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Old 2007-03-25, 02:07   Link #781
Zu Ra
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I would rather see Ichigo being single forever than Inoue . I cant stand Inoue personally the reasons are below I had to search old threads to get my post

Spoiler for manga:

Some of these points in spoiler are irrelevant to this discussion but the rest is related
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Old 2007-03-25, 02:13   Link #782
Ying Yang
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Orihime x Ichigo is too unpopular and I think alot of people would complain if they got together. Everytime I go to a similar chat board people talk about how they can't stand Orihime. Ichigo's too good for Orihime in my opinion. And this pairing is too boring.
With Ichigo and Rukia it's like other anime couples like such as Ranma 1/2, Detictive Conan, Inuyasha etc. the hero and the heroine argues alot with each other and acts like they can't stand each other but the truth is they deeply care for each other.
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Old 2007-03-25, 02:24   Link #783
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Same here. I rather see Ichigo single then ending up with Orihime. And well said as usual Melodymix. I id always adore the I hate you, I love you sorta relationship. Lol
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Old 2007-03-25, 03:17   Link #784
Zu Ra
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The IchiXruki relationship is not just constrained to petty arguments its much more deeper .The problem is both are unwilling to admit there feelings towards each other . Though Rukia is 150 years old and more experienced but when it comes to love she is very much like Ichi . Also both have too much pride to admit their feelings . The only possible way they could be together is when they are having a petty argument with each other one of them gives in and kisses the other . It would be cool if Bleach would pull a TokikoXKazuki ( Bosou Renkin ) on us . But the show being Bleach I dont think its posssible KT wil keep them seprated .

Spoiler for TokikoXKazuki:
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Old 2007-03-25, 03:35   Link #785
Ying Yang
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Originally Posted by Geta Boshi View Post

Spoiler for TokikoXKazuki:
OMG! What ep is that? I must see! Poor Gouta though...
People compare Busou Renkin with Bleach alot. Anyway back to topic *cough* Hope Bleach ends like that with Ichi x Ruki too *cough*

I think if Bleach is ever going to end so far I can only see a ending where Rukia is going back to Soul Society and Ichigo farewelling her, making a Ichi x Ruki moment. Lol.
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Old 2007-03-25, 03:53   Link #786
Zu Ra
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In ep 23 Bosou Renkin I do find a lil similaraty btween Gouta and Renji . Both love the girl in question and both are from the girl's past Yeah also both arnt fond of the protagonist

I guess when Bleach does end Rukia will go to SS say her goodbyes . Ichigo will go crazy missing her but will start carrying on with his life . Then Rukia after some time will make an entry back into Ichi's life and say something corny as " Karkura is my jurisdiction again and NO I didnt come back for you " . Ichigo will retort with " I didnt miss you it was good while you were gone " .

And then then the cyclic romance/petty arguments starts again . When they do say those lines it would be better they shut up and kiss each other but thats purely fanfiction in me head : D
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Old 2007-03-25, 05:41   Link #787
Red Herring
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Originally Posted by Geta Boshi View Post

I guess when Bleach does end Rukia will go to SS say her goodbyes . Ichigo will go crazy missing her but will start carrying on with his life .

I would not be surprised if this will happened as much as it pisses me off. One thing I don't like about shounen is how they resolve romance(that is, they DONT). The only ones I can think of off the top my head are *SPOILER WARNING HERE BE SPOILERS ITS YOUR FAULT NOT MINE IF YOU READ THESE SPOILERS AND GET PISSED YOU DUMB KIDS* Yu Yu(she jumps on him and they deeply kiss) and Kenshin(flash to the future - they're married and have kids <---this is the manga ending anyway).*END SPOILERZ*

KT would BLOW ME away if it ended with Ichi and Rukia together showing actual physical affection for eachother. I mean shounen romance is all build up and no payoff...and there should always be payoff...
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Old 2007-03-25, 07:48   Link #788
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Ichigo and Orihime because both of them have orange hair.
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Old 2007-03-25, 10:18   Link #789
Elegant Destruction
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Originally Posted by Honey_and_Cleaver View Post
Ichigo and Orihime because both of them have orange hair.
you know someone else said that earlier and my response is still the same...

oh my god how superficial!!

and just to note, in cannon orihime hair is light brown, go figure.
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Old 2007-03-25, 11:28   Link #790
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Originally Posted by Geta Boshi View Post
I would rather see Ichigo being single forever than Inoue . I cant stand Inoue personally the reasons are below I had to search old threads to get my post

Spoiler for manga:

Some of these points in spoiler are irrelevant to this discussion but the rest is related
And it is ironic that Rukia was the one who put some sense into Orihime, made her train and helped her to attain her god-like powers. Come to think of it, Rukia is the main reason for most of the main power ups like Ichigo's and Renji's bankai, vizarded Ichigo and Orihime-the-goddess. LOL she is even related with the ultimate power up of Aizen and his co. XD After getting over the guilt of Kaien's death, I hope she will do something about her own power up.

As another note, after the last chapter and KT showed how a shoujo man he is, once again XD So I really expect an amazing ending for Ichgo and Rukia. I believe he has more of these shoujo scenes in his mind and he is going to use them for his most developed characters XDD I used to think that the most we ever can get from them at the end of the series, would be Ichigo and Rukia watching sunset and glaring at each other, or something like that. But I now, do think that he is going to give them the most affectionate scene in Bleach and I hope it will be a happy one. Rukia has been suffering from many emotional scars and Ichigo has had the worst physical damage and continues to add one each day... They need to be happy in the end *squee*
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Old 2007-03-25, 11:37   Link #791
Zu Ra
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True true on the shojo part Rukia may be a Tsunedre but when IciXRuki do hook up who says she wont be lovey dovey . xP

Spoiler for manga:
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Old 2007-03-25, 11:51   Link #792
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Originally Posted by Geta Boshi View Post
True true on the shojo part Rukia may be a Tsunedre but when IciXRuki do hook up who says she wont be lovey dovey . xP

Spoiler for manga:

And I really don't know what Rukia would do if she finds out about Ichigo's or her feelings. She probably has no idea about lovey dovey things, she was a baby when she was dead. So she probably has a little knowledge about love, like everything else that is related to living world. haha thinking about her in a relationship cracks me up XD
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Old 2007-03-25, 11:59   Link #793
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Originally Posted by Elegant Destruction View Post
you know someone else said that earlier and my response is still the same...

oh my god how superficial!!

and just to note, in cannon orihime hair is light brown, go figure.
Yeah, true, nobody can argue a point based on hair-color
Btw, I think you wanted to say "canon", with a single "n".
"Cannon" with a "double n" is this

Just to clarify things! I'm picky I know!

Back to topic:

I would never have thought Inoue could be THIS disliked !!
Personally, I am for an IchixOri pairing. Why is that?

1) pragmatical point: They are both humans to begin with. Having a relationship with some 150 year old spirit is .... well... weird. But again, as we're dealing here with an unrealistic anime to say the least, I'm sure people will argue this point.

2) Orihime is actually really in love with Ichigo. It's not just some childish crush "OMG he is so awesome, cool, OMGWTF kakoi desuuuu".
She is head over heels in love with Ichigo, which is why she seems so "obsessed" about him, thinking about him all the time. That's why these kind of arguments are pointless for me:
  • "I don't like her because her "Kurosaki-kun this, kurosaki-kun that" ways are annoying".
    Guess what? It's perfectly common to be rather one track minded when you're deeply in love!
  • "I think she's annoying because she is jealous of Rukia"
    Have you guys ever been really in love just once? That's again perfectly normal to be jealous of someone who shares a peculiar bond with the person you love. Love is exclusive. If you were in love with some girl, would you be happy to always see the same boy hanging out with her? I'm sure you wouldn't.

So my point is, stop complaining about her behavior when it's obvious her behavior is completely logical according to her feelings towards Ichigo. Again you need to have known true love once to understand what I'm talking about. This feeling sometimes makes you look stupid, right, but it brings so much happiness when it's shared.
As she really does her best, always thinking about Ichigo, I think she deserves the right to live that tidbit of happiness with him, that's why I root for her. She tries so hard it would just be unfair to ignore her. Ichigo needs to open his eyes a little. He's way too dense a character.

3) Please stop this stupid assumption that "because a lot of people think the same, those people are right." I saw a lot of comments stating that because lots of people don't like IchixOri pairing, it shouldn't even be remotely considered.
Tite Kubo most probably don't give a sh*t about what YOU think, regardless of fan popularity, he'll do what he wanna do eventually. So yeah please stop forcing on other people your IchixRukia pairing just 'cause it seems more popular.
Again it's not because lots of people think the same that their thinking prevail.
See Galileo Galilei and his heliocentrism theory, when everyone thought the universe was earth-centered. It turned out he was right in the end. So majority is NOT the truth holder.

4) Besides, an IchixRukia pairing would be so not original, for the same reasons stated above. If so many people are expecting this pairing, it would be rather generic compared to other anime and would completely lack originality.
I like it best when I'm surprised by the author. So far IchixRukia would be plain boring. Too obvious to be real.

5) Let's not forget poor Renji. He, too, has the right to be happy, and I can imagine a good relationship with Rukia.
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Old 2007-03-25, 12:01   Link #794
Zu Ra
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Dont under estimate the Lovey Dovey ness of Tsunedre . Bya may actually have an album of Rukia Pictures . Like Rukia joining Gotei 13 , Rukia with Ukitake , Rukia with SnS , Rukia training with Kaien and Rukia doing this and that : D . He just doesnt show hpw much he loves his Imoto
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Old 2007-03-25, 12:19   Link #795
Elegant Destruction
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Originally Posted by kEi-kun! View Post
Yeah, true, nobody can argue a point based on hair-color
Btw, I think you wanted to say "canon", with a single "n".
"Cannon" with a "double n" is this

Just to clarify things! I'm picky I know!
yes very picky, but we all got one of those obsessive points ^_^

Back to topic:

I would never have thought Inoue could be THIS disliked !!
Personally, I am for an IchixOri pairing. Why is that?

1) pragmatical point: They are both humans to begin with. Having a relationship with some 150 year old spirit is .... well... weird. But again, as we're dealing here with an unrealistic anime to say the least, I'm sure people will argue this point.
ahh, but ichigo father is/was shinigami, and who knows how much older he was compared o ichigo's mother, so that argument is now irrelevant as we know shinigami and humans are seen as the same and can have a relationship from the author perspective.

2) Orihime is actually really in love with Ichigo. It's not just some childish crush "OMG he is so awesome, cool, OMGWTF kakoi desuuuu".
She is head over heels in love with Ichigo, which is why she seems so "obsessed" about him, thinking about him all the time. That's why these kind of arguments are pointless for me:
  • "I don't like her because her "Kurosaki-kun this, kurosaki-kun that" ways are annoying".
    Guess what? It's perfectly common to be rather one track minded when you're deeply in love!
  • "I think she's annoying because she is jealous of Rukia"
    Have you guys ever been really in love just once? That's again perfectly normal to be jealous of someone who shares a peculiar bond with the person you love. Love is exclusive. If you were in love with some girl, would you be happy to always see the same boy hanging out with her? I'm sure you wouldn't.
actually, i think you find that most people in here don't see orihime like that. *and i mean here as in this thread and even the forum maybe*

most of everyone here said they like orihime they just don't see any relationship between her and ichigo as it would be really awkward. at least with rukia there is chemistry, with orihime there would be nervous tension and just sheer awkwardness.

So my point is, stop complaining about her behavior when it's obvious her behavior is completely logical according to her feelings towards Ichigo. Again you need to have known true love once to understand what I'm talking about. This feeling sometimes makes you look stupid, right, but it brings so much happiness when it's shared.
As she really does her best, always thinking about Ichigo, I think she deserves the right to live that tidbit of happiness with him, that's why I root for her. She tries so hard it would just be unfair to ignore her. Ichigo needs to open his eyes a little. He's way too dense a character.
actually i would argue it isn't logical according to her feelings towards ichigo, if anything it is the reverse. if she loved ichigo and saw he had more 'feelings' towards rukia then he does towards her *which she did see apparently, i forgot what manga chapter, it was the one where...

[spoiler=manga]she was healing rukia and then she looked over at ichigo and there is this whole page of her looking away with resignation and acceptance*[/quote]

and i find the whole idea that you have to have 'experienced love' to understand what you are talking about a little hypocritical and absurd. No one can define love not really and its different for each individual person and to base that entire argument on your own experience defeats the point as it is KT experiences that this manga will be based upon not yours i'm afraid.

And even then this is a MANGA, it obvious doesn't follow all the rules of real life.

And she does try her best, that is what we love about her. ^_^

3) Please stop this stupid assumption that "because a lot of people think the same, those people are right." I saw a lot of comments stating that because lots of people don't like IchixOri pairing, it shouldn't even be remotely considered.
Tite Kubo most probably don't give a sh*t about what YOU think, regardless of fan popularity, he'll do what he wanna do eventually. So yeah please stop forcing on other people your IchixRukia pairing just 'cause it seems more popular.
Again it's not because lots of people think the same that their thinking prevail.
See Galileo Galilei and his heliocentrism theory, when everyone thought the universe was earth-centered. It turned out he was right in the end. So majority is NOT the truth holder.
ok, first off, its a known fact that KT does keep up with the fandom, not by day obviously but more by week, and of course that doesn't mean he will allow the audience to influence his decisions but that does indicate that he does give a dam about our opinions and feelings. As i already argued earlier, i truly believe that KT may end this manga on a neutral note so the fans can do what they please.

and comparing manga to the 'world is flat' theory is a little silly by most standards.

4) Besides, an IchixRukia pairing would be so not original, for the same reasons stated above. If so many people are expecting this pairing, it would be rather generic compared to other anime and would completely lack originality.
I like it best when I'm surprised by the author. So far IchixRukia would be plain boring. Too obvious to be real.
actually, i think it would be original. Loads of people are stating that this is an original pairing compared to other anime pairings. even those who usually like the main characters with a secondary characters are finding a hugh attraction towards this paring, because KT has made the flow between Rukia and ichigo so natural and entertaining the audience can't help but be attracted to it.

5) Let's not forget poor Renji. He, too, has the right to be happy, and I can imagine a good relationship with Rukia.
i don't think you are able to argue that one, just because there is another character in love with rukia or the main character etc. doesn't mean they will end up with them, actually if you look at most animes it seems to be the reverse.
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Old 2007-03-25, 12:27   Link #796
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@ Geta Boshi
In ch268 young Rukia was so dorky, the images of your list are hilarious
I got a feeling that Kon and Chappy Rukia are the last step of Ichigo's and Rukia's evolution, they soon will become like that ^__^
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Old 2007-03-25, 13:25   Link #797
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Originally Posted by Elegant Destruction View Post
ahh, but ichigo father is/was shinigami, and who knows how much older he was compared o ichigo's mother, so that argument is now irrelevant as we know shinigami and humans are seen as the same and can have a relationship from the author perspective.
Ichigo's father had given up on his shinigami life when he met his wife. He lived in a gigai. Rukia is still a shinigami and has no intention to leave Soul Society to live in the real world anyway. So I'm sorry, but that argument is perfectly relevant. Isshin and Rukia's stories are completely different. You can't compare them

Originally Posted by Elegant Destruction View Post
most of everyone here said they like orihime
That's not the feeling I had reading this thread.

Originally Posted by Elegant Destruction View Post
actually i would argue it isn't logical according to her feelings towards ichigo, if anything it is the reverse.
Sure it's logical. Even if deep down you know you don't stand a chance, that doesn't mean you can accept everything. When you really love someone, even if you resign, you can't help but feel jealousy, sadness, anger... etc. These are human emotions. You're no computer you know, you can't control everything in your mind/heart.

Originally Posted by Elegant Destruction View Post
and i find the whole idea that you have to have 'experienced love' to understand what you are talking about a little hypocritical and absurd. No one can define love not really and its different for each individual person and to base that entire argument on your own experience defeats the point as it is KT experiences that this manga will be based upon not yours i'm afraid.
Of course Love can't be defined!! In no way I was trying to define it. Even if each love story is indeed unique, the feelings of love are universal. Am I the only one here who experienced jealousy/sadness/happiness in here? lol. I think not.
And I wasn't basing my point on my personal experience. Did I mention anything about my life. No.
I was just saying, love can't be explained, but the feelings of love are known to all who fell in love with somebody at least once in their life. Love is universal.

Originally Posted by Elegant Destruction View Post
And even then this is a MANGA, it obvious doesn't follow all the rules of real life.
In that case all your arguments in favor of Ichi x Rukia are irrelevant! If you say it doesn't have to follow reality logics, then the so-called chemistry you're talking about between them is no argument!

Originally Posted by Elegant Destruction View Post
ok, first off, its a known fact that KT does keep up with the fandom, not by day obviously but more by week, and of course that doesn't mean he will allow the audience to influence his decisions but that does indicate that he does give a dam about our opinions and feelings.
Yeah I agree with that. That's what I wanted to express. He may be interested in what people may think, but in no way that will influence his works. So it's pointless to use the "huge fan popularity" argument.

Originally Posted by Elegant Destruction View Post
and comparing manga to the 'world is flat' theory is a little silly by most standards.
If you had read just a bit you would have known this isn't about the "world being flat or round" debate (which is a WRONG common idea about Galile: no he wasn't sentenced to death because of that, we're talking about heliocentrism here). People knew the world was round LONG before Galile era. This is actually about the earth rotating around the sun theory, while most scientists thought the earth was static and it was the sun which was rotating around it. Which was plain wrong.
Anyway, now that you've learned something new, this served as an example. What most people think ISN'T always right. And I gave you this very famous example. Don't see what's silly in this, except the fact you were completely mistaken about Galile's story in the first place.

Originally Posted by Elegant Destruction View Post
actually, i think it would be original. Loads of people are stating that this is an original pairing compared to other anime pairings. even those who usually like the main characters with a secondary characters are finding a hugh attraction towards this paring, because KT has made the flow between Rukia and ichigo so natural and entertaining the audience can't help but be attracted to it.
Guess I'm an exception then. And I'm not the only one.
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Old 2007-03-25, 14:14   Link #798
Zu Ra
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Elegant Destruction dont bother replying Im-Polite Posters who dont how to post or be polite to other posters for that matter . If theposts gets too personal or irritating or insulting REPORT THE POSTS ( ). Yes you were quoted first and pretty much was insulting ( count number of times lol has been used )

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I should have done earlier that but I dont pick on Noobs . And about Canon I think you should be getting advice or input from a person who belives fillers are canon and have any releivance to Bleach Verse
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Old 2007-03-25, 15:15   Link #799
Ying Yang
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I just find it really stupid how all Ichi x Ori fanz hate Rukia. If it wern't for Rukia she still would have felt very weak and stuff. Plus people say Orihime actually loves Ichigo so she deserves him but I say she's waaaaaay too obsessed with him
and who said Rukia dosen't care about Ichigo?
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Old 2007-03-25, 15:23   Link #800
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Same here. They are probabley jealous cause Rukia's the heroine of Bleach, gets more attention from fanz, popular character than her etc.

Anyway I do wish KT is aware how there are waaaaay more Ichi x Ruki fanz in the world. I don't think Ori would end up with Ichigo cause he just drew her as a girl that likes him. With Rukia, like everyone keeps mentioning KT drew them with a special bond eg. Memories In The Rain, Black Sun White Moon etc. and if Orihime is going end up with Ichigo wouldn't she get more attention from KT like drawing her in the Bleach 2007 calander(which she did NOT appear in), putting her more in the Bleach OVA and movie(she only appeared like 20 sec) and I know these things wouldn't affect much but just shows how "important" her character is
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