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Old 2011-09-19, 04:38   Link #1721
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Originally Posted by fertygo View Post
Its setting record in Booru, sorry I got more mixed...

And again its lame to butthurt over fujoshi became the motor of sales, they're arguably the most "powerful" among in otaku circle, they're more enthusiast n loyal (and royal) than normal otaku even over the high spender one... Thanks god because they're exist quality title like Monokoke, Natsume Yuujinchou, DRRR!, and T&B not flopping and gaining profit. Male's otaku won't give a damn about it, and (almost) neither of you here gonna help the regional disc sales anyway.. so stop arguing over this, there's more proof about its true than not anyway (the board in japan, blog, yaoi stuff that even some mangaka like Lily Hoshino make it)

be thankful those fujoshi helping the title that you like to get money they deserved.
no one's being butthurt over yaoi fandom. You're being butthurt over neutral comments, overdefensive and making rather sweeping statements. Like i said, correlation between popularity and sales does exist. Just because you feel that Tiger and Bunny (and other series) are fujoshi-bait, does not mean you can assert as certainly as you have that the cause for sales was necessarily due to the fujoshis. In any case, I'm not saying that fujoshis aren't driving up sales, sure, they do support shows by buying them, and creating fan-made content, but you make it sound as though we're discriminating against them? No one is butthurting over homo-crazed fans. The closest thing is you, butthurting over others.
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Old 2011-09-19, 05:56   Link #1722
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Originally Posted by LuxorMG View Post
Not only that, but look what I found somewhere else:

Spoiler for tall pic:

You can all probably guess that the dollar's hidden watermark (LOL watermark) and the city layout have something to do with Ouroburos, which would mean Maverick was NOT the top dog. And when one of the heroes asked if he were the boss, he didn't reply. The search for Ouroburos will probably be season 2's premise.

I think I see a miracle... only they fixed it on Blu-ray release.

Anyway, the situation between Wild Tiger & Lunatic is also unresolved. will it be settled in the 2nd season of it?
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Old 2011-09-19, 09:14   Link #1723
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Its kinda poetic in the end it is Lunatic who got Maverick.

At one time Maverick may have believed all he did was for Sternbild and Mundane-Next understanding but it became all about him. Hence escaping his crimes and compounding them. Not taking responsibility and passing blame. He became corrupt and twisted justice.

Legend taught his son to punish evil. Maverick already did a metaphorical biting the bullet and still Lunatic killed him.
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Old 2011-09-19, 09:17   Link #1724
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Originally Posted by KRegnard View Post
no one's being butthurt over yaoi fandom. You're being butthurt over neutral comments, overdefensive and making rather sweeping statements. Like i said, correlation between popularity and sales does exist. Just because you feel that Tiger and Bunny (and other series) are fujoshi-bait, does not mean you can assert as certainly as you have that the cause for sales was necessarily due to the fujoshis. In any case, I'm not saying that fujoshis aren't driving up sales, sure, they do support shows by buying them, and creating fan-made content, but you make it sound as though we're discriminating against them? No one is butthurting over homo-crazed fans. The closest thing is you, butthurting over others.
Bleh, I do find the original statement that starting this convo is rather offensive tho. "Fujoshi's majority of disc buyer? no way blablabla, I don't believe it" the hell with that?

What's the problem? Don't believe this kind of anime having demographic like that?
I tell you what, "GAR" and manly title like Sengoku Basara is claimed having fujoshi/female as majority of watcher, so its not outrageous to claim (yeah I dare to say) T&B having fujoshi as 80% of fan that actually buy something in Japan. And hell 2 last episode clearly show that if you being honest, seriously just see the last scene of the ending.

Last word, I would kill for fujoshi having large fanbase for title that I like.
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Old 2011-09-19, 09:23   Link #1725
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Originally Posted by fertygo View Post
Bleh, I do find the original statement that starting this convo is rather offensive tho. "Fujoshi's majority of disc buyer? no way blablabla, I don't believe it" the hell with that?

What's the problem? Don't believe this kind of anime having demographic like that?
I tell you what, "GAR" and manly title like Sengoku Basara is claimed having fujoshi/female as majority of watcher, so its not outrageous to claim (yeah I dare to say) T&B having fujoshi as 80% of fan that actually buy something in Japan. And hell 2 last episode clearly show that if you being honest, seriously just see the last scene of the ending.

Last word, I would kill for fujoshi having large fanbase for title that I like.
LOL. I never said that fujoshis don't make up a large proportion of the fanbase of certain shows such as TnB. No one is disagreeing that many fans are interested in homosexual relationships between the characters. I'm merely saying that it is unfair to attribute good sales to a large fujoshi fanbase as seen from the general state of the fanart available, no matter how compelling or seemingly reasonable it may be.

Here's what happens, you have more than one guy in a show, there's bound to be fujoshi fans.
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Old 2011-09-19, 09:44   Link #1726
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I normally boycott all shows that have an overdose of yoai overtones. I for certain hopes that T &B stays neutral while maintaining its current level of storytelling.

Since T&B is unique show that grab quite a bit of revenue from sponsors, hopefully it will make sense to generally appeal to everyone, not just to fujoshi.

I am still predicting, while there will certainly be some intentionally ambigious scenes to make fujoshi's scream, the show will still stick to its generally neutral stance to keep everyone happy.
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Old 2011-09-19, 10:52   Link #1727
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Originally Posted by fertygo View Post

Bake and Madoka setting record in pixiv, the result? two of most prolific seller in anime-tv industry.
Ah, here's the problem. You don't understand the concept of 'cause' and 'effect.'

Madoka didn't make lots of sells because there was lots of fanart by the fanartist fanbase: there was lots of fanart because Madoka was the sort of series that made lots of sales and attracted an artist fanbase. The fan-artists didn't cause Madoka: Madoka caused the fanartists. Not all fanbases produce equal amounts of fanart, or the same types of fanart.

And most (if not ALL) of anime hits that gaining profit is doing well in fan-art, you may don't know but more "fan"-art is means = more request (more doujin sell in comiket too) = more fan = its implying the theory's correct.
But let's look at what really makes an anime series profitable. For a doujin series with an anime adaptation, a large part of the profit base is in the doujin market. The anime is as much advertisement for the main revenue service as anything else.

But Tiger and Bunny isn't an anime adaptation of a manga series. It's an anime series first and foremost. It's primary service isn't to increase the sale of the Tiger and Bunny doujin: the Tiger and Bunny manga adaptation is made to service the anime, not the other way around. Anime-primary series get their primary revenue from elsewhere: either the anime itself (Blue-Ray sales, for example), or other products (the dolls/plushies/costumes/Kotetsu's Hat).

This is a similar concept to the Gundam franchise: Gundam anime is a glorified toy commercial. The series exist to get people to buy new Gundam models, and it appeals mostly to people already in the mecha-fan demographic. Though, say, Gundam Wing had a far greater boy-love movement than T&B can claim, BL fan-wishing wasn't the impetus or cause of Gundam Wing's own success. Giant robots were.

If you want counter me, find a anime "bust" in term of profit that doing well in fanart or vice versa.
Is anime somehow immune to the concept of a squeaky-wheel fanbase?

There are plenty of examples in fiction in which an intellectual property has a particularly noticeable segment of the fan base that is non-representative of the entire fan base. You're claiming an easily visible part of the fanbase as representative of the entire fanbase.
Why the feck some of you butt hurt with the statement (or fact) the majority fan of T&B is fujoushi anyway?
Probably because you don't understand how 'evidence' or 'supporting a claim' works, given that you thought that . It's less about T&B, and more about your methodology.

Its a well-known fact most of 2ch poster or blogger in japan that watching T&B is women that posting thing like "Barnaby kyaaaaaaaaa" or (Barnaby & Kotetsu kyun" (or something like that. I don't understand the memes) all the time, that's also reflected in yaoi fanart.
This is well known? Since when? By and/or according to who? Have their been any actual scientific pollings, or is this second/third-hand 'everyone knows' based on some blogging boards?

And why do we even assume 2ch is representative? Because it exists? 4chan's 'M' board exists, but nothing otherwise suggests that it's representative of any population group other than the 'M' board.

Even if we're wrong its mean they're homos not women.
This literally makes no sense as part of your argument.
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Old 2011-09-19, 10:55   Link #1728
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Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama View Post
Okay my final and only word on the T&B demographics topic. If people REALLY want to get an idea of which demographics support the show and what their overall makeup is, just try to find out who attends the Tiger & Bunny Super Event in November. It's an actual gathering of fans as opposed to an anonymous internet gathering so you can get actual hard data on the demographic breakdown of the fandom that way and who the shows biggest supporters are just by who shows up.
Actually, it's a gathering of fans with the time they can take off from work (possibly meaning healthier-than-average people who haven't been sick lately), a surplus of cash in an economic depression, in the vicinity or local area and possessing transportation, possessing the language/communication skills to deal with the area of location, and people who don't have jobs/professions in which sudden things can pop up and keep them from going.

Now, if that describes all Tiger & Barnaby fans, I'll eat my (non-Kotetsu) hat.
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Old 2011-09-20, 08:45   Link #1729
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From latest Newtype;

From the newest Newtype:
>The hotblooded aspect of Kotetsu's personality was created to complement and contrast Barnaby's nature
>Hundred Power was created because of the idea that he would prefer a hands on approach
>Kotetsu loves fried rice, so that's why he doesn't bother learning to cook anything else
>Nishida's favorite Kotetsu scene is when he "healed up" and hurried to Barnaby in ep13, while him searching for Kaede with super-hearing in ep17 is second
>Barnaby wasn't too happy about the pins; he prefers making memories by spending time together, instead of having mementos
>Kriem's testimony and subsequent influx of contradicting memories gave him a huge shock; normally he would repress his emotions, but with his mind in complete chaos that was not an option, so that's why he chose to isolate himself at home
>Nishida's favorite Barnaby scene is his hopeless fight with Jake; no matter how many times he is downed and what is done to him, he will rise as long as he has something to accomplish
>both princess-carry scenes have a lot of meaning; the one in ep10 showcased Barnaby's tendency to prioritize Kotetsu's safety above all else, while the one in ep1, although thoroughly embarrassing for Kotetsu, foreshadowed the nature of their relationship (?!)
The (?!) is right there in Nishida's comments.
>Karina was created from the concepts of disliking the catchphrase, disliking the Hero job and having her parents worry about her. Hero or not, she's a typical high-school girl who can't decide what she actually wants, be it with love or with her aspirations.
>Antonio was created to give Kotetsu a bro, but although he's very manly and seemingly intimidating, the writers found him kind of adorable and thus subjected him to a bunch of misfortunes
>despite all that he's the side character that the writers really want to explore more
>him and Kotetsu only started going out for drinks after entering the Hero business
>with her disposition, Pao-lin could be a shonen hero
>she was created to contrast with other females within the show; she's also the youngest and so her perspective is rather different from the rest, but despite having a lot of ideas the writers didn't really get the opportunity to showcase that aspect in more detail
>Pao-Lin still dislikes girly things, but out of respect and love towards her parents she's willing to make some concessions
>Nathan's "okama" look is partially a mask; he's also the character who probably has had the richest life experience
>Antonio is his favorite groping target, though Kotetsu and Barnaby are also occasionally subjected to the same treatment.
>Keith was created with the idea that despite his KOH title and popularity he's not a jerk
>as the second cour showed, the Hero business can be very harsh and unforgiving; Keith's position as the former KOH was made worse due to his previously unassailable status
>Keith is surprisingly shy: even holding somebody's hand is a big deal for him
>To Kotetsu, who was at a loss about what to do with himself, meeting Barnaby was the turning point in his life.

From Otomedia:
>Despite turning down his offers very often, Kotetsu generally prefers Antonio to accompany him wherever he goes drinking in the bar. Antonio seems to have a lot of free time, so he's suitable for that.
>Barnaby hates waste and pointless things and he's also very fixed in his preferences, almost ridiculously so (at home for example, he always wears a black shirt). Listening to classic music is his only hobby, though since he hates being disturbed he never goes to concerts.
Otomedia continued:
>Ivan likes to stay home and read about Japanese culture. Also writing letters to Edward.
>Keith doesn't have much of a life; he patrols the city and walks his dog (always the same route)
>Nathan was born into a rich family, but he is also a hard worker; likes to throw parties in his mansion
>Antonio looks imposing, but he's actually kind of a wimp
>Kotetsu is indeed his "best friend"; Antonio often tries to invite him for a drink, but usually gets rejected
>actually quite lonely

Nishida's response to Friend Rice:
>The line about the rice was one that had a lot of thought put into it. Towards Kotetsu it wasn't a plea "please don't die", but a very Barnaby-like attempt to both encourage him and to tell how much he wants him to live.
>Barnaby has lived for nothing but revenge and unable to accept people, yet the extent to which Kotetsu's has humanized him is clearly seen in ep24. That line also expresses much gratitude.
>All that rice that the fans created kind of makes me feel very rewarded and as a member of the staff I am very grateful.

Last edited by -KarumA-; 2011-09-20 at 08:57.
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Old 2011-09-20, 09:14   Link #1730
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Ivan showed great skills in the last episode. He must have gone and brushed up on his ninja skills there
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Old 2011-09-20, 10:20   Link #1731
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Finally had time to finish the last 3 episodes. It was great.

- A little weird Barnaby's memory could be recovered with "Bunny-chan" nickname while he seems already fine by it at the beginning of second part
- Saito-san with speaker-hat, awesome! And nice combi with Ben, although Ben didn't do much, if any, lol. By the way what was Ben's current position now at Apollon Media?
- Rotwang was genius when he used Sky High's doubt to further depress other heroes.
- Kaede already get used to Karina's ice power? She couldn't barely control Koutetsu's hundred power, someone's magnetic power, and Sky High's wind power But oh well, her hadouken pose was cool, no pun intended.
- Tiger's dying scene was great although it was yaoi jailbait. His comeback was just as awesome. It was little ruined with Kaede and Barnaby's lack of shock expression before they finally hugged him. And Karina's crying was icing on the cake :3
- That was awesome fighting scene when the Heroes fighting Android-Tigers even though it was so short and the Heroes were losing. Origami looks really great while Rock Bison, well he did stay as some sort of clown character :\
- God oh God, why Maverick had to wear that glasses of him? Damn it made him look disgusting. I really hope Lunatic pinched his pimple before finally burned him.
- Little bit disappointed that Koutetsu made his comeback as hero. Well for me, I think it's better if he made his comeback on Hero TV business but maybe he could be Barnaby's manager or maybe its announcer, lol. But when he said that he will be Hero until he dies even though he lose his power and anyone mock him, and that's good to have one uncool hero, I could live with that, lol.
- The 1-year later scene was great, especially Pao Lin, Ivan, and Karina's. What did you read there Karina?
- Wow, Fire Emblem is on par with Barnaby and beat Origami in term of card's popularity?
- All of OP and ED on the last episode, nice :3

If they will make season 2, OVA, or movie, then I'm in! Because this is just like Orion wo Nazoru's lyric, "koko ga owaru hazuganai no ni". This is not the end yet
Kinda hoping for more exploration with other characters though...

Ah btw, Bandai will release Blue Rose on Chibi-Arts toy line on January for 3300 yen. Chibi-Arts is kinda like Bandai version Nendoroid ^^;;
"My Chibi-Arts may be a little cold, but your money has been put completely on hold!"

Spoiler for :

Still waiting for her SHF, and Origami's, though :3
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Old 2011-09-20, 10:31   Link #1732
Master Chibi
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So did we ever figure out where Kaede got the magnetic powers from when her powers began to manifest?
~*Hai! Back to Japan!

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Old 2011-09-20, 11:06   Link #1733
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Originally Posted by Master Chibi View Post
So did we ever figure out where Kaede got the magnetic powers from when her powers began to manifest?
I had been wondering about that too for so long. No there was never a confirmation of it.
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Old 2011-09-20, 12:36   Link #1734
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Good ending but I really didn't wanted to see Bunny carrying Tiger as a princess yet again...
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Old 2011-09-20, 13:09   Link #1735
I disagree with you all.
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Originally Posted by -KarumA- View Post
>Barnaby wasn't too happy about the pins; he prefers making memories by spending time together, instead of having mementos
I wonder if he's changed his mind, after all those memory alterations?
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Old 2011-09-20, 13:33   Link #1736
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Originally Posted by Master Chibi View Post
So did we ever figure out where Kaede got the magnetic powers from when her powers began to manifest?
No confirmation, but I think it has to be the uncle.
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Old 2011-09-20, 16:03   Link #1737
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Barnaby wasn't too happy about the pins; he prefers making memories by spending time together, instead of having mementos
This is funny because wasn't that the reason why Kotetsu bought them in the first place while Bunny was being a wet blanket because he felt they were wasting time? Sometimes I feel there's a disconnect with what the writers say and what actually plays out on screen.
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Old 2011-09-20, 17:07   Link #1738
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I guess Kotetu's red-ish/orange glow in episode 14 was an error then? I was kinda hoping we'd see some second power action. I mean, it'd make sense since they introduced Jake.
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Old 2011-09-20, 21:31   Link #1739
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Originally Posted by GermaphobicBear View Post
I guess Kotetu's red-ish/orange glow in episode 14 was an error then? I was kinda hoping we'd see some second power action. I mean, it'd make sense since they introduced Jake.
Nah Just a symptom of his condition. Though rare its been documented. Heck so far it has been established the reason for powers hasn't been established.
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Old 2011-09-20, 22:47   Link #1740
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My review for Tiger& Bunny.

Spoiler for for space:
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mecha, sunrise, tiger & bunny, tsundere

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