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Old 2014-03-26, 20:42   Link #51181
I am no one
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Ah, so takes place during the conflict of Zeta then

That said, it will be hilarious if Ichika and his friend become the equivalent of Junk guild, private armed company fighting isolated battles for personal reason, yet indirectly shape the history anyway.

I plan to create a crossover quest, but closer to MS Saga than anything else. And I still haven't decode whether it's human vs human or human vs aliens.
My OTP is fucked up as expected
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Old 2014-03-26, 20:50   Link #51182
~ Your Smile ~
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Junk Guild is too awesome to be tainted by Ichika!!


Charlotte as someone from AE.
Cecily in a space trawling company.
Laura. Artificial Newtype. Definitely.
Lingyi in... hmm... I don't know this one.
Houki is even worse. Side-5 Idol? LOL
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Old 2014-03-26, 21:01   Link #51183
Lumine Passio
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Well, we have Judau for that cases.

And beside, ISA in UC World is still a prestigious school. An indirect branch of Aneheim Electronic - I might find a way for Banager to make a cameo.

Now, the machine. Byakkushiki/Kai for Ichika, Multi-arm Zeta Plus for Houki, GM Sniper IV (GM III Custom) for Cecilia, Dolmel for Rin, GM Quel Custom for Charlotte, and Psyco Gundam Mk.0 for Laura.
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Old 2014-03-26, 21:01   Link #51184
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Originally Posted by MeisterBabylon View Post
Charlotte as someone from AE.
- (Looks at the Vist and Carbine families involved with AE
...yeah, that is believable. In fact, it's SO believable AE is just another branch of Dunois Industries (or vice versa).

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor.
Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief.
Black Man, White Man, Red Man, Old Man.
Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief.

One man did what no man could,
stole my girl that's understood.
What he did was beyond belief,
oh that devil was a common thief!

Last edited by wavehawk; 2014-03-26 at 21:15.
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Old 2014-03-26, 21:19   Link #51185
Lumine Passio
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Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
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You know, Syam Vist's late wife is a French noblewoman after all. It's likely that the Dunois has somekind of blood-related to Vist Foundation.

And that poem. Definitely the author is not in his sanest state.
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Old 2014-03-26, 21:23   Link #51186
Some say I'm the Reverse
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Originally Posted by Fireminer View Post
And that poem. Definitely the author is not in his sanest state.
- I was never known for my sanity.

It's basically one of the many variations of an old English Nursery rhyme. This same Nursery rhyme was the basis of John Le Carre's novel "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy".
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Old 2014-03-26, 23:19   Link #51187
Awe of She
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"So... why is it that am I here at the police precinct picking you up, Ichika." Not a request but a demand for an appropriate explanation of this colossal waste of time. Chifuyu had her arms folded and legs crossed, her left leg bouncing up and down in a clearly agitated manner. Whether her agitation was to be directed at him or the officers was to be decided within the next few seconds.

"I told you, Chifuyu-nee, some woman kicked at my shins when she demanded that I get up from my seat on the bus! When I jumped up from the seat, she screamed that I was assaulting her, and here I am."

Chifuyu's eyes darted down to his pants' leg. There was a scuff mark there. "Lift it," she commanded. He did so and Chifuyu felt her eye twitch. It had been at least two hours since the incident occured; for the bruise to still be that prominent, that must have been one hell of a kick. "Did you show that to the officers?"

"Yes! I didn't even get ice or anything for it either," Ichika winced as he moved the leg.

"Ho~h," was all she replied with but Ichika noted that her foot that had been bouncing at a steady rhythm was now still. Ichika swallowed carefully, already shying away from her as the door opened. In walked two men, one well-dressed man in a suit, tie, and a briefcase, and the other was the detective from before.

"Well then, Ichika-kun," the detective began before he looked up. "Oh, and who is this? I thought you said you were calling a family member - not a lawyer." In truth, Chifuyu wearing her business attire could pass as such but Ichika had a feeling that no army of lawyers was going to stop her now.

"I'm not his lawyer - I'm his elder sister," Chifuyu replied evenly.

"Ah okay, this is Mr. Wakamoto, the legal counsel for Harata-san -"

"Ice." That one word silenced the detective and both men looked at her.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said, 'Ice'." She pointed to Ichika's leg. "Why hasn't he gotten ice for this yet? Is there no more common decency in our police departments that they allow a young man to remain injured like this?" She refolded her arms and closed her eyes in a way that clearly told the two men that there would be nothing else said until the ice was brought.


"Here," the detective handed Ichika ice wrapped in a towel, who accepted it gratefully. "Now can we - "

"Where is your client now," Chifuyu locked a stare with Wakamoto-san. "Don't tell me that she went home already."

"Why yes she did. Due to the mental strain of being assaulted..."

Chifuyu's glare increased ten-fold. "That's it? Just mental strain?"

The lawyer blinked. "Pardon?"

"I can assure you, Wakamoto-san, that if my brother here retaliated in any way, she would have gotten a lot more than just 'mental strain'." She let her foot bounce a few more times. "IS pilots tend to be stronger than average humans," she added.

"Well that's-wha what?!" Wakamoto-san jumped up. "An IS pilot!? Him!?"

"Why yes, my little brother - Orimura Ichika - is an IS pilot," she stated rather calmly.

"Th-that would make you..."

"His big sister - Orimura Chifuyu."

Ichika was sure that the two men would have fallen over with a mere poke.

While I'm not a fan of celebs/famous people who use their status to get out of crimes they commit...There's just something about this one that makes Chifuyu throwing the Orimura name around like she did so...satisfying.
"Focus entirely on me, you ordinary soldier."
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Old 2014-03-27, 00:11   Link #51188
~ Your Smile ~
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Age: 38
Originally Posted by wavehawk View Post
- (Looks at the Vist and Carbine families involved with AE
...yeah, that is believable. In fact, it's SO believable AE is just another branch of Dunois Industries (or vice versa).

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor.
Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief.
Black Man, White Man, Red Man, Old Man.
Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief.

One man did what no man could,
stole my girl that's understood.
What he did was beyond belief,
oh that devil was a common thief!
You see what I see. It goes further:

-Rafale was involved with the RV Project
-They supply Stratoframes both the Asean Foundation and the Kingdom of Ea
-There are two big families involved with Rafale, and we know what became of the Dunois family from that old story of mine. What about Charlotte's stepfamily, the one with mob links?

*is whacked by Turn E Vandam*
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Old 2014-03-27, 00:15   Link #51189
Big Game
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Location: Exclusively Inside Your Mind.
Ugh, just because I`m a college student would mean I get a summer job from my dad`s company then.
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Old 2014-03-27, 03:46   Link #51190
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Is this the chapter for Drabbles of the Orimura?
It really nails Chifuyu's character.
Tempest do you plan on updating your other fanfic about Ichika and Chifuyu, sorry I forgot the title of that fic.

Last edited by I'm-here-present; 2014-03-27 at 03:47. Reason: Incomplete message
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Old 2014-03-27, 04:15   Link #51191
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
What was the point of this? Ichika wondered as he stared at the being in front of him.

Cecilia Alcott gasped as she strained for breath. Long black fingers wrapped around her neck. The force being applied was slow but sure. It caused energy to cackle as IS shields worked to counter the lethal force.

In front of Orimura Ichika was a monster made entirely of black. A combination of something organic and machine in nature. It was like a man, easily clearing two meters in height. It's limbs were practically half as long from shoulder to wrist. The hands themselves added another easy foot or so. The face piece almost looked like a skull, stark white against the slick black. On its back was a rectangular piece. Just as black, just as foreboding as the claws that tipped those long fingers holding unimaginable strength.

"Die Cecilia Alcott. Think back on all those you've wronged and suffer just as they have.", the monster slowly hissed out. The venom in its voice unmistakable. The will of murder floated in that voice that seemed to curse the world.

"I-I-t'sss pa-in-fu-l. I-t... Hurts..."

"That's right. Pain. There is no point if you don't experience it.", the monster cackled as his grip sparked with the resisting shields. "Suffer. Suffer then die."

"I... Can't. Mother... Father."


The shot rang out. A crack against the sky, reverberating for all to hear. Ichika held up one hand. In it was clasped a revolver. It was pointed at the creature before him. He looked fearful, like a man who had done something out of desperation. But he held his ground and spoke. "Let her go.".

The shot had hit the monster. It hit the creature right in the side of its face. It's face turned to him, slowly. It's grip on Cecilia did not waver, not one bit. It stared at him, a stare that bore into his soul. What made this so disturbing was its eyes. Opposed to most depictions of monsters which had Brady eyes, inhuman eyes that could shake a man to his core, this one had human eyes. Cobalt irises and white sclera focused on him, eyes too human for the monstrous body it had.

"Do you understand what it means to pull that trigger?"

Ichika's hand gripped the weapon tighter. No, he didn't understand at all. But what choice did he have? Someone was going to be killed right in front of him? Did the monster expect him to just run and hid? So he replied, "let her go.".

They stood. Two beings staring at each other, calculating the next action that they must take.

"Hmhmhmhmhm... Hahahahahahhahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!"

The monster laughed. It laughed and laughed and laughed some more.

"Interesting. Truly interesting. You have no idea do you? You don't know anything at all!", the monster squeezed suddenly with great strength. The shield under his grip shattered into nothing, causing Cecilia Alcott to scream. Her Blue Tears undoing itself as all its energy was spent to prevent the life-threatening force that should've crushed her throat. "This is perfect. I was told that others existed. I just didn't think it would be so soon.", the monster pointed in Ichika's direction. I'll be taking that wild core!".

The monster lunged. Ichika responded by jumping to the side. A burning pain branded itself into his flank as blood began to ooze over his skin. The teen landed in an awkward roll that made his head spin. He attempted to get his bearings straight but the wind was knocked out of him by a blow from the creature. It sent him rolling once more. His spinning vision eventually stopped and Ichika fired at the black blob in his vision without bothering to ascertain what he was shooting it.

The lone bullet of energy was dodged but it sent the inhuman attacker off his course. This bought Ichika a few seconds of reprieve but it didn't last long. The attacks came swiftly and painfully. There was no way to fight back. Ichika was up against a monster of the truest sense, something that went up to an IS and brought it down to its knees with only the slightest of efforts. Right now, the only male in the world who could pilot an IS was not in his own unit. It's energy had been depleted right off the bat and it dissipated back into its closed form of a bangle on his wrist. He was now just an ordinary high school boy.

Slash, slash, strike, slash.

The blows came one after another. They did not stop until Ichika was dealt the last blow that struck just above his heart. He stared down at the claw embedded in his chest in disbelief. His minor resistance had ended so fast. He idly wondered if this was what would happen if man decided to fight IS? He couldn't really tell. He couldn't really think. Blood was beginning to flow into his eyes. He tried to bring one hand to wipe away the red from his vision, but his hands did not move. In fact, no part of him was moving. Like it was all he could do to stay on his feet. No, he realized that he wasn't even able to support himself. What kept him standing was the claw stabbed right into his chest.

Ichika tried to speak, but blood gurgled up instead.

"Too easy. This was a disappointment.", the monster spoke. "It's far more satisfying to kill Alcott. Yes, far more satisfying to kill that bitch. I know. I'll let you watch! An execution must have an audience yes? Hahahahaha!"

Ichika felt the grating voice echo in his head. It hurt a lot to just take it in. His body had lost all feeling, too much pain to properly process. There was nothing else he could do but to accept this as the end. It was just destiny.

Will you choose your own destiny?

Or will destiny choose you?


Hadn't he been asked that question before? Yes, yes, he had been questioned. He had been asked, but he could not find an answer. He stared down a the claw in his chest. His destiny was to die in this unsightly manner...

It was an inevitable end for someone like him, just as he was supposed to become just a normal highschool student, meander through life cluelessly as monsters like this roamed free. This was just destiny...

"Then I reject it."

"Hmm?", the monster heard Ichika mumble.

"I reject this miserable death.", he grabbed the monster's arm with his free hand.

"You have no choice.", was the creature's reply. Its other claw struck at Ichika's arm. It but into the boy's flesh, but could not snap through the bone.

That was odd? The monster had enough strength to break through an IS' shield but why did it not have strength to break human bones? The monster tried to the teen off his claw but failed as well. Ichika's grip had become unnaturally strong.

"But I still reject it.", his eyes burned with a fire of resistance. It was filled with a passion that was born of oppression. It dared to challenge a higher power beyond itself. It was not something so crude as to be called a rebellion. No, this was defiance. Ichika grit his teeth and screamed out with all his strength, "No matter what happens I definitely reject it!".

Without trout, without expenditure of strength, the dying young man grout the revolver to his own head.

"I reject this destiny!"

And he fired.
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Old 2014-03-27, 04:29   Link #51192
Lumine Passio
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Finally, Demino, you finally got of your lazy ass for that.

However, that kind of writing does make things feel slowly.
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Old 2014-03-27, 04:34   Link #51193
That one guy
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It's deliberately slow. I write like that to really hammer in points. Once the action starts, I just go all out. It's a bad habit of building up to the henshin.
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Old 2014-03-27, 05:36   Link #51194
Lumine Passio
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Hmm... You might want too write something more picturesque about the enemy. Adding a bit more of malice to its aura.
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Old 2014-03-27, 05:39   Link #51195
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Fireminer you have any pairings in infinite potentia? Is it going to be an Ichika x Chifuyu or maybe someone else paired with Ichika.
Also i'm kind of stumped right now because I accepted a ton of female OCs from two readers. I'm having a lot of trouble straightening the plot with the new OCs on the mix.
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Old 2014-03-27, 05:43   Link #51196
That one guy
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Ugh, I'm not even thinking of the design. I'm just going with the first thing that comes to mind.
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Old 2014-03-27, 05:53   Link #51197
Lumine Passio
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First, I made Chifuyu a male in IP.

Yes, you can rage over it, but I need to make someone to be Gendo-clone, and Chifuyu is the best option.

And please, have you ever consider the worthiness of these OC? For example, that Korean girl, I could already seen the end.
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Old 2014-03-27, 06:00   Link #51198
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Male Chifuyu, that's something new. Well these last chapters did really reveal much yet so i'll wait for the later chapters.
About the OCs, they are five first years, female of course. Some are villians, female as well.
I made them a part for the fourth arc of Truth Be Told and they will play roles in the "England Assault", that's the climax of the fourth arc. But some of the villains may died in the course of the battles.
My only problem is how to write out their personalities and their behaviors since the reference of the OCs given to me are pretty vague.
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Old 2014-03-27, 07:18   Link #51199
Lumine Passio
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You could talk to Agetreme, StratoSpear or MeisterBabylon about this. They have been in the OC bussiness for quite long.

Also, weight the characters. Filling the hole with canon characters - I notice that you haven't really established first-tier class in your Truth be Told.
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Old 2014-03-27, 07:22   Link #51200
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If it's first tier then Ichika and his harem, Houki and the rest have already achieved second shift like Ichika. But if top-tier then we have Chifuyu, Satella, Natasha, Natalia and Maya.

Last edited by I'm-here-present; 2014-03-27 at 07:33. Reason: incomplete message
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fanfic ideas, fanfiction,, harem, is fanfic, warning fanfic spoilers, wincest

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