Misaki : Civil war

Whose side you are on? A. #team Mike B. #team Shiro

Mike: Sorry, Shiro-chan. You know I wouldn't do this if I had any other choice. But she's my friend.
Shiro: [with a betrayed expression] ...So was I.
Comparing Amanchu & Aria is like comparing Aquors with Muse.

While comparing Tamayura with Aria is more like comparing Vividred with SW.

Last edited by Ernietheracefan; 2016-05-10 at 15:50.
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school life, sea battles, ship girls

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