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Old 2006-11-14, 12:04   Link #1
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Chapter 435 Discussion [spoilers]

This chapter seems to answer one of the most wanted questions.

The incident at Enies Lobby is in the news. Everything that has been done there was blamed only on the Strawhats (Franky family was not mentioned). Robin thinks that it must be Aokiji's doing. But the news made some strawhats highly excited, especially the ones that are in great desire of a bounty.

Luffy just learns that Franky is going to make a ship for them, and changes his opinion of him. (Zoro is all over)

Franky is joined by the shipwrights at water 7 including Iceberg. And the Strawhats were told that the ship will be done in 5 days. Days are gone by doing the things the group usually do, when they are free. Also, Usopp practices on how to join back the Strawhats (kind of like,... you are helpless with me, right? that's fine, I will be with you to help).

While the ship was built, the Strawhats were visited by Kokoro, and the talks on the next island begins. It is the merman island, where Kokoro is from. The log points down the sea, and Kokoro mentions that the island is indeed under the sea. But, we also learn that merman island is near Bermuda, as you have to pass through (bermuda's) dark triangle to get there. And, it has been said that the triangle swallows around 100 ships each year (last month 14), and many ships become crewless (or another davy day(?) fight kind of thing).

And finally the ship is complete (although it is possible that it took less than 5 days, as the crew was surprised). The news was brought by the square haired sisters and zanbai. They also brought the news on the new bounties. And finally, the new bounties are in. Sanji and Chopper are really happy to hear that news.

(Strawhat) Luffy's bounty was raised to 300million, (Pirate Hunter) Zoro's bounty was raised to 120million, and (Demon Child) Nico's bounty was raised to 80million.

(Black(?) Leg) Sanji gets 77million, (Sniper King) Sogeking gets 30million, (Cat Burglar) Nami gets 16million (she seems shocked), and (Cotton Candy Loving(?)) Chopper gets 50 no-million (Chopper is really shocked, like "fif..ty...").

The Franky family gave the information on the latest bounty with sadness. Since, (Cyborg) Franky also gets 47million bounty. But, they don't want Franky to get caught again, as they are not sure whether they can save him or not the next time. And they know that, even though Water 7 is dangerous for him, he will stay with them because he cares for them. So, Zanbai asks the Strawhats to take Franky with them, and he also mentions that he has pirate blood within him.


Last edited by Sazelyt; 2006-11-15 at 11:47. Reason: Script is out...
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Old 2006-11-14, 12:29   Link #2
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nice bounties ..
even thought i don't understand the differance between Zoro and Sanji bounties after all both of them defeated CP9 with almost the same strenght ...
also the differance iun bounty between Luffy's and Zoro .. it is the same percentage differance between Lucci and Koko Doki strenght ...

sogeking got luffy's old bounty .. is he going to leave with them ??

i think the 16 million is Nami bounties .. because i don't think they knows about chopper final form or who defeated that Cp9 guy .. if they knew chopper would got bounty higher than Franky for sure ...

i wonder what happened to the rest of the fight between BB and Ace .. also Shanks and WB ???
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Old 2006-11-14, 13:08   Link #3
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These do seem to be the new bounties, but they also all got new nicknames from the WG. ^__^

Strawhat Luffy: 300,000,000
Pirate Hunter Zoro: 120,000,000
Demon Child Nico Robin: 80,000,000
Black (or Dark) Leg Sanji: 77,000,000
Cyborg Franky: 47,000,000
Sniper King Sogeking: 30,000,000
Cat Burglar Nami: 16,000,000
Cotton Candy Loving Chopper: 50

The Chopper one is still underdiscussion, but the litteral translation equates to something of near this effect (thus going along with the idea of his being just a pet of the Mugiwara.

Whats really interesteing is that Sanji's first bounty ever issued is nearly = in value to that of Crocodile when he became a Shichibukai, and has the second highest "first" bounty among the Mugiwara (Robin of course being the first, though her getting only 1 million added to her bounty is hillarious in and of itself).

Another few fun facts. This bounty of Franky indicates he is destined as a Mugiwara. and also, we have been confirmed that Merman island is the next leg of the adventure. Sad that we don't get to see the full Blackbeard pirates vs Ace fight though.
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Old 2006-11-14, 13:15   Link #4
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actually i think they increased Robin bounty by 1 million just to fix the overall bounty on SH: the total bounty without chopper bounty: 670 Million
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Old 2006-11-14, 13:18   Link #5
Μ ε r c ü r υ
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Sanji's first bounty being that high is just his luck. If Luffy appeared out of nowhere, decided to fight the WG, and beat the pigeon guy Lucci, he will still get a very high bounty. I am not sure about 300 million, but it should be definitely (much) higher than 100 million.

Franky being an outlaw was a given, and considering the flow in the few past chapters, I was thinking that he would leave with his own crew, the Franky family. Now, another question is, if that is not the case what will happen to Franky family. I hope they don't all join the Strawhats.
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Old 2006-11-14, 13:45   Link #6
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i doubt that luffy or franky will let them join ..

when luffy start his joureny, he told zoro that he is planning on getting around 10 people as crew member and they shoud be enough also i doubt franky will want his family to be cough in trouble ... i think he will ask Iceburg to take care of them.

since they are going to Mermen island .. would that (forget her name and her grandchildren) come with them ??

also one other question .. since luffy's bounty so high do u think that the WG know about the relation between him and Dragon ??? if not .. i can't imagine how mush they woud have increased it.
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Old 2006-11-14, 14:25   Link #7
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Kokoro and Chimney, I highly doubt they would follow, but stranger things have happened with them around.

I can imagine that the Franky Family will continue without their glorious leader, or be adopted into the Galley-la company, maybe even getting their own dock (become the salvage side of things for the compan! ^__^)

Lastly, If they know of Luffy's connection to Dragon, then they know his connection to Garp and all the other little ways you can word it. If they didnt persecute Garp for having such a "eccentric" son, then Im sure the WG actually doesnt generacally lable people based on family. Or at least not in their case.
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Old 2006-11-14, 14:38   Link #8
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Lastly, If they know of Luffy's connection to Dragon, then they know his connection to Garp and all the other little ways you can word it. If they didnt persecute Garp for having such a "eccentric" son, then Im sure the WG actually doesnt generacally lable people based on family. Or at least not in their case.
actually i think they knows about luffy connection with garp .. or at least figured something near it .. since, umm u remember when they placed the bounty on luffy after he defeated Croc ... many marines though it was too high but i think the word of those old gazers .. to get care of this trouble (or something like that). as nami said garp is marines hero so the WG really need his help and reputation so they won't touch him but if his relation with luffy where known to the world, it would become trouble for them so they placed high bounty to take care of him early. but they don't know about luffy and garp connection with dragon.

about the other point, i was wandering if the WG hunt down the family member of the criminal or not .. but in didn't we see proof of it in robin's past.. from what olivia said in two occasion.
also do u remember when Garp said he sent luffy to his friend to train .. actually i think him to protect him in case his relation with dragon become known to the WG.
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Old 2006-11-14, 15:31   Link #9
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Originally Posted by matsuno View Post
These do seem to be the new bounties, but they also all got new nicknames from the WG. ^__^

Strawhat Luffy: 300,000,000
Pirate Hunter Zoro: 120,000,000
Demon Child Nico Robin: 80,000,000
Black (or Dark) Leg Sanji: 77,000,000
Cyborg Franky: 47,000,000
Sniper King Sogeking: 30,000,000
Cat Burglar Nami: 16,000,000
Cotton Candy Loving Chopper: 50
The new bounty are pretty much what I imagine them to be with only two exception. one, I'm a bit surprise that Sogeking's bounty is almost double that of Nami, since Nami is better fighter and beat Califa, but it does make sense when I think about it, after all Sogeking is seen directly attack Spandam (the overall commander of Ennis Lobby and CP9), provided cover fire for Franky and Robin and burn the WG flag which make him more of a threat to WG than Nami.

The second is that I thought Robin's bounty would be a bit higher and in 90-100 million range, Robin got her original bounty as kid soley because of her ability to read Ponegraph. It figures that now she is under protection of Mugiwara Pirate, the figure should go up even higher.
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Old 2006-11-14, 16:12   Link #10
Funk Freed
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I love the fact that the WG gave them all nicknames now, i hope we see how the crew reacts when they see them
Usopp/Sogeking will be so proud to be called 'Sniper King'.
As for Choppers nickname....just lol
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Old 2006-11-14, 17:14   Link #11
Μ ε r c ü r υ
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Another interesting thing would be how the pictures of the others would look like, worthy of their nicknames or actions...
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Old 2006-11-14, 18:12   Link #12
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I haven't see the scan yet. But I wan't wait to see the conversation between Zoro and Sanji. I can already imagine zoro having a field day with it....
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Old 2006-11-14, 18:25   Link #13
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Geez, tuesday, and were already getting translations?!
Man, this is just more proof as to why one piece is the most popular manga, afterall, no manga seems to get translated faster... grant it, it actually could just mean it has the most fanatic fans =P

a nice set of bounties, Luffy's bounty is higher than i thought, i figured he'd stay below the other known bounties; it's higher than Kuma's... however, if i had to guess that is gonna work its way into the story if and when the fight Kuma... it would start off with them thinking Kuma is weak for having a lower bounty than luffy, than Kuma will give them a serious smack down, followed by an explantion of how a pirates bounty stops rising when they become a schichibukai and that his bounty would proably be doublt or triple his former bounty....

i can also see some story points made with sogeking having the bounty rather than ussop... it makes ussop pretty much the only one of the strawhats who can walk around a town or around marines without being reconized... Chopper too if he takes on a form not in the picture

And i can almost picture some of the strawhats reactions...
Luffy will just laugh about it... Franky will too until he realizes that he must leave water 7 because of it
Sanji and Zoro will argue, Zoro boasting that his bounty is much higher, while Sanji saves himself by saying his first bounty is higher than Zoro's first...
Robin, no reaction
Chopper, probably shear disappointment...
Ussop will have mix feelings, he will lie and boast about how proud he is, but at the same time he will be scared to have a bounty on his head, but then he'll find confort in the fact that it's actually sogeking who has the bounty
Nami will probably just have fear and worry... she doesn't care about having a high bounty, plus she is arguably the easiest target of the strawhats, thus she may worry about attracting too many bouty hunters... when it comes down to it, she and ussop aren't really strong enough to have bounties on their heads

Strawhat Luffy: 300,000,000
Pirate Hunter Zoro: 120,000,000
Demon Child Nico Robin: 80,000,000
Black (or Dark) Leg Sanji: 77,000,000
Cyborg Franky: 47,000,000
Sniper King Sogeking: 30,000,000
Cat Burglar Nami: 16,000,000
Cotton Candy Loving Chopper: 50
loving the some of the nicknames, especially chopper's... mmmm, who doesn't love cotten candy... as for chopper's bounty, i'm guessing that they maybe they didn't realize the chopper and his transformations are all one in the same... thus instead of seeing him as the moster that tore apart the tower, they think he's like a pet or something

Sanji, i'm just randomly guessing he's named after his pants... black pants, black legs

and y'know, i think it's time they changed Zoro's nickname... seriously, when was the last time he actually hunted a pirate (just beating a pirate doesn't count as hunting)... they should name him something like "three swords" or something like that... name him after his style of fighting

even thought i don't understand the differance between Zoro and Sanji bounties after all both of them defeated CP9 with almost the same strenght ...
Well you got to remember, bounty is based also on your overall reputation and trackrecord along with your single most highest offence... (hence why it isn't the most accurate why to rank strength)

In addition to Kaku Zoro also has Mr.1 and all of the bounty hunters at whiskey peak under his belt, along with his past reputation as a pirate hunter

Sanji's got nothing other than the Cp9 fight...
The events of skypeia are not on the WG records... considering how Mr.2 wasn't captured right after he was beaten by sanji (unlike Mr.1), i imagine that Captain Hina got the full credit for both the defeat and capture... sanji did nothing in whiskey peak... and all of the fights before that were for henchmen of lowlevel pirates and thus not really worth considering

The second is that I thought Robin's bounty would be a bit higher and in 90-100 million range, Robin got her original bounty as kid soley because of her ability to read Ponegraph. It figures that now she is under protection of Mugiwara Pirate, the figure should go up even higher.
Agreed, sure she didn't fight anyone... but with her knowlege added to the starwhat's declaration of war i would think that the WG would reconize her as even more of a threat...
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Old 2006-11-14, 19:49   Link #14
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great! they finally have updated bounties! hehe. i expected luffy's bounty to be higher actually, he did beat lucci and thousands of basic marines by himself. but its cool that all of them have bounties now, sanji now cannot be teased as being pirate A. haha. and nicknames! hope to see the new chapter out soon!
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Old 2006-11-14, 21:22   Link #15
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luffy's bounty is just too high above the rest.

zorro should have near his bounty at least. looks like hes being made to look weak and insignificant
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Old 2006-11-15, 01:16   Link #16
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Q: Did luffy and the others knew about their new bounties ?? or it is going to take a while like the old one ??
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Old 2006-11-15, 01:40   Link #17
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Looks like they all get to find out at the same time as us (I assume that the bounties came with the paper that Blackbeard was reading about the Mugiwara attacking Enis Lobby).
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Old 2006-11-15, 01:45   Link #18
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Originally Posted by airsBlue View Post
Q: Did luffy and the others knew about their new bounties ?? or it is going to take a while like the old one ??
They know about it. And even though Sanji finally got a bounty as well, let's just say he's not really happy. As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for...".
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Old 2006-11-15, 04:27   Link #19
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we know pretty well their bounties should be way higher than those new bounties put up by the wg. wg just based their bounties on actual happenings that they know. it's gonna be a nice sight when shanks and luffy would meet up together with their crews face to face.. oh boy..
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Old 2006-11-15, 09:23   Link #20
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I doubt very much that Oda has the time to let them fight the shicibukai one by one... I think a much more reasonable way would be to let them fight the whole shichibukai together. Luffy could fight the leader (there are still some unidentified members, remember. It's possible their leader hasn't been uncovered yet), Zoro could fight Mihawk, and so on and so on.

I think that'd be pretty damn cool. It could also be a testimony to how much the crew has grown and become a considerable power. I mean, sooner or later they'll have to pass the ones at the top. If they just remain an unreachable object somewhere up there the manga will never end. Maybe you haven't noticed but it's apparent that for most shounen manga the length of its arcs gets longer and longer as the manga progresses. It could become a serious headache if One Piece drags into the hundreds, since it's already been around for 10 years...
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