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Old 2007-10-16, 00:08   Link #1
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Romania and that says everything
Age: 35
Summer Babes ~Fanfic by KnekO~

Summer Babes

-Chapter 1:Those two bastards-

* “...Watashi tsuiteiku yo
Donna tsurai sekai no yami no naka de sae
Kitto anata wa kagayaite
Koeru mirai no hate
Yowasa yue ni tamashii kowasarenu you ni
My way kasanaru yo
Ima futari ni God bless...”

As usual the mp3 portable was more than enough to help him overcome the boredom represented by the school classes and surely providing him with a one way ticket to dream land.
‘That’s right...growled the owner of the blessed device.’It’s soon going to be just me and you *Haruhi...’.
The song would cause wonders on this peculiar individual as in no more than 3 minutes he was already far away from the rest of the class.
‘I’m so lucky to have a girl like you!...I mean *Kisara and *Saber are cute can’t make me choose from the three of you...I love you all you know...He he he...I’m easily ticklish there...’.
Yes, he was not only sleeping like no tomorrow in the middle of the romanian class with the headphones to maximum but he was also sleep-talking.Guess he wasn’t the smartest one either.
‘Dude...wake the hell up!...Man, the teacher is lookin’ this way!...’All efforts to wake him up were in vain, and even though he knew he would get in trouble too, Alex continued to shake his delirious benchmate.
‘Rei, for the love of God!...wake up you idiot!’
Rei’s condition changed only for the worse as he giggled.
‘Hi hi hi!...Saber you were supposed to be the timid type!’
Unfortunately his fantasies would soon collapse as cruel reality replaced them.
‘MISTER REI!!!’shouted the middle aged romanian teacher.’WAKE UP THIS VERY INSTANT!’
‘Urgh...I can’t lose this hag even in my dreams...’he snarled while slowly returning back to life.’I can’t even sleep in my own bed...’he managed to say as soon as he opened his eyes.His Nemesis glared back at him as she realised who was the hag that ruined her student’s precious wet classroom dream.
With a voice as sweet as honey but as dangerous as a viper, the severely angry woman asked Rei:
‘Oh, dear mister Rei...I didn’t mean to wake you up from your precious sleep.It appears that you work so hard in the middle of the night to feed your 3 children and pay your taxes that you can’t possibly handle the pressure caused by the last class of this year.Well let’s make a deal that we both would benefit from it.Let’s see now...would you be ever so kind to take a little trip to the principal’s office?’
In his last year as a highschool student, Rei managed to take more trips to the principal than grades, however that didn’t please him one bit.He felt the ground crumbling under his feet as he asked his teacher for forgiveness.
‘I’m sorry miss Pops, It won’t happen again.’
The rest of the class smirked with joy.Rei remained oblivious to them as he knew that this was the last day he was obliged to wake up every morning to go to school.This summer was going to be great.Yes, the only thoughts that compelled him to wake up this day.
As soon as the class was over he started to pack his things up for what would be the last time.At 18 years old, standing at a normal height with short spikey black hair and greenish eyes he wasn’t the classiest looking guy in the school.His ripped jeans, black shirt and bored look made up for his appearance and as soon as he walked outside he pulled out a cigar and started to puff while resting on a small fence.His moment of peace and quiet would soon end as his benchmate and buddy Alex brought him some bad news...
‘Hey Rei! you’re in trouble, man!’
‘Calm down bro.It’s not like the world will fall apart,’ calmly responded Rei as he gave him a smoke.’Now take it easy and tell me what’s going on.’
‘You see...’however Alex’s words vanished as a frightened expression covered his face.’B-behind you...’he managed to mutter in despair.
‘What’s gotten into you?’ said Rei as he turned to the point where his amigo pointed.He finally realised the true meaning behind his warnings as his girlfriend was standing there obviously blazing with anger.His words came too late:
‘H-he-hey b-babe! he squealed in terror. ‘I’m s-sorry I forgot yesterday about our date, I...!’
A loud and painful punch echoed on the highschool grounds.Dazzed by the power of the hit, Rei fell upside down the fence.
No hit in the world would compare to the low blow he received right now from the angry redhead in front of him.As he slowly started to get up, Rei muttered in a low voice.
‘Listen up you uptight bitch, you can hit me and you can say anything about me but when you insult anime and my best friend you crossed the line...’.
‘Heh...’ the girl froze in awe.’Well it’s your fault you know...!said the lass.
‘MAYBE!’ exploded Rei ‘But that’s NOT a reason to insult my best friend like that.We’re done!I don’t need a ignorant girlfriend like you.Why can’t you be like Kisara?!
‘Fine with me you “otacus” jerk!’ snapped the girl back.
‘And it’s OTAKU!he yelled as his ex was leaving waving that distinct finger at him.
As soon as he calmed down and said goodbye to his classmates for the summer, Rei picked his bag and headed to the other school building in front of him.After 10 more minutes of waiting and smoking like a chimney.He heard a sarcastic yet friendly voice:
‘I heard Michelle’s battle roars from the middle of my history class, told you she was a psycho...’
‘Dan-chan!’ squealed Rei.
Standing in front of him was a taller than average 17 years old boy.He was dressed as usual with a loose shirt and casual jeans.His straight longish hair was carefully parted using hair gel and the look on his face betrayed his smarty pants nature.Yet this person was the only guy Rei could call best friend and otaku partner.As they shook hands and exchanged their usual salutes both of them left for home together.
‘Told ya, man!’ said Dan after taking a deep smoke.’Girls in this country are all short minded.Every time you manage to hook up with one, it ends the same.I told you like a million times.Girls meant for us can be found only in Japan or animes.The second option is available only in dreams and the first one in a few years.’
‘Yeah...I know what you mean but Michelle really wasn’t like that the first time we met.She was timid and mild natured.How was I supposed to know she would turn into a freaking *Lucy 2.0?!’ answered Rei.
‘Well, you should’ve trusted my “psycho senses”.This way you woudn’t have had to put up with any of your other girls.Meh....good thing she didn’t pull a *boxcutter on you!’ smirked Dan.
‘Well at least I’m not a like a certain woman-hater virginity-keeper...’ said Rei with a malicious face.
‘*Urusai baka!’ came the fast response.
After 20 minutes of chatting and making fun of one another it was time for the two of them to discuss more important matters.
‘Duuuuudeeeeee!This summer is gonna be the greatest ever!My parents are leaving tommorow for France for the whole vacation!’ almost screamed in excitement Rei.
‘Maaaaaaaaaaaan!and mine are leaving me to stay at your place for three whole months!!!responded Dan in a similar tone.
‘THIS SUMMER IS GONNA BE ALL 2D GIRLS SUMMER!!!’ high fived the two of them in joy as they parted for the day in the disgusted looks of passing people.

Next day, at 11 AM both of them met up in the local market square and parted to buy the “provisions” they needed for their upcoming “One Day Anime Marathon”.
‘Soooooo I’ll go get the pizza and sweets and you’ll take care of the Pepsi and cigs, right?’ said Rei.
‘Roger that!’ approved Dan.’We meet back here in 30 minutes with no delays!’
Shortly after, Dan arrived at the mini market.
‘Let’s see...I’ll have 2 big bottles of Pepsi Twist and two packs of Malboro Ultra Lights.’As he paid for the stuff and got out of the store he just couldn’t help but notice the comic scene in front of him.A young and cute blonde girl was chasing a dog who seemed to be running away with her backpack.As the dog dashed in Dan’s direction the lass begged him for help:
However, her pleads were ignored as Dan only muttered as he turned his back and walked to the meeting spot:
‘Yeah right, as I would ever again help a damsel in distress.Do it yourself missy.’
As he walked from the scene he had the strange feeling that only he was meant to hear the girl’s curse like threat:
‘I wish you’d feel the same amount
Of compassion as I felt
And only by becoming one as me
Will you be able to repent.’
On the other side of the square, after purchasing the food and sweets Rei prepared to head back to meet with his friend when...
A sudden and terrible pain engulfed his head as he was practically knocked back by the person who tumbled into him.As he oppened his eyes he saw the very lolita looking girl his friend refused to help(of course unknown to the likes of him).As he picked up his packages and cleaned his clothes he turned and snapped at the dizzy girl:
‘You know you have guts for dashing head-first into me and not even apologising, you idiot!Now cough up some money for the pizza you destroyed before I kick your sorry ass!’
‘I-I’m very sorry sir!’said the frightened girl.’I was chasing for that dog and...’
That’s when Rei realised he was talking to a very cute girl.The dress,her blond natural pigtails,green eyes and lolita appearance were more than enough for him.Forgetting the pizza or his anger he had a sudden change in spirits.
‘ problem, babe!I’m very sorry for yelling at you...Here, let me help you up!’he offered kindly but proceeded into...
*Fondle-Fondle Grope-Grope*
Truth been told, ever since grade school Rei became what people and even his best friend call an “Open Pervert”, title which didn’t bother him at all as he took pride in fondling girls no matter the circumstances or places.The lass however forgetting her shy moment kicked her “benefactor” in his weak point with the strength of a angry lioness.As Rei was rolling on the floor in what he called the “Sweet Price of Love” she cursed him in the same cold tone she did to Dan, before vanishing in the crowd.
‘Girls...who needs them.’ was the only thought that raced trough Rei’s mind as he hurried to the meeting point.
After 5 more minutes the two friends met up and like nothing happened enjoyed their first free day of their summer vacation.However the following night both of them had a strange and confusing dream.
They were standing on a green field watching the stars.Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice and as they turned in to where it was coming from they saw the same girl they treated so poorly the last day.
‘YOU!!!’ they both yelled in amazement.’What are you doing in our dream?!’ they soon realised however other facts.
‘Wait a a matter of fact what are YOU doing in my dream?’ asked Dan.
‘Same goes for you, dude!’ said Rei ‘Ohhhh wait a sec... this is like in that anime when we get a soul link and super powers!COOL!!!’ continued in utter naive and happy tone.
“This doesn’t feel right though...if we are here and all then perhaps this bitch here...”Dan talked to himself.
‘Clever thoughts!’ said the girl who was wearing a black dress and was standing on a high rock. ‘Unlike the blockhead next to you, you realised that my presence here could only mean your downfall.’
‘Wait a sec...who are you callin’ a blockhead, babe?’ Rei joined the conversation ‘I thought we had a moment back then...’ he smirked at the red faced lass.
‘God bless that moment!and please keep the praises going, babe!’ Rei responded in a theatrical pose.
‘God?...’ the girl sneered. ‘God won’t help you now for I, Anabell, am here to personally reward you bastards for the ill treatment you gave to the girls in your lives!Now receive your just rewards!’ and as soon as she finished her words both Rei and Dan were struck by lightning and...
‘OH MY GOD!!!’ Rei screamed in terror as the room echoed in a high pitched girl’s voice.
Without paying attention to such minor details he jumped from his bed and dashed straight to the bathroom to wash his face.Unfortunately, as soon as he gazed in the mirror he found a new reason to scream.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Well this is my first chapter of my new creation.Hmm...first of all I would like to point out that this isn't actually a fanfic made from the ideea of some anime.Summer Babes is more like a biography of me and Bondius's life about a year ago.Of cours we did not turn into girls but the fantasy part I assure you it is pure original since I had a a series of dreams(ok...nightmares) when it happened just like in the story.A good friend of mine started the artwork and by all accounts I think it will worth a try.Please excuse my english and minor mistakes but I'm in a hurry.Also if there are any complains,suggestions etc you are more than welcome to post on this thread.bbye=(^.^)=
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Old 2007-10-22, 06:41   Link #2
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Romania and that says everything
Age: 35
-Chapter 2: Girlyboys -

Day 1:

It was a quiet beautiful day.The sun warmed the neighborhood, the birds started singing, and people would have to leave the comfort of their beds and leave to work or the market.In short, it was the perfectly normal saturday morning.
In a comfy bed, far away in his dreams Dan was still sleeping like a rock.Ever since he started highschool little things such as waking up in the morning at 8 AM or walking the dog whenever the mutt felt like were long forgotten.Because of the afternoon classes he attends, he would no longer consider other waking hours except long past 11 or 12 PM....However, due to some unfortunate circumstances he would soon...
‘WHAT THE HELL?!’ Dan yelled while throwing his pillow and getting up in a grump mode.’WHO WOULD WAKE ME UP AT 9 AM ON A SATUR...!’
The shock was too much for him to bear.As he crossed the living room to where the phone was ringing he caught a glimpse of him in the mirror.He was quite well known for being a calm an collected person but the sight was just too much for him to handle.In the mirror he saw the reflection of a beautiful, tall, girl with long black hair.Now the sight was so amazing that Dan lost his cool for the first time in his life.Forgetting about small matters such as picking the phone he desperately started to scream in a girly tone.
‘WHAT’S GOIN ON HERE?!WHY ME?!WHY A GIRL?!...wait a sec’ he stopped realizing the holy chance.
The new Dan stepped in front of the mirror.After 5 minutes of intense staring at the beautiful sight she took out a cigarette and as she collapsed on the couch she let out a big sigh.
‘I never thought that the first pair of boobs I would see would be my very own...’.
Two blocks away Rei had problems of his own.
‘Dammit! never pick up when I need you Dan!...’ he whispered to himself in agony.
Earlier that day he had gone trough the same amount of shock as his friend though still quite different...
~1 hour earlier~
Yes...irony again.Apart from waking up as a girl.Apart from missing his usual morning wood.Rei had a bigger problem:
‘Why...why is my hair blonde?...’, she muttered in despair.
The bathroom mirror didn’t feel like sharing his usual reflection.Instead of his normal face the sight of a cute girl with shocked eyes and blonde hair filled the space in the mirror.While examinating every detail, Rei found out furthermore that the only things his old body shared with the new one were his eyes, messy hair(even though of a different colour), and PJ’s.
As she turned and touched every minor detail of her body, Rei became more and more impatient.Though a girl at body he was still the same perv inside.
‘Uuuuuu nice boobies...not very big but flat chested girls have their charm for the main course...’, she giggled.
‘Figures!’ she snapped, ‘of course I can’t be happy even for a second, but maybe Dan woke up...boy is he gonna have a shock...’ and with the last words she answered the phone.In the sweetest voice possible:
‘Oh yes, this is the Sander’s residence, my name is Rena the house-maid, how may I be of service?’
‘Cut the crap Rei!Your girly voice is still the same, but on the other hand I have to talk to you as fast as possible.’ snapped an angry voice.
‘Babe I dunno what’s your problem, but at least tell me your name.’ Rei told her.
‘I’m Dan you douche!’ screamed the girl in a sharp tone. ‘Believe it or not but I turned into a girl with full packs.Oh man...I can’t believe I’m sayin this, but I’M HOT!’
‘...Don’t tell me...’managed Dan to whisper.
‘...Me too bro...’answered Rei.
‘In a half hour I’m at your place.Get some tea and cigs ready because I feel we’re gonna need them.’ concluded Dan and hung the phone.
After 15 minutes of smoking and further examinating her boobs, Rei changed into some pants and a T-shirt.Smallest sizes in the apartment.
‘Oh boy is he gonna have a shock to see such a site’ Rei smiled as she washed her face.
Not long after he heard the usual knocks on the door and after ignoring the confused look on her dobermann’s face Rei opened the door:
‘Ohaio gozaimasu Goshujin-Sama*...what can your humble maid do for you?...’
‘...I’ll smack you if you don’t let me inside faster.’ muttered the figure in the trench coat.
And without anymore words Rei invited Dan inside the living room.After one or two minutes of quiet Rei managed:
‘Sooo are you gonna show me your face already?’
No response.Annoyed Rei continued:
‘You saw me...I’ve become a chick.A blonde chick.It’s only fair that you let me see you.’
‘What the hell, man?I promise I won’t laugh even if you’re flat chested.Or is it maybe that you’re ugly?’
Without a word Dan revealed her body.She was dressed in a pair of jeans and a rather big shirt.
‘Happy?’ she asked Rei.
‘...’ silence treatment again.
‘...Why?’ Rei asked in a low voice.
‘What do you mean with that?And why are you angry?’ noticed Dan.
A swift punch from the more endowed girl calmed her stressed friend.
‘That hurt, you milk factory!’ snapped the blondie back, and then to herself ‘It’s not fair...’
‘YOU IDIOT!The first concern you had after seeing me and yourself in these state is our boob size?!Don’t you think there are more important matters?!’ Dan asked the confused girl in front of her.
‘...That’s right!’ answered Rei ‘I BET MY ASS IS CUTER THAN YOURS!’
Nope.Even after 7 years of hanging out together, Dan couldn’t find a better cure for Rei’s stupidity other than punches or karate chops.With a loud noise came the just reward for the exalted blonde.
‘Now...can you concentrate on bigger problems you air-head?’ calmly asked Dan.
‘I guess so, but man...I thought that you would never hit a babe...and yet you fully slammed me in the middle of my cute head...’ sniveled Rei.
‘You’re an idiot no matter the gender, so it doesn’t count for your personna’ ironically responded the brute.
‘H-hidoiii Dan-Chan!’.
After 20 minutes of carefully examinating each other, of course with similar incidents and question marks such as “Why is my hair longer/blonde?’ or “Why are we this hot?”, the girls came to a conclusion.First of all the day that Dan had to move to Rei’s apartment and due the circumstances they were in, had to be today.Second, was the alibi and sharade they had to put up for the time they remained as girls(new names, clothes, relations with the Sanders and Raids).And the third and most important issue was to get back to their normal selves.As for now their only clue was...
‘Mornin’ gals!’ said a cheerful and familiar voice.’My, aren’t you two cute!’
Yes.The one responsible for this mess, the girl that cursed them out of nowhere, the bitch that stood in front of them smiling like nothing was wrong and was even drinking Rei’s milk like it came natural.
‘YOU!!!’ both of the girls screamed while pointing at the angel-faced demon that was grinning at them.’YOU’RE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!TURN US BACK!’
‘Oh would you just shut it for a second! answered Anabell. ‘You two are in no position to tell me what to do, instead I humbly recommend that you should listen carefully because I don’t like being interrupted.’
‘Dan-Chan, you hold her and I’ll make her change us back!’ said Rei while closing in on Anabell.
‘Wait.We shouldn’t be rash about this one’ suggested her friend. ‘Let’s just hear her out first.’
‘As usual it’s more easy to talk to the smarter bastard.’ giggled Anabell ‘But enough of this!I’m here to tell you the rules and your job.Now...if you’re still wondering why you’re like that let’s just say that fate decided to pay you back for all the pain you caused to girls around you.Of course I’m not saying that you beat them or anything because then you wouldn’t receive this chance.On the course of this summer you two will experience the life and hardships a girl has to go trough.You will get a taste of life being surrounded by idiots such as yourselfs.Following me so far?’
‘Please continue...’ answered Dan.
‘...You loli* scum.’ continued Rei.
‘Why thank you boys...I mean girls.Now your task is very simple.Either you change your horrible ways or you will live like this forever.’
‘But...but I have to take a math exam at the end of this summer!’ squealed Rei.
‘That, I’m afraid is none of my concern.I suggest that you two decide if you’re going to follow my orders or face the consequences.I’ll give you 3 days and I expect an answer after that.’
‘How can we contact you?’ managed Dan.
‘You cannot.’ answered Anabell and disappeared in a flash.
After recovering from their shock the twosome chatted for about an hour.
‘It’s settled then.My name will be Rena and I am Rei’s cousin.You are our childhood friend, Denise and we were requested by my oldman to take care of the house because Rei was obliged to go to France also.’ said the newly born Rena.
‘Ok.We will also have to accept Anabell’s offer since we don’t have many alternatives og returning to our regular forms by ourselves.Furthermore, we will need new clothes.More appropriate clothes if you know what I mean.’ smiled Dan.
‘This will be a tough one man..I mean girl.You do know that mama’s sizes are er-hem...not compatible with ours.’
‘Yes...we seem to be in a pinch.’
After a moment of silence.
‘You know...’ started Dan ‘ can ask Michelle...’ carefully suggested Dan.
A glare from Rei was more than enough for him to understand that there was no way in the world she would ever call that girl again.One thing was for sure, when Rei refused to do something...then that something will remain undone.
‘Stubborn as ever...well I’m out of personal if you know what I mean.’ sighed Dan.
‘Then I have no other alternative.’ said Rei as he picked up his mobile phone.
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Old 2007-10-23, 06:17   Link #3
Reisen FTW!
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YOu really like to write fanfics do you. Too bad people aren't reading it. Why you make the stories catch and make people want to read it. ^_^
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Old 2007-10-23, 13:57   Link #4
Miko Miko
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I read! :3
Great fic, keep writing!

More people should read..

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Old 2007-10-27, 10:11   Link #5
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Romania and that says everything
Age: 35
Thanx guys well I wanted to post it on a romanian forum first but due to some overload crap(and by that I'm reffering strictly to Inuyasha and his 324 other secret loves" or "Sailor Moon's new adventures along with her unknown friends") I didn't have any place to post it.btw next chapter will be released tommorow so look forward to it onegai shimasu^_^

~~~lil late with the update due to real life issues~~~

Last edited by KnekO; 2007-11-01 at 11:26. Reason: fuckshittens
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