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Old 2008-05-26, 04:23   Link #1561
Sleepy Speculator
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Some of the posts don't seem like the normal you... anyway, you'll forgive me for disagreeing on a couple of more points right?

- Clare didn't say she was pathetic she said she though the judging of techniques was pathetic, because all that interested her was killing AB's (eerily something Ophelia would say)

- Clare could already keep up with Miria at the slashers arc, the problem is her offense seems to be sealed by her technique

- Regarding the arm again... despite it's strength increase for single handed sword wielding it's the technique quicksword that was 'taught' to Clare not given to her that has really helped her out, she could quicksword with her left arm, no doubt if she hadn't lost her right she'd quicksword with that (though not initially at Irene's level).

- The problem of not being able to kill one yoma came from losing her sword arm, not from being outstandingly weak or anything, though that is Irene's judgement which isn't necessarily correct. (Clare can wield her claymore left handed, she switched hands in a previous battle, and has some training in wielding duel daggers by the looks of it, and given that Irene also said she'd never master quicksword - which she did - and that she had no leeway to increase her mental control - which she does by breaking her limit... i guess you could say Irene will be suprised if she's still alive to see what Clare is upto.)
Everything i've said up to now is speculation... remember that.

Biki Biki Biki Biki... (raaarrrggghhh!!! i need some coffee!)
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Old 2008-05-26, 04:47   Link #1562
'S' Class Fairy Tail
Join Date: Jun 2007
@ PureYoki: I am no expert at how Youki affects walking speed . My little brother walks very fast. It is just how he walks and people often struggle to keep up with him. So usually he has someone else in front of him so his habits do not kick in. But in Claymore youki manifests itself in different ways. No one can keep up with Miria's phantoms and she is number 6. Each claymore has individualized youki; strength in Sophia, speed in Noella, drawing a sword for Irene. If I had to make a (very very silly) guess I would say that Clare's awakened form is actually very very fast (which it is) and that is part of how her youki manifests itself especially over her limit. Yuma is defensive so her youki does something different. Amount of youki and application of youki are different in my mind. I think a Claymore's personality has a lot to do with how much youki they have and how it is used, but that is just my own pet theory.

Is Clare's windcutter technique better than floras? I say Yes because Clare can combine it with her youki targeting ability from her youki sensing. Clare was able to improve the quicksword she learned and use it to avoid her friends. We do not know if Irene could do this or not. I think she probably could with pure will power, but that is just me. What Clare lacks in power she makes up for in accuracy. As to who has a faster windcutter we do not know, but Clare's youki sensing ability makes every thing she does more powerful. I think Irene's arm is stronger than Flora physically as it has much more potential in it. If Deneve is to be believed that Clare has really exploited that potential then I would say Clare is all around better than Flora.

Remember that Miria's new phantom is actually slower; she can just do it unlimited amount of times. She relies more on subtle movements and has raised her base speed. I am imagining that she did a whole lot of jogging in the last 7 years.

How much of Irene's arm's potential can Clare use? Deneve indicated that Clare can use its full potential. I am not sure if that is entirely true as Clare never told them who gave her the arm and they cannot read each others youki any more. But for the most part I would say Clare can use quite a bit of it if not all of it. If Irene somehow got Clare's old arm (the one that was chopped into dust by Ophelia) would she be a weakling? Dunno. If the limb carries the potential within it like Irene's did then I would say for the most part yes. BUT Irene relies on almost a complete awakening of a limb to use quick sword so maybe she could get some of awakened Clare's power out of it as the limb had already crossed its limit with its previous owner. Just silly speculation because that arm no longer exists.

@ Sleepy: sorry to disappoint in the posting department. Usually I avoid posting wars like the plague but I have been so bored that I have probably lowered my quality control standards a bit for the last few days. I think you have valid points there about the arm and agree with them. Well, I see Clare keeping up with Miria a little differently but still agree. I think Miria was far stronger physically in the slashers arc (and now) but Clare does much better against impossibly strong enemies which is a straight cheat. As Miria said, for Clare the stronger the enemy the easier it is for her to read them. Her ability ramped up against the Paburo AB. So in a 1 on 1 fight Clare would lose horribly to Miria (as she did), but when it comes to AB hunting Clare has the duck hunt gun and Miria is the dog that barks encouragement; 8 bit assassin style.

I brought the arm up because of the "clare has more youki now" argument. Clare still see's the arm as a gift and that it is. Maybe she would have developed a new technique if she never got the arm but then it would have been a very different story. I think you are right on those points though.
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Last edited by chibamonster; 2008-05-26 at 05:04.
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Old 2008-05-26, 05:41   Link #1563
Master of Old Forest
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I brought up the walking issue because I think it's somehow related to yoki. Clarice was a mess when she arrived to the meeting place for the AB hunt. Rough weather conditions combined with long and fast walk can frazzle a claymore who doesn't have much yoki. It's my speculation of course but not an illogical deduction.

Clare's yoki sensing ability helps her effectively use windcutter technique but in a duel against Miria it would be of no use to her because Miria's yoki is cloaked. The new Miria should be able to defeat Flora easily and if Clare is on par with Miria, we can assume she also is much better than Flora. To compensate her physical weakness, she must overpower Flora decisively in her own game but I don't quite see how. Clare with Quicksword was a draw against Flora but Clare with Windcutter is an easy win against the same opponent.

And about Irene's arm issue: Even if Clare has Irene's arm and counter Miria's attacks with this arm, she still uses her own yoki to move her body around and we all know she gets tired quite easily when she tries to keep up the pace. Remember how tired she was after her first duel against Miria and Miria even didn't use her phantoms. After her last fight against Miria, she seemed so comfortable and didn't show any sign of fatigue.
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Old 2008-05-26, 10:24   Link #1564
Clare's #1 fan
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Welcome PureYoki, I was involved in a post war, and keep forgetting to welcome you, sorry.

Sorry Chiba if am annoying you, but just need to ask you one more thing.

Yuma told Clare that she Yuma was thankful that to all of them for saving her. She told Clare, "That someone low rank like me". I take it Yuma consider herself to be the weakest, she is #40 but was tanking to Clare #47.
So, is Clare the weakest or is Yuma the weakest?

I still think you might be right, that Clare follows different rules. After thinking about it, one reason to justify Clare yoki not changing and at the same time getting a power boost, is because her body has changed. Her biology have changed so much that her base stats have improved. For example her yoki has fused with her flesh to form a new and improved body. Basically she gets the benefit of a yoki boost without using yoki.
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Old 2008-05-26, 10:40   Link #1565
Sleepy Speculator
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Oh well at least everyone seems to have calmed down now... just gotta remember to post still, i quite like this thread, anyone care to guess what Yuma trained to do over 7 years and how Cynthia knew to use yoki healing given her yoki use is supposed to be sealed?
Everything i've said up to now is speculation... remember that.

Biki Biki Biki Biki... (raaarrrggghhh!!! i need some coffee!)
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Old 2008-05-26, 13:23   Link #1566
'S' Class Fairy Tail
Join Date: Jun 2007
PureYoki: If walking is related to youki I think it really has to do with youki application more than youki ammount. Like Miria being faster than even Galatea or Ophelia even though she is lower ranked and may have less youki than them (do not know for sure). Youki moves in different ways in different claymores and AB's. Duff's armor is impossibly tough while Rigald is faster than a speeding bullet. Helen's arms stretch while Deneve can heal herself. It also might include the difference of mentalities in offensive and defensive types. And Clare just might walk fast from following Teresa as a child.

As for Miria's fight against Clare; Clare still lost horribly until she used Irene's arm to do the windcutter meaning she probably is still physically much weaker than Miria. This is just me but I think Clare was not so much attacking Miria as she was doing the "Blood Umbrella" that Irene did when we first met her. Basically creating a defensive shield around herself with her sword. Clare was not using the windcutter offensively in the spar with Miria until the very end where she hit the ground around Miria. Maybe it was an intimidation factor, maybe just a "stay away from me phantom woman!" warning. Not sure. Clare is tough with that arm.

Deneve implied that Clare was using the full potential of the arm now to keep up. If this is true then Clare's windcutter would absolutely be superior to Flora's in every way. I am not sure of the mechanics of how Irene's youki and Clare's youki interact to power the arm. It seemed when Clare used it the first little while that the arm almost had a mind of its own. Maybe now she has more control of it.

@Awakened: I think I used some unusually harsh sarcasm on you which I apologize for. Clare's own personal power and that which she has because of the arm are very different, just like she told Flora. Clare is physically very weak. Remember when she met Ophelia? Ophelia could not stop laughing at how weak Clare was. She was surprised when Clare used her youki sensing ability to defend herself but it did not last and Clare lost both her hands. Then Clare got Irene's arm and she was able to stand toe to toe with Ophelia's awakened form. Clare's abilities make her much more dangerous than just about anyone else even if she does not have much youki.

But Clare does have Irene's arm and an insane youki sensing ability. She also partially awakened which gave her a boost of some sort and raised her abilities to the point Miria said she could keep up with many single digits. But Clare's youki has never been showed to increase through all of this. So Yuma might have more youki than Clare and still be far weaker than her. Yuma is definitely weaker than Clare. I think Clare is extremely strong, just not in a "I have more youki than you" way. Teresa was also far stronger than her opponents without using her youki because of her preemptive ability. The difference with Teresa is that she really did have more youki than just about everyone when she released it.
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Last edited by chibamonster; 2008-05-26 at 13:35.
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Old 2008-05-26, 13:59   Link #1567
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Age: 36
How important are you trying to make physical strength to be?
Clare relies on speed, not brute force. Clare's Yoki use is based on reading her opponents and moving faster than them. not winning arm wresting competitions.

Enough of the "it's only her arm" thing too...she has to use it whether she wants to or not, its her main sword arm and for all intents and purposes, its hers now.
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Old 2008-05-26, 14:13   Link #1568
'S' Class Fairy Tail
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I know it is. I am just saying that Clare is not a demigod of fighting like Teresa who could incinerate her opponents by releasing her youki if she wanted to. Some people assume that a limb awakening + 7 years of training has given Clare more youki. This is not the case. The arm is Clare's and she views it as a gift, respectfully, thankfully and with all intention to visit Irene again at some point in the future. Clare keeps her promises as best she can and while Irene is not expecting the arm back Clare will go back to Irene's shack to see if Irene is there. The arm is different than the rest of Clare. As Riful said, "that borrowed limb is really doing most of the work".

The arm is fast, Clare is not until she partially awakens when she can almost teleport. Clare senses others youki but I do not think she moves faster than them unless you are talking about using the windcutter or quicksword. As a matter of fact Clare has been slower than others but the advantage of reading the future with youki gives off the impression that she is faster when she is not. Flora was much faster than Clare. Miria is faster than Clare. But Clare knows where the enemy is going to be and can step out of the way. As seen with the Paburo Male AB Clare just walked towards him calm and collected. Clare was also the first one to block Rigalds nail's because she knew they were coming.

Irene's arm, which still maintains its original power that Clare has tapped into, is faster than just about everything. The arm is Clare's but I feel people are confusing the power the arm provides with power Clare somehow got from a limb awakening. As you said Clare has to use the arm. I would add she has to use it because she is still weak without it. The arm itself is a weapon and I am glad Clare has it because she would be so helpless without it against the monsters she fights (unless Clare goes over her limits).

The real strength Clare has is over her limit. That is where the mind blowing power comes from. When she crosses her limit she has been faster AND stronger than her opponents. She has overpowered Ophelia, instantly healed her legs, Cut through Duff's armor, Thrown Duff's rods back into his face, outrun Rigald, and torn Rigald to shreds with her awakened 'hands'. Clare gets so much stronger over her limit that it boggles the mind. With the ease at which she killed Rigald once she awakened her arms she may have an awakened form to surpass the Abyssals. It just seems to me that Clare does not maintain that power when she returns back to her normal form.
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Old 2008-05-26, 14:26   Link #1569
Awe of She
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Haaah~ Back again in here...XD It's been a while but I think I'll side with Chiba a bit just so I don't have to type an essay to explain myself. That is if Chiba doesn't mind too much. ^^

For the 'arm full potential' bit - I am thinking that Clare kept the name 'Windcutter' since she doesn't use her youki to power it. If she did it would make the technique 'Quicksword' would it not? They are both idential techniques - just one uses youki massively and iron willpower to contain it while the other relies more on the natural ability of the user that CAN be powered by youki if need be.

Since she doesn't use her youki to use Windcutter, she has more control over its movements than before, when she had to use the inate sensing ability to guide Quicksword's movements. And since Irene's arm has be partially awakened who knows how many times...imagine how much youki can be pumped into that thing before it's limit is reached? Her arm is as strong as Clare's will is - it's just that Irene's arm youki capacity was insanely high and was capable of going over Clare's strength of will to keep it under control but by no means did it mean that Irene's arm was weak in anyway, shape, or form.

Ophelia, to her credit, was an extremely good warrior, despite being a psycho. She had a very talented mind for deducing fighting situations and techniques within a matter of scant moments of seeing it. She correctly figured out Clare's sensing ability and overwhelmed it almost immediately. And again, when she was the AB lamia, she again deduced the reason for Clare's sudden power increase was because of the arm. In any other generation she would have made a very decent #2 - But Clare's group had 'monsters' up and down the rankings - God Eye Galatea, Phantom Miria, Giga Drill Breaker Jean (I made that one up :P).

Yuma is 'weaker' than Clare because she recognizes the strength of Clare's will and she knows that she doesn't even come close to it - despite officially being 7 ranks above Clare. She doesn't have any pride when it comes to the ranking system. She already knew that she was weak and became in awe of Clare and wishes that she could be like the others (probably moreso like Clare than anyone else). Yuma lacks the drive of the others (Clare, Miria), the unyielding strong personality of her fellows like Helen and Deneve, and the natural stronger disposition of Cynthia and even Tabatha because of their higher ranks. Also, she had not half-awakened like Clare has - if she had, then maybe she would have been stronger since it takes an incredible will to supress the youki flow that comes from nearly Awakening. Sure she might want to help avenge the others but it's not her reason for living so to speak - her character seems much more gentler but also has a much more timid personality. She doesn't want to be in the spotlight because she thinks that she's not good enough. She probably hates the fact that she survived when so many other much stronger, much more 'worthy' fighters died instead of her, who is essentially a big 'nobody'. Even after the 7 years, she still has a low picture of herself and it's extremely unfortunate that she might think of herself in that regard.

As for Cynthia healing wounds with youki...She's not using her youki directly, but using/manipulating the target's youki to aid in the healing. Even if the 7 didn't use their youki, it doesn't mean that it's not 'there'. Let's remember that those who 'seal' their youki just stop using it and supress the youki that radiates out until it is not noticeable.
Of course, it is useless when Bloody Eye Miata is on your trail since she can smell the youma mixed flesh of an esterwhile Claymore...

Anywya, while training up there, Cynthia probably found out that she could do so without raising the youki in herself or the others while healing them, thus she learned that she was a manipulator of a gentler fashion. She probably can't do it in battle - she didn't learn her manipulation to use during battle so she most likely can't duplicate Galatea's trick just yet. I say just yet since it's not so big of a step for her other than changing her manipulation from one of helpful guidance to one of seizing control.
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Old 2008-05-26, 14:27   Link #1570
Angriest Angel
Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by chibamonster
I brought the arm up because of the "clare has more youki now" argument. Clare still see's the arm as a gift and that it is. Maybe she would have developed a new technique if she never got the arm but then it would have been a very different story. I think you are right on those points though.
An interesting question is, can any claymore learn any technique or perhaps better formulated, can any offensive type learn any offensive type related technique and vice versa so that she achieves master degree in it? Perhaps it isn't all about yoki, strength and speed. Perhaps a claymore inherits a special technique by the flesh of the yoma or perhaps every claymore can do anything in respect to her type but it would be perhaps more difficult for claire to learn drill sword or phantom as for helen and miria and if she could learn it it would be never be on a high level. But if the technique the claymore would learn lies in a class of techniques, the claymore can do another technique from, the claymore can learn the new technique very easy.
So the arm's gift isn't alone the increased base values but he enabled clare to learn new techniques from another class of techniques then "Sensing" and perfect them in a way that they are effectiv in battle. Clare could do the flash sword with her own arm but not for long and it was very weak.
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Old 2008-05-26, 15:03   Link #1571
'S' Class Fairy Tail
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Welcome back Tempest Good points on Irene's arm, Ophelia's abilities, Yuma's confidence and Cynthia's youki manipulation. Cynthia's youki manipulation certainly is interesting. I do not remember who but someone made the comparison of Cynthia's youki manipulation to Raphaela or Beth's role in the soul link. They are still doing youki manipulation but their own youki is completely suppressed. That made a lot of sense to me. I am also excited to see more soul linking in the future.

@irvinethearcher: Can a claymore learn to do any technique? That is certainly a good question. We don't know the answer yet but as this is a theories page we can always guess. For me I have to think about awakening in relationship to claymores techniques: each claymore becomes a unique awakened being that seems to reflect their own personality. Claymores are each awakened beings waiting to ... wake up. So I think that the unique attributes of what they will become because of fully releasing their youki is still present in all of their youki. It seems that youki reacts to the human mind creating different types of claymores like offensive and defensive.

This is speculation on my part but I think a claymores personality really has a lot to do with what techniques they use. Most claymores have an individualized technique matched to their personality. Very few have identical techniques indicating that they almost find their technique in themselves as opposed to learning it from others. There are some exceptions. Clare has Teresa and Irene's abilities but she also has Teresa and Irene's flesh in her as well. Clare has learned to do a little bit of Galatea's technique in manipulating youki but admittedly she is not good at it and has never used it in battle. Helen learned to do the drill sword which really seems to be aided by her stretch-arm-strong physique.

Irene taught Clare the quicksword because she thought her calm collected nature was simmilar to her own. Irene was disappointed to discover this was not the case for Clare and it limited Clare's ability with her own arm in the quicksword. So as my own, unsubstantiated theory, I think Claymores could learn the basics of any technique but it would be far more powerful to discover which technique matches who they are as a person. Although some claymores have techniques simmilar enough that they can learn from each other like Helen and Jean.

And as a side note, can you imagine what would have happened if Teresa had learned youki manipulation? The AB in the north who used manipulation was much more powerful than Galatea because he had more youki. Teresa had enough youki to make Rosemary cry with just enough youki to change her eye color. Not like Teresa needed it though as if she wanted to she could have killed those sent to hunt her and probably every claymore the organization had. Good thing for them Teresa had a change of heart.
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Old 2008-05-26, 15:23   Link #1572
Master of Old Forest
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@ Awakened:

Thanks mate, np. It's nice to meet you all, people who make up this friendly community.

@ chibamonster:

I still find it hard to believe Clare is still a very weak warrior without the arm. For example, old Clare got exhausted when she was running away from Ophelia, we could see she was taking deep breaths after the chase. New Clare ran away from Riful while carrying another soldier a longer distance and it posed no problem to her. If we look at their faces when they met the others, it looks as if only Helen was a little bit tired, and she was #22.
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Old 2008-05-26, 15:29   Link #1573
'S' Class Fairy Tail
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@PureYoki: The situations of Clare escaping Ophelia and Riful were very different. Clare was being tracked and hunted by Ophelia. Riful could not follow Clare because her youki was cloaked. So Clare had a long distance chase with Ophelia where escaping Riful required a quick sprint to and lots of dodging ribbons get out of visual range. Riful did not even move from where she was standing. So Clare may have carried her unconscious claymore a longer distance (maybe not, no reference on how far they traveled) but she certainly was not being pursued by a faster psychotic Ophelia who was just waiting to slice her apart. Clare was by no means faster than Riful. Helen often looks sweaty like yuma. Maybe she just perspires.

Clare will get stronger. I know she will. That is why we were taunted with Teresa's power. I just do not think Clare is there yet. She has too much suffering to do still.
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Last edited by chibamonster; 2008-05-26 at 15:47.
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Old 2008-05-26, 15:46   Link #1574
Awe of She
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Originally Posted by chibamonster View Post
@PureYoki: The situations of Clare escaping Ophelia and Riful were very different. Clare was being tracked and hunted by Ophelia. Riful could not follow Clare because her youki was cloaked. So Clare had a long distance chase with Ophelia where escaping Riful required a quick sprint to and lots of dodging ribbons get out of visual range. Riful did not even move from where she was standing. So Clare may have carried her unconscious claymore a longer distance (maybe not, no reference on how far they traveled) but she certainly was not being pursued by a faster psychotic Ophelia who was just waiting to slice her apart. Clare was by no means faster than Riful. Helen often looks sweaty like yuma. Maybe she is just perspires.
Let's not forget about the jump ability-wise from pre-Witch's Maw Clare to Ghost Clare. Right now, either Ghost Clare or Ghost Miria could probably match Ophelia rather well - their recent performances lend to that belief.

Something about the Soul Link process makes me think that it's manipulation, but on an entirely different level. Galatea showed that she could stop the youki flow in Clare, thus preventing her from Awakening. But in Beth's, when doing Soul Link, is not suppose to prevent the youki flow - she's suppose to guide it - an unimaginable flood of powerful youki. Allowing the partner to Awaken and instilling her own consciousness into the partner like a CD-ROM into a computer and letting the autorun.exe take over, then when the 'program' is finished, pushing the partner's youki back to normal levels, allowing for her to detransform and, most importantly, preventing the mental transformation from taking place - a 'transformation' that all ABs seem to undergo, is the vital key to the Soul Link and to Beth.
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Old 2008-05-26, 15:53   Link #1575
'S' Class Fairy Tail
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@Tempest: I think current windcutter Clare and Miria would make quick work of Ophelia too . I am really curious how the soul link worked for Raphaela and Luciella. Alicia and Beth have merged their personalities completely and from their training little of their original self remains. Raphaela and Luciella seemed to remain individuals through their training and I wonder how it influenced their "boot cycle" for soul linking. There is so much interesting stuff with the soul link that I am dying to see it again. I think Alicia and Beth's version is by no means the last version of the soul link we will see. After all, Raphaela is still running around somewhere.
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Old 2008-05-26, 16:08   Link #1576
Awe of She
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If any of the Ghosts can benefit from it - it would be Yuma. XD

A Cynthia/Yuma Soul Link.
"Erupting Burning Finger Sekiha Love-Love Tenkyoken~!!" XDDD Oh the mental

But...! To add another topic...
Anyone thinks that Miria-taichou will want to lead an expedition to the 'other' continent? Here's what I am thinking of (warning, pure speculation ahead) :

Clare and Priscilla will battle, Raki will be there too...but the only one to die will be Isley once Priscilla regains her true memories. Priscilla might very well resist the drive to eat humans at all - or at the least Raki - thus becoming the very weapon that the MIB had sought to create. Miria might want Priscilla's help if she does want to go to the other continent. Think about it - there's nothing really stopping an invasion force of the DoD from appearing if they ever found their place. If they can at least find out the situation to see if the war is even active right now (cease-fire not withstanding). If Priscilla's personalities have corrected inside her head - her insane power would be most helpful if worst comes to worst.

Now, before people start proclaiming the virtues of Clare's vengance and at how it would 'ruin the story' - let's look at the larger picture that Yagi-sensei just plopped into our laps. Even if the MIB are wiped out and the ORG reformed, unless Miria gets a working version of Soul Link under her command, a dociled yet fully mentally capable Priscilla shouldn't be overlooked when considering options on how to combat a DoD, should they appear.
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Old 2008-05-26, 16:26   Link #1577
Master of Old Forest
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IMO the perspiration and tiredness of Helen is a subtle hint Mr.Yagi gave us to show Clare has also improved physically. (Why do you think Helen often looks sweaty? They all look sweaty when they're tired. Clare was sweaty when Ophelia chased her.) Both Helen and Clare covered the same distance in the same time and Clare finished the task with less effort. Also Clare got the most from Riful's curse, she was the one who deceived Riful. I don't think it's a coincidence that the lowest ranked warrior was the one who is most tired.
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Old 2008-05-26, 16:40   Link #1578
'S' Class Fairy Tail
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@Tempest: Lol! THE POWER! I have a crazy theory that Clarice is a Clare like experiment but one that they did with Luciella's flesh they found after the battle of the Abyssals. This would explain her pathetic youki like Clare and why she does not have silver hair. But it is just a theory because I want Raphaela to sense her sister in Clarice and then be placed in the same situation Irene was placed in when she sensed Teresa in Clare. Just a fun thing I have in my mind but certainly very little evidence to support it in the story.

I also think that Priscilla could be very useful in the story as something besides a final villian. I mean she took away my favorite character and is a monster. But if she were no longer a monster would she still need to be killed? Priscilla has been crafted to be a very unique monster. She HATES youma more than anyone and it may have messed with her head. And we do not know what is outside the world of Claymore. I would actually like to see some form of redemption for the one horned fallen angel. Clare is certainly going to be conflicted when she sees that the epitome of everything she hates has saved Raki, the reason she is still alive and not a monster herself.

@Pure Yoki: So the evidence that Clare is much stronger than before is because Helen is sweaty and she is not. Great. I guess Clare having sweat on her face when she sensed Riful means she was weak then but strong when she carried the wounded claymore back? (scene 68 page 19, bottom left corner). And on page 69 when Miria Helen and Clare all have sweat on their face. And scene 69 page 1. I think Yagi is utilizing the iconography unique to manga (click for details) as opposed to telling us a secret message about Clare's incredible strength and growth. Just like speed lines, the sweat marks mean something more than just sweat; nervousness or fear especially. Yagi does not go super far with the iconography; no chibis and Duff's nose doesn't shoot blood when he sees Galatea. But he still uses it to communicate the characters emotion more clearly.

Sorry for the sarcastic remarks. Sometimes it just escapes me.
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Old 2008-05-26, 16:50   Link #1579
Sleepy Speculator
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Location: Marshland
@chiba i don't know why you won't be convinced Clare's strong until the moment she's covered with a comrades eviscerated innards, causing her to go beserk, at which point you'll insist that it was only cos she was over the limits and any fighting she did upto that point was proof of how she was weaker than even the janitor who cleans the loos at the org's headquarters.

No please forgive my sarcasm, with regards to cynthia's yoki use, why would her manipulation cause the healing to be twice as effective if the person being healed was a yoki manipulating defensive sort that could theoretically control their own healing in such a manner anyway? Didn't Galatea say she was using yoki to help her regenerate? That surely means it's Cynthia's yoki being used, and could explain if it's a sealed technique that she had it from the start, and Yuma probably had 'help' healing all the way back in Pieta. Would be pure bad luck for Cynthia if she was sent to the north because she was the closest thing to a healer the org had...
Everything i've said up to now is speculation... remember that.

Biki Biki Biki Biki... (raaarrrggghhh!!! i need some coffee!)
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Old 2008-05-26, 16:54   Link #1580
Master of Old Forest
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Other side of the world
@ chibamonster:

As you said, the sweat may also indicate intense emotions like fear, anger. For example Audrey started perspiring when she realized Riful's real power, but I still think sweat is a good indication of tiredness. Never mind, I agree we need more clues to have a better estimation of Clare's power. I feel we'll see it in the next 2-3 chapters. We can review our discussion then.

Last edited by PureYoki; 2008-05-26 at 17:05.
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