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Old 2014-11-06, 18:16   Link #501
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Originally Posted by janipani View Post
I would claim that no writing skills what comes to romance and women. But he has to be hopelessly romantic though because he is just unable to have any character growth in sector of love interests.

If he wanted to make NaruHina believable, he should had made us a moment of realization like "Damn, that girl is not half bad", "Damn, she actually has some charm", and then shown us several such cases where Naturo is wondering, "hey why didn't I notice her like this before".

But now... it's more like.. "Okay,, that bitch likes me. So... and you know they respect more married leaders. So... I take her. It's like fucking a sister, but what can I do, this is all Kishi had set up for me."
Pretty much... if Naruto actually showed any interest in Hinata throughout whole manga, I wouldn't mind. I mean I did geniuly support them back in season 1. But as Shippuden started and Hinata pretty much got forgotten, I gave up on them and now "Oh yeh, there is a girl named Hinata! Remember her?"
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Old 2014-11-06, 18:27   Link #502
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It's true that Kishimoto probably didn't know himself which paring he should choose in the end. I mean even in the war arc it went back and forth. We had Naruto and Hinata holding hands, then the talk with his father about Sakura then it went back to Hinata?

Well people, don't forget THIS IS SHOUNEN!

Did you forget the asspull romance in DRAGON BALL?

"Oh I told you I would marry you? I thought "marry" is some kind of food!"

People tend to forget how stupid the romance was done in Dragon Ball (and in action-shounen in general), because the Nostalgia Glasses are too strong.
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Old 2014-11-06, 18:37   Link #503
Sabaku Kyu
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Originally Posted by MysticNinjaJay View Post
Now Sasuke and Sakura.....

I always felt that relationship was unnecessary. Sakura's love for Sasuke was nothing more than a school girl crush on the most popular boy in school. She loved Sasuke for his talent and his antisocial personality seemed to make her even more persistent in winning his affection. Sasuke showed no interest in Sakura throughout the ENTIRE manga, considering her to be an annoyance and even tried to kill her. But that girl still maintained her childish crush through it all.
I have mixed feelings about it. Sasuke poked Sakura's head when she healed him after the final battle. I think that showed a lot. We know for Sasuke, that gesture holds a deep amount of significance, and for him to bestow that on Sakura of all people shows his feelings towards her may have been lot more than you'd think. Just like he always showed little but contempt for Naruto, but still acknowledged him as his closest friend several times. For Sasuke, disdain and affection go hand-in-hand.

On the other hand...he did try to murder her at one point. So yeah, he doesn't earn brownie points on that.

I think it would've been better if Sakura and Sasuke weren't explicitly paired at the end. Have Sakura remain in Konoha and Sasuke continued to wander, but maybe still hint at the possibility they could one day be reunited. Maybe have both of them look at the old pic of them as genin in Team 7 or something like that. They didn't really need a kid confirming they had hooked up.

Originally Posted by sayde View Post
I thought the clones are basically exact copies of the original in terms of personality and appearance. This actually brings up a decent ethical debate. If you could create a clone that was exactly like you and the clone could even transfer every single detail and bit of experience of their day right back to you upon their leave (as if you were there all along), would that really be so bad of a solution if you were simply too busy to be with your family?
Ah, the Dr. Manhattan Dilemma...

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
well it takes place after the movie so it could literally be anything right now. what's really interesting is that it means there will definitely be a part 3. there's no other reason for leaving a cliffhanger on the last chapter.

i'll throw my 2 cents in and keep beating the black zetsu drum. it is similar to how hashirama sensed black zetsu after he beat madara
Hm, I'd thought black zetsu was pretty much finished. Though I guess he he could still be out there. Oro and Kabuto are clearly still alive, but their motives are unclear. Both seemed to have a wiser outlook on life towards end of the manga, but who really knows they are really reformed or not.

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Old 2014-11-06, 18:38   Link #504
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Originally Posted by sayde View Post
I thought the clones are basically exact copies of the original in terms of personality and appearance. This actually brings up a decent ethical debate. If you could create a clone that was exactly like you and the clone could even transfer every single detail and bit of experience of their day right back to you upon their leave (as if you were there all along), would that really be so bad of a solution if you were simply too busy to be with your family?
I personally think it is a lazy solution to parenting (if you can just use clones for everything, why wouldn't you use them for work allowing you to have more time for the kids), plus it would create a very bad atmosphere for the kids. I imagine it would be like being raised in a family that foisted you off on the maid/nanny, only in this case the maid/nanny was an actual clone of your parent that decided that the clone was better than simply being there in person.

Originally Posted by sayde View Post
I don't recall any of the parents picking up their children from the academy. The children are probably considered old enough to find their own ways home. No need for Hinata to embarrass her son by being the only parent to pick him up straight after school. (though after the stunt he pulled, I could see that being a good punishment.)
I was mostly poking fun at Romanticide, who used Naruto's apparent lack of involvement as a means of critiquing him as a bad parent. If you can do it for one parent, why not the other? It was mostly facetious, so please do not think too deeply on the matter .
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Old 2014-11-06, 18:43   Link #505
James Rye
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Well, then. The ending of Naruto. 14 years of reading, 700 chapters.
I kind of wished I had felt more when reading those last two chapters. But I didn't felt much at all. :C

Anyway, I still "kind of" liked those two chapters, if I shut down my brain that is, but whenever I saw Sasuke and Sakura and the whole stupid "yeah, he can go now, just don't go crazy again kay, and btw I am Hokage now for like 1/10 of a chapter, just so you know" scene with this half-assed aplogy and thanks and my brain was full on screaming BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTT in my mind.^^;

The symbolism was really forced, but the symbolism I liked was the handing over of the damaged Konoha headband from the first Naruto and Sasuke fight. That kinda gesture felt more of a reunion than that stone statutes holding hands over the blood bound Sasuke and Naruto. That was the only symbolism I liked though.

I feel like a lot of stuff is missing in those two chapters but I guess Kishi deemed those points not meaningful or important so he cut them off. Or maybe he forgot about them, could be the case as well.

Chapter 700, hah,...

I think for chapter 700 I have to explain why I started to buy Naruto as a kid 14 years back then. When i had read Naruto I felt bad for him to be so hated for something he had no fault for, for something which all the responsibility lies with his parents, mostly his dad. But when I read his story I sort of admired how he didn't start to hate the world and everyone in it and instead tried to gain attention, approval, respect and love by doing whatever it takes, may it be pranks, becoming a Ninja, training hard and helping and caring for others.
One of such moments which I can still remember was the Neji vs Hinata fight where Naruto screamed into the fight to get Hinata out of the mindcrap Neji had pulled her in. I liked that, I like how he got empathy with people who also felt like they had no place in the world or that the place they are in currently feels wrong to them.

Back then as a kid I already realized for myself that what Naruto wanted to be was not "become the next Hokage" which is in the end nothing but a title with lots of responsibilities and having to deal with lots and lots and lots and lots of paperwork. What Naruto wanted was a family, friends, comrades. He wanted to be accepted, be a part of a team, a community. He thought he would get all that magically by becoming the "strongest" and so gaining the Hokage title.
In other words all he wanted was somebody to tell "I love you" and add the words "just the way how you are" to said three important words.

It's why for me Naruto became "disconnected" somehow after the timeskip, after Sasuke's betrayal and ofc the whole war arc mess and what not. For me I felt like Naruto, the character, was stuck in a single place, not growing up nor changing much. Sure he got more powerful, but all he did was the same as he did years ago. And that made me feel sad, disappointed and sometimes even angry at him.
I get that Naruto is his "own person" with views and ideals I might not share. But in his case I couldn't understand more and more things and at some point Naruto stopped feeling "real" to me like he did at the beginning and first part of Naruto.

The friendship with Sasuke was such a point.
Friendship is, in my eyes, not a "one-way ticket". If only one person thinks he is a friend to somebody else who doesn't think the same, then that is no friendship. Friendship is about caring for each other, for listening to each other, for laughing and crying with each other, and sometimes even have some fights against or with each other, but no matter what happens in the end, a friend would be at your side, grin at you and fistbump you. Because he wants to.
With Sasuke I felt, for obvious reasons, never that much of a friendship with Naruto. And that made me sad, not because of their "break-up" but because Naruto refused to see Sasuke as anything else but a "friend", his "best friend/brother in spirit" even. What made this even more sad was that over the course of the manga Naruto had tons of people besides him and behind him who would have made great friends to him as they wanted to return their friendship to him. And yet, no matter what Naruto said or did, never did anything felt like he really wanted to become as close friends with those people like he wanted with Sasuke.

It feels weird talking about it, especially when I think back to how I read Naruto as a kid. As a kid I always wanted Naruto to grow out of his obssession with Sasuke and his crush of Sakura, because those relationships and feelings of his never felt "real" or "true" to me, but felt more like substitutes for what he never had before. So it made me sad when he was going on and on about Sasuke this and Sasuke that and never created as deep a friendship with other characters who would have been great friends compared to Sasuke, who lost himself in his revenge lust, and most of all who WANTED to be his friends.

Which gets me to the love part.
Just like friendship, a one-sided love won't work out well in a relationship if the other party does not return those feelings. At least not in an intimate and long-term relationship. Love just like friendship isn't a give, give give, thing. It's a give and be given thing. Which is what I wanted for Sakura and Naruto to realize. That what they are doing, feeling and reacting upon those feelings won't be healthy to them nor will make them happy in the long run.
I wanted Sakura to not only question her feelings for Sasuke but also to decide that those feelings, while inside and coming from her heart, are not automatically "good" for her. Fellings can be a cancer as much as a source of happiness. I wanted her to give up on Sasuke and REALLY face him with everything she got to push Sasuke back in a way he would have not expected of the weak girl who he thought she was. And I wanted her to look for somebody who would be there for her, who would not think about himself, who would want to make her happy. Naruto COULD have been such a person but as I said, he is also someone I wanted to grow out of his feelings and realize that his feelings weren't "real" as in "More important than becoming Hokage" but something he "wanted to feel" to make himself "normal". A normal boy would fall in love with a normal girl, right? At least that is how Naruto's crush on Sakura felt to me.

It would have been great to see Sakura bitchslap Sasuke and tell him she doesn't love him anymore which ofc won't bother Sasuke at all 'cause I can't remember anything in the manga where he could have shown that he's madly in love with her. But I wanted to see that for herself. And at the same time I wanted her to confide to Naruto, her friend who was always there for her and what not. And I wanted Naruto to see that when he thought he had what he wanted, that it did not made him happy in the way he expected it to do. That he was chasing an "illusion of happiness", not bothering to question himself what would truly make him happy.
It is were Hinata could have come in and where Naruto could have, with time and events, realized that there are things much more important for him than becoming Hokage. That he would gladly drop that title to do what he loves to do and be with who he loves to be instead to have to be "the father of everybody in the village".

It's why the ending made me sad. To see Bolt doing this to the Hokage faces despite having two loving and most importantly ALIVE parents was really sad. Same with Naruto not helping his son to clean up that prank. Yeah, nice talk about how he can't be there for him all the time as he is Hokage and how he should "ninja up" because he is his son, but that doesn't help to solve the root of the problem at all!
Bolt will still feel like his father is not there for him, will still feel "unloved" despite his father being there because his father rather wants to be Hokage for his village than being a "dad" for his son (and daugther, poorg girl shown and forgotten in a single page).
Naruto was lonely because his parents died and because people feared him. Bolt is lonely despite his parents being alive and there for him and people clearly not fearing him, rather loving him despite his pranks.
Which of those two scenarios would make you more sad?

So about Naruto becoming Hokage, it did not made me happy at all. I would have liked it more if it had been like this:

Kakashi and Naruto are eating Ramen in a Ramen Stall/restaurant and talk about the past and present, like who married who, who died, what had happened to the world, to Konoha and how Kakashi's years as 6th Hokage were and that today the 7t Hokage is to be named. And Kakashi puts down his bowl and say
"Naruto, you know the reason I am here is not to just have a friendly talk, do you?"
"Yes, and you know my answer already."
Kakashi sighs and rubs his hair.
"You could become Hokage in a heartbeat if you wanted to. The people adore you. You are their hero. They would be happy with you as their leader."

Suddenly Naruto laughs, spurting out his noddles out of his nose and coughing up which makes Kakashi sweatdrop as he watches a war hero with a noodle coming out of his nose trying to catch his breath. Naruto would then reply (while trying to get the noodle outta his nose):
"People think the craziest things, Kakashi. Being a Hokage means stress, stress and stress again. You sit all day long in your office and read documents, write documents, stamp documents, worry about numbers and money and how to get all that work done in a day. Which you can't. It is a job where you grow grey hair, as you saw yourself."
"If that was a hint to my hair, it was always grey." Kakahis deadpans while Naruto grins widely.

Naruto then stands up, collect the empty bowls and goes behind the abadonned counter and starts to clean the bowls with a whistle. Kakashi looks around the restaurant, seeing lots of pictures of old and new friends and memories of battles fought in the past and souvenirs from visited countries.
"So this is it?" will Kakashi ask, his arms crossed before his chest. "Naruto Uzumaki, the son of the fourth Hokage, bearer of the nine-tailed beast, the most likely greatest warhero of Konoha - is stasified being a ramen cook?" (Big zoom-out of Naruto's ramen stall/restaurant being called "To the Ninetails" or something weird like that XD)
Naruto continues the washing and cleaning.
"Is there something wrong with that?"
"Well, no, it is just...unexpected I guess. You always talked at every chance how you wanted to become Hokage and now when I would offer you that title again, your answer is still 'No, I want to be the greatest Ramen cook of Konoha'?"

Naruto chuckles again and puts the bowls away to drip off the water of them. He knew of a certain old Ramen cook who would get an upset stomach if he got told that Naruto had said that once to Kakasi when he first refused the Hokage title.
"My dream as a kid might have been to be Hokage. But what I wanted to have was not the fancy hat or the important position or that big title or seeing my face imbeded in stone...All I wanted was people to not hate me for who I am and I thought I would get what I wanted with becoming Hokage."
Naruto looks thoughtful while he dries his hand with a towel, Kakashi looks at him silently. Naruto then looks up to Kakashi with a small smile.
"But I already have everything I wanted, I got a job I love, friends who come by to make fun of my new food creations and people who greet me back when I welcome them to my restaurant. And..." A bell rings as the door opens. "I got even much more than that."

"Hello, Hokage Kakashi. So that's why a "closed" sign is on the door. You should still open the restaurant soon, Naruto. It is bright daylight and the streets are full of people who want to see the new Hokage. I almost couldn't reach this door."
A smiling Hinata and two lively kids,a boy and a girl, enter from the crowded streets. The kids rush past the sitting Hokage to hug their father who returned that hug and with a grunt as if both kids were suuuuuuperheavy picks them up to carry in his arms. With his kids sitting comfortable, he walks around the counter to greet his wife with a peck on the cheek which the kids comments with "ewwww" sounds while Hinata giggles and blushes a little before returning the kiss back to her husband. Louder "ewwwwww!" sounds returned.
Kakashi watches this whole scene with some strange sense of comfortness, aaaaand maybe just a bit of jealousy.

"As you see, Kakashi. I already got everything to have the happiest time of my life. What need do I have for a job that would entitle to keep me away from what makes me happy?"
Kakashi looks Naruto straight in the eye and sees nothing but honesty and happiness sparkling in those blue eyes, a happiness that seem to beam from the children and Hinata's faces as well. All by his side and in his arms. Behind his mask the soon to be retired Hokage smiled. The loud and nasty child who couldn't sit still and listen properly to save his life was saying such grown up things. 'Guess that's what being a father and husband does to you. It changes you more than you would expect.' He thought to himself.

Kakashi gives a deep chuckle which Naruto counters with a confused look as he is not sure what was there to laugh about.
"You know, you might be the first Ninja who refused to become Hokage. Hah, well that means I only have one person left to ask for becoming the 7th Hokage." The boy gasps loudly and starts to shake his dad violently which makes Hinata pick up her puzzled daugther from Naruto's left arm.
"You could become Hokage? Awesome! All the kids in school will drop their jaws when they hear my papa is Hokage!"
"Don't be silly. Uncle Kakashi said that daddy didn't wanted to become Hokage." Explains the girl while sticking out her tonuge to her loud brother. Which makes the boy shake his father even more violently.
"Why would you NOT want to be Hokage? I don't understand you!" Naruto, Hinata and Kakashi laughs at the pure shock of the boy. Naruto puts his son down and strokes through his blond hair looking just like his old man's.
"Bolt, my boy, I would pick you over the Hokage position anyday. And one day you will understand for yourself why I did so."
Bolt looks back to Kakashi, a dead serious expression on his face.
"He's crazy."
"That your father is indeed." agrees Kakashi and prepares to leave.
"Hey, Kakashi. Who is the other person you will offer this position?"
"Well, I thought about asking Shikamaru."
"Oh my. I doubt he knows about this honor yet." grins Hinata while Naruto laughs loudly as he imagine how Shikamaru will look like when he hears this offer. Kakashi grins unseen behind his black mask.
"If I had he would have found a way out of this. But he will be a good Hokage. Now that we live in an era of peace, strength and power is less needed. He will do just fine, believe me. He might be a bit surprised though when I tell him he is the next Hokage on the same day I give that title away. Also I might have taken a week's vacation before today, so... let's just say you can't see my desk anymore. But in a couple hours that won't be my problem anymore."

Shikamaru was having a normal lunch with his wife and son as suddenly he felt as if his whole body being thrown into cold water. He started to shiver, eyes wide of fear like a dear before a predator and his chopsticks let the food miss his mouth, landing on his lap. Not that Shikamaru was caring much for that as he was too busy, figuring out what his sixth instinct to avoid hard work was warning him about. Temari looks up from her lunch, nonplussed by her husband's action.
"Something the matter, dear?"
"I just...I felt like somebody just put a mountain of work onto my shoulders and I got no way to say no."
The son blinked and looked back to his still calmly eating mother.
"Mom, dad is acting weeeeeeird again."
"Take notice to not become like your father, son."

The end
Or something like that. :P
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Old 2014-11-06, 18:46   Link #506
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Originally Posted by GreyZone View Post
People tend to forget how stupid the romance was done in Dragon Ball (and in action-shounen in general), because the Nostalgia Glasses are too strong.

I haven't forget, but it was always straight forwards and honest. Goku never had any sense for such stuff, but Naruto has been shown as someone who has love interest and be able to that. When Goku and Vegeta loved only fighting and playing home came the very last.

Dragon Ball also completely skipped actual romance part closest to that being Kuririn's case with Android 18, which had short and silly, but still quite nicely written piece of romance for Shounen.
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Old 2014-11-06, 18:57   Link #507
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Originally Posted by Sabaku Kyu View Post
Ah, the Dr. Manhattan Dilemma...

This is part of why I've missed you. Good to see you back for the finale.
Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
I personally think it is a lazy solution to parenting (if you can just use clones for everything, why wouldn't you use them for work allowing you to have more time for the kids)
I know right? (Akashin actually just made me come to that realization). So why not just do that instead! Have the KB do all the mundane routine work involved w/ being Hokage. That way all Naruto would have to do is be present for major conferences and meetings. In theory, his KB should be qualified to even make major decisions on his behalf if KB's really do share the exact same mind (level of intellect and personality) as the creator.
Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
I was mostly poking fun at Romanticide, who used Naruto's apparent lack of involvement as a means of critiquing him as a bad parent. If you can do it for one parent, why not the other? It was mostly facetious, so please do not think too deeply on the matter .
Gotcha. My bad.
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Old 2014-11-06, 18:59   Link #508
Photomancy Experiments
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TLDR: NaruSaku fans still can't figure out that Naruto isn't going to be Beta after seeing Sakura do a fake confession to him, after seeing her care more about Sasuke in the final 1-on-1 Battle, and on the other side, Hinata always, always being there for him.

Really? Guys? Forcing a thing through "necessity"? That Naruto should keep holding on to his childish notions of "crushes" and "likes". I understand that Naruto dreamed to be a Hokage, and now is one, but that dream has changed, even if it was the same goal. First it was a dream to show off the people that made fun of him and isolated him, now it was a dream to protect everyone he cared about, that's a big change.

NaruSaku wants Naruto to chase someone who clearly lied just to gain someone who tried to kill her multiple times.... It's like with Kou Uraki and Nina Purpleton from 0083.
Mercury Lampe
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:00   Link #509
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Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
The end
Or something like that. :P
Not bad! But that would be very unlike Kishi. He doesn't change status quo that easily.
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:04   Link #510
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Originally Posted by aeriolewinters View Post
NaruSaku wants Naruto to chase someone who clearly lied just to gain someone who tried to kill her multiple times.... It's like with Kou Uraki and Nina Purpleton from 0083.
Correct me if I'm wrong (and I may well be), but wasn't Sakura's fake confession done in the hopes of getting Naruto to give up on Sasuke, since she'd resolved to kill him? Sakura being unable to go through with killing him has nothing to do with her reasons for lying to Naruto.

If I'm wrong, or if that's not even what you were talking about, feel free to ignore me.
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:07   Link #511
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Originally Posted by Akashin View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong (and I may well be), but wasn't Sakura's fake confession done in the hopes of getting Naruto to give up on Sasuke, since she'd resolved to kill him? Sakura being unable to go through with killing him has nothing to do with her reasons for lying to Naruto.

If I'm wrong, or if that's not even what you were talking about, feel free to ignore me.
Still, using Naruto's feelings for her is the lowest she has done at that point, if not following up with the actual confession to Sasuke before the last 1-on-1 battle. So it still reeks of Nina Purpleton.
Mercury Lampe
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:09   Link #512
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Originally Posted by aeriolewinters View Post
NaruSaku wants Naruto to chase someone who clearly lied just to gain someone who tried to kill her multiple times.... It's like with Kou Uraki and Nina Purpleton from 0083.
You people can't understand, that not everyone who are against NaruHina is shipping for NaruSaku. Both were bad options in the end. Sasuke should have been kept outside of pairings totally.

Sakura should have been able to get over him, her obsession is sick! She would be one of those beat up moms, who stick with their husband until the worst happens.

Naruto should not have been paired with fake confessing Sakura nor Hinata because he never showed any strong love interest for her.

People grow, people change, Naruto could have found someone completely outside of these circles and that I would had hoped for other characters as well, but Kishi is so damn cheesy and he wanted to fan service.

This last chapter was not well written, because it was written as thank you for all the fans. And obviously NaruHina was the most popular shipping, and that is why things end up like in this final chapter. It was tasteless and cheesy for all the readers who are not the core fans.
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:14   Link #513
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Originally Posted by janipani View Post
But now... it's more like.. "Okay,, that bitch likes me. So... and you know they respect more married leaders. So... I take her. It's like fucking a sister, but what can I do, this is all Kishi had set up for me."
You realize this more describes NaruSaku than NaruHina right? That is pretty much how it would be viewed if Sakura went with Naruto after constantly being rejected by Sasuke.

"Okay, that guy likes me. So... and you know they respect more married leaders. So... I'll let him marry me since Sasuke won't. It's like fucking a brother, but what can I do, this is all Kishi had set up for me."

There fixed it.
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:19   Link #514
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So the NaruSaku fans are bringing their salt into these threads now?
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:20   Link #515
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Originally Posted by janipani View Post
I haven't forget, but it was always straight forwards and honest. Goku never had any sense for such stuff, but Naruto has been shown as someone who has love interest and be able to that. When Goku and Vegeta loved only fighting and playing home came the very last.

Dragon Ball also completely skipped actual romance part closest to that being Kuririn's case with Android 18, which had short and silly, but still quite nicely written piece of romance for Shounen.
YMMV, still I would recommend not to go into a battle-shounen series with high expectations for a well written romance, unless it's something the author specialises in.

Still, Naruto has better romance than to-love-ru will ever have.
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:20   Link #516
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Originally Posted by cyberdemon View Post
You realize this more describes NaruSaku than NaruHina right? That is pretty much how it would be viewed if Sakura went with Naruto after constantly being rejected by Sasuke.

"Okay, that guy likes me. So... and you know they respect more married leaders. So... I'll let him marry me since Sasuke won't. It's like fucking a brother, but what can I do, this is all Kishi had set up for me."

There fixed it.
How many times I have to say I didn't ship neither of those pairings. That describes perfectly both cases. Sakura was obsessed with Sasuke, Hinata was obsessed with Naruto, but guys in these relationships had nothing for these girls.
The man of million typos
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:25   Link #517
Chicken or Beef?
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Also, Are people forgetting that the last movie is dedicated to how Naruto fell in love with Hinata? As well as some other information to fill in on the information we didn't get to fill in the time gap between 699 and 700. Or are people just conveniently forgetting things because their ship sank?
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:26   Link #518
Photomancy Experiments
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Location: Balanga City, Bataan, Philippines
Hinata wasn't obsessed. She was truly in-love, if she was obsessed, then she wouldn't find it in her to do the things she did for Naruto. Her views would be narrow-minded and clouded, which in reality, is the opposite of what she did to Naruto.

An obsessed person has no idea outside of his/her object of obsession,which almost certainly makes him/her narrow-minded and biased towards said object. Naruto snapped when Neji died, yet because Hinata loved him enough, she snapped him out of it, If she was narrow-minded enough, she would've used Naruto's anger instead.
Mercury Lampe
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:31   Link #519
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Originally Posted by aeriolewinters View Post
Still, using Naruto's feelings for her is the lowest she has done at that point, if not following up with the actual confession to Sasuke before the last 1-on-1 battle. So it still reeks of Nina Purpleton.
Oh, it was definitely low, but her motive being arguably for his own good is a whole lot better than manipulating him simply to get to Sasuke. It's still an awful thing for her to have done either way though, I agree.
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Old 2014-11-06, 19:34   Link #520
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Originally Posted by janipani View Post
he never showed any strong love interest for her.

People grow, people change,
Then there's no problem. He didn't show interest before, but obviously that changed.
Naruto could have found someone completely outside of these circles
He would be less likely to find someone outside of his circle of friends. If you have a problem with Hinata, then a complete stranger would be even worse.
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