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Old 2021-12-23, 18:50   Link #821
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Maybe Sefaira's goal is to collect the twelve Heavenly Breasts for her master?
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Old 2021-12-23, 19:19   Link #822
Hyodou True DXD
Hyodou True DXD .
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Well Sefaria is miko of Seraselbes(Malvezoa's sister) so she could play a great role in future.

I wonder what her task as Seraselbes's miko could have be?
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Old 2021-12-24, 00:13   Link #823
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Originally Posted by Hyodou True DXD View Post
Yeah I realy hope that it will be like you said.

I want to see Issei's reaction when he discovered that he is choosen to becoming a Satan, if be choosen for be the EX's leader then what is reaction can be whe he figured out that in future the Underworld could be one of his responsability.
Also it would be interesting and funny see the reaction of his parents, the girls and others (Riser and Saji will die of envy )

About Trihexa I believe that when the Eevie's comes the seal barrier will be released and Trihexa will be sent in the Eevie's world in some way, after one of 2 volume later the DXD discovers that Trihexa is dead or turned into a Eevie

Nope, was I was trying to say is for me even the numbers of Issei's wife will be above 12 it doesn't necessarily mean that the numbers of the Heavenly breast will be above 12, however I know that in future I could discovered that I was wrong about this.

I believe that even if the Eevie that have the mission of capture Sefaria will be above Heavenly Dragon Class Issei with some help will be able to defeat him.

Before the arrives of Malvezoa maybe a Eevie above Shiva could be send, Issei will defeat him with Ryuuuteimaru and then Malvezoa will lost his patience.
For me the DXD will be defeat after Malvezoa will have enough of them and take the decision of personally take care of Issei, maybe he will spare Issei because want know how strong he can be if he have time enough for be prepared for rematch, Malvezoa could it may be quite undecided whether to permanently eliminate Issei or to transform him and Ryuuuteimaru into Eevie given their power.

Do you can immagine if despite the attention that Gohan is getting in the end he will not realy do anything of striking in the movie

Well Tiamat and Gabriel will not have a anime's appearance for many others years, whe already don't even know if there will be a Season 5.

So if the fans realy want this 2 in the harem they should stressed Ishibumi on twitter like they will not have a tomorrow

Malvezoa The Malevolent God
Regalveza The Fierce God
Seraselbes The Wicked God.

It seem that around the nicksname of Eevie there is not some kind of connection with the Darkness, so I think that this Incarnation of Darkness is Mistuya.

I mean his nicksname his First Dark, and see what it was said in the Volume 25:

Given the fact that Mitsuya is implied of not be of the DXD's world and that is nicksname is First Dark I guess that could be him the Incarnation Of Darkness mentioned by Chichigami.

About Seraselbes I think that we should wait to have more informations about how realy evil she could be.

I think that the Invasion could take place in several stages:
1) The Eevie around Satan and God class arrives for fight some warriors of the DXD's world, after they defeats the informations will be send to Malvezoa
2) The Eevie of Top 10 could have the mission of testing the stregth of the dragon beings.
3) The Eevie around Indu Gods level will have the mission of destroy the DXD.
4) Malvezoa have enough of Issei and want personaly take care of him.
5) Full invasion.
his parents will get drunk to party and end up babbling somethng about how they did not expect their son to even be manager of a mcdonalds, let alone president of hell and how they are so proud whit his mother yelling he better give her a lot of grandsons since he will be too busy leading hell.

still worth it, that thing could wreck literally everything short of melvazoa and his dragon-god guys so it would certainly be a good way to deal whit two problems.

oh yeah issei will likely win but it needs to at least be an actual threatening enemy to impress sefaira otherwise it would be no more impressive than an adult kicking the ass of a violent kid.

i dunno, i dont think melvazoa should appear too early. it should be regalzerva who mops the floor whit everyone, we need to see him as an actual threat so maybe he can fight against the whole alliance, DxD and gods included and easily push them back and kill most the remaning gods then things start to go downhill from there, that way regalzerva and the evies look lika an actual threat and we can actually see the defeat of DxD. besides melvazoa just saying "git gud loser, im sparing you" would instantly erase any possible tension, at that point i would stop taking the evies seriously since they would be saturday morning cartoon villains

of course i can imagine, as much as i love gohan the guy is the biggest jobber of dragon ball, he gets constantly screwed over so goku can look better. like remember buu saga? remember all that hype only for gohan to lose and goku to save the day? here is hoping gohan blanco happens for the memes and so gohan can get some respect, even if its a gohan from an entirely different universe.

we just need an illustration of tiamat whit big tits, that is all. if you go to the reddit, you can whit a quick search see at least a hundred people asking for gabriel and if you go to fanfiction gabriel is as part of the harem in so many fics despite barely even appearing. i would not be surprised if they are already asking

does that mean mitsuya was the one who brought sefaira to DxD? i thought it would of been either nebiros because its part of his keikaku or some rebel force from FxF world who want to get some help but got the wrong world, after all rizevim was stated to send the signal to every world out there.

IMO the invasion at least will go like this
1) they will send someone to get sefaira and some others like mecha-bowser will go pick a fight whit gods due to getting cocky. whoever goes to sefaira gets defeated and the guys who went to have fun have the everloving crap kicked out of them since they expected a tired vali to be the actual level of gods.
2) regalzerva will get a little more serious and send more powerful guys. issei will barely pull a win, the other factions will have to bring the heavy guns and maybe even shiva and indra will have to intervene. by this point haz is really interested in this world since most worlds are defeated by forces of that level, maybe they will even gravely hurt one of the keito tenkai if barely to make it retreat
3) all bets are off, regalzerva gets off his comfy chair to fight and get sefaira back also to fight ophis. shit goes down hard, regalzerva will literally carve his way trough the world towards sefaira, massacring armies, gods, heavenly dragons, then shiva and ophis will be there as a last stand to delay regalzerva so issei and the others can escape whit sefaira because some plot device or something about sefaira having something DxD needs like maybe working as a multiversal phone or something so DxD can call for resetoras help. also ophis and shiva die whitout leaving a scratch on regalzerva
4) nebiros will hide them and sefaira since he cant let the world be destroyed, there is where he keeps all his stuff. being so good at hiding, they will have a safe place from where to work while regalzerva starts taking over the world. haz illyus eventually contacts them and offer his help because melvazoa deemed DxD worthy of more attention and regalzerva is a dumbass who cant be trusted to not destroy everything, little shit also is not picking up the phone.
5) they contact the etoulde, they come to offer help and chichigami finally crosses over to teach issei how to wield the power of oppai (no, im not joking). and a war finally starts
6)literally no idea what happens during the war but regalzerva dies on DxD, maybe seraselbes in FxF. they find out about melvazoa immortality and despair, maybe they will reveal something like that they are in a time-loop or some other thing for extra despair
7) issei gets his latest power up,vali gets his and both look like this
8) harem ending
9) kiba finally confesses to issei and then the story ends
Originally Posted by Xuanwu View Post
^Is Melvazoa even going to be around for thirty more years? Don't think DxD can win without forces from the Etoulde side and FxF. Gonna make the final arc too cramped as well TBH.

I'm just wondering if they have something to gain from it. I mean, Haz Ilyus is kind of planning to backstab Regalzeva here, simply to preserve the planet for Melvazoa. There's technically a big risk of a civil war if Regalzeva finds out about it. Doesn't seem like something they would risk just because they hate organic beings.

It'd make sense if they do have something specific to gain from destroying organic life, kinda like the aliens in Naruto destroy worlds to harvest chakra fruits and gain more power.
they likely need resources to make more soldiers, they also seem to base their creations on already existing creatures and other worlds can and likely did develop in different ways so they can discover new sciences and technology.

regalzerva is also stated to have gotten on melvazoa bad side already since he does whatever he wants and that ruins their plans so its not like the betraying part comes out of nowhere. also the fact that he finds DxD world and its inhabitants interesting and their inventions useful does not mean he hates them any less. using the cockroach example, if they had a laser gun or could breathe fire i would be interested too, does not mean i wont crush it and see what makes it tick, or i would if i were a scientist

they likely could, my personal theory is that evies might also need either life force, magic energy or straight up their souls as energy. there is also resources, i dont think they can make new materials ex nihilo, so to fuel their perpetual war engine they need resources to keep the war going. more worlds and more organics means more evies, more evies mean more metal to throw at the grinder of their war against resetoras, it means new weapons, new magics, new things outside context that could bring them victory

killing the disgusting organics is both the end and the means. or at least i think it is, because just saying "lol, they have no reason, they just do!" would be a lame reason to build your whole civilization around killing organics.
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Old 2021-12-24, 06:47   Link #824
Hyodou True DXD
Hyodou True DXD .
Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: Italy
Originally Posted by saucerKing View Post
his parents will get drunk to party and end up babbling somethng about how they did not expect their son to even be manager of a mcdonalds, let alone president of hell and how they are so proud whit his mother yelling he better give her a lot of grandsons since he will be too busy leading hell.

still worth it, that thing could wreck literally everything short of melvazoa and his dragon-god guys so it would certainly be a good way to deal whit two problems.

oh yeah issei will likely win but it needs to at least be an actual threatening enemy to impress sefaira otherwise it would be no more impressive than an adult kicking the ass of a violent kid.

i dunno, i dont think melvazoa should appear too early. it should be regalzerva who mops the floor whit everyone, we need to see him as an actual threat so maybe he can fight against the whole alliance, DxD and gods included and easily push them back and kill most the remaning gods then things start to go downhill from there, that way regalzerva and the evies look lika an actual threat and we can actually see the defeat of DxD. besides melvazoa just saying "git gud loser, im sparing you" would instantly erase any possible tension, at that point i would stop taking the evies seriously since they would be saturday morning cartoon villains

does that mean mitsuya was the one who brought sefaira to DxD? i thought it would of been either nebiros because its part of his keikaku or some rebel force from FxF world who want to get some help but got the wrong world, after all rizevim was stated to send the signal to every world out there.

IMO the invasion at least will go like this
1) they will send someone to get sefaira and some others like mecha-bowser will go pick a fight whit gods due to getting cocky. whoever goes to sefaira gets defeated and the guys who went to have fun have the everloving crap kicked out of them since they expected a tired vali to be the actual level of gods.
2) regalzerva will get a little more serious and send more powerful guys. issei will barely pull a win, the other factions will have to bring the heavy guns and maybe even shiva and indra will have to intervene. by this point haz is really interested in this world since most worlds are defeated by forces of that level, maybe they will even gravely hurt one of the keito tenkai if barely to make it retreat
3) all bets are off, regalzerva gets off his comfy chair to fight and get sefaira back also to fight ophis. shit goes down hard, regalzerva will literally carve his way trough the world towards sefaira, massacring armies, gods, heavenly dragons, then shiva and ophis will be there as a last stand to delay regalzerva so issei and the others can escape whit sefaira because some plot device or something about sefaira having something DxD needs like maybe working as a multiversal phone or something so DxD can call for resetoras help. also ophis and shiva die whitout leaving a scratch on regalzerva
4) nebiros will hide them and sefaira since he cant let the world be destroyed, there is where he keeps all his stuff. being so good at hiding, they will have a safe place from where to work while regalzerva starts taking over the world. haz illyus eventually contacts them and offer his help because melvazoa deemed DxD worthy of more attention and regalzerva is a dumbass who cant be trusted to not destroy everything, little shit also is not picking up the phone.
5) they contact the etoulde, they come to offer help and chichigami finally crosses over to teach issei how to wield the power of oppai (no, im not joking). and a war finally starts
6)literally no idea what happens during the war but regalzerva dies on DxD, maybe seraselbes in FxF. they find out about melvazoa immortality and despair, maybe they will reveal something like that they are in a time-loop or some other thing for extra despair
7) issei gets his latest power up,vali gets his and both look like this
8) harem ending
9) kiba finally confesses to issei and then the story ends
Yeah I too believe that there will be a party where Issei's parents will say a lot of awkward things.

Maybe the first Eevie that will appear for Sefaria will be strong than Crom Cruach and Hades but not stronger than Indra because his arrival could take place in a Volume between match again Diehauser and the match again Indra.

Malvezoa for me too will not come soon, I think he will comes when he have realy enough of Issei that has defeat some of his most powerful warriors. About Regalveza that destroys everybody and kills even Shiva and Ophis I don't know, maybe he will be stopped by Malvezoa himself then Malvezoa will give some time to the DXD's world before start the True Invasion.

Honestly I don't to believe if Regalveza could be defeat from Vali or he will be again Malvezoa and so he and her sister Seraselbes will end destroys each other, both Regalveza and Seraselbes was confirmed to strong as Malvezoa by the Harem King Memorial so form me we should not surprise if Ishibumi decides to get rid of one of them without being defeated by Issei or by Vali.

Alternatively if these 2 do not fight each other and destroy each other or if one of them is not defeated by Vali or Issei then maybe they will fight against Resetoras and Chichigami.
It can even be that Seraselbes given the fact that is female like Verrine in the Shin DXD 4 she could figth again all girls of the Issei's harem( included Verrine, Ingvild + the possibile new girls that which Issei will complete the peerage and maybe Sefaria that given the fact that is her miko she could know a way for nerfed her power or do something else for defeat her).

About the possibile look of the possibile Vali's final power up I don't know if you was joking of was serious with that image of the Dragon Knight from Bastard!, that kind of draw look more similiar that a furher evolution of JD and a Yu-Gi-Oh monster than a armor that take ispiration from Gundam but however maybe thanks the Malebranche that could attach to Diving Wyvern Fairy of Vali DXD L the last Vali's power up could be something like the Dragon Knight from Bastard!

Honestly before that Ishibumi surprise us with Ryuuuteimaru I was realy believing that AXA could have this look or like this

About Nebiros I don't if he can some kind of anti-hero, maybe he will have a antagonistic role for some of the next Volume using the Malebranche but when Eevie comes he and the Malebranche will be useful for the DXD.

About Sefaria I don't know if I have to believe that one between Mitsuya and Nebiros is the person that have help her to reach the DXD's world, honestly I'm afraid she could be like a spy for Seraselbes and her run from the EXE's world was just a plan of Malvezoa for see what Regalveza and the others Eevie will do when he is not around... We should not be sure at the 100% that she will be a members of the harem, we must not underestimate the possibility that Ishibumi will bring out another Raynare but with a much more relevant role for the current and future plot.

So at least for now I say that will have to wait that Ishibumi will give us more informations about Sefaria.

About Mitsuya will should forgot about that bonus that he has mentioned in the Volume 25, maybe this bonus could make him a threat greater than the Eevie.

“Well, who knows. But, it seems like Hades is really trying to become the guardian of this world. I am pretty sure even we wouldn’t want to get involved in that if he can take advantage of the Maous.”

“… Whichever it is, we can’t go back to that [Game] without getting something first.”

The conversation was completely incomprehensible to Gorou…but then Kanzaki looked in his direction.

“I understand. For now, if we can get closer to the people who are close to Sekiryuutei, then at the very least…”

“…All right. I am fine with it as long as I can get the [Bonus] after thirty years.”
Maybe the Bonus could be a wish that he could have if he manages to trigger being extremely powerful to join the Game and become the winner. Who knows maybe the more powerful the other players he manages to defeat the greater the desire he can express.

From Denpachi
You can clear it if you get to level one hundred and defeat the last boss. Your wish will be granted. I’m sure he’s still fighting somewhere.”

So the Bonus that Mitsuya has mentioned in the Volume 25 could be like a counterpart of the wish that the winner of the Innovate's game could have if he defeat the last boss in the Denpachi's novel.
—It was Nakiri. He glared at Kanzaki Mitsuya and spoke with provocative words. Nakiri clearly exuded hostility towards Kanzaki Mitsuya. The thing I should be careful with was…the relationship between Nakiri and Kanzaki Mitsuya.


Kanzaki Mitsuya gave out a simple greeting in response to Nakiri’s attitude.

“…You’re as energetic as usual.”

Realising my parents’ presence, he tried to control himself so things didn’t get out of hand as he said,

“One day, I’ll have you return Momiji-chan…”

“Kaede… No, Nakiri Momiji. That’s what she was called here, huh?”

“Don’t you dare speak of her. Telos Karma is Momiji-chan’s…”

“In the end, you’ll be able to meet her. However, I don’t know if she’d want to return from there. —As it is her own choice.”

Kanzaki Mitsuya continued as the atmosphere became awkward.
It also seem that the Nakiri's cousin that was the previous wielder of Telos Karma was already a character of the original novel Denpachi
(according to a Youtuber the girl with gray hair, bow and glasses is the cousin of Nakiri former owner of Telos Karma, as you can see from the illustration the girl is called Kaede also you can note that the guy with brown hair that is Mitsuya is called Dark in this illustration, Dark and Kaede are just the name that the Mitsuya and Mojimi from the Denpachiìs novel has chosen for register themself in the Innovate's game)

Given what Mitsuya has said here it seem that Momiji could has chose to have herself sealed in some fake world or in the world from where Mitsuya comes, we don't the reason but maybe because she want to be free by her duties as member of the Nakiri family and maybe because in this way she is safe from the danger he could face as a member of Mitsuya's faction or she has wanted to give to Mitsuya Telos Karma for some reason.

For now I believe it could be like that, then we will discovered if Mitsuya was a liar and have sealed Momiji because he could use Telos Karma without the need of be the the real owner.

However if you want know more about Denpachi this at least for now is all just we have:

One more thing, the man that holds [Innovate Clear] and [Telos Karma] that finally appeared this time, Kanzaki Mitsuya, is based on the protagonist of my debut work [Denpachi]. —However, it’s not like they are linked, as the Mitsuya in [Denpachi] is a different person. If you think about the Mitsuya in DxD as someone who got there because he was involved in another matter, it will be fine. You won’t have any problem if you don’t read [Denpachi] first. In the end, it’s just the parallel of DxD. Well, I think it’s fine if you just think of it like a star system.

I believe that Kiba will use the gender-bender device of Azazel on himself for turn forever in girl and be the Extra Heavenly Breast

Originally Posted by saucerKing View Post
they likely need resources to make more soldiers, they also seem to base their creations on already existing creatures and other worlds can and likely did develop in different ways so they can discover new sciences and technology.

regalzerva is also stated to have gotten on melvazoa bad side already since he does whatever he wants and that ruins their plans so its not like the betraying part comes out of nowhere. also the fact that he finds DxD world and its inhabitants interesting and their inventions useful does not mean he hates them any less. using the cockroach example, if they had a laser gun or could breathe fire i would be interested too, does not mean i wont crush it and see what makes it tick, or i would if i were a scientist

they likely could, my personal theory is that evies might also need either life force, magic energy or straight up their souls as energy. there is also resources, i dont think they can make new materials ex nihilo, so to fuel their perpetual war engine they need resources to keep the war going. more worlds and more organics means more evies, more evies mean more metal to throw at the grinder of their war against resetoras, it means new weapons, new magics, new things outside context that could bring them victory
It could ne like you said, the Eevie maybe want conquer because this help their race to increase their numbers and getting new resource for the good of their race.

Originally Posted by saucerKing View Post
of course i can imagine, as much as i love gohan the guy is the biggest jobber of dragon ball, he gets constantly screwed over so goku can look better. like remember buu saga? remember all that hype only for gohan to lose and goku to save the day? here is hoping gohan blanco happens for the memes and so gohan can get some respect, even if its a gohan from an entirely different universe.

we just need an illustration of tiamat whit big tits, that is all. if you go to the reddit, you can whit a quick search see at least a hundred people asking for gabriel and if you go to fanfiction gabriel is as part of the harem in so many fics despite barely even appearing. i would not be surprised if they are already asking
Poor Gohan .
I doubt that Toriyama and Toei unlike the Warner Bros see some Meme and cares about it, but however with extreme lucky at least he could get a new trasformation not strong like the Ultra Instinct or the Ultra Ego but still strong enough to give him some spotlight again the real villain of the movie for at the least the last 15 or 10 minutes before be saved by Goku and Vegeta

About Tiamat's illustration it could depend just by Ishibumi wish of give her another appearance and if he ask to Miyama Zero to draw her, then if that happens to fans will do the rest and in the end will see what Ishibumi will do.

Abou Gabrielle I still have doubts like for Tiamat but however I said that the possibility could be just 2 in this moment:
1) Its only matters of time before Ishibumi will give to the fans what they want
2) Ishibumi unlike the case of Yasaka this time will ignore the fans.

Last edited by Hyodou True DXD; 2021-12-24 at 12:50.
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Old 2021-12-24, 17:22   Link #825
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There is a Portuguese or Spanish translator that translated the rest of Denpachi, actually. He also did all of Slash Dog 3. Ukutranslation or something like that.
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Old 2021-12-24, 18:29   Link #826
Hyodou True DXD
Hyodou True DXD .
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Location: Italy
Yes Xuanwu I have find him

However Merry Christmas guys.
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Old 2021-12-25, 01:20   Link #827
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Originally Posted by Hyodou True DXD View Post
Yeah I too believe that there will be a party where Issei's parents will say a lot of awkward things.

Maybe the first Eevie that will appear for Sefaria will be strong than Crom Cruach and Hades but not stronger than Indra because his arrival could take place in a Volume between match again Diehauser and the match again Indra.

Malvezoa for me too will not come soon, I think he will comes when he have realy enough of Issei that has defeat some of his most powerful warriors. About Regalveza that destroys everybody and kills even Shiva and Ophis I don't know, maybe he will be stopped by Malvezoa himself then Malvezoa will give some time to the DXD's world before start the True Invasion.

Honestly I don't to believe if Regalveza could be defeat from Vali or he will be again Malvezoa and so he and her sister Seraselbes will end destroys each other, both Regalveza and Seraselbes was confirmed to strong as Malvezoa by the Harem King Memorial so form me we should not surprise if Ishibumi decides to get rid of one of them without being defeated by Issei or by Vali.

Alternatively if these 2 do not fight each other and destroy each other or if one of them is not defeated by Vali or Issei then maybe they will fight against Resetoras and Chichigami.
It can even be that Seraselbes given the fact that is female like Verrine in the Shin DXD 4 she could figth again all girls of the Issei's harem( included Verrine, Ingvild + the possibile new girls that which Issei will complete the peerage and maybe Sefaria that given the fact that is her miko she could know a way for nerfed her power or do something else for defeat her).

About the possibile look of the possibile Vali's final power up I don't know if you was joking of was serious with that image of the Dragon Knight from Bastard!, that kind of draw look more similiar that a furher evolution of JD and a Yu-Gi-Oh monster than a armor that take ispiration from Gundam but however maybe thanks the Malebranche that could attach to Diving Wyvern Fairy of Vali DXD L the last Vali's power up could be something like the Dragon Knight from Bastard!

Honestly before that Ishibumi surprise us with Ryuuuteimaru I was realy believing that AXA could have this look or like this

About Nebiros I don't if he can some kind of anti-hero, maybe he will have a antagonistic role for some of the next Volume using the Malebranche but when Eevie comes he and the Malebranche will be useful for the DXD.

About Sefaria I don't know if I have to believe that one between Mitsuya and Nebiros is the person that have help her to reach the DXD's world, honestly I'm afraid she could be like a spy for Seraselbes and her run from the EXE's world was just a plan of Malvezoa for see what Regalveza and the others Eevie will do when he is not around... We should not be sure at the 100% that she will be a members of the harem, we must not underestimate the possibility that Ishibumi will bring out another Raynare but with a much more relevant role for the current and future plot.

So at least for now I say that will have to wait that Ishibumi will give us more informations about Sefaria.

About Mitsuya will should forgot about that bonus that he has mentioned in the Volume 25, maybe this bonus could make him a threat greater than the Eevie.

Maybe the Bonus could be a wish that he could have if he manages to trigger being extremely powerful to join the Game and become the winner. Who knows maybe the more powerful the other players he manages to defeat the greater the desire he can express.

From Denpachi

So the Bonus that Mitsuya has mentioned in the Volume 25 could be like a counterpart of the wish that the winner of the Innovate's game could have if he defeat the last boss in the Denpachi's novel.

It also seem that the Nakiri's cousin that was the previous wielder of Telos Karma was already a character of the original novel Denpachi
(according to a Youtuber the girl with gray hair, bow and glasses is the cousin of Nakiri former owner of Telos Karma, as you can see from the illustration the girl is called Kaede also you can note that the guy with brown hair that is Mitsuya is called Dark in this illustration, Dark and Kaede are just the name that the Mitsuya and Mojimi from the Denpachiìs novel has chosen for register themself in the Innovate's game)

Given what Mitsuya has said here it seem that Momiji could has chose to have herself sealed in some fake world or in the world from where Mitsuya comes, we don't the reason but maybe because she want to be free by her duties as member of the Nakiri family and maybe because in this way she is safe from the danger he could face as a member of Mitsuya's faction or she has wanted to give to Mitsuya Telos Karma for some reason.

For now I believe it could be like that, then we will discovered if Mitsuya was a liar and have sealed Momiji because he could use Telos Karma without the need of be the the real owner.

However if you want know more about Denpachi this at least for now is all just we have:

I believe that Kiba will use the gender-bender device of Azazel on himself for turn forever in girl and be the Extra Heavenly Breast

It could ne like you said, the Eevie maybe want conquer because this help their race to increase their numbers and getting new resource for the good of their race.

Poor Gohan .
I doubt that Toriyama and Toei unlike the Warner Bros see some Meme and cares about it, but however with extreme lucky at least he could get a new trasformation not strong like the Ultra Instinct or the Ultra Ego but still strong enough to give him some spotlight again the real villain of the movie for at the least the last 15 or 10 minutes before be saved by Goku and Vegeta

About Tiamat's illustration it could depend just by Ishibumi wish of give her another appearance and if he ask to Miyama Zero to draw her, then if that happens to fans will do the rest and in the end will see what Ishibumi will do.

Abou Gabrielle I still have doubts like for Tiamat but however I said that the possibility could be just 2 in this moment:
1) Its only matters of time before Ishibumi will give to the fans what they want
2) Ishibumi unlike the case of Yasaka this time will ignore the fans.
someone stronger than crom could fit, especially if crom is there. they dont neccesarily need help if that is the case since 5 heavenly dragons should be enough to pull a win if barely

i know it wont happen, but a guy can dream that for once we will get a villain that is legit scary and that puts actual stakes to the situation. the more likely scenario is that regalzerva will pull a thanos and act like an RPG boss, sending progressively stronger enemies in order from weakest to strongest to team DxD so issei can level up and only appear when he can be defeated. truly speaking i want this to be an actual invasion, for team DxD to truly face defeat and despair against an enemy that lives up to their hype, but i suspect it will just be a rehash of rizevim whit bigger power levels

while a conflict between melvazoa and regalzerva is clearly foreshadowed, i dont think it will go into full-scale war between them, especially over DxD, i think what will happen is that melvazoa will sabotage regalzerva to delay him until he can get what he wants from there or just let his brother die when he asks for help.

i am honestly hoping that the one to fight seraselbes wont be an all-girl team, i have always been of the thought that when authors do that is because they are scared of having a guy hit a girl though in ishibumi case this is only half true since issei did fight nyx, even if he never just punched the crap out of her like he does whit all villains.

personally i think the ones to send seraselbes were from FxF, mitsuya does not even seem to have actual information about melvazoa beyond him existing (this is the reason why he is working whit ajuka) so i doubt he would know about sefaira and nebiros is out of question since he gains absolutely nothing from bringing the evies. i think this could be a plan from an FxF group who would know the importance of sefaira, maybe they wanted to use DxD as a distraction to get regalzerva off their back since he is supposed to be there right now

i know it does not look like something from gundam, but gundam as far as i remember does not have an actual mecha dragon that looks like a dragon so the dragon knight was the obvious choice... also because it looks badass AF and would fit vali so much more than giving him his own AxA ripoff. personally adapting gundam into DxD does not fit much aside of the base armors, they are too blocky and high-tech to fit for something that is supposed to be dragon-themed

i dont think he will ever be an anti-hero, an anti-hero implies benevolent objectives. he IMO will be more of a neutral party that just wants to do science whitout involving himself directly into the conflicts of the world, the evies wanting to kill everything means he has to help this time because he cant hide from them if they just go exterminatus on the whole planet

honestly i think the bonus he talks about is the information Ex gave ajuka and the others, remember that they did receive something from them so they can prepare better than they originally did but nothing that would change the entire course of the world before the evies arrived.

oh yeah i already knew about that, though the original denpachi from what i read did only introduce innovate clear as a concept and did not even call it a sacred gear, though i can already tell momiji in denpachi and in slashdog are different in personality though that might be because it was whit nakiri and not whit strangers like in denpachi

she does not have any "duties" whit the nakiri tho, i think the actual reason she wanted to remain in innovate clear world is because her life whit the nakiri sucks ass. she literally lives in a small temple in middle of a blank dimension cut from all human contact aside of ouryuu (the current one) and the other ouryuu (her brother and the previous one) so its no wonder she decided to remain there

also i dont think mitsuya is lying about that, he definitely is not as nice as issei but i think he is more of an anti-hero than anything. if he was really villainous like that he would have used issei parents as bargain coin for ajuka to give him that "bonus" or something. the only reason we have to believe mitsuya is a bad guy is because nakiri very biased words. you know, the same one that wants to bring momiji back so she can likely either be executed as a traitor or sealed again. lets take nakiri words whit a grain of salt

melvazoa will reveal that is not enough whit the 12 heavenly breasts, issei also needs to focus them trough a "canon" and that canon will be kiba´s... well you know. issei realizing what he has to do or the world ends, will fall into absolute despair thus making melvazoa live up to its title.

they dont need to care, they already made several memes canon by accident. it was supposed to be gohan blanco, but goku going blanco was not any less silly. please no, if they give gohan a power up only so he has to be saved again then i would rather have him not appear. he has jobbed enough, give him a cool moment again or kill him already

maybe not even the fans, remember that ophis only lived because he found the illustration of her cute, and rias exists because he fell in love whit her tits. but lets hope those two stay away from the harem, we have more than enough girls and the fact that we are missing more is bad enough
Originally Posted by Xuanwu View Post
There is a Portuguese or Spanish translator that translated the rest of Denpachi, actually. He also did all of Slash Dog 3. Ukutranslation or something like that.
now this is a christmas gift. first there is a downpour so people here cant throw fireworks and now slashdog and denpachi fully translated in spanish, truly this is the magic of christmas
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Old 2021-12-25, 06:06   Link #828
Hyodou True DXD
Hyodou True DXD .
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Originally Posted by saucerKing View Post
someone stronger than crom could fit, especially if crom is there. they dont neccesarily need help if that is the case since 5 heavenly dragons should be enough to pull a win if barely

i know it wont happen, but a guy can dream that for once we will get a villain that is legit scary and that puts actual stakes to the situation. the more likely scenario is that regalzerva will pull a thanos and act like an RPG boss, sending progressively stronger enemies in order from weakest to strongest to team DxD so issei can level up and only appear when he can be defeated. truly speaking i want this to be an actual invasion, for team DxD to truly face defeat and despair against an enemy that lives up to their hype, but i suspect it will just be a rehash of rizevim whit bigger power levels

while a conflict between melvazoa and regalzerva is clearly foreshadowed, i dont think it will go into full-scale war between them, especially over DxD, i think what will happen is that melvazoa will sabotage regalzerva to delay him until he can get what he wants from there or just let his brother die when he asks for help.

i am honestly hoping that the one to fight seraselbes wont be an all-girl team, i have always been of the thought that when authors do that is because they are scared of having a guy hit a girl though in ishibumi case this is only half true since issei did fight nyx, even if he never just punched the crap out of her like he does whit all villains.

personally i think the ones to send seraselbes were from FxF, mitsuya does not even seem to have actual information about melvazoa beyond him existing (this is the reason why he is working whit ajuka) so i doubt he would know about sefaira and nebiros is out of question since he gains absolutely nothing from bringing the evies. i think this could be a plan from an FxF group who would know the importance of sefaira, maybe they wanted to use DxD as a distraction to get regalzerva off their back since he is supposed to be there right now

i know it does not look like something from gundam, but gundam as far as i remember does not have an actual mecha dragon that looks like a dragon so the dragon knight was the obvious choice... also because it looks badass AF and would fit vali so much more than giving him his own AxA ripoff. personally adapting gundam into DxD does not fit much aside of the base armors, they are too blocky and high-tech to fit for something that is supposed to be dragon-themed

i dont think he will ever be an anti-hero, an anti-hero implies benevolent objectives. he IMO will be more of a neutral party that just wants to do science whitout involving himself directly into the conflicts of the world, the evies wanting to kill everything means he has to help this time because he cant hide from them if they just go exterminatus on the whole planet

honestly i think the bonus he talks about is the information Ex gave ajuka and the others, remember that they did receive something from them so they can prepare better than they originally did but nothing that would change the entire course of the world before the evies arrived.

oh yeah i already knew about that, though the original denpachi from what i read did only introduce innovate clear as a concept and did not even call it a sacred gear, though i can already tell momiji in denpachi and in slashdog are different in personality though that might be because it was whit nakiri and not whit strangers like in denpachi

she does not have any "duties" whit the nakiri tho, i think the actual reason she wanted to remain in innovate clear world is because her life whit the nakiri sucks ass. she literally lives in a small temple in middle of a blank dimension cut from all human contact aside of ouryuu (the current one) and the other ouryuu (her brother and the previous one) so its no wonder she decided to remain there

also i dont think mitsuya is lying about that, he definitely is not as nice as issei but i think he is more of an anti-hero than anything. if he was really villainous like that he would have used issei parents as bargain coin for ajuka to give him that "bonus" or something. the only reason we have to believe mitsuya is a bad guy is because nakiri very biased words. you know, the same one that wants to bring momiji back so she can likely either be executed as a traitor or sealed again. lets take nakiri words whit a grain of salt
Honestly I believe that if the Eevie that comes for Sefaria can be stronger not only than Crom but even than Hades Issei should still able to defeat him thanks Ingvild's song and Akeno's breast for performing the Super Breast Wave Cannon.

When Issei has fought Hades he was already damaged from his fight again Angra Mainyu and tired because he have already used the Infinity Blaster+ Longinus Smasher so for me the True DXD G again Hades was not at the 100% of its full power, maybe a Issei in a fresh state with the help of Ingvild and Akeno wouldn't need further help for defeat Hades. Perhaps using the Infinity Blaster+Longinus Smasher+ Super Breast Wave Cannon+ Ingvild's song could be enough even for defeat Indra.

Agree with you about the possibility that Malvezoa will delay Regalveza, about the invasion it could be something like the battle again the army composed by both Evil Dragons and Fake Scale Mail in the Volume 21 but this time some gods, all Longinus Wielders, maybe the Malebranche and Ajuka will join the fight.

About who will fight Seraselbes if will not be only the girls to fight her could be Chichigami or Vali, I dunno Issei.

About Nebiros, Mitsuya, Mojimi and Sefaria for the moment I won't say anything else because for the moment I have no more ideas about them.

Originally Posted by saucerKing View Post
they dont need to care, they already made several memes canon by accident. it was supposed to be gohan blanco, but goku going blanco was not any less silly. please no, if they give gohan a power up only so he has to be saved again then i would rather have him not appear. he has jobbed enough, give him a cool moment again or kill him already

maybe not even the fans, remember that ophis only lived because he found the illustration of her cute, and rias exists because he fell in love whit her tits. but lets hope those two stay away from the harem, we have more than enough girls and the fact that we are missing more is bad enough

now this is a christmas gift. first there is a downpour so people here cant throw fireworks and now slashdog and denpachi fully translated in spanish, truly this is the magic of christmas
About DBS: Super Hero I hope that will have more informations, honestly the idea that in 2022 we have again the Red Ribbon realy trigger me to shit then that CGI , I was hoping that the next movie after Broly could have give us something of new and interesting, instead we could be closer to have a New Cell.
About Gohan rigth now I don't know if could say something else..

So if Miyama Zero drawing a Tiamat's illustration and Ishibumi loved it she will join the harem

We have for sure more girls, maybe their number will be limited based on how many Ishibumi characters he wants in Issei's peerage, if he wanted that the numbers of the Heavenly Breast will be over 12 then you should be ready...

I'm happy that you have appreciate my Christmas present
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Old 2021-12-25, 11:11   Link #829
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So, if the heroes manage to defeat all of the Evies in the current arc, any guesses for who could be the villains in future spin-offs?

For example, if Ishibumi were to do a spin-off for Ex Gremory, the Evies wouldn't be around. I suppose Ishibumi could introduce other Evil Gods against the alliance to do the work, although nothing from DxD would really seem like a threat with Issei/Vali/Balberith/Ophis being on the good side.

We could always have some real sneaky antagonists, though.
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Old 2021-12-25, 15:35   Link #830
Hyodou True DXD
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About the future villains after the Eevie I dunno, Ishibumi has said that have interest to writting a story about Milicas, the teenager/young adult could already be a Super Devil so the possibile villains of his history should be Top 10 for be a threat for him or maybe like you said Xuanwu they villains could be realy sneaky.

I was thinking about a some organization(maybe composed by humans) that have managed to come into possession about precious informations about the creation of the Devils, Malebranche, Evil Pieces and Longinus and of various types of technology at the same time: that of the Eevie, that of the Grigori and the Agares family.

Some evil gods could may decide to volunteer for their experiments in order to greatly increase his powers through some genetic manipulation or the addition of some mechanical prosthesis from the Eevie's body. For example immagine Loki that get the DNA of Rizevim together with some parts of the body of a Eevie or a Eevie defeated by Issei that gets being repaired and upgraded or cyborg that have together the DNA of Issei, Vali, Balberith and Sizerch (so Cell ).

In EX we have already have see Loki using a Mecha-Fenrir for getting a BXB, something similar could happens if Ishibumi will writting a story about Millicas or EX Gremory.

Well maybe this could sound to much crazy.

However if I have to be full honest then I have to admit that for a my own whim I'd rather that Ishibumi will writting something like a What If story that take place in a alternative timeline, something like Issei that instead of have the BG and becoming a devil under Rias born with the Divine Dividing and get the protection and the training of the Grigori since even before adolescence when Saji could the one with BG and Vali still is a Lucifer's Descendant and his Longinus could be Canis Lykaon.

Ishibumi for what I remember is also a Marvel's fan so maybe there could some chances that in future he can try to experiment with the alternative reality that could show to us alternative version of the characters that we know.

I know that everything that I wrote could seem like just my personal crazy fan-fiction

Last edited by Hyodou True DXD; 2021-12-25 at 17:24.
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Old 2021-12-25, 23:09   Link #831
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Originally Posted by Xuanwu View Post
So, if the heroes manage to defeat all of the Evies in the current arc, any guesses for who could be the villains in future spin-offs?

For example, if Ishibumi were to do a spin-off for Ex Gremory, the Evies wouldn't be around. I suppose Ishibumi could introduce other Evil Gods against the alliance to do the work, although nothing from DxD would really seem like a threat with Issei/Vali/Balberith/Ophis being on the good side.

We could always have some real sneaky antagonists, though.
Maybe someone who salvage the Evies technology and use it to create new weapons? I mean there is Mecha Fenrir in EX. What if someone just recollects the body pieces of Ddraig & Albion that were cut away during the Great War and combine it with Evies technology.
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Old 2021-12-25, 23:14   Link #832
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maybe we can have an unconventional villain in the sense that its not a single bad guy doing bad things but rather a bunch of people who are dissatisfied whit whatever will become of the world of DxD? maybe not everyone can bury the hatchet so they want for factions to be separate once more, or maybe the war will leave a lot of people whit dead families and lost home and they are angry at issei and the faction leaders, blaming them for the evie invasion

or we could get a villain that is weak (relatively speaking) but whose methods and cunning make him a problem someone like issei cant just punch to death, like some sort of mix of kira and the joker, someone who just wants to see the world burn but also does not operate in a way they can trace.
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Old 2021-12-26, 06:36   Link #833
Hyodou True DXD
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Originally Posted by B214 View Post
Maybe someone who salvage the Evies technology and use it to create new weapons? I mean there is Mecha Fenrir in EX. What if someone just recollects the body pieces of Ddraig & Albion that were cut away during the Great War and combine it with Evies technology.
Yeah this could happens, I thinks that some organization will find have a way to get many kind of informations and technology that allow to them to creating weapons and monsters through the genetic manipulation or something else.

Maybe someone human will volunteer to act as a guinea pig for the creation of a human / Eevie / dragon / devil hybrid also we could even see someone with have get both the blood of Issei and Vali.

Originally Posted by saucerKing View Post
maybe we can have an unconventional villain in the sense that its not a single bad guy doing bad things but rather a bunch of people who are dissatisfied whit whatever will become of the world of DxD? maybe not everyone can bury the hatchet so they want for factions to be separate once more, or maybe the war will leave a lot of people whit dead families and lost home and they are angry at issei and the faction leaders, blaming them for the evie invasion
The war between the Eevie and the supernatural beings could lead to similar consequences, the only way to be able to prevent something like this from happening would be to erase memory on a planetary scale, make sure that no remnants of Eevie technology remain around and find a way of attributing the large number of deaths, the destruction of possibly entire cities and continents to a truly catastrophic event such as the fall of several meteorites but it seems to me really difficult to do this unless Resetoras, Chichigami or Issei do not have some HAX of deformation of reality for to be able to completely eliminate all traces of the Eevie invasion.

Originally Posted by saucerKing View Post
or we could get a villain that is weak (relatively speaking) but whose methods and cunning make him a problem someone like issei cant just punch to death, like some sort of mix of kira and the joker, someone who just wants to see the world burn but also does not operate in a way they can trace.
Maybe this person might even be seen by a certain host of humans as the one who could allow humanity to get rid of supernatural beings and become the dominant species once and for all.

We could see stuff like new Longinus created thanks a combination of the Eevie's technology, the materials of which are made the Malebranche and the Eviel pieces and the informations of Azazel and Euclide about the creation of artificial sacred gears.

Also maybe the blood of dragons and devils will could used like for try to creating steroids and stams cells.Perhaps Robertina Hyoudou since her is the daughter of Issei and Ravel so she have both the power of a dragon and the immortality of a phoenix it could be targeted precisely because from its blood it would be possible to create stem cells and steroids together.

Beetween people that can be Super Devils, creation of hybrids(between Super Devil and Dragon God ecc) thanks genetic manipulation, the creations of new Longinus, new kind of Malebranche, weapons, device, armors and mecha there is a lot of stuff that a mad scientist and his followers can do if they gets what they need to so.
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Old 2021-12-27, 07:19   Link #834
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I'm really not enjoying the current plot that's leading up to fighting these aliens from another dimension, especially with the whole time travel thing from the past, I wish that the story just stuck itself to their world instead of inviting things from a different plain of existence.
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Old 2021-12-27, 07:52   Link #835
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Originally Posted by bluestahli1 View Post
I'm really not enjoying the current plot that's leading up to fighting these aliens from another dimension, especially with the whole time travel thing from the past, I wish that the story just stuck itself to their world instead of inviting things from a different plain of existence.
Ishibumi probably got interested in the Multiverse concept.
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Old 2021-12-27, 08:29   Link #836
Hyodou True DXD
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Speaking about Multiverse I wonder if is possibile that may exist some alternative versions of Issei, the main cast and their Longinus?

Who knows maybe exist a world where the Longinus instead of be sacred gears are Mecha and Issei driving a Red mecha who look like a Gundam and it is called Ddraig

Last edited by Hyodou True DXD; 2021-12-27 at 08:41.
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Old 2021-12-27, 10:44   Link #837
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I'm sure that there's a parallel world where Reynare is the main character, Issei being the fallen angel that tricked her, and is in a lesbian relationship with Rias
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Old 2021-12-27, 12:10   Link #838
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It would the worst for me and at the same time the best there can be for the Raynare's fans that hate the poor Issei

Immagine a reality when Kiba, Vali, Sairoarg, Cao Cao and Dulio are female but Issei is still male and them however have somewhat ambiguous relationship with that Issei ( for example like the one of Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley that have feeling for each others but in some way they are still rivals), if ours Issei will find himself in that reality and will see the interactions between his counterpart and his gender bender rivals probably he will try to stay away from his rivals for many days when the other Issei will have nightmares after have discovering that Kiba, Vali, Sairoarg, Cao Cao and Dulio are male in the other the reality and will not being able to get aroused in their presence for quite a while

Honestly I would like to see a reality when Issei and the others have different powers and Longinus.

Last edited by Hyodou True DXD; 2021-12-27 at 12:27.
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Old 2021-12-28, 03:28   Link #839
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raynare dies to issei the devil and gets revived as a fallen angel by vali, all because issei wanted to bang serafall.

imagine an alternate universe where issei is found by azazel as young and raised in grigori after being orphaned for reasons, meanwhile somewhere else vali is raised as a normal kid by her single mother who escaped her father once she found out to be pregnant.
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Old 2021-12-28, 05:20   Link #840
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Ishibumi actually talks a lot about alternate timelines on his Twitter (last time I checked). Although somewhat joke-ish in tone, some I can remember are:

• Issei and Kiba being in an actual relationship (I believe it was yaoi)
• A middle-aged Tobio & Lavinia raising Vali & Freed in the Grigori
• Siegfried and Freed leaving the Sigurd Institute to go on a journey (I think he implied they would cross the Hero Faction)

Plenty other tidbits like that. He seems to like talking about Freed, Siegfried and the Hero Faction a lot, in particular.
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