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Old 2016-11-02, 12:39   Link #3241
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Yeah. He gets the cannons in volume 9 whilst fighting Cao Cao and his team. But the director with his infinite wisdom put them in BorN to defeat fake Issei without thinking on how it could mess with season 4.
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Old 2016-11-02, 12:47   Link #3242
Dragon King
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So the Season 4 Ise will remember using those cannons to beat a fake Ise? Yeah, that does suck. It'd be good if they can fix it somehow, though (the way of fixing that you mentioned is one good way).
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Old 2016-11-02, 20:35   Link #3243
I Was Just Drifting
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Originally Posted by Ultragunner View Post

2. At the end of BorN, Ise and Rias were alone on a beach somewhere in a different dimension, they shared a kiss and it was super romantic (I approved!! ), but then Ise just forgot everything when they came back to the real world. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT????

The entire season of BorN left a bad taste in many fan's mouth was probably because they studio didn't really seem to care that much, well at least to me

I'll always appreciate n0m@n for his years of translating the original novels, but I consider myself a staunch defender of the DxD anime trilogy; my cents are as follows.

They call that moment after the romantic confession a loss of memory; I call it an awakening from a dream. The final arc in BorN involves a dive into Rias's soul, the access embodied here in the form of the Dimensional Gap (its properties unaffected by the laws of physics, we are informed). Once Issei successfully exorcises the demon from Rias, they sink into the depths of an ocean before Great Red ferries them to a safer destination, a starlit coast. Recall how the ocean holds magnanimous influence in The Odyssey; long after sustaining misery for crossing Poseidon, Odysseus will be fated to carry the winnowing oar until he can plant it on a land where people know nothing of the sea, thereby acknowledging Poseidon's most universal power, of the shadows and forces deep within us all. The final image of Rias and Issei standing together, ankle deep in the seas, suggests their own humility towards the subconscious, its horizon vast and overwhelming. In this haven, far beyond the presence of everyone else, Issei and Rias confess and share a kiss. Once they reunite with their friends (from out of thin air or a portal, that is best left unanswered), Issei can recall his victory over the doppelganger, but neither he nor Rias can recall the escape. Later on, however, Rias informs Issei that she can detect a warmth radiating inside her, the proof of Issei's greater victory, an inoculation of an intimate order. The confession has vanished, but the residue remains. A journey jump-started by two lovers ejected from their armor culminates in a passage to a sanctuary deep, dark and wet. The details may forever shroud in mystery, but the passion left behind, the secret forged inside, means that Loki can never prey on Rias's jealousies again. No matter how many girls Issei betroths to, Rias will forever harbor this promise, the knowledge that Issei can reach her province to the degree no one else shall. BorN's ending is a monogamous gear in concert with the harem core.

Wait for the official confession all you want. Issei and Rias have already consummated.

The brevity of the fight between Issei and Crimson Dragon Rias, then, occurs more like an obligation serving the actual purpose; Testuya Yanagisawa historically offers little for action besides shaky frames and booming sound effects. In his handling of DxD, he reminds me a great deal of Bryan Singer, a director more in tune with Superman coming to grips with the loss of Krypton than same hero landing a punch on Luthor. Amusing too, how the DxD trilogy operates in a parallel progression to the X-Men movies directed by Singer thus far; the original High School DxD treads tangents from the first X-Men (about a hero newly immersed in an age-old conflict, and villains who capture damsels in distress as tools for their nefarious causes); my least favorite entry, the bloated NEW, starts as X2 in its first half (a protagonist revisits the roots that made him a monster) and finishes as Days of Future Past in its second (a clash of doctrines decides the victors during a key political forum); BorN, incidentally, portends the threat posed by this year's Apocalypse (a god manipulates a distraught and frustrated meta-race into decimating the world). No capes, no cowls, no gimmick monikers, and yet the mystique of superheroes still thrives in DxD's animated universe.

I can't wholly credit Ishibumi for developing these hopes, fears and madness of his heroes in broadcasted form. Yanagisawa has made some defiant but appropriate choices to enhance DxD's penchant for ritual, rebirth, and resurrection. He vies for Rias to jump into Raiser's arms because Issei needed a second trauma juxtaposed alongside Asia's death, thereby goading the crucial bargain with Ddraig. He embellishes Irina's role in NEW since Ishibumi expressed little regard for her character even when she came back in the novels, her Christian devotion not so much an idiosyncrasy but a punchline. And in BorN, after all the lurid nightmares come and go, he assigns the Oppai Dragon song not as the mirthful answer to a crisis, but the ironic, nervous chuckle left in the wake instead. By redacting the levity, Yanagisawa adds a deeper seriousness to the franchise; his changes crank up the stakes for Issei and friends to succeed, do or die. He seems intent to revere and embolden Ishibumi's flair for pulp, not camp, and he succeeds in an unlikely fashion; his direction would unnerve the author enough into issuing Ex, a bonus novella spilling several details of the series's future, but more importantly leverage, a safeguard against editorial demons that could warp this harem adventure into a monogamous dullard. The decision to rush in Issei's progeny well in advance makes me believe that even Ishibumi doesn't quite understand the ending of BorN either. Just in case you guys want camp from the director, the BD bonuses and OVAs will suffice aplenty, thank you.

If Testuya Yanagisawa indeed admits responsibility for veering High School DxD's narrative away from volumes 5 through 7, then he distills his desecration with verve, eroticism and horror; I for one hope he neither apologizes nor regrets the challenges he has realized. His BorN provokes with questions Ishibumi trembles to ask, much less answer, and assigns the key heroes to assume the principal and most memorable villains of this installment. Tonally, High School DxD BorN ranks as one of the more bittersweet and unpleasant entries from the ecchi genre, but dammit if the result doesn't scar, doesn't reverberate in manners a fanservice show isn't expected to possess. Yanagisawa may not be the director we want, but through his preference for exploring foibles and hubris over slick, empty action sequences or repetitive breast-kneading, he's the guiding hand Ishibumi's franchise deserves. I'll take Yanagisawa and Studio TNK over that empty-headed Hisashi Saito and Project IMS anytime.

I can agree with all of you however that we probably won't see anything like BorN ever again. I'm just not convinced the two-novel format will truly return either; credit that to a director's leverage.
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Old 2016-11-02, 22:00   Link #3244
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@I Was Just Drifting. I remember hearing somewhere that Yanagisawa likes NTR. The final moments of BorN was most probably because he wanted some sort of NTR scene in DxD not for those grandiose reason you're thinking about.
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Old 2016-11-03, 11:30   Link #3245
Dragon King
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That and we also have to keep in mind BorN is not canon. So none of that ever really happened if you take into account the LN continuity. The true source we have to go for when there's a conflict between the anime, manga and/or LN is always the LN.
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Old 2016-11-07, 14:21   Link #3246
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Been busy lately so didn't to get in a post. Funny thing is that the tab has been on for a long time without refreshing it. Anyway...

Originally Posted by Bigmac View Post
They don't need to fix season 3 as the anime will probably not get past season 5/volume 12, making chichigami irrelevant, plus people can go read the LN's and EX if they are confused. Remaking a season just because the previous season didn't follow the LN's is a waste and most people (me included) want to see the anime story progress, we want to see volumes 9 and 10 animated and hopefully 11 and 12 at some point.
What's the reason that you think that they may not get past season 5?

Also, stopping at season 5 can cause issues to the ending it can get. I can imagine this happening if they're planning to stop at season 5:

1. Get a rushed harem ending with little buildup if they're ever going to be faithful to the LNs in the upcoming seasons.
-Proper buildup may be possible for that possible harem end but will sacrifice good amount of substance the volumes they're supposed to adapt has to offer.

2. Ending becomes Rias centric thanks to BorN

If they're ever going to do this, what would happen to Issei becoming High Class (which is a crucial part of one of Issei's goals in the series)? Rush that and give us a more horrible half-assed reason for that?

If they only followed the source, it could give the series more seasons.

As for people can just go read LN if they are confused, you know that there's a lot of anime only watchers out there that never care for the source at all and only conclude an overall impression towards the series based on anime adaptation without caring for whatever good amount of things that the source can offer than the anime adaptation (Heck, some chose to be ignorant). LN is a barely known medium after all. Also, not everyone likes reading text.

As for the EX, you can just go along with the series without the need to read the EX sidestories. The only thing I can think of that EX sidestories can serve as a purpose to connect to the LN is to show us some insight about the other world and 30 years later. Sure that 30 years later can likely happen in the main LN timeline but "high likely happen" doesn't mean a "guarantee" so for now, I consider this a "possibilty." Also, BorN has literally nothing to do with EX so there's no point for them reading EX if they are still confused.

Remaking season 3 will be a waste? I don't think so. Heck, they might bring some people back that dropped the preordered BorN this way while the anime only can finally follow along with it properly.

Originally Posted by B214 View Post
@I Was Just Drifting. I remember hearing somewhere that Yanagisawa likes NTR. The final moments of BorN was most probably because he wanted some sort of NTR scene in DxD not for those grandiose reason you're thinking about.
Do you know where you heard this from? Also, do you know if wherever you heard this from had a source to this?

Anyway, if this is true, then holy shit. That means the director sacrificed good amount of content that volume 5-7 can offer for the sake of adding that NTR moment!? Let's see how much they have to reduce and change to just shoehorn that "NTR arc"

1. Portion of world building (sure it's really small but it'll be more fun if they included it at least) wasn't much present
2. No Youth Rating Game introduction
3. Training was half-assed
4. What happened to Issei and Azazel interactions?
5. Takes out the Gremory VS Sitri rating game so they can put in that VS Loki fight that's supposed to happen later on instead
6. No proper moment for Akeno, Asia, and Koneko
7. Snapping out of JD part they replaced the Oppai Dragon Song with Rias trying to snap him out
8. Less (next to no) interaction with Vali Team. Also, what happened to Butt Emperor Dragon title for Vali?

I know that this sounded like one of my previous posts but I just had to count what are sacrificed just to put this anime original arc in.

Seriously, they really need to fix season 3 before they even go try to be faithful in season 4. But if they wish to not fix, then fine and they can do whatever the hell they want with it since they're the ones doing the adaptation after all (but if I'm on their shoes right now, I'll definitely go for season 3 fix of course no matter the obstacles).

To be honest, DxD anime adaptation used to be my last hope for existing good LN anime adaptation that have harem and ecchi to it only to be crushed by BorN. But at this point, I'll never forget on what they've done in that season 3 adaptation and will continue to resent them forever. I know that some also hated BorN but you guys can consider me as one of the people out here that hated BorN the most to the point it's with absolute passion (also like this for most anime adaptation).
================================================== ==============================

Just a question out of curiosity. What do you guys think of DxD as a series as a whole so far aside from just being a "harem fanservice series"?
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Old 2016-11-07, 20:00   Link #3247
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Originally Posted by Krudelu View Post
Do you know where you heard this from? Also, do you know if wherever you heard this from had a source to this?

Anyway, if this is true, then holy shit. That means the director sacrificed good amount of content that volume 5-7 can offer for the sake of adding that NTR moment!? Let's see how much they have to reduce and change to just shoehorn that "NTR arc"

1. Portion of world building (sure it's really small but it'll be more fun if they included it at least) wasn't much present
2. No Youth Rating Game introduction
3. Training was half-assed
4. What happened to Issei and Azazel interactions?
5. Takes out the Gremory VS Sitri rating game so they can put in that VS Loki fight that's supposed to happen later on instead
6. No proper moment for Akeno, Asia, and Koneko
7. Snapping out of JD part they replaced the Oppai Dragon Song with Rias trying to snap him out
8. Less (next to no) interaction with Vali Team. Also, what happened to Butt Emperor Dragon title for Vali?

I know that this sounded like one of my previous posts but I just had to count what are sacrificed just to put this anime original arc in.

Seriously, they really need to fix season 3 before they even go try to be faithful in season 4. But if they wish to not fix, then fine and they can do whatever the hell they want with it since they're the ones doing the adaptation after all (but if I'm on their shoes right now, I'll definitely go for season 3 fix of course no matter the obstacles).

To be honest, DxD anime adaptation used to be my last hope for existing good LN anime adaptation that have harem and ecchi to it only to be crushed by BorN. But at this point, I'll never forget on what they've done in that season 3 adaptation and will continue to resent them forever. I know that some also hated BorN but you guys can consider me as one of the people out here that hated BorN the most to the point it's with absolute passion (also like this for most anime adaptation).
Somewhere around Season 1 the part where Rias hugged Riser in front of Issei. Apparently it was mentioned through the twitter i think (can't really remember that was like 4/5 years ago), that Yanagisawa added that moment because likes NTR or something around that.
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Old 2016-11-08, 00:04   Link #3248
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Originally Posted by B214 View Post
Somewhere around Season 1 the part where Rias hugged Riser in front of Issei. Apparently it was mentioned through the twitter i think (can't really remember that was like 4/5 years ago), that Yanagisawa added that moment because likes NTR or something around that.
maybe he hates Issei. ^^?
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Old 2016-11-08, 01:40   Link #3249
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Originally Posted by B214 View Post
Somewhere around Season 1 the part where Rias hugged Riser in front of Issei. Apparently it was mentioned through the twitter i think (can't really remember that was like 4/5 years ago), that Yanagisawa added that moment because likes NTR or something around that.
Lol it's hilarious that he had done this for the anime version yet I didn't noticed this scene in Season 1. I guess such scene is something like my head would forget about it by instinct without noticing it.

Originally Posted by kusabireika View Post
maybe he hates Issei. ^^?
Lol if the director did hate Issei, so does that mean that might be the reason why Issei's characterization in BorN is nerfed?
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Old 2016-11-08, 11:12   Link #3250
Dragon King
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Could be. I'd really hate it if it's true.

And about fixing Season 3. Yeah, I completely agree with Krudelu's points. I've also given up on watching anime adaptations completely and will only watch anime-original series if I find any that I like (like RWBY, though that one's more of a US attempt at an anime than an actual anime).
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Old 2016-11-08, 13:12   Link #3251
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Originally Posted by Krudelu View Post
Been busy lately so didn't to get in a post. Funny thing is that the tab has been on for a long time without refreshing it. Anyway...

What's the reason that you think that they may not get past season 5?

Also, stopping at season 5 can cause issues to the ending it can get. I can imagine this happening if they're planning to stop at season 5:

1. Get a rushed harem ending with little buildup if they're ever going to be faithful to the LNs in the upcoming seasons.
-Proper buildup may be possible for that possible harem end but will sacrifice good amount of substance the volumes they're supposed to adapt has to offer.

2. Ending becomes Rias centric thanks to BorN

If they're ever going to do this, what would happen to Issei becoming High Class (which is a crucial part of one of Issei's goals in the series)? Rush that and give us a more horrible half-assed reason for that?

If they only followed the source, it could give the series more seasons.

As for people can just go read LN if they are confused, you know that there's a lot of anime only watchers out there that never care for the source at all and only conclude an overall impression towards the series based on anime adaptation without caring for whatever good amount of things that the source can offer than the anime adaptation (Heck, some chose to be ignorant). LN is a barely known medium after all. Also, not everyone likes reading text.

As for the EX, you can just go along with the series without the need to read the EX sidestories. The only thing I can think of that EX sidestories can serve as a purpose to connect to the LN is to show us some insight about the other world and 30 years later. Sure that 30 years later can likely happen in the main LN timeline but "high likely happen" doesn't mean a "guarantee" so for now, I consider this a "possibilty." Also, BorN has literally nothing to do with EX so there's no point for them reading EX if they are still confused.

Remaking season 3 will be a waste? I don't think so. Heck, they might bring some people back that dropped the preordered BorN this way while the anime only can finally follow along with it properly.
A few reasons why I don't think it will get past season 5:

DxD is based of a light novel series and has quite a lot of books. Almost all light novel series never get fully adapted barring a few. For them to adapt all of the light novels it will take a lot of seasons. While DxD is pretty popular it is an ecchi show, it isn't a mainstream show that sells super well. While DxD sells decently it will suffer a demerit in show sales as more seasons are released, like most anime shows do.

Another reason but this is based off my own personal opinion but the vampire and magician arcs were one of the worst story arcs out of the whole series. I did not enjoy the vampire or magician arc at all. Then there's volumes 18 and 19 which were piss poor as well. The only good volumes were 17, 20 and 21. I didn't mention 13 or 15 as they're short story volumes.

If they did go past volume 12 for the anime then you'll would also have to factor in them making a season that will ram 3 volumes together so that they can put volumes 20 and 21 together as they must go together. And that didn't go so well with volumes 5, 6 and 7 in BorN.

They can remake season 3 for all I care but only after they have adapted volumes 9, 10, 11 and 12 as those volumes are the high points of the entire series and are what most fans want to see the most. We shouldn't have to wait another 2-3 years just because some fans want to see a Rating Game or Akeno fans getting the proper adaption that they want.

As for anime only watchers who can't be bothered to read the books to fix their confusion then sorry guys but that's not my problem. I'm sure in season 4 they will try to find a way to clear up as much of it as they can, hopefully without messing up even more of the source.

Last edited by Bigmac; 2016-11-08 at 13:24.
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Old 2016-11-08, 14:00   Link #3252
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Originally Posted by Bigmac View Post
A few reasons why I don't think it will get past season 5:

DxD is based of a light novel series and has quite a lot of books. Almost all light novel series never get fully adapted barring a few. For them to adapt all of the light novels it will take a lot of seasons. While DxD is pretty popular it is an ecchi show, it isn't a mainstream show that sells super well. While DxD sells decently it will suffer a demerit in show sales as more seasons are released, like most anime shows do.

Another reason but this is based off my own personal opinion but the vampire and magician arcs were one of the worst story arcs out of the whole series. I did not enjoy the vampire or magician arc at all. Then there's volumes 18 and 19 which were piss poor as well. The only good volumes were 17, 20 and 21. I didn't mention 13 or 15 as they're short story volumes.

If they did go past volume 12 for the anime then you'll would also have to factor in them making a season that will ram 3 volumes together so that they can put volumes 20 and 21 together as they must go together. And that didn't go so well with volumes 5, 6 and 7 in BorN.

They can remake season 3 for all I care but only after they have adapted volumes 9, 10, 11 and 12 as those volumes are the high points of the entire series and are what most fans want to see the most. We shouldn't have to wait another 2-3 years just because some fans want to see a Rating Game or Akeno fans getting the proper adaption that they want.

As for anime only watchers who can't be bothered to read the books to fix their confusion then sorry guys but that's not my problem. I'm sure in season 4 they will try to find a way to clear up as much of it as they can, hopefully without messing up even more of the source.
Yeah, it's one of the weaknesses of LN series. It's quick to be adapted into Anime version but it never lasts long.

Hmmm, IMHO vol 14 &16 are quite good because they introduced us a lot of nice things (vampire custom and magician pact) and there were a lot of amazing fight scenes. But i agree that they pale in comparison to vol 11-12, maybe it was because the hype from previous volume had not gone down. Vol 19 felt like a short story though for some reasons LOL.

Yep it would be safe to adapt dxd until season 5, but not further.
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Old 2016-11-10, 06:01   Link #3253
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Originally Posted by Bigmac View Post
A few reasons why I don't think it will get past season 5:

DxD is based of a light novel series and has quite a lot of books. Almost all light novel series never get fully adapted barring a few. For them to adapt all of the light novels it will take a lot of seasons. While DxD is pretty popular it is an ecchi show, it isn't a mainstream show that sells super well. While DxD sells decently it will suffer a demerit in show sales as more seasons are released, like most anime shows do.

Another reason but this is based off my own personal opinion but the vampire and magician arcs were one of the worst story arcs out of the whole series. I did not enjoy the vampire or magician arc at all. Then there's volumes 18 and 19 which were piss poor as well. The only good volumes were 17, 20 and 21. I didn't mention 13 or 15 as they're short story volumes.

If they did go past volume 12 for the anime then you'll would also have to factor in them making a season that will ram 3 volumes together so that they can put volumes 20 and 21 together as they must go together. And that didn't go so well with volumes 5, 6 and 7 in BorN.

They can remake season 3 for all I care but only after they have adapted volumes 9, 10, 11 and 12 as those volumes are the high points of the entire series and are what most fans want to see the most. We shouldn't have to wait another 2-3 years just because some fans want to see a Rating Game or Akeno fans getting the proper adaption that they want.

As for anime only watchers who can't be bothered to read the books to fix their confusion then sorry guys but that's not my problem. I'm sure in season 4 they will try to find a way to clear up as much of it as they can, hopefully without messing up even more of the source.
If that's what you think, then that's fine but here's what I think

DxD is one of the few harem LN anime adaptations to get past season 2. Sure its not mainstream but it sold pretty well for the past 2 seasons. They should had at least tried adapting it properly since the sales won't be determined by adapting it properly or making heavy changes either way. If they just adapted Season 3 properly, they might be able to keep up their sales close to the past 2 seasons despite the slight decrease. That way, they might be able to get past season 5 despite the demerit in show sales. Sure there will still be decrease in show sales for each season they release but we won't know by how much. If they just adapted it properly, the decrease might not be as bad as what it got with BorN. You'll never know.

As for cramming in 3 volumes, volumes, 5, 6, and 7 are possible to cram in. It didn't go so well in BorN thanks to the changes that stupid director did. Heck, BorN felt like it only adapted 1.3 volumes while the rest is anime original. For cramming in volumes 19-21, they can think over that later on WHEN the anime already got far enough.

It's alright if you don't like volumes 14, 16, 18, and 19 (after all, everyone have their own taste) but these four volumes did some introduction on new things. As for volumes 14 and 16, it may not be as good as volumes 11-12 but to be fair these are like the beginning of the new arc. Without volumes 14 and 16, there won't be introduction to Qlippoth. Also, we get to know a bit more about Gasper at volume 16. For volume 18, it pretty much opens (heck it might as well be considered as a confirm) up Irina's addition to Issei's harem more (it was pretty much hinted that Irina might join Issei's harem at earlier volumes) and some new things. Heck this is the only volume when we get to know more about DxD verse's Heaven so far.

As for volume 19, it had pretty good battles but I personally find this to be the weakest volume out of the main volumes.

But that doesn't mean that they should'nt adapt these in the futue if they even had the intent to hit DxD's true ending.

As for adaptation of the fourth arc, if they're ever gonna adapt volume 19, anime could just make that part better but without making changes like BorN did. Too bad that there are only few anime adaptations that adapt certain things from the source while "strengthening" it while a lot of adaptations tend to nerf them.

Remake season 3 after volume 9-12 adaptation especially when they said that they're gonna be faithful to LN for volumes 9-12? I would love the upcoming contradictions that would come for this lol. If they remake season 3 after their "volume 9-12 adaptation" coming from BorN, they might as well remake the volumes 9-12 adaptation along with it as well.

Its alright if you don't care about anime-onlys. Sure its nice to have the high point of the series to get adapted but that doesn't mean that the others should be neglected.

As for ending it at season 5, trying to adapting faithfully to volumes 9-12 might barely happen too since they might have to make up an ending by the time they get to that point while at the same time making a lot of changes.

Anyway, I already said this earlier
Originally Posted by Krudelu View Post
Seriously, they really need to fix season 3 before they even go try to be faithful in season 4. But if they wish to not fix, then fine and they can do whatever the hell they want with it since they're the ones doing the adaptation after all (but if I'm on their shoes right now, I'll definitely go for season 3 fix of course no matter the obstacles).

To be honest, DxD anime adaptation used to be my last hope for existing good LN anime adaptation that have harem and ecchi to it only to be crushed by BorN. But at this point, I'll never forget on what they've done in that season 3 adaptation and will continue to resent them forever. I know that some also hated BorN but you guys can consider me as one of the people out here that hated BorN the most to the point it's with absolute passion (also like this for most anime adaptation).

================================================== =========================================
As for LN to anime adaptations, they tend to not last for too long as an anime adaptation since a lot of them are adapted just to promote the LN and yet the adaptation itself ends up being half assed or horribly adapted (one of the reasons I hate anime adaptations overall especially LN to anime adaptations).

================================================== =========================================
Originally Posted by DragonOsman View Post
Could be. I'd really hate it if it's true.

And about fixing Season 3. Yeah, I completely agree with Krudelu's points. I've also given up on watching anime adaptations completely and will only watch anime-original series if I find any that I like (like RWBY, though that one's more of a US attempt at an anime than an actual anime).
Same here. The only anime I try watching nowadays are the anime originals (and yes I also watch RWBY despite it's lack of hints of its endgame or ways to it imo). At least with anime originals its easier to criticize that particular series directly if something is wrong with it. Despite this, I'm still having hard time considering series in anime medium nowadays.
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Old 2016-11-10, 06:46   Link #3254
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I... I actually like NTR plots/scenes, fuq me right?
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Old 2016-11-10, 06:50   Link #3255
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I love traps than ntr. =_=
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Old 2016-11-10, 10:33   Link #3256
Dragon King
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@Bluestahli: That's your opinion and you're totally entitled to it. I just hate it when someone steals someone else's girl from them. It's also part of the reason why I don't want Ise stealing Grayfia from Sirzechs. Even if Sirzechs asks for it himself (which he hopefully won't, since Grayfia will kick his a$$ if he does).

@Krudelu: Agreed. How are you watching RWBY, though? Have you found the original English episodes? I tried Googling them, but I only found the Japanese ones subbed in English and some that they're calling the "English Dub" (I'm interpreting these as being the Japanese ones dubbed into English). Where are the originals?

For those interested, I recently found this update on Bleach: Pretty good stuff, right? Hopefully I can find translations for all of those light novels from Bleach that are already out and will also be able to read those two newer ones when they come out. And hopefully, someone on here will translate them.
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Old 2016-11-10, 11:51   Link #3257
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Don't get me wrong I also want to see all of the DxD volumes adapted into the anime, after all it's the show that got me into anime in general making it one of my favourites. But remaking season 3 before volumes 9-12 would be a big mistake. Sure it will have new content but half of the content shown in BorN would also be featured in some form in this remake (some of volume 5 and most of volume 6 in BorN for example was adapted really well, barring Issei's way of coming out of JD) and it would put people off from buying it compared to a fresh new season full of new content. Just look at how everyone moans at recap movies that are announced for their favourite anime shows instead of new season announcements. Plus if they decide not to remake season 3 they can always introduce Chichigami later on in some way to keep the plot of the later volumes intact.

The studio needs this season to sell well to keep the show going and only an adaption of volume 9-10 at this point could give that.

As for cramming 3 volumes into one season my point is even if they can put 3 volumes in, things from these volumes will still have to be changed and cut as the books from volume 5 on wards are much bigger than volumes 1-4. That's why the 2 volumes per season formula works as 3 is too much content for 12-13 episodes to get it all in.

You are however overreacting to how BorN has ruined future adaptions for volumes 9-12. The only thing that messes with these adaptions is Issei remembering defeating his double with the cannons in his Bishop form. He doesn't remember anything else such as the conversation with Rias on the beach, which is why he went back to calling Rias buchou so the main plot of the second half of season 4 is preserved. They can find a way to fix the cannon thing no problem by making it relevant to volume's 9 plot. The rest can be adapted exactly like the light novels.

Also when I say a good ending point is season 5 I don't mean to change the ending of that season to give it a finale ending. They can just adapt it as it is in the novels (though I would at least let Issei have his kiss with Rias instead of the cock blockery). That way if the studio decides to not continue past it then most people would be happy with the anime adaption as a whole. Plus another studio can always come along at some point and pick it up to continue the story.

Last edited by Bigmac; 2016-11-10 at 12:08.
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Old 2016-11-14, 03:49   Link #3258
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
I think if all the volumes are animated, it will turn out like shakugan no shana final, with a ton of content skipped and the anime will rush to the finale leaving anime only fans with a ton of questions
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Old 2016-11-14, 22:47   Link #3259
Join Date: Apr 2015
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Late post since been busy with research paper and hollow realization lately. Anyway...

Originally Posted by bluestahli1 View Post
I... I actually like NTR plots/scenes, fuq me right?
It's all right. After all everyone have different taste. It's just that for this series it's not good to sacrifice most of its original content for the sake of such scene when this series doesn't even have emphasis on this and this series doesn't really need one.

Originally Posted by kusabireika View Post
I love traps than ntr. =_=
cuz traps op

Originally Posted by DragonOsman View Post
@Krudelu: Agreed. How are you watching RWBY, though? Have you found the original English episodes? I tried Googling them, but I only found the Japanese ones subbed in English and some that they're calling the "English Dub" (I'm interpreting these as being the Japanese ones dubbed into English). Where are the originals?
As for Ise stealing Grayfia from Sirzech, I wish this doesn't happen (AND IT BETTER NOT BE!!) because if he does this, this would make Ise go out of his character.

Sorry for late response on this but as for the original english episodes for RWBY, just go to Rooster Teeth's channel on Youtube. They upload their episodes there. And to be honest, I never heard of RWBY having japanese dubs at all which make hearing of this new to me.

Originally Posted by Bigmac View Post
Don't get me wrong I also want to see all of the DxD volumes adapted into the anime, after all it's the show that got me into anime in general making it one of my favourites. But remaking season 3 before volumes 9-12 would be a big mistake. Sure it will have new content but half of the content shown in BorN would also be featured in some form in this remake (some of volume 5 and most of volume 6 in BorN for example was adapted really well, barring Issei's way of coming out of JD) and it would put people off from buying it compared to a fresh new season full of new content. Just look at how everyone moans at recap movies that are announced for their favourite anime shows instead of new season announcements. Plus if they decide not to remake season 3 they can always introduce Chichigami later on in some way to keep the plot of the later volumes intact.

The studio needs this season to sell well to keep the show going and only an adaption of volume 9-10 at this point could give that.

As for cramming 3 volumes into one season my point is even if they can put 3 volumes in, things from these volumes will still have to be changed and cut as the books from volume 5 on wards are much bigger than volumes 1-4. That's why the 2 volumes per season formula works as 3 is too much content for 12-13 episodes to get it all in.

You are however overreacting to how BorN has ruined future adaptions for volumes 9-12. The only thing that messes with these adaptions is Issei remembering defeating his double with the cannons in his Bishop form. He doesn't remember anything else such as the conversation with Rias on the beach, which is why he went back to calling Rias buchou so the main plot of the second half of season 4 is preserved. They can find a way to fix the cannon thing no problem by making it relevant to volume's 9 plot. The rest can be adapted exactly like the light novels.

Also when I say a good ending point is season 5 I don't mean to change the ending of that season to give it a finale ending. They can just adapt it as it is in the novels (though I would at least let Issei have his kiss with Rias instead of the cock blockery). That way if the studio decides to not continue past it then most people would be happy with the anime adaption as a whole. Plus another studio can always come along at some point and pick it up to continue the story.
Out of curiosity, when did you started watching anime? In my case, I already suffered seeing horrible anime adaptations for 9 years ( I started since 4 years old. I've been watching anime in for a total of 18 years. 9 years later since I started is the time I get introduced to source material since internet wasn't a thing yet back then and that's the time I got introduced to manga medium which got me started and at that point, because of realization, I felt that there were times during my first 9 years of what I knew about the series to be a lie.).

Content that feature in BorN is not even 1/2 of what's featured in the source and more than 1/2 missing is a lot. As for the recap movies, those are basically cramming an entire season to 2 movies. I haven't seen other recap movies aside from TTGL but I would like this to know: did those recap movies fix certain things from those series? Also, how many of those that wanted new season ever knew of the original source to begin with. And if those series that got recap movies had proper adaptation to begin with then I can understand why people wanted a new season instead.

And remaking a season is different compared to doing recap movies. they can always talk about what is going to be adapted in the remake during their announcements or say something like its going to be different than the last adaptation. Heck, look at FMA Brotherhood and UBW. They were more appreciated than their previous adaptations.

Yes we know that studios need to keep selling well to keep it going but we don't even know if adapting volumes 9-10 would even guarantee higher sales than what BorN has right now especially with your mention about the demerit of sales each season. Sure some people might consider volumes 9-12 to be "the highest point" but we'll never know what the sales are going to be. If it sells well by the time then good but until then we'll never know how the sales would end up be.

Yes 2 formula is more effective for this series. Sure if they adapted 3 volumes in one season they would need to cut certain things but if they just faithfully adapted it then they would only need to cut only a few content (and just add those cut content in Blurays) (probably with a few minor changes) unlike what we got in BorN right now where there's way too many changes just for the sake of adding that unnecessary arc.

Sure Issei remembering defeating his double with the cannons in his Bishop form might be the only thing that can ruin volume 9 adaptation but here's the thing: What happened to some world building, buildups, and interactions that could set some things up in the future that's supposed to be in season 3? Skipping rating game and half assing Akeno's development aren't the only reasons why I hate BorN.

And you know that adding Chichigami later on in one way or another might require some changes done later on as well just to shoehorn it especially when they're gonna try to be faithful to the LNs this time.

As for the the good ending point being season 5, if you meant stopping point then I guess that would be fine. But by considering it as a stopping point, saying earlier that Chichigami being irrelevant because they might stop at season 5 makes it kind of a moot point. Remember that Rizevim mentioned Chichigami as an evidence of an existing another world.

I wish anime seasons can finally start break the "meta" episode count per season (just like when TTGL did 28 episodes back when 24-26 episode count per season was the typical episode count) so they can have more room to include as much content as possible. Episode counts per season is another reason why I also hate anime adaptations.

And if budget was an issue, that doesn't mean that they should screw up the content. I don't mind some downgrade on animation as long as the animation is nice enough but using budget as an excuse for not making proper adaptation is an unacceptable excuse.

Originally Posted by aw454wtr View Post
I think if all the volumes are animated, it will turn out like shakugan no shana final, with a ton of content skipped and the anime will rush to the finale leaving anime only fans with a ton of questions
Not really. As long as they take their time adapting the volumes and not rush it, then they should be able to properly adapt the entire series. if they try to cram in a lot of volumes in a season then it'll end up like one.
================================================== ===========================================

*sigh* I guess I shouldn't be bothered whatever happen to DxD's anime adaptation anymore since a lot of people that only see this series in an anime medium consider this only as a "fanservice show" after all. I guess I'm one (maybe only) of the people that find actual substance to this series. TNK can do whatever the hell they want with it.

I guess I shouldn't be bothered by anime adaptations anymore overall especially when I'm already staying away from anime adaptations for a long time (only reason why I end up watching anime adaptations for the past couple of late years is because while I was hanging around with my friends, we end up watching anime adaptations on a whim).

I should just follow a certain lesson from Nostalgia Critic's review of The Last Airbender movie.

Last edited by Krudelu; 2016-11-14 at 23:24.
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Old 2016-11-16, 09:28   Link #3260
Dragon King
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Age: 34
I heard from someone from this board that I was talking to on Skype that RWBY got so popular that it even got a Japanese Dub and Sub version. I also saw a manga adaptation of it (I haven't read it yet, though).
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