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Old 2008-05-31, 14:06   Link #1
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Fan Art mini sub forum

i recently talk to kayos? on my animsuki Visitor Messages
i think quite a lot of drawing fan-artist found that the same facts ,that all those graphic artist are in majoity of the board

and if possible ,i wound like to suggest making a subforum if fanart in a corner standalone might be slighty better for us to hang in there....
it might be a colddown forum...but at least i wound love to see a change^^
graphic and fanart are completely different(i think)
ad the update rates and making time are different

and artist offen don't have a stronge bond to each other (too subjective to talk,one step wrong will hurt someone pride)so we are forceing to be "away" unless we are really really good ,or really really friendly?on public

yes?no? to be disuss?already discussed?
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Old 2008-05-31, 14:26   Link #2
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This has been discussed a few times in the past and the general consensus is that the need for a new board isn't really there. You are correct that the amount of Graphic Artists is greater than other types, but technically we are all Fan Artists, we just go about it in different ways. This is why the forum is named Fan Creations.

Fan Artists are welcome to have threads dedicated to their works and quite a few do - toxictrance, AndrewAnimation, Setsilya, Satsumaru, (just naming a few off the top of my head), and a number of graphic artists also double as Fan Creators in other aspects too. Heck, we even have a couple of photography threads now - radiantdreamer, ledgem, and escimo spring to mind right away.

I can certainly relate to the feeling that no one cares about your work. All I can offer for advice is that if you keep posting your stuff, people will eventually take notice. It helps to interact with other fan creators too, because you'll be getting your name out there and they'll be more inclined to be interested in what you do because they noticed you taking an interest in what they do.

We do have an art social group now, if you are looking for a central place to discuss drawing, painting, etc., you can always check it out and see if you like it.
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Old 2008-05-31, 14:47   Link #3
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is tough to be on the top page,and not many like the second or third page on
is really tiring to fight for the first page placement
when drawing artist have no-one to support their drawing,and when is not big not the board then drawer will alway ending leaveing

it might all be under the "art",but not all people what to be in the same room
i do like a slow envoirment...not too quick,but someone visit my post sometime,that it
so you are suggesting us the double post ,triple,post and further more 7-or 8 continous self posting to show off?

don't sound smart to me,and i think i am the next one to leave
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Old 2008-05-31, 16:49   Link #4
Daniel E.
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Originally Posted by chison View Post
when drawing artist have no-one to support their drawing,and when is not big not the board then drawer will alway ending leaveing
This is exactly the reason why only sig makers have managed to hold their ground in Fan Creations. They are by far and wide, the only group who constantly encourage others fans with similar threads.

I am not saying this applies to you of course, but in general, many people that draw only care about their threads and theirs alone. If the people that share a common interest don't support one another now, I fail to see how a sub-forum could ever change this in the future.

It's all about wanting to become part of a community, and not just wanting replies in one's thread.

Originally Posted by chison View Post
sound smart to me,and i think i am the next one to leave
Non-sig makers in general, need to understand that the current community wasn't build in a day; Fan Creations was (throughout 2003,2004 and even a part of 2006) mostly dominated by fan artists (people doing their own drawings), yet, they failed to build a strong group simply because most of them were only interested in their own works and never tried to actively receive feedback from others.

In time, they all left thinking that nobody cared about their works, when in truth, they had no one but themselves to blame.
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Old 2008-05-31, 17:09   Link #5
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can, drawing artist really know each other,when we have to fight for the place in the first place???
when we tiring of waiting for no bodythan and leave animesuki
because we know that no one care about us..
so we leave....

good graphic artist can help graphic artist ,so they grow
you can drop by any graphic room and at less 30% of you share the similar taste of the understanding of the meaning of (professional)

but drawing artist are not all come at the same time same date to group up with each other,in fact,lot of them have left before we get to know each other

we haven't got a boss to follow
instead,we got to fighting the place with graphic artists
and we are just some "nobody" in between the placement war

human the same,are all the same,
why don't animesuki have all people talking in just one General Chat???fighting for the popular grow placement of set what the forum is?
i am sure graphic artist can not win all them anime talk

the same,are we the same??
but,sorry,we are the same but silghy different
the same as not everyone understand anime??not my mum,nor my dad
what can i do?force them to understand me with power?talking anime all the times in front of them to get the "place"?make friend with my brother just to talk anime when he haven't got timeS?

open a new forum for drawing artist been talk over time and times
than this must not just what "you"think we are the same,but what "we" think that a different...

if the key is teamwork,at less we have an idea of what we need...(we don't know each other,but we still go down to the same route,do you think that i can make friend with smebody thinks the same way?)
but instead,i'm alone,so i lost before i can win
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Old 2008-05-31, 17:27   Link #6
Daniel E.
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Location: Monterrey N.L. Mexico
Originally Posted by chison View Post
can, drawing artist really know each other,when we have to fight for the place in the first place???
There's no need to fight for anything. Some of the most active threads at the moment are not always on the top page. (mine's buried more than half the time)

Originally Posted by chison View Post
we tiring of waiting for no bodythan and leave animesuki
because we know that no one care about us..
so we leave....
Then you guys need to start caring for one another. Searching for old threads is not that hard; If you want to get to know other artists all you really need is the desire to do so.

Originally Posted by chison View Post
graphic artist can help graphic artist ,so they grow
you can drop by any graphic room and at less 30% of you share the similar taste of(rofessional) understaning
"Photoshopping" is an extremely limited art. You simply cannot compare it with original creations. More freedom, more creativity, more ideas, etc.

There's a lot of room for growth there, IMHO.

Originally Posted by chison View Post
drawing artist are not all come at the same time same date to group up with each other,in fact,they leave before we know each other
With social groups, this is no longer an issue.

Originally Posted by chison View Post
haven't got a boss to follow
You don't need one. Just follow that wich you believe in.

Originally Posted by chison View Post
we got to fighting the place with graphic artists
and we are just some "onebody" in between your war
What war!?

We are all doing this for the fun of it (at least I am )

Originally Posted by chison View Post
a new forum for drawing artist been talk over time and times
than this must not just what "you"think we are the same,but what "we" think that a different...
Nothing is going to change with a new sub-forum, unless fan artist prove there's a need for it.
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Old 2008-05-31, 17:27   Link #7
Join Date: Mar 2006

Look, here's the deal -

Fighting for first page is a stupid notion. There are hundreds of fan creators and they can't *all* have first page. They post in their own thread when they have something to post, otherwise they post in other peoples threads.

I really hate the notion that somehow we can't just be one community, that we have to be split into groups. I'm even further annoyed at the persistent idea that graphic designers aren't artists. Art is about creating and expressing, it doesn't matter what format it's done with. People seem to think that signature and avatar makers aren't on the same level as other artists, and I saw screw that. We're all fans, and we're all expressing that fandom in our own way.

I'm sorry you feel the forum isn't slow enough for you, even though your thread is on the first page and has been since yesterday. I'm also sorry that your thread doesn't get many responses, although I'll be quite frank and state that I have no idea who you are because I don't think I've ever seen you actually participate in the Fan Creation community.

I still don't think that we need to split up the forums, because it just splits the community. There are many of us who do more than one thing in our artistic expression and it's unfair that we'd have to visit two or more different forums to do the same thing that one serves just fine.
If the people that share a common interest don't support one another now, I fail to see how a sub-forum could ever change this in the future.
Quoted for truth. A long time ago Fan Creations was completely dominated by fan art. And you know what? If a thread had more than two replies it was a miracle. And those replies were almost never constructive. "Good job, keep it up".

The community that we have now is one that was built up in the remains of that. And the result is a forum that is much more supportive and full of conversation than it ever was before. We support *all* artists. You just have to be willing to participate with the rest of us. It's not so much to ask, is it?
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Old 2008-05-31, 17:41   Link #8
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then why do i alway see somebody on the first page???with hundred of reply
more thousand of reply
over 100 page of reply for a single person

i starting myself in animesuki as a graphic artist
i know graphic artist is easiler to suvive in here
more people understand each other...

if Daniel E.having fun to get to the first page
i wound said i really hate to fighting for just a place
thank you,i guess grahic-artist is all the law in here

just not so clever that most artist update slower and very much my-space
i like a slow space so the artist can talk in a room that everything is relative to drawng

result:[you guys are not here to help,but instead you helping yourself?]
how thankful can i be?
and animesuki can only be a graphic centre for the rest of its life...
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Old 2008-05-31, 17:50   Link #9
Daniel E.
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Originally Posted by chison View Post
if Daniel E.having fun to get to the first page
i wound said i really hate to fighting for just a place
thank you,i guess grahic-artist is all the law in here
Uh!? why are you taking such a defensive stance all of a sudden?

I say I do things for the fun of it, not that I have fun placing my thread on the first page. Please read my posts more carefully before you start making things up.

Originally Posted by chison View Post
not so clever that most artist update slower and very much my-space
i like a slow space so the artist can talk in a room that everything is relative to drawng

Both Solace and I already mentioned this place to you. If you still think we are attacking you instead of helping you, then nothing we say is gonna matter.

Originally Posted by chison View Post
:[you guys are not here to help,but instead you helping yourself?]
how thankful can i be?
and animesuki can only be a graphic centre for the rest of its life...
My way or the highway....... is that what you are trying to say?
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:04   Link #10
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i still felt the solution you got are wrong

[did you just sending me alway to an no-man island...](first time i know such a thing exist)i still felt more of that way
......but i will try

sorry for the mess
i should try to grow that group before i battleing with you guys again
thank of now^^
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:09   Link #11
Love Yourself
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The main problem here is that chison feels that if his thread isn't on the first page of the fan creations forum then it won't receive many views. In many ways, that's true. Not many people will search back to page 2. Admittedly when I started my photography thread I wanted to keep my thread on the first page for the same reason.

Here's the thing: this is a discussion forum. If you want your own dedicated space for your artwork, you are better off creating your own website or joining a site like DeviantArt (or for us photographers, Flickr). Those will serve your needs better.

If you're like me, and you wanted to stay here because you enjoy the community for its members, then there's no problem. Update your thread whenever you have material to update it with - it will get views as new things are posted, I guarantee you. If you're worried about exposure, link to your thread in your signature. It's what I noticed that most of the artists here do, and now I do it as well. That form of advertising only really works if you're active in other areas of the community, of course. If you're not, then what's keeping you here?

I can commiserate about being a slow updater compared with the Photoshoppers. With photography I can go for months without ever picking up my camera before I go on an outing where good photography opportunities exist, and even then there's no guarantee that I'll come away with images worth sharing. If you want to share with this community, you need to stop seeing that first page as something to compete over. You also need to get over the number of views that your thread has as a measure of how good you are (although I still do that for fun, sometimes ). Older threads are going to have more views than yours, as are threads that have more conversation going on. And as Solace mentioned, participate in the community. Take a look at KiNA's thread - it has an insane number of views. There are a lot of possibilities as to why, but part of the reason is that he is very active in the forums.

It can be hard to keep updating, especially if you think your work is terrific and you're expecting loads of compliments. Try to go in without those expectations. I request critiques and such on my pictures, but if you're not a photographer, what can you really say? So I reached out to the other two photographers with their own threads (and started a social group for photographers) in an effort to be able to bring up my hobby and have it be relevant here. I can't offer much comment to Photoshoppers and original artists, but on occasion I will check out their works and offer what remarks I can. Reach out to other original artists, and yes, maybe give some thoughts to the other artists in the forum if you're feeling like trying something new. Ironically, this all works similar to how BitTorrent does: you get what you give.
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:11   Link #12
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@chison: You know. I don't know why artists' threads die, maybe it's because in this community there are not many people that can make a *real* critic or comments. If you manage to mantain your thread alive and posting/feedbacking at other people's thread, they might post back on your thread. It's like a friend circle

On Topic: And Fan Art subforum won't be created because most of fan artists leave AnimeSuki so there won't be any action on the sub forum. Also the Fan Creations sub forum is for posting sigs/avatars, vector/traces and fanfic/fan art keep that in mind.
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:16   Link #13
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not only "my" thread
but trying to searching other artist is a painful job of selection from graphic designer
in search of artist,reply their post
then,they are long disappear,can i really help?

i do have my website and forum (no man island XD)
i just felt animesuki can do better with what it got
unlike me,
i don't like making randam friend,i like to have a friend share at least the same interest...same skill., with the same aim

and talking to graphic designer is not a big fun in my respect,can't say much to them,and they can't say much about us...
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:18   Link #14
Love Yourself
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Originally Posted by Shana View Post
@chison: You know. I don't know why artists' threads die, maybe it's because in this community there are not many people that can make a *real* critic or comments. If you manage to mantain your thread alive and posting/feedbacking at other people's thread, they might post back on your thread. It's like a friend circle
I think they die out due to lack of interest on the part of the thread's owner. The interest can die out if the artist feels that his or her work isn't being appreciated or even perhaps that nobody cares/is looking. I'd hope that many artists aren't creating works based on whether they receive compliments from others or not. I know that it can be a lot of work to present your works here, though. For example, I have to choose my pictures, resize them, and then wrestle with ImageShack to upload them - not to mention typing up the entire post. If you notice that you're not getting many views or nobody seems to care because they're not commenting or repping then it can feel like you're going through all of that effort for nothing. I guess that's the stereotypical artist's struggle - just keep at it and don't be discouraged
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:19   Link #15
Daniel E.
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Originally Posted by chison View Post
[did you just sending me alway to an no-man island...](first time i know such a thing exist)i still felt more of that way
......but i will try
It already has several members and it's certainly something to start with.

Good luck with the group!


Originally Posted by chison
and talking to graphic designer is not a big fun in my respect,can't say much to them,and they can't say much about us...
You don't need to say much. A bit of encouragement can go a long way with many people.

If anything, you need to start opening your mind a bit more.

Things like: "I can't be friends with them", "I don't have anything to say to them", are only going to make things harder on you in the long run.
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:26   Link #16
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Originally Posted by Shana View Post
@chison: You know. I don't know why artists' threads die, maybe it's because in this community there are not many people that can make a *real* critic or comments. If you manage to mantain your thread alive and posting/feedbacking at other people's thread, they might post back on your thread. It's like a friend circle

On Topic: And Fan Art subforum won't be created because most of fan artists leave AnimeSuki so there won't be any action on the sub forum. Also the Fan Creations sub forum is for posting sigs/avatars, vector/traces and fanfic/fan art keep that in mind.

i'd have said,artist are far far more "my-space"
(and myself known to be myspace even in the art college compare to other artist)
(and i'm really the silent type that listen to other most of the time,
i talk to them about anime and no one can say a title
my hobby are not for i standby them,not forceing them,can't show of my skill)

so, anybody agree the "fact" that "we-artist" leave"for no reason"?
and then also of the fact ,the admin of animesuki can't be "clever"

you guys sit here and waiting for us to change thing
and most of us suggest a forum at first
is that a reason for it???anyway
i need a few day to see the group's action
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:35   Link #17
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Originally Posted by Daniel E. View Post
It already has several members and it's certainly
If anything, you need to start opening your mind a bit more.

Things like: "I can't be friends with them", "I don't have anything to say to them", are only going to make things harder on you in the long run.
did i not just said
i starts here animesuki as a graphic artist
i change my job to drawing becasue i felt the that are that "copyright thingie" in place

i stand on the artist side, the artist group are just too weak which everyone left
(thanks to all of you friendly graphic-artist group outrate us)
and surely most of the graphic-artist almost come to a point to "aviod us"
beat us off

drawing artist are like a begger have 0 reply in it normal life
is that really fun to have such a situation?
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:50   Link #18
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I don't think that subforum would actually solve anything. Just that many of the people active in Fan Creations would miss the Art-threads more likely. If you're not a fan-artist (in a sense discussed here) I fear that the fan art subforum would be quite often disregarded or simply forgotten.

I don't think I'm alone lurking in basically all the somewhat recent threads in Fan Creations. I don't blabber that much because I generally feel that I have quite a little to contribute to the threads of other members at least outside the field of photography which has been a hobby of mine for about 10 years and I even have studied it a bit. I guess it's a bit of a confidence issue but since I've been active on the forums just a few months I really can't expect to be an integral part of the community. Not at least yet. I'm a newbie what it comes to signature making and seriously rusted what it comes to drawing so feedback is always appreciated and not necessarily so often received but as noted so many times it's a two way road. Give some and you'll get some. Equal trade à la FMA. There may be a bit of a inner circle thing going on in Fan Creations but that's just natural. Many of the members have been active for years so these aren't things that happen over night.

So to summarize I can't see how splitting up Fan Creations would solve anything. If that path is taken I don't think it'll end with fan arts. Fan fic, photography AMVs etc. etc. etc. probably would follow suit and what it would eventually achieve is just splitting up the Fan Creations and the audience for your works reducing.

It'd be a bit of a problem for someone like me suffering some sort of identity crisis with my thread. I'd really have no idea what subforum I'd fit in.
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:54   Link #19
Daniel E.
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Originally Posted by chison
i don't like making randam friend
They are not 'random' friends. They are people that share a common interest with you. People that maybe, just maybe could have a lot to share with you.

And no, we are not avoiding anyone simply because they are artists.
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Old 2008-05-31, 18:58   Link #20
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Originally Posted by escimo View Post

It'd be a bit of a problem for someone like me suffering some sort of identity crisis with my thread. I'd really have no idea what subforum I'd fit in.

at the very least,grahic are hugevideo and drawing can't suvive
you might think everyone have the power to stay in a busy forum
unfortuately not

the small group get smaller,the big group grow bigger...
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