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Old 2006-04-08, 05:53   Link #1
Gotta kill 'em all!
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The reason for fillers?

I never read the Manga but from the sound of things, it seems like the manga has tons of stuff, characters and things that has happened that havent in the anime.

why is it that they made fillers? What is so horrible IMO, is that the arc with naruto going out after sasuke was the best bit of the hole anime, and then they make an entire new season were the quality in animation dropped in quality and the stories became fillers and insane(postman and the ramen episodes comes to mind)! Why didn't they at least just wait with making the manga or did some side stories with other characters or flash back episodes of past events that happened a long time ago?(like some episodes focused on the 1,2 and 3 hokage?)

Maybe it's just me, but I think it's tragic that things have turned out like this.

the directors and fans in japan must also know that this is not cool? or do people enjoy fillers in japan? I don't understand why they would take a very high quality and uniqe show and then just turn it into an avarage show with nothing special.
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Old 2006-04-08, 06:05   Link #2
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Originally Posted by Corn
the directors and fans in japan must also know that this is not cool? or do people enjoy fillers in japan? I don't understand why they would take a very high quality and uniqe show and then just turn it into an avarage show with nothing special.
That must be a commercial difference... Until now, in most Western countries, the consumer gets what he wants.. at least it's supposed to be that way. Not in Japan... there it's the companies who decide everything. If they build a car that's crap, well... you buy it anyway... complaining doesn't help. Organisations protecting consumer rights are inexistant. Not so long ago, they made a law that forbids people to sell their old goods to less fortunate people. You've to know that in Japan, second hand products (electronics, cars, appliances,...) are as if they were new. They pay a lot of attention to their belongings. Now, they'll have to bring perfectly working products to the junk yard, because: the companies lose money with the second hand market. If someone buys a game for 5,000円 plays it, gets bored and sells it for 2,000円 to someone else, that the sale of 1 copy the company loses.
There're some very interesting articles about this on the net.

My guess is that it's the same with anime. Whether it's good or bad, people buy it and consume it anyway.
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Old 2006-04-08, 06:54   Link #3
Sawa-Chan <3 <3 <3
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Originally Posted by Corn
I never read the Manga but from the sound of things, it seems like the manga has tons of stuff, characters and things that has happened that havent in the anime.

why is it that they made fillers? What is so horrible IMO, is that the arc with naruto going out after sasuke was the best bit of the hole anime, and then they make an entire new season were the quality in animation dropped in quality and the stories became fillers and insane(postman and the ramen episodes comes to mind)! Why didn't they at least just wait with making the manga or did some side stories with other characters or flash back episodes of past events that happened a long time ago?(like some episodes focused on the 1,2 and 3 hokage?)

Maybe it's just me, but I think it's tragic that things have turned out like this.

the directors and fans in japan must also know that this is not cool? or do people enjoy fillers in japan? I don't understand why they would take a very high quality and uniqe show and then just turn it into an avarage show with nothing special.
Fillers as the name applies are something to fill. When Manga and Anime gets close to each other storywise filler episode are shown, so that Manga can get ahead. Anime usually goes at a faster pace, so if there arent any fillers anime will catch up to the Manga and there isnt anything to show in anime. So thats why fillers exist. They arent always bad, and sometimes fun. I hope this helps and answer your question.
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Old 2006-04-08, 06:59   Link #4
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why is it that they made fillers? What is so horrible IMO, is that the arc with naruto going out after sasuke was the best bit of the hole anime, and then they make an entire new season were the quality in animation dropped in quality and the stories became fillers and insane(postman and the ramen episodes comes to mind)! Why didn't they at least just wait with making the manga
Money, plain and simple...
As long as naruto stays on the air with new episodes the company makes more money... they don't make as much money if they don't keep making episodes... plus they can get even more money when they sell the fillers on dvd

The reason we got so many fillers is because the anime was very close to catching up with the manga... so they needed to give the manga a lot more of a lead... you can expect fillers between ever arc to help give the manga more time... and another huge block of fillers the next time the anime gets too close to the manga

did some side stories with other characters
Because their writers just plain suck... -.-

flash back episodes of past events that happened a long time ago?
Because Kishimoto is the writer of Naruto and plays little role in the making of the anime... The writers of the anime have to be very careful with what they write, or they may disrupt the continiuty of the naruto storyline... Kishimoto can easy end up writing something that contradicts what they show in the fillers...

The anime fillers have already been dancing on the edge of disrupting continuity... and they kinda got a bit risky with some parts, such as Raiga, who was one of the 7 water ninjas (kishi could have been planning to introduce all 7 in the long run)
Other things i remeber is stuff like Sakura's display of strength in the filler before the rescue sasuke arc... and i also think there are some problems with exitance of ibiki's brother, idate and idate's teacher... i believe that in the world of naruto, they both would have been marked as missing-nin and hunted down and killed by ANBU for abandoning the village...

the directors and fans in japan must also know that this is not cool? or do people enjoy fillers in japan?
the directors only care about profit... and while the teenagers may or may not like it, there will always been that huge group of kids that have no taste and will watch anything that has the name "Naruto" in it

This is the marketing brilliance behind shonen... because a good portion of the poeple that watch the show only like to see characters fight and can't tell the difference between quality and crap
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Old 2006-04-08, 07:03   Link #5
Sawa-Chan <3 <3 <3
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Originally Posted by Syaoran
That must be a commercial difference... Until now, in most Western countries, the consumer gets what he wants.. at least it's supposed to be that way. Not in Japan... there it's the companies who decide everything. If they build a car that's crap, well... you buy it anyway... complaining doesn't help. Organisations protecting consumer rights are inexistant. Not so long ago, they made a law that forbids people to sell their old goods to less fortunate people. You've to know that in Japan, second hand products (electronics, cars, appliances,...) are as if they were new. They pay a lot of attention to their belongings. Now, they'll have to bring perfectly working products to the junk yard, because: the companies lose money with the second hand market. If someone buys a game for 5,000円 plays it, gets bored and sells it for 2,000円 to someone else, that the sale of 1 copy the company loses.
There're some very interesting articles about this on the net.

My guess is that it's the same with anime. Whether it's good or bad, people buy it and consume it anyway.
i have no knowledge of the things you are talking about so i am not gona comment, however animewise Japan is way faster. I will give you just one famous and popular example " Inuyasha". Inuyasha had around 176 episodes and it was shown in japan in around 3 years. and in USA after around 5 to 6 years only 100 episodes are shown. Also atm fastest DVD realeases by companies are around 2 months for one DVD, which is 3 to 4 episodes.
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Old 2006-04-08, 07:15   Link #6
Join Date: Mar 2006
normally there should be nothing wrong with fillers having a bad storyline and etc.... i think that main problem here is the sucky animation... some of the past episodes were like drawn 10 years ago , and the characters design for the fillers were just plain bad... look at raiga and etc ? fish lipped mutants ?
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Old 2006-04-08, 07:54   Link #7
Gotta kill 'em all!
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but I heard a wild rumor that the manga now features much older characters. naruto and the others grew or they went fast forward in the timeline?

I just wish that Naruto would develop more again as a character. He just uses the same Rasengan and his copy techniques over and over again.

I think one of the great things about Naruto was seeing how he evolved from the early episodes.
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Old 2006-04-08, 09:52   Link #8
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The reason why there are fillers is all about MONEY!!!

Show crap and the real Narutard will stil watch it...

And a minor thing the Anime is Catching up to the Manga...
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Old 2006-04-08, 09:56   Link #9
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Originally Posted by Corn
but I heard a wild rumor that the manga now features much older characters. naruto and the others grew or they went fast forward in the timeline?

I just wish that Naruto would develop more again as a character. He just uses the same Rasengan and his copy techniques over and over again.

I think one of the great things about Naruto was seeing how he evolved from the early episodes.
It is true that there is a three year time skip, but there's something in the manga before that happens.

and i don't think that money is as much as an issue as the anime catching up to the manga, but i could be wrong. that is my own opinion.
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Old 2006-04-08, 11:12   Link #10
Gotta kill 'em all!
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when they get older, does the show get more serious?

does naruto get stronger or smarter?
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Old 2006-04-08, 11:25   Link #11
Hyuga Equ
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Well after 3 years of training with a Legendary Sannin, he has to be stronger, right?
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Old 2006-04-08, 12:01   Link #12
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Originally Posted by Corn
when they get older, does the show get more serious?

does naruto get stronger or smarter?
Spoiler for Manga:
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Old 2006-04-08, 12:53   Link #13
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The manga is the original stuff that is always firstmade by the artist himself
the series are created by the storyline of the manga for fans and sometimes for publiity and more cash winning

but if the anime closes in on the manga too much they have to choice but to : 1. let the series stop for a certain period or 2. make fillers so that there is more space between the anime timecenter and the one of the manga

but when a series stops for a long period, the popularity goes down after a while and peopl forget about the series so that means when they re broadcast it with new episodes some part of the fans will not watch the anime ven then

fillers are stories not from the original artist and are generally made for money making and for keeping the profit up, because when people stop watching their profit goes down

sometimes an episode of 1 week takes up 4 or 5 chapters and sometimes even more, work that took 5 weeks or more to make and publish has been animated into a 1 episode series, if this goes on it catches up pretty fast and they dont want that to happen
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Old 2006-04-08, 13:31   Link #14
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Maybe you guys will think im a loser, but I really like Naruto.(even though im 18). - Maybe someone in my age is a retard for watching an anime like Naruto - I don't know, but I love it.

Im drawn towards these character, and as cute and cool as it looks, I feel this anime has some very very deep and uniqe themes that actually made me think after having watched it, and I sort of have started carrying emotionaly for some of these characters - Feeeling sympathy and being drawn in by it. I know it's not considered uber okatu or "oscar worthy" material like a Hayao film, but I just love it. Not since Cowboy Bebop had a series moved me in that way with a combination of Action, humor, adventure, and just enterainment.

Particularly doing the chase Sasuke arc. That was amazing. I really did thought they were all gonna die, and I remember seeing close to 150 episodes in one week - Did nothing but watching Naruto. Unplugged the phone, never went outside. I just sat there and watched and watched and watched. I was so hooked. But then fillers came.. I still watch it. And the latest arc with the Star is not really bad - Animation is, but story is fine and it keeps me entertained but some of the others made me think "huh? do we really need to see this?".

I freakin love Naruto. I guess I can't explain it, but I just don't want to see it turn into something "lesser".

Someone in this thread said that if the series wouldnt continue constantly it would drop fans - Can't it work the other way too. Like building hype and massive mormentum and anticipation for the new seasons?
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Old 2006-04-08, 13:33   Link #15
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Originally Posted by Corn
the directors and fans in japan must also know that this is not cool? or do people enjoy fillers in japan? I don't understand why they would take a very high quality and uniqe show and then just turn it into an avarage show with nothing special.
I don't think the kids that are the shows intended audience give a damn about the filler

Also, fillers exist because anime catches up to manga (an episode is usually made up of 2-4 chapters worth of material) and the Japanese apparently don't like reruns...

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Old 2006-04-08, 16:21   Link #16
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it's very simple. Kids watch anything and they know about it. If they let the real story run too fast and let the charactors develop too fast the serie would end pretty fast. They would not earn as much $$$ as if they're stretching the series like now. They know the series is popular. They know kids watch anything and they know we the older aud would stay and follow the story no matter how much filler they put in it. simple term is they're "milking it"
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Old 2006-04-08, 16:50   Link #17
Mr. Johnny 5
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Originally Posted by UberDork
The reason why there are fillers is all about MONEY!!!

Show crap and the real Narutard will stil watch it...

And a minor thing the Anime is Catching up to the Manga...
Hahha as funny as it is...yeah its about the money.

Anyway i cant even believe that they would make much money right now...all ratings and spectators viewing/reading/watching the anime would definetly drop enormous.

The Anime competition/rivalry in Japan is enormous. There are dozens of Naruto-alike or even different which prove to be better or just as good out there.. comming daily or once a week.

For example: Bleach, Fate Stay Night and more. These are pretty populair here...
So therefor the anime has to be good to sell good. Only true fans (so count me out i gave up months ago) will keep on watching.
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Old 2006-04-08, 18:02   Link #18
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Originally Posted by Corn
Maybe someone in my age is a retard for watching an anime like Naruto
Retard is a strong word. Unless you're sitting through the filler voluntarily.
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Old 2006-04-08, 21:20   Link #19
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Originally Posted by Syaoran
My guess is that it's the same with anime. Whether it's good or bad, people buy it and consume it anyway.
I sincerely hope that is not true. I wouldn't pay for a series I consider to be bad, and I'm not so attached to animation as an art form that I will watch crap just for the sake of watching it. I would rather watch nothing at all.

Originally Posted by Whitemoon648
i have no knowledge of the things you are talking about so i am not gona comment, however animewise Japan is way faster. I will give you just one famous and popular example " Inuyasha". Inuyasha had around 176 episodes and it was shown in japan in around 3 years. and in USA after around 5 to 6 years only 100 episodes are shown. Also atm fastest DVD realeases by companies are around 2 months for one DVD, which is 3 to 4 episodes.
Well, yeah. Something intended for the Japanese market had better come out in Japan first.

And there are a whole long process of getting anime to the US -- which I won't go into right now, but 2 months for 4 eps really isn't that bad.

Has Bleach caught up with its manga counterpart yet?
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Old 2006-04-08, 23:14   Link #20
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I think the best way for this kind of thing is that if the animation team and the mangaka worked together, so they can stretch the anime Eps. by adding things, kinda like the TenTen vs. Temari fight. Or the mangaka could help with the filler so it doesn´t suck as much cause the anime staff is worried about ruining the story.
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