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Old 2023-08-07, 19:57   Link #41
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I appreciate the fact that these two starting to date just isn't the end of it. Because yeah, I guess it shouldn't be. Sure, Makabe and Yoshino worked things out to a degree. Although you could argue they aren't really done since she's just avoiding interacting with him and doesn't look remotely happy.

But the bigger thing is that they've left Aki in the dark. It's not a pretty topic obviously. Not easy to start talking about having worked himself to the bone to get in shape and for the express purpose of getting revenge on Aki. Then explaining that Yoshino actually caused the situation because she was pissed at Aki. That requires looking at the motives of all parties involved. The active efforts of those two are one thing. But it also will require Aki to look at herself. How she treated Yoshino in the past and present contributed to how things played out. Her eating disorder is outside of her control, but she hardly treated Yoshino all that well by making her get all that food all the time for her.

Sadly she of course found out in the worst way. But I guess we'll see how things play out. At the very least she's close enough to Makabe now to have reasons to keep talking even while they both struggle with their own sides in all this.

I'm embarrassed with myself. For a moment I thought Yoshino's family and the Adagaki family didn't suck. I thought "oh that's nice, even if they are basically slaves at least the family gives each other Christmas presents." HA! Of course they have this teenage girl in a cute santa outfit serving at their party. Bingo Duty!? Whatever happens with the main leads, can Yoshino please get out from this garbage situation?
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Old 2023-08-14, 08:59   Link #42
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Well, now that Neko has made her move and it fizzled that should be mostly a conclusion for her attempts to win over Masamune. Though maybe not since it just puts her on the same level as Aki right now. If her presumption is accurate that his body reacts because he doesn't have romantic feelings then she basically got rejected there. But it also means he's nowhere closer to Aki either. I get why Neko has been attached and why she still made the moves she did here. With the status quo between Masamune and Aki a bit shaky there was still room to try.

Though wow, Masamune really has changed over time. This was a kid sticking huge chunks of food in his pockets and was all about eating. I can't really blame his mother or sister for pushing food at him all the time when that seemed to be his life's calling . But people do change.

Sadly medical support didn't pan out for him here. If it's psychological then he's got to dig into the exact cause and reasoning. Honestly the burnout might be a fair description. But it might also be a lack of conclusion. He dedicated so much to revenge but there was no target really in the end. He can't hate the person that caused him the trouble and the person he thought he should get revenge on...wasn't at fault. Well I mean she played some role in things. But honestly the issue with Yoshino was more an issue of her family and Aki's family.

I don't know. Obviously there are things to resolve with Aki herself. But Masamune has to figure out what he really wants. The ending with Yoshino might honestly tie into it. The truth has been cleared up. But I don't think either side is quite happy about where things stand between them right now. Yoshino trying to distance herself and step out of his life...but she's still looking towards him. I think she needs to figure out her feelings and what she really wants or she'll be left looking miserable. Maybe talking more with Yoshino will help. If he can restore that friendship (since I don't see him ending up with anyone besides Aki) that might help his mental state.

Still plenty of episodes left for these things to get sorted.
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Old 2023-08-14, 09:35   Link #43
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Fujinomiya Family New Year's party! And Neko looks amazing dressed up in her yukata! But she's also nostalgic about her past with Masamune .

What is the source of Masamune's hives? It doesn't seem like there's anything wrong with him physically, so it's got to be all mental. And there's a lot on his mind even though on paper it seems like his problems have been resolved .

I gotta feel bad for Aki here. She's still in the dark about the truth from Yoshino and Masamune, and her boyfriend doesn't even invite her to a the first shrine visit of the New Year with his friends leaving her alone with Yoshino which is awkward enough as is .

Poor Neko...she has so many pictures of her first meeting with Masamune. Kid tried to comfort her with a giant piece of chicken he was keeping in his pocket. Also I think this is the first time we've actually heard Masamune's dad talk .

Poor Kojuuro too. Not only does he have his crush draw goofy art on his face but he even gets hit by his own teammate in Hanetsuki .

Shidou! We haven't seen her in a while. And she still doesn't care for Masamune one bit, especially around her mistress .

Is Masamune feeling the burnout of being driven so far by revenge that he doesn't know what to do with himself without it? Does he even really love Aki or were his feelings driven by his revenge plot or his memories of the past ?

I'm not surprised Neko can sense trouble in the water and feels like it's her time to make a move and properly confess that she really is in love with Masamune, and even try to kiss him again, it's just too bad that not only Shidou is there to make sure nothing happens but...Masamune breaks out in hives even with Neko, which she basically takes as a rejection. Neko doesn't deserve this .

Aw man...Aki found out about Masamune going to the hospital and was worried about his health. And instead he's visiting the apartment of another girl who is in love with him. That's some red flags right there .

I guess there's no way Masamune is going to overcome his issues unless he properly resolves things with Yoshino first, and it looks like he has his chance now .
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Old 2023-08-16, 05:45   Link #44
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Something wrong with the "photo".
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Old 2023-08-21, 09:35   Link #45
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Aki continues to look great with her hair down, though less so when she's depressed that her boyfriend won't call her or that her quickest source of food is missing...and wouldn't you know it, they're with each other at that exact moment .

Bold of Masamune to think he can get away with princess carrying Yoshino, earning him a brass knuckle to the face! And also brave of Yoshino to think she can keep moving on a sprained ankle rather than rely on Masamune, leading to a bunch of comical mishaps before she gives in and lets Masamune carry her piggyback. These two are such dorks that you just can't help but love them !

Ah yes, the Aki Yuri Bodyguard squad aren't taking the idea of her and Masamune being together all that well, to the point that they're fighting with each other and stumbling all over themselves trying to address the issue...but then it turns out that they actually kind of like the Aki that's a girl in sincere love with someone when she confirms she and Masamune are going out. And I don't blame them, Aki in love is quite cute !

Of course Masamune is focused on those big boobs pressed against his back while Yoshino is just worried about anyone seeing her panties (which we in the audience haven't seen since season 1) .

Oh dang, Masamune doesn't break out in hives when he touches Yoshino. And he just HAD to test it by basically putting the moves on her...and admitting that the best part of his revenge quest wasn't pursuing Aki but working together with Yoshino. I feel bad for Aki and for Yoshino who now has to grapple with all the feelings that moment stirred up in her heart when she already has so much on her mind .

It's respectable of Kanetsugu to apologize properly to Aki, and it's also respectable that Aki understands her circumstances and isn't bitter, but it's heartbreaking to see Aki so sad at the idea that she hurt Masamune and has no idea how to make it right. But I'm glad Kanetsugu was able to tell Aki that she should follow her heart and be true to herself and what she really wants. We don't need tsundere or restrained Aki, we need her to be honest with herself and Masamune !

That's actually one of the nicer scenes between Aki and Yoshino as Aki treats her sprained ankle...which just makes Yoshino feel even worse considering the time she spent with Masamune behind Aki's back and the now obvious romantic feelings she has for Masamune .

Yep, Masamune's got it bad for Yoshino when he's dreaming of HER being his girlfriend. I'm sure that won't make this even more complicated .
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Old 2023-08-21, 10:31   Link #46
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Old 2023-08-21, 10:46   Link #47
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Originally Posted by EroKing View Post
This makes it look like they just got caught by Aki .
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Old 2023-08-21, 19:36   Link #48
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I think those girls need to start with some inwards reflection over their self-imposed titles of Aki's bodyguards. Clearly they were in quite a state going into this episode. You have that one girl is convinced that Aki and Masamune dating is a rumour...and honestly the others aren't doing much better. Probably a good thing to have a chat with Aki. Funny how the girl most detached from reality was the one able to actually ask the darn question.

Yeah, I can't blame Masamune for getting distracted by that. May be dating Aki...but physical impact is still impossible to completely ignore. Kind of cute how both sides were worried about completely different issues. Though in a sense that's a good thing. It helped keep Masamune's neck from getting snapped.

I'm glad he did arrive on the interesting note that the one girl he is able to safely touch without having an averse reaction is Yoshino. Though how he phrased things certainly earned him the headbutt . But in a sense she's the one person who he has everything out in the open with. And he understandably grew attached as they spent so much time together. Plus what is he supposed to be think? His body is actively rejecting physical contact with Aki and even with Neko.

Not good and not fair to Aki obviously. But despite having feelings for Aki, things aren't working here. Maybe because the past and the present are still muddled and unsettled. With Yoshino she's brought everything into the open. Heck, even when told the truth Masamune couldn't bring himself to be angry with her. Sure he had more time to build the anger towards Aki, but he did have an easier time with that.

Things at least went pretty well with Aki here. She got a chance to talk with some people and is working to figure things out. Heck, she's actually matured enough to think the natural thing to do when seeing someone injured is to take care of them. I'd like to say that's a consistent thing...but honestly that's a pretty major development for her .

And now things are just a total mess. Aki and Masamune reached the point of dating, but nothing is remotely settled here! Masamune's feelings are definitely muddled up. That dream tells the story, but so is his body making its declaration. But it's not like he feels nothing for Aki and all the little reactions they've had together across the show make that clear. The worst thing is that it's dragged Yoshino right back into it. Any attempt or intention to back out after revealing her betrayal to Masamune utterly blew up on her. Since the guy in question has made it clear that he's got feelings for her. And with Aki actually being a nice person right now, it just makes the whole thing even more agonizing.

No idea how this is going to pan out. But there is going to be some crying involved. Maybe due to crushed bones from brass knuckles...
Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
This makes it look like they just got caught by Aki .
Sure is a fitting picture after this episode .
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Old 2023-08-28, 09:34   Link #49
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It's Valentine's Day! A perfect holiday for Masamune and his aversion to eating sweets and while he's torn between two girls .

Man, Futaba is the best. Going out of her way with the other girls to get obligation chocolate for all the guys so they don't feel left out, and it seems like they do this every year. She may not have had much of a run with her feelings for Masamune, or gotten much screentime this season, but she's still a Best Girl .

Kojuuro thinks he's more manly because the girls are relying on him and his sweets knowledge, but it's more because they just see him as one of the girls now. But hey, at least it's something. And he got to give Neko chocolate! That was pretty bold of him. Bonus points because it doesn't seem like Neko gave Masamune chocolate either. Also, here's a bath scene with Kojuuro, in case anyone was into that .

We've even got Aki putting the work in to make chocolates for Masamune, with some prodding and help from Yoshino. Otherwise she might've just eaten chocolates by herself. You really can't beat how happy Aki looks to have made something for Masamune, and how genuinely happy Yoshino seems to be at her glee, yet a part of me wonders if she's vicariously channeling her own feelings for Masamune in making chocolates with Aki ?

Dang, wasn't expecting bottle girl to show back up again and to still be as thirsty for Masamune .

Well, I can kind of understand Aki being ticked off by her boyfriend getting a lot of chocolates from other girls, but it means everything that Masamune sees she made him chocolate, saw how she hurt herself in making them, and forego all his usual BS about his diet and avoiding calories because he genuinely wants to eat her chocolates. And seeing how happy she is that he likes them, how could he ever betray such a sincere and loving girl ?

And now that Masamune is less worried about his eating, he and Aki can go on food dates, eating at all the best places and eating as many fatty foods as they can. And they really seem to be enjoying themselves and being around each other, even when Masamune eats so much he hurls. If she still wants you even after watching you puke, you know she's a keeper !

Of course Neko, being as observant as she is, can still sense some tension going on and a bit of a distance between Masamune and Aki, especially since his hives haven't gone away and he won't touch her. I didn't expect her to outright confront Aki and try to make them break up though .

Jeez, what a tragic turn of events. Aki thinks Masamune doesn't really love her because she saw the revenge planner and saw how much effort he went to just to get with her for payback, but she can't let him go because she loves him too much. Even knowing he can't touch her, she's too happy being with him to end it. In that respect she can commiserate with Neko because her feelings for him are also one-sided, but the one difference is she feels she loves Masamune more, which just makes it worse .

Oh, Kojuuro overheard, huh? Is this his chance with Neko ?
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Old 2023-09-04, 09:34   Link #50
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Yoshino can't see Aki in agony over thinking Masamune hates her and FINALLY comes clean in an absolutely emotional outburst of feelings. And Aki finally understands what really happened, and sees how much pain Yoshino has been in all this time, and how hard she'd been working to try to make up for her mistake. I'm glad these two were able to finally be honest with each other .

Masamune's sister knows how to get him to chip in when it comes to building snowmen. Wasn't expecting a full blown snow Daruma though .

These girls are devious masterminds! Giving all that giri chocolate knowing that the guys would have to give them White Day gifts back !

Kojuuro understands now how much Neko wants Masamune, and even Aki to a certain extent, to be happy and how she also recognizes that she might be the bad guy to all this...but to Kojuuro, he just sees how caring and considerate Neko is and can't help but want to make her feel better. And it seems like Neko is receptive to his sincerity .

Masamune was THIS close to asking Aki to meet his family. Although that now might be even harder .

A White Day date? Better get Aki a White Day gift! And for once his mom actually has good advice, but Masamune should've listened to her on how tough it is to make macarons for a beginner .

Kojuuro seems like a very frequent shopper at sweets stores. I'm half-expecting he's usually the only guy there. But it was nice to get a genuine friendship moment between him and Masamune since we don't get a lot of one-on-one time between the two .

I was wondering why Aki wanted their date at a drug store, but it was so Masamune could see one of his former bullies and could make peace with his emotional trauma. Aki wanted to build up Masamune's confidence and make him feel better about himself, and Masamune really does feel like a bit of a weight's been lifted off of him .

The mood is so good he's even willing to try to touch Aki again...but instead of finding out if he still breaks out in hives around her, Aki won't accept his White Day gift and is saying goodybe!? What !?
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Old 2023-09-05, 16:31   Link #51
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Defeated by macarons and then dropped at the end of the episode. Ouch .

Might work out for the best though. They got together with things a bit uneasy and not much cleared up between them. So if they can get through whatever Aki's reasoning is here then maybe things will turn out fine for them.
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Old 2023-09-11, 09:31   Link #52
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Jeez, Masamune feeling the breakup from Aki so badly that he's not even attending school. Of course his friends are worried, but no one, not even Yoshino, knew about the breakup until Aki tells them about it like she's still the cold girl from season 1. Yoshino can barely handle this news .

I love how despite everything Futaba still wants the deets on Neko and Yoshino being at Masamune's house. And good thing Kojuurou brought the sweets, because it brought Chinatsu out to let them in .

Wow, Masamune straight up just left home and closed himself off from his family. His mom is having an emotional breakdown. Chinatsu is basically fending for herself. Lot of drama in the Makabe household .

I mean, yeah, Neko did try and break Masamune and Aki up, even if she thought it was for their own good. But low blow bringing up how Masamune will never love her, Yoshino. Particularly so when Yoshino not being able to be honest with her own feelings created enough of a mess as it is. Though I feel bad for both girls .

Masamune out there in Shinshu with his grandpa trying to reach some kind of enlightenment now that he's lost Aki and not sure what to do with his life .

Aki actually came, and she and Yoshino finally face each other for the first proper time, so Aki can tell her that she should be honest about her feelings for Masamune and tell him how she loves him. Because while she started out doing this for Aki's sake, she over time fell in love with Masamune and it hurt her to see him kiss Aki at the end of season 1. And even if it breaks Aki's heart, she's willing to give Masamune up for Yoshino's sake .

Oh hey, the season 1 OP! That was really nice of Futaba to take Neko out for karaoke to help her recover from her broken heart, and she even tries to make her face Kojuurou's feelings. Nice wingwoman-ing, Futaba .

Well, it's nice to see Masamune finally make peace with Fattymune and his past, just in time for Yoshino to show up, having traveled all the way by herself to see him, and pounce on and kiss him! Girl isn't wasting any more time !
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Old 2023-09-11, 10:38   Link #53
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Loli mom rolling around in the sleeping bag though


The bit showing Masamune's character growth was nice.
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Old 2023-09-11, 20:12   Link #54
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I just want to say, boo the jerk who upon seeing someone struggling to put their luggage up...just grunts at them to sit down. Minor thing in the bigger picture, but to that guy.

Oh boy. Lot going on here.

No idea how it will play out. But credit to Aki for her side in all this and to Yoshino for going for it. It may not work out for her. But I kind of wish the best for her considering the distance she traveled for this. No complaints on her just going for the kiss either . This show has been a long journey (especially if you consider when S1 aired). So I think she deserved at least that.

Solid episode.
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Old 2023-09-11, 23:38   Link #55
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Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
I just want to say, boo the jerk who upon seeing someone struggling to put their luggage up...just grunts at them to sit down. Minor thing in the bigger picture, but to that guy.
Yeah, he was such a dick. Teen girl is trying to get her bag up and he couldn't even reach up? Bad manners .
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Old 2023-09-16, 21:08   Link #56
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The writing wants you to pity Yoshino, but she started the mess from the get go and is even lashing out at other girls for it, despicable. Not to mention she can't even call Masamune by his name...we're still doing this pigs-foot crap? I can't say I'm rooting much for Aki either, the guy literally moved out of town after feeling manipulated the previous episode. Really, he just needs to find happiness for himself before needing to be in any romance. Being friends with girls like Neko and some other characters was alright.
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Old 2023-09-18, 08:56   Link #57
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Masamune has returned home, is still avoiding his mom, and it's a Springtime finale for him and the gang .

I respect Aki trying to be supportive to Yoshino after assuming she and Masamune are now together, and not rely on Yoshino for everything and try to be more independent, even if there's still that sting that she lost Masamune .

That's great that most of the gang is back together for their third year, they've even got Yoshino! And Gasou! Who looks so weird in the girls school uniform! But irony of ironies, Masamune and Aki are in the same class .

Poor Aki. Her ex-boyfriend is not only in her class, sitting right in front of her, but he won't leave her alone even though he's apparently together with's enough to dredge up a lot of unresolved feelings, so much so that she feels she needs a clean break and cuts her hair! I guess all that time with long hair Aki was to keep us satisfied before she cuts it, though her new style does make her look older and more mature .

Though she didn't actually need that classic losing Heroine haircut after all as Yoshino pushes her to meet Masamune at school and she sees a letter like she left for him for that big song and dance she put him through in season 1. And then she's running all around the school, the school where she fell in love with him over the course of the series, trying to find him...and then they keep missing each other like such dorks! Though it does make the moment when Masamune finally latches onto her all the more meaningful .

And the truth is, Masamune and Yoshino never got together! Yoshino confessed, but even she realized that Masamune wouldn't have obsessed with Aki for so long if he didn't have genuine feelings for her, and it's those feelings Masamune needed to resolve for himself. Yoshino just wanted one last "revenge" against Aki by making her think they were dating so Masamune could take the time to build up to asking Aki out again .

Sure it's self-centered on Masamune's part that he still wants to be with Aki after everything and get over himself...but that's part of what Aki loves about him. And it's with his newly-resolved feelings that Masamune can now touch Aki, which is the perfect excuse to kiss her as they get back together !

Closing out with their third year school festival and the season 1 OP...we've got Futaba, Kojuurou, and Gasou talking about their futures, Neko and Yoshino consoling (and teasing) each other about getting rejected, and Masamune and Aki together as a couple in a way that's very them...teasing and playing with each other, but still very much in love !
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Old 2023-09-18, 09:12   Link #58
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Nice, full adaptation completed. I really enjoyed the manga way back and couldn't imagine we'd get to this point.
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Old 2023-09-18, 12:07   Link #59
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I feel sorry for the maid and another ojousama. At least, Aki stops abusing the maid and treas her better now. What left for the story is probably college life.
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Old 2023-09-18, 15:42   Link #60
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Originally Posted by scififan View Post
I feel sorry for the maid and another ojousama. At least, Aki stops abusing the maid and treas her better now. What left for the story is probably college life.
Masamune really did accomplish his plan of making the girl who screwed him over fall in love with him only to reject her...just not the same girl .
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