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Old 2015-10-27, 23:35   Link #1
Blooming on the mountain
Join Date: May 2010
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Winter 2015-6: General Impressions thread - post your opinion and grade

With most series being around the three eps range (either done or incoming) ... let's talk about the current anime season, Winter 2015-6. ^^

The intention of the thread is mostly to discuss what's hot and new, but any thoughts on carryovers from previous seasons may be brought up, but do make sure you are talking about the most recent episodes (don't come here to rant about One Piece or Naruto fillers from last year, for example).

Because it is still early, it may be a good idea to express grades in terms of keep/drop/stall if you're unwilling to give a rating at this point, or something like that. I'm more interested in which new shows are your priorities and why.

Previous formats went something like this, but obviously you are free to express your thoughts however you want; Your rating can be in terms of letter grades, numerical ratings, facepalms, Minkofaces, Deens, Ufotables, Sparkles, etc. Or maybe you don't believe in grades. Your explanations are far more important then what you actually gave out.

Name of Series:
Episodes Watched:
Status (Keep/drop/stall):

Also, I would ask that any specifics be kept in spoiler tags, please.

Nobody will arrest you for violating any formats or anything so post whatever thoughts and try not to comment on other people too much.

Last edited by Flower; 2016-01-24 at 16:29.
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Old 2016-02-01, 04:07   Link #2
Blooming on the mountain
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light....
Well, it has been a while, but I will chime in on this thread since many series have passed ep 3 by now.

Initial Impressions of Winter 2016
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Last edited by Flower; 2016-02-01 at 14:41. Reason: Forgot a series!
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Old 2016-02-02, 01:10   Link #3
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(all text under spoiler tags is spoiler-free, btw)

Best of the season has to be Grimgar and Ajin for me.

Spoiler for details:

Other really good shows are continuations from last cour/2nd seasons: Ass class, Tekketsu, Haikyuu and Utaware.

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Other stuff I'm liking so far would be Bubuki Buranki, Nijiiro Days, Konosuba, Bokumachi, Dagashi Kashi, Koyomimonogatari, World Trigger.

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Has enough chances to possibly get dropped soon are Haruchika, Prince of Stride, Kouya, norn9, Sekkou Boys, Dimension W, Rakugo.

Spoiler for details:

Stuff I'll pick later once it's over: Durarara.

Spoiler for details:


Overall it's an ok season I guess? I doubt anything will get as good as Ajin and Grimgar already are, but I would say Bubuki Buranki (and well, DRR) has the most potential to get really great.
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Old 2016-02-02, 03:05   Link #4
Unleashing the Homu-Rage
Join Date: Apr 2010
OK, I am only watching two things thus far but here we go:

Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There! Season 2
Comments: The second season has thus far followed the manga pretty closely, featuring all of the major scenes in the manga, and didn't shy away from the darker aspects of the manga. I will, however, say, that I still prefer most of the manga designs to those of the anime. Still, good start to the season,
Comments: Akuma Kinomoto Style! (also, in before Akuma this time!): Zorzal is the new Joffrey; Don't fuck with Shino; Wascally Wabbit plotting the downfall of the empire; Nice Senate, Empire... it would be a shame if something happened to it... *cue sounds of bombs falling*; Fuck your dragons, I still have a rocket launcher!
Score (thus far): 8 punches to the face of a tyrant out of 10

Boku Dake Inai Machi (or however you spell it)/Erased
Comment: This one is shaping up to be my best of season, an engaging mystery, with gripping drama that hooks you and won't let go, with a cast of interesting, well written characters including Satoru, Satoru's mom, and Kayo, the girl Satoru intends to save from both her abusive mother and her fate as a murder victim. The internal monologues of Satoru's 28-year old mind in a ten-year old body provide depth to his character and a second angle on the story, while the plot takes you on an emotional roller coaster between heartbreaking (and potentially righteous fury-inducing) scenes of Kayo's abuse at the hands of her abusive mother, and heartwarming scenes of Satoru gaining an affection towards the girl he pledges to save.
Comments: Akuma Kinomoto Style!Them feels; Save more than one innocent life; (to the tune of South Park Movie: Kyle's mom's a bitch) Kayo's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world!; (to the tune of Stacy's mom) Kayo's mom, she has it coming on... I know it's wrong, but I'll fucking kill Kayo's mom!; Seriously, someone snuff that abusive bitch!
Rating: 10 ways I'd like to kill Kayo's abusive bitch of a mother out of ten.
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Old 2016-02-04, 17:45   Link #5
The Chaotic Dreamer
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[[Spoiler-free text under the tags.]]

Best of the Season: Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, Dimension W, Bubuki Buranki, Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Pretty Decent: Prince of Stride, Norn9, Aokana, Konosuba

For the Lulz: Divine Gate, Sekkou Boys

Dropped: HaruChika

Will Watch Later: Erased, Ajin: Demi-Human, Duarara!!x2 Ketsu, Phantom World, Dagashi Kashi
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Old 2016-02-04, 22:53   Link #6
Psyco Diver
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This season has been underwhelming for me even though one show in particular is possibly the best show I've seen in a while. I think this has been the most shows I've ever dropped in one season, which isn't to bad because there were plenty of good shows going into their second cour and seasons this season so its worked out

Erased: this has been my favorite show so far and so far probably one of the best I've seen in a while, I hope they can keep it up I would really be upset if this show becomes drunk on its on plot or it gets wierd

Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju: I was not expecting this show, this was a wild card I picked at random and this has been a joy to watch so far, love the characters, love the setting, love everything about it

Dimension W: another enjoyable show, good story and good characters, I'm looking forward to where this ends up

Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm: I may dump this show after episode 5, I'm just not feeling it

Divine Gate: I dropped this show after 3 episodes, characters were bland and the plot while a interesting concept just did nothing for me in practice

Active Raid: Mobile Assault Division, Unit 8: I'm putting this show on hold till its done, I think this is a good series to marathon when I'm in the mood for cop buddy-slap stick-action, just not right now

Musaigen no Phantom World: Same as Active Raid, not in the mood right now so I'll save it for a time when I want supernatural-ecchi-harem

Onto the second season/cour shows:

Gundam: still enjoying this series, by far one of the better Gundam entries in the last few years

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Loved the first season, this season is good so far although I would like to see more character development

Gate: again just a plain fun show to watch, looks like they have finally moved past the real world/fantasy world otaku stuff and got into the some world development

Utawarerumono: after a very slow yet enjoyable first half, the story is finally picking up and looks like things are about to really get going
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Old 2016-03-27, 21:27   Link #7
Osana-Najimi Shipper
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Alright trying something new this year. This was my expectations list...

... now seeing how they fared now that the cour is done.

Erased - My #1 anticipated of the cour, which to be honest would have remained so if it weren't for them being so goddamn 'going out of my way' obvious about the mystery. Normally I wouldn't be so upset, but for a mystery show this was unacceptable. Still the season was weak overall, so this is my #3. Two thumbs up

Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mesuzu - BIGGEST disappointment, by far and away. I have a feeling they were a wee bit too faithful to the upcoming LN, which doesn't translate well in anime. Not to mention most of the conflict were pretty much someone being upset, that person leaving and then coming back to the group without any real conflict resolution whatsoever. Drama felt cheap and contrived TBH. Two thumbs down.

Phantom World - Still 1 episode off, but it was actually very entertaining. Not a masterpiece nor is it brain stimulating, but the way it handled from what I hear pretty much all anime original content was pretty good. Thumbs up.

HaruChika - see this more as a character-interaction driven story and it becomes enjoyable. Loved how the gang developed around Haruta and Chika. Ending is the weirdest ending in that it's neither conclusive nor does it leave things in the air, but if you can get past that this isn't about music nor even deep mystery, it wasn't a waste of time. Thumbs up

Norn 9 - Ugh, the focus of Kohaku, the most boring and stale heroine of the three. I'd honestly rather get more of the NTR from Mikoto's side, but this being the Kohaku story really had me skipping so much of the show. Thumbs down

Active Raid - less mechas and more powered suits. Not enough to keep my interest. Dropped at 3

Muv Luv Prequel - Oh God, everyone but the MC is going to die aren't they? Even compared to Total Eclipse, this was WAY darker. No point watching it if all the LIs are going to die anyway. Dropped at 6, though still talk about it with friends so I know more or less what happens

Reikenzan - Studio Deen being Studio Deen. Dropped at 3 (oddly enough I thought I wouldn't see an anime not being subbed within 24 hours in this day and age, but then again it was pretty crap)

Rakugo - Studio Deen being Studio Deen, but you don't really need mind blowing animation for this show anyway. It was a good show, and I can see why a select few people absolutely adore it, but seeing how Kiku broke up made me plenty satisfied enough not to finish it. Dropped at 9?

Grimgar - Oh boy, where do I start? You know how a lot of fantasy anime is pretty much their take in a what if scenario where you're stuck in an MMO? I feel this is in the same vein, but it feels they're stuck in a Pen-And-Paper RPG world instead. Aside from killing monsters, they have to do a lot of mundane stuff like scout, upkeep their weapons and their garments, cook, gather information at the pub, etc. These little details are what made the show for me, but I can understand how it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

Not perfect as the budget and the manpower of A-1 looks like it went to Erased, but definite #1 of the season for me. It's narrative style does EXTREMELY well when contrasted to this cour's Konosuba (my #2), as the two shows are better together than the sum of their parts. Two thumbs up, WAY UP

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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Old 2016-03-27, 21:50   Link #8
cho~ kakkoii
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Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 View Post

Grimgar - Oh boy, where do I start? You know how a lot of fantasy anime is pretty much their take in a what if scenario where you're stuck in an MMO? I feel this is in the same vein, but it feels they're stuck in a Pen-And-Paper RPG world instead. Aside from killing monsters, they have to do a lot of mundane stuff like scout, upkeep their weapons and their garments, cook, gather information at the pub, etc. These little details are what made the show for me, but I can understand how it might not be everyone's cup of tea.
Even if it isn't everyone's cup of tea, they are still getting a cup. They can drink grandma's medicine if they wish or put the cup up for display, but they are getting one. I'm not sure where I am going with the cup, but this is an awesome series. Most anime fan will enjoy it regardless of what genre they are into. I am a what blooded shounen fan (say something bad about Naruto.... I dare you.) and I loved Grimgar. The art style, the pacing, the music, the drama, and even the killing of inconsequential characters like goblin made the drama even more meaningful to later events..

Grimgar easily earns the honor of one of the best mmorpg based anime. Hopefully there will be at least one more season to follow the first in the very near future.

The other show that I've liked would be Erased (Boku Dake ga Inai Machi) though once I was able to put a face behind the villain, it became quite boring.

I have seen few other series, but they were so poor that they don't deserve any mention. I would like to watch Shouwa Genroku at some point since Flower regards that show highly.
Kudara nai na! Sig by TheEroKing.
Calling on all Naruto fans, One Piece fans, and Shounen-fans in general... I got two words for you: One-Punch Man!
Executive member of the ASS. Ready to flee at the first sign of trouble.
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Old 2016-03-28, 16:13   Link #9
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Location: Austria
For me, this was one of the best seasons in recent memory.

Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju has managed to become one of my favourite anime overall. I love the art style. The well-done attention to bodylanguage. The way the setting frames the characters. The way the soundtrack carries a lot of the dramatic development. The voice acting is stellar, especially during performances (I can't imagine ever watching a dub for this one). For some reason, I thought episode 12 would be the last, and I was worried, because I couldn't see them wrapping up the show in time, but it turns out there's one more episode, and we get the present-time wrap-up I expected, after all. Yay! I'd soooo love more of this.

Boku Dake ga Inai Machi was my second favourite show for a long time. Actually, it might still be my second favourite show, but it's not easy to tell. The longer the show went on, the more its flaws came forward. You have to watch this one as a psychological study of the main character, I think. The mystery elements don't amount to much (and in fact I think the story might have been stronger, if they'd revealed the culprit early and developed him in parallel). The child abuse angle didn't amount to much more than a rescue fantasy, but at least it was very satisfying, emotionally, to watch that. The most consistently interesting part of the show was the main character's development. A very well done and occasionally powerful show, that suffers from misplaced suspense, and some overly sentimental shots.

Koukaku no Pandora was my surprise of the season. It was charming, cute, and strange, and I loved the way the show gave us a dead-serious villain who functioned much like the straight man to just about everyone else in this completely bonkers world. The show is nothing if not consistent. If you like the first episode, you'll like it to the end. If you don't, you won't change your mind. Also, this show put Matsumoto Hiroki on my (short) list of art directors to look out for (other notable works include A Channel and Concrete Revolutio).

Grimgar was a strange anime experience for me. It was very strong, generally, and it was one of this season's prettiest shows, definitely. But I watched it with a sense of unease. I think what bothered me the most was the way they treated the goblins and kobolds; just enough like individuals and actual living creatures to make their point, but not enough to actually engage the ethics of what the show was doing. The show's never actually shown us why the party has to fight those "monsters", and so they come across as the aggressors. Headhunters who kill for money, not because they want to, but because... why? There are no other jobs? Like, you know, waiting on customers in a bar? Cleaning out stables? It's possible that there's a reason for this that will be revealed later on, but the complete negligance of these ethical issues has marred my enjoyment by making the entire show slightly creepy. It was still enjoyable, though.

KonoSuba was fun. It had better episodes, it had weaker episodes, but it had an appealing lovable-rogue feel to it, throughout. Looking forward to season 2.

Dimension W is good pulpy SF. Stylish and fun.

Phantasy Star Online 2 was pretty bad. Wooden art and too much CG for me. A really silly plot, and a set-up that's such an in-your-face advertisment that you can't ignore it. And yet... I actually enjoyed watching the show. I knew it was bad, I had a hard time finding good things to say about the show, but I didn't care. I had fun. (Note that I never played any PSO, but I'm familiar with PS I - IV.)

Luck and Logic was cute, straining my patience at times, and thoroughly entertaining me at others. Undefeated Bahamut was a rushed mess which I initially watched only for reaction faces, which were top notch. Then I just kept watching because I was almost done. I dropped both Divine Gate and Bubuki Buranki, not because they were particularly bad, but because they aired on busy days.

Ao no Kanata Four Rhythms started out rather avarage, but I grew fond of it, and it ended up one of my favourites, actually outperforming Haikyuu which took almost its entire run to get back to form. AoKana is nothing special, but what it does it does well.

Shoujo-tachi wa Kouja... was pretty good in the beginning, dropping off steeply, until it was awful near the middle, but then it recovered and was good again. Time will tell what I really think of it; right now I'm confused.

Oji San to Marshmallow was a cute short. Ooya-san wa Shishunki was cute, too, but not quite as worthwhile. It did have the occasional moment, such as the cute penguin bento. And the third cute short was Mahou Shoujo Nante, which was about girl who met a familiar got cool magical powers and an embarrassing outfit, and then did absolutely nothing with it, because no enemies ever showed up. Of those three shorts, it was probably my favourite, not least because of the appealing character designs.

She and her Cat was pretty good. What I loved most was the animation of the cat, which was the best cat animation I've seen in anime to date (I'm not exaggerating). But the over-all mood was a bit too sentimental for my taste. Overall I prefer the original.

Phantom World had some good episodes, but overall it was the KyouAni I know and roll my eyes at, rather than the rarer one I know and love.

HaruChika was entertaining enough, but it must have been the least pretty show I've seen come from PA Works.

I wonder how many people are still watching JK Meshi? For some reason, I am. It's not good, but I'm strangely fond of it. Cheap cooking is sort of a fitting theme for a cheap anime. Heh.

Utawarerumono 2 left me baffled. I did actually enjoy it, but I was never quite sure which mode I should slip in. The disparate elements just never quite came together for me. I will watch another season, should there be one, but I'm sort of afraid it will just confuse me the same way. (Not a confusion about what's happening; that's clear enough. More a confusion about how I should watch the show.)

Nijiro Days was quite good. A quiet fell-good show, with really cute romances.

Akagami no Shirayuki hime is the same mix of awesome and cringe inducing scenes for me that the first season was. The only thing that's consistently good in this show is the background. (People praise the soundtrack, but it's too... heavy, or too sirupy for me.)

Since I've heard a lot of good things about Garuko chan, I might watch that one some time. The first episode didn't do anything special for me in either direction.
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Old 2016-04-01, 22:53   Link #10
Blooming on the mountain
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Location: Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light....
Final round up for the Winter 2016 season from me:

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Old 2016-04-01, 23:13   Link #11
Marcus H.
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To those who know my misadventures, this season is mostly about me trying to rekindle the "burnout" I felt during the time between Autumn and Winter. The LN Challenge is also empty, so the focus in Winter is shifted to shows that I hyped... and the repercussions of the said hyping.

Musaigen no Phantom World became a test on what is important in the enjoyment of an anime series: an overarching plot or engaging stories per episode. I won't say anything else about KyoAni's take on the visuals, which is gorgeous as usual, but the story overall will make some people wonder whether it was good or not. By the final episode, I realized that Phantom World didn't have a solid overarching plot nor a very engaging array of individual stories. It felt enough to feast on the awesome visuals presented by KyoAni... that or it's better to just not think about the story.

Haruchika, despite the divisive opinions of many, was a solid, enjoyable experience for me. Let's ignore the fact that it tried to be Hyouka (school-themed mystery), and Hibike! Euphonium (romance and music) all at once; the character interactions are fun and the topics related to the mysteries are intriguing to the point of displeasure since the mystery itself doesn't propel the story forward. The ending is a big letdown because of its lack of impact, but will feel decent if you put the conclusions of other series this season in comparison.

I'm still not done with Dagashi Kashi since four episodes in and Hotaru is starting to feel a little bit too saccharine even though all of my exposure of her is based on weekly episodes. Ironically, watching all of the remaining episodes of shenanigans is the only way to keep myself from delaying this any further.

Lastly, Durarara x2 Ketsu is gonna be marathoned for sure. I think it is always a good idea to rush through all the episodes because (1) the fact that the pacing is molasses is even more evident this time and (2) Shuka is struggling to maintain the quality of animation and watching this struggle is best done all at once to get it over with.

In hindsight, relying on hype only minorly backfired on Dagashi Kashi and Musaigen no Phantom World, but only because Dagashi's comedy felt too absurd at times and Phantom World was too busy having fun that you can't pin down what it was trying to accomplish.

Fortunately, the fire seems to have been rekindled now that I have Netoge and Hundred to watch out for.
Continuing: White Sand Aquatope (6/24) and Vanitas S2 (0/12), The Vampire Dies in No Time S2 and Bofuri S2 (3/12).
2021: Restaurant to Another World S2 (3/12), takt Op. Destiny (1/12) and Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale (1/12).
2022: Yuusha Yamemasu (1/12), Kaguya-sama S3, Mob Psycho 100 III (Oct06), Bleach: 1000 Year Blood War (2/13) and Chainsaw Man (6/12).
Spring 2023: Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch! (4/12), Skip to Loafer, Tonikaku Kawaii S2 (1/12), Otonari ni Ginga (5/12) and Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia (3/13).

Contact me on Wikia and MyAnimeList.
Anime List Status ~ Watching: 33. Completed: 468. Plan to watch: 39.

Last edited by Marcus H.; 2016-04-02 at 00:26.
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Old 2016-04-02, 00:36   Link #12
Darkhero of Monstadt
Join Date: May 2015
Location: rich mansion with maids
Favorite anime in Winter Season

Hai Sensou no Grimgar 9/10
my most favorite anime in this winter and i would like to vote this as best in this season as well.
everyone has high hope fo season 2 so am i, Grimgar....well how to explain? ahh let start from isekai concept. in my opinion Grimgar has brought a new original for Isekai genre and for other note brought a true definition for suvival in Isekai genre.
Haruhiro and his party aren't OP party they don't have holy sword or something like that their only relies are on thief job skill and survival durability.
Grimgar also the first series where i see Goblin being a totally threat, you cannot kill them in single kill.
Grimgar concept remind me a lot for Dark soul and Monster hunter, the battles in Grimgar are not based on level like SAO or Log Horizon but skill and equipment determine anything meaning that when you have enough experience and proper equipment you have high chance to kill monster. You cannot go naked into field with only knife to kill a Dragon because you have level 100 because level is irrelevant in Grimgar.
my favorite character in Grimgar is Ranta he really hook my interest ever since episode 1 for his obnoxious character and i am glad many people share this sentimental with me, too bad he really not get his glorious moment in Kobold arc entirely because limited 12 episode, try read novel level 2 to see how glorious Ranta-sama guys
Haruhiro,Manato,Moguzo were alright for me and for girls of course when coming to meme " i want to merry Marry" and "Yume is best grill" i likes Shihoru as well she is interesting character but Yume and Mary too overshadow her

Utawarerumono: the False Faces 8/10
Truthfully, Utawarerumono the false faces is the first Utawa-series i had watched. I do watched the S1 but only at final episode just for curious.
Utawa-false faces started lightly in SoL in first part but went grimgar in the second part where we finally get to know the 8 generals and the war. Something what Utawa-game was about.
Though i don't play the game but i am quite fine for the ending since ending of S2 was same with game ending only with bit edit according people
overall Utawa-the false faces was a quite fun ride, hopefully they will adapt S3 after the game is out because the cliffhanger.

Active Raid 7.5/10
Active raid remind me for Patlabor or that is what people said.
to begin with the casts in Active raid is unique for me because we have genuinely adults main casts unlike most anime series where high-school students always being the main stars for some generic reason.
I actually not watching the final episode yet but Active Raid is not dssapointment for me and i am highly looking for S2
Mobile Suit Gundam: IBO 7.5/10
I have love-hate relationship with IBO, after the total mess brought by G-Recon , but i don't have problem with AGE, AGE season 3 is the worst and that i am agreed.
IBO admirable has brought Gundam back to surface again in a less IBO itself lack of originality for me. Something most Gundam series suffered for long times.
the only A+ from IBO for me is the consistent plot with grim action.
Mika is our another Heero Yuy with more savage and more obedient, i honestly dislike Mika for his bland character. I would like to have Biscuit or Olga became MC instead the complete uninteresting robot like Mika.
Sadly Biscuit is died that is the worst things to happen but that also the most necessary to trigger the characters.
my impression to Olga has changed from early until the final episode, at first when we glance Olga in the trailer most of us maybe would thought that Olga would became another Kamina a badass big brother inspire the MC and everyone and someone who closely to become arch-nemesis or converted became villain. Well, that is wrong compared with Kamina Olga mentality truly underwhelmed he easy to doubtful, a fragile leader yet everyone loook at him so he tries to best to cover his weakness.
talking a bit about pairing i am shipping Olga with Kudelia they really have chemistry, Kudelia x Orga, or Orga x the nurse girl really to forced.
A disappointment for this could not happen but my hope still high on season 2.

Aokana 8/10
In a way Aokana is controversial for VN players because unfaithfully adaptation and the removal of Masaya as MC and gives a lot splotfight for his harem.
well, i don't mind that much. i am glad Gonzo made the anime in this way. this truly brought a new refreshment for eroge adaptation. Masaya being side character is not mean that he is useless.
for the rest anime, Masaya being consistent as character and he do his job properly
He not being wuss, he not being nanny. Masaya do what usual people would do.
if people complaint because Masaya only do coaching then listen for this
Masaya character did not lead him for being useless the only problem is Masaya did not lead to be relevant.
Yes, you should blame Gonzo for that.

Durarara 7/10
Speaking a salty chocolate, well that is Durarara Ketsu
Durarara had been a long ride ever since 2010 ago, the series 2010 was a fun but for 3 season 2015-2016 they surprisingly not hit the big marks for i don't feel anything from Durararara ketsu ending.
the problem in durarara is the massive characters perspective with always-demand dynamical tension between characters and a single content arc within arc by character for flashback and build up for current plot, which made confussion in following the story, some of character lack of spotlight like Shizuo brother and his girlfriend.
so yeah...those 3 season not give an overly huge impression for me, i am not sure if i can call Ketsu for ending.
Since we have Lightnovel sequel i am expecting for the anime sequel will cover these wrecks in Durarara ketsu

Gate S2 8/10
The continuation from Gate S1. Gate is ones of anime that don't disappointed me, i am enjoyed thoroughly the whole episodes.
it was fun to see how OP our modern technology against the magical warfare.
the pairing in Gate really colorful i say, starting from Itami harem until loli romance and old man romance

Last edited by Diluc; 2016-04-03 at 03:29.
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Old 2016-04-11, 21:29   Link #13
Unleashing the Homu-Rage
Join Date: Apr 2010
This one is a bit late coming, but I'll put it here anyway

Overall Ratings:

Gate S2: The curb stomp modern military vs medieval fantasy battles are entertaining in spite of their one-sidedness (and the nationalism and strawman politicians). Also, Rory is badass as usual.
Comments: Akuma Style!: Japan: Fuck Yeah!; Zorzal is still the new Joffrey; How to slay a dragon with lightning magic, C-4, and a Fate/Stay Night homage; Finally upgraded to the Howa Type 89; Fuck the chain of command, I'm saving my waifu!; More ships than the JMSDF.
Overall rating 8 fragments of an exploded dragon out of 10

I thought the first roughly ten episodes of the series were excellent, and would have been a serious contender for best of the year if it had continued like that. Unfortunately, the last few episodes seemed rushed, like the TV execs were pressuring the staff to fit it into too small a series. Would have needed at least a couple more episodes to do the manga justice.
Comments: Akuma Style!: Kayo's mom is still a bitch; Satoru's mom is still awesome; Satoru x Kayo ship-tease and denial; ending-based adaptation decay; what idiot who decided they could adapt this in only 12 episodes!?
Rating: 7.5 Kayo x Satoru ship-teases out of 10... OR... 0.75 Boku Dake ga Inai Machi mangas out of 1

Utawarerumono S2: It was the chatter about this season that finally got me to watch Utawa 1, and I have to say, Utawa 2 is very different and, quite frankly, doesn't hold a candle to S1. Sure the comedy has its moments, but the slice of life segment goes on way too long, and the war arcs were sub-par in comparison to Utawa 1, and there were a lot fewer action scenes in general. Almost felt like a hyperextended trailer for the next Utawa game/season.
Comments: Akuma Style!:Utawarerumono: Harem Edition; Kuon is not sure of anything; The human race
Spoiler for Utawa spoilers:
, but the one thing that survives the apocalypse- fujoshi!
Rating: 5.5 Kuon catchphrases out of ten, I think.

Hai to Gensou No Grimgar:
I thought it wasn't possible to make a good dark fantasy while including large amounts of MMORPG elements, so I was pleasantly surprised by Grimgar. Take the isekai concept in a new direction in that the main characters do not have some sort of magic superpower or modern technology to make them OP
Comments Akuma Style!: Still not sure if this is a video game or not; Don't underestimate the mooks; Mary the quick-defrosting ice queen; Is it just me, or do goblins and kobolds seem more organized than the humans!?; Getting sent to another world isn't so easy if you do not have magic powers, cannot use any weapon you touch with the skill of an expert, and you don't have an entire JSDF armored division backing you up!
Rating: 8 surprisingly dangerous cannon fodder enemies out of 10

Last edited by SPARTAN 119; 2016-04-13 at 17:59.
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Old 2016-04-12, 19:53   Link #14
Akito Kinomoto
Sekiroad-Idols Sing Twice
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Blooming Blue Rose
Age: 33
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ERASED--save scumming the anime, diminishing returns on foreshadowing, ...but she's a kid, I believe I can butterfly

Garakowa--FU Dorothy, Dual x Remo OTP, The Matrix Rehashed, info dumped, I am your father's cousin's nephew's uncle's best friend former roommate
Heil Muse. Bow before the Cinderella GirlsMuses are red
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