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Old 2008-03-22, 13:37   Link #1
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Your favorites from the 90s!

I think a lot of older fans might agree....anime from 1990 to 1999 were really great! For a lot of us, those titles were our introductions to this magical world. XD
I wanted to take some time to recognize them and look back and talk to other fans about them!

Mine (not in order or anything):

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon-This was my first anime when I was actually aware of what anime was. It will always have a special place in my heart and it's also why mahou shoujo is still my favorite genre to this day.

Night Walker-Extremely underrated, this remains to be my favorite vampire anime! Mostly just for the characters. I adore Shidou and Riho and Guni!

Dragon Half-Have I met anyone who didn't enjoy this? No, I haven't.

Devil Hunter Youko-THIS was my first horror series. Dark and awesome. Youko's character design is really neat. Also the first anime series that was ever brought to the USA by A.D. Vision!

Shinesman-Best. Power Rangers. Parody. EVER.

Tenchi Muyo/Universe-I have so much love for this series and its movies. It was my first harem. But it's great how it's a harem with sci-fi action thrown in! It's so interesting and unique for its time!!

Princess Rouge-Still my favorite OVA...that was never finished. *cries*

Galaxy Fraulein Yuna-I wonder if anyone remembers this thing of....cuteness.

My Dear Marie-My first ecchi series that I bought on VHS. XD It was really wonderful and funny and strange. I need to track down the manga to get the full story some day....

Kodomo No Omocha (first two arcs only)-My favorite non-fantasy shoujo. I still have some of the fansubs...on vhs!

Yu Yu Hakusho-Classic. I still really like it.

Slayers-Need I really say anything? XD

Lost Universe-Well, it's by the creator of Slayers!!

Maze-Hilarious and interesting too.

Gundam Wing-First mecha series!

Martian Successor Nadesico-Underrated! D:

Outlaw Star-love it way more than Bebop. Gene's really cool!

*looks at list* Goodness, that's a lot. Can't help it though...I really love them all!
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Old 2008-03-22, 14:19   Link #2
The Chaos
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Mine Rurouni Kenshin
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Old 2008-03-22, 14:27   Link #3
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Originally Posted by Chiibi
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna-I wonder if anyone remembers this thing of....cuteness
Yep, was a fun little show
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Old 2008-03-22, 14:55   Link #4
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Cowboy Bebop
Kare Kano
Rurouni Kenshin
Serial Experiments Lain
To a lesser degree:
Devilman Lady
Night Walker
...and more that don't come to mind...
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Old 2008-03-22, 15:26   Link #5
Osana-Najimi Shipper
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Sailor Moon - Absolutely awesome IMO, from beginning to end. It might very well be the reason why I'm so into romance anime these days, considering I saw this when I was in a very impressionable age lol. That said, I really don't care much about the sequels, as it was basically the same as the Dragon Balls after the original Dragon Ball IMO.

DNA2 - my favourite of Masakazu Katsura's works, as it deals with time travel (my favourite sci-fi element) and combines it with a well done love triangle we all know and love from his other works like I''s and Video Girl Ai.

Mononoke Hime, Umi ga Kikoeru, Whispers of the Heart - the three best Ghibli films IMO, in that order with Mononoke Hime being the best.

Ninja Scroll - blood, gore, and sex, all in late night TV? That alone deserves a mention considering it's anime, but the story itself was well done IMO.

Marmalade Boy - my first encounter with Yoshizumi's works, and it's something that held my attention till the very end. Probably my first encounter with the possibliity of incest (think True Tears).

Magic Knight Rayearth - kick ass OP, kick ass fight scenes, kick ass story. What's not to love?

H2 - One of the few series in which I thank God that it didn't follow through to the ending of the manga (which to be fair it couldn't, as the manga ended 3 years after the series did). Hint: the other series I can think of is Angelic Layer. XD That said, it's a good series on its own right even if it did follow the ending of the manga, I must admit.

Escaflowne - In all honesty, this is the fantasy Macross. From variable mecha to good music to love triangles as the show's focus, it encompasses what made Macross good and gives it a more fantastic approach

Kodomo no Omocha - IMO, the Haruhi before Haruhi was even created. God, Sana is as crazy as Haruhi. XD

Hana Yori Dango - First reverse harem I ever saw, and one where the romance was actually very well done. There's a reason why the live action drama is so popular.

Nadesico - I find it amusing when I first saw it. I now find it hilarious now that I know all the inside jokes.

Revolutionary Girl Utena - once I got past the lesbian undertones, the story is just epic. And hey, it proves girls can be GAR too.

Cardcaptor Sakura - the best magical girl show that little girls should never watch lol. And yes, I do mean that with shoujo-ai, shounen-ai, cousin-cest, and pedophilia all rolled up into one convenient anime package. XD

Princess 9 - an all girls team trying to fight in an all male baseball world to get to Koushien? I love my baseball anime/manga, and a big twist like this certainly held my interest apart from the obvious message of female power trying to stand in a male dominated world (of which to this day I think gender imbalance on management positions is still prevalent)

Sentimental Journey - think Kita e, but older. It certainly had more touching stories IMO though.

KareKano - get's a mention as its a well known anime in which the animators really effed up the series halfway through. Won't be the first, nor the last time from either Gainax or JC Staff. Still, the beginning is strong enough to warrant it a place in my favourite shows of the 90's

To Heart - from memory, it's the first eroge adaptation that wasn't hentai. And it was damn good too, IMO, though I know Japan wouldn't agree as Multi isn't as in the forefront as they would like lol. I certainly could care less about her, but then again I'm very biased against non-humans.

Turn A Gundam - Best gundam ever IMO, but then again I've only seen the ones past Gundam Wing.

Great Teacher Onizuka - At times hilarious, at times moving, at times it gets your blood racing. Just Freaking Great Anime.

Cybersix - When I first saw this on teletoon, I was thinking, isn't this anime? And looking at the credits now, it actually was. No wonder I liked it's artstyle so much.

Infinite Ryvius - Best mecha show ever? I do think so, but then again it's loosely based on of the greatest novels ever (or so say the critics).

And that's not including the 'sequels' to older series, such as Yawara, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Ranma 1/2, and Macross.

There's also my list of honorable mentions, series I felt worth mentioning despite me not really liking that much.
Spoiler for save space:

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
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Old 2008-03-22, 15:34   Link #6
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Obviously from my user name I'm seconding GTO. It manages to be hilarious and inspirational.

Cowboy bebop: I really can't think of anything this show does wrong really. I think it's great all around.

Golden Boy: It's crude, but hey I laughed a lot. Episode 5 was a total riot.

Dragon Half: The only flaw this OVA has is that it ends rather abruptly. A shame, it was very funny while it lasted.
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Old 2008-03-22, 15:47   Link #7
Osana-Najimi Shipper
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A follow up on my post...

Most influential anime in the 90's for me: Sailor Moon
Apart from what I mentioned, Minako for the longest time ever was THE female character design for me.

Best anime of the 90's IMO: Mononoke Hime
From it's symbolism to parallels with real life conflict of nature vs technology, the movie was able to give a message that wasn't heavy-handed AND still told a grand story. A definite classic in every sense of the world.

Favourite anime of the 90's: Infinite Ryvius
Escaflowne comes a close second, but Infinite Ryvius wins out by a hair on how the story depicts human nature.

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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Old 2008-03-22, 17:40   Link #8
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Ten from the top of my head and in this order of preference:

Record of Lodoss War - Greatest adaptation of a AD&D campain ever. It was stereotypical, yes. But something about the characters were so loveable that I really felt sad when Ghim left and even more sad when Ashram realized that, in other circumstance, he could have been friends with Parn.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventures - At that time I did not have a clue about what were Stands, but there were something about the beautifully done fights that made it stand out over the action shonen I watched earlier.

Mononoke Hime - It is one of my favorite fantasy animated movies, it delivered a nice deal of epic, with a few questions raised over the relationship between humans and nature.

Cyber City Oedo 808 - One of the first "Kawajiri" shows I have been exposed to. Sengoku, Gogul and Benten are still criminal characters I've define as badass.

Ninja Scroll - Another Kawajiri.

AD Police - I loved it better than Bubblegum Crisis. Maybe the darkers and grittier tone.

Cowboy Bebop - A great homage to 1970s-1980s american series.

Macross Plus - The anime that made me discover and love Yoko Kanno.

My Neighbor Totoro - Another of my favorite Ghibli movie.

The Cockpit - One of the very few, or maybe the only one, anime that attempted to comment on war w/o end up to look silly. And coated in the Leiji Matsumoto touch.
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Old 2008-03-22, 20:36   Link #9
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You know, I'm almost scared to say, since it's been so long and my taste has improved...

What I enjoyed in the 90s, with no claims that they actually stand up as good...

Anime from the 90s that I enjoyed and actually saw in the 90s (A good number of which I didn't get to see all of, due to unavailability in my area):
Tenchi Muyo - The OVAs and first movie.
Aa! Megami-sama - Admittedly, I only saw the first couple of episodes... but I enjoyed them.
Here is Greenwood - I recall it being light hearted and hilarious. Didn't get to see it all the way through.
Sorcerer Hunters - You know, I remember enjoying this, but every fact I can remember about it just makes me think that I must have been insane. Another series I only saw the first part of. I think I only watched it for Hayashibara Megumi.
Roujin Z - This movie takes a hard look at some of the consequences of Japan's increasingly aging society and increasing reliance on automation. Somehow, that doesn't stop it from being very strange, action packed, and hilarious. Its poignance was probably lost in its weirdness and other elements, but that didn't keep me from liking it in some strange way. It was much more tongue-in-cheek and far less self-important than the creator's more famous work, Akira.
Serial Experiments Lain - I was fascinated by this show's foundation on the consequences of youth culture being so disaffected and disconnected from adult society combined with its intense style and the sci-fi direction it took. Another show I didn't get to see all of. I do recall thinking what I heard of the story's later direction was pretty outright stupid, but I can't really pass judgement on it without having seen more of it.

Anime from the 90s that I saw at a later time and ended up on my favorites list:
Porco Rosso - Another Miyazaki classic, in his style from the 80s. It felt a bit too long, and it was slow, but that didn't mean it wasn't great. It's a pity I haven't liked anything he's done since.
Cowboy Bebop - I rarely approve of something so episodic, but it was purposeful in this aspect. It was fun, funny, and had a marvelous sense of style (oh, and a great soundtrack). Cowboy Bebop deserves a look from any one who can appreciate the work behind the medium for its intentional and masterful blend of Japanese and American film style and influence from mid 1900s American music. I just hate that episodes 3 and 4 were such GARBAGE when the rest of the series is so good (really sad since it "spoils" a musical piece heard in a more moving scene later). I have trouble watching it due episode 19 ("Wild Horses") conflicting with a sad event in recent history (those who've seen it know what I'm referring to).
Trigun - One of my favorites. Great humor, great style, great action, an interesting mashup of "old west" style and sci-fi, and a wonderful take on a true "Nice Guy" character (and a rare series that makes it completely on its own merits, entirely without sexual fanservice grabs for attention). For any one watching the series, though, I recommend skipping episodes 10 and 11 the first time through (they're filler that spoils a little something that was originally intended to be revealed later), and reading Trigun Maximum #1 before watching episode 18, as the manga does it MUCH better job here (rare, since the anime is usually better, IMO) and lets the reader wonder about something that the anime makes PAINFULLY obvious. Other than these little quirks here, I recommend it without hesitation.

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Old 2008-03-22, 21:01   Link #10
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Well, three anime comes to mind, two of them currently hold the #2 and #3 spots in my top ten and the third was on my top ten:

Cardcaptor Sakura: Amazing animation for 1998, seriously. I thought I was watching a recent anime when I first watched it.

Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal: Yes, Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen. Epic beyond words.

Cowboy Bebop: Even though I hate episodic anime, this one stood out by a mile.
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Old 2008-03-22, 22:51   Link #11
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Firstly, I'd like to say that I never actually saw any of these shows in the 90s, since I was younger and didn't have access to anime other than when it was on TV. Like many american teenagers today, my first experience with anime was the original Toonami run on Cartoon Network. With that out of the way, heres the list:

Well, I'm currently watching Cowboy Bebop, which is brilliant.

Although on its own merits, it isnt exactly a very good show, Gundam Wing will have a place in my heart since it was one of the very first anime I watched and is largely responsible for the anime boom that took place in the US.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most provocative shows ever. You either love it or hate it. Well I love it, and if you don't agree then go dig a hole. (j/k)

Outlaw Star: a lot of fun to watch..... fun fun fun

Last edited by mcruz1014; 2008-03-22 at 23:41.
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Old 2008-03-22, 23:37   Link #12
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Cowboy Bebop. nuff said. It always feel weird for me to see it considered an oldie when I think it's still very modern 10 years later.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho : one shounen to rule them all.
Mugen no Ryvius : one of the most underrated show ever. Also one of the darkest. Far more disturbing than all those gory shows
Visions of Escaflowne : mecha with cape and sword = win
Nadesico : the classic of space op.
Slayers : Lina and Xeloss are among my favorite characters ever.
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Old 2008-03-23, 13:00   Link #13
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Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star and Slayers were my favorites <3
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Old 2008-03-23, 17:56   Link #14
Wiggle Your Big Toe
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G Gundam
Cowboy Bebop
Yu Yu Hakusho
Tenchi Muyo
Tenchi Universe
Gundam Wing
Neon Genesis

Those are all the ones I could name off the top of my head. There were so many more great ones.
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Old 2008-03-23, 18:08   Link #15
Ha ha ha ha ha...
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My favorites from way back when. Well, it's "way back" for me. I'm not even sure if these are from the 90's, but that's when I WATCHED them.

Dragonball/Dragonball Z
G Gundam
Tenchi Muyo
Cowboy Bebop
Ah! My Goddess
Yu Yu Hakusho
Rurouni Kenshin
Princess Mononoke

As well as being from the 90's most of these were the first anime series I ever watched. I really loved these series, and DBZ, Rurouni Kenshin, and Yu Yu Hakusho I watced more-or-less religiously while they were being aired. And I am proud of this.
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Old 2008-03-23, 19:00   Link #16
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Yu Yu Hakusho Childhood shonen which I still like to watch sometimes

Dragon Ball Z Well it's actually what got me into anime as kid, I only ever rewatch it these days out of nostalgia but I realize its actually pretty bad...

Outlaw Star A nice adventure to go through...

Serial Experiments Lain Ah too many things to say about this, but if you dislike this show you're either A) Not smart enough to understand it(40% of viewers, not the type of people I see on AS though), B) Have a distaste for this type of anime (35% of viewers), or C) Are actually smart enough but disagree strongly with messages presented or direction taken (10% of viewers). Yea from my experience only 15% of people seem to actually like this show. I personally regard it as great, I have trouble understanding many things in it though.

Esclafowne It was an ok anime, another summer's watch for me.

Gundam Wing I was really big into this in the past as a kid, and I still enjoy to watch this series.

Neon Gensis Evangelion - For me this has always been the GOAT of anime if you subtract the Gainax budget cuts in animating... You are a heretic to dislike this anime! No it's ok, it seems people are pretty split on this show

Cowboy Bebop In terms of style, nothing has surpassed it just yet.

Rurouni Kenshin Childhood shonen like Yu Yu Hakusho but I can still watch it.

G Gundam It was meh.

Tenchi Muyo Funny show for me when I was kid as will, don't think much of it anymore.
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Old 2008-03-23, 19:49   Link #17
Terrestrial Dream
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Ah I love the 90's so many of my favorite anime came from 90's. And why isn't anyone mentioning GaoGaiGar ?
GaoGaiGar- my favorite anime of all time, to me it was perfect super robot anime. It had lot of super robot cliche but it was cliche that was done so well that it was perfect imo. It wasn't complex like many other anime, it was pretty simple the story, but I love the characters and their spirits which is what made the show great. GaoGaiGar, to this day I still watch some of the old episode, the animation isn't great , but still everything that what it was is still there and I still love it, and to this day it is my favorite anime.
Other I will mention, Fighbird, Migth Gain, Goldran, Da Garn, and J-Decker, all part of Yuusha series (Brave Saga).
Tekkaman Blade, Nadesico, Cyber Formula, G Gundam, Gundam X, Gundam Wing EW, Slayers, Macross Plus
, and probably I watched more.
I loved the 90's as I started watched it, and it is personal golden age of anime for the reason mentioned above.
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Old 2008-03-23, 20:48   Link #18
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Iria, because it turned out to be boatloads better than the b-flick from which it was based on: Zeiram.
Tenchi, Ranma, and Slayers as well (usually a given). Older stuff I was introduced to in the early 90s would have been G-Force (aka Gatchaman).
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Old 2008-03-25, 10:24   Link #19
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Trigun comes to mind, one of my favorites
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Old 2008-03-25, 12:13   Link #20
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I also liked Trigun, like most of you guys. Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III aka Vash is one of my favorite characters.
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