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Old 2017-12-26, 17:05   Link #901
Psyco Diver
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I dunno why but the last couple days I'm getting allot of people asking me to join their clans, kinda annoying. A couple mentioned my stats which makes me feel like that's all their interested in lol
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Old 2017-12-30, 14:55   Link #902
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
If they mentioned your win rate then better don't join them. Its a bona fide piece of evidence that they don'T understand what those stats mean :P
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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Old 2017-12-30, 15:27   Link #903
Sleepy Lurker
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Urgh. Winrates always open the door to ugly discussions on what defines and makes a good player...and the very nature of statistics. Elitism like that is one of the reasons why I set my own profile to private (the other two reasons are 1° despite my eagerness to unlock new content, I remain at my very core a casual who plays for fun and not for bragging material 2° My learning curve for online games is rather steep i.e. it usually takes me some time to fully grasp and master the minutiae of certain mechanics and the tricks that lie behind).

Anyway, no clan membership for me. I don't like being tied down by obligations and whatnot.

BTW, it seems the Musashi's unlock fee will be 920K FXP (confirmed on NA Discord). Still salty that the Missouri will be going away indefinitely, I was hoping to get that ship in the long run (though I have stopped purchasing premium time for a couple months already, which ultimately means lower FXP output for me in the future).
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Old 2017-12-31, 01:30   Link #904
Psyco Diver
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I've been having a good time this week with the game, I found out stacking XP flags will also help with your Free XP gains since its calculated after XP modifiers are in place, I grinded over 100k Free XP in 3-4 days, sitting at around 215k right now and will hopefully be around 250k by the time my premium time ends in 3 days, problem is all my special XP bonus flags are used up except my 50% XP and 300% FXP flags. I've been averaging 2000-2500 FXP every win right now, when I had all my special flags I was earning 4-5k per win lol

That said here are to really good matches I've had, this first one was a great fight in my New Orleans where I ended up in less than 5km brawl with a Monarch where I was able to use my speed to stay out of his gun arc, BUT a friendly DD decided to "help" and sent a wave a skill my way, completely missing the Monarch but managed to hit me

This battle was from tonight, I haven't been able to run the Colorado in a while so I have used her a couple times this week for my FXP grind, most games have been normal games except this one, the enemy team loved giving me their broadside, they did have a good Cleveland captain that kept me and my side harassed

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Old 2017-12-31, 01:33   Link #905
Psyco Diver
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Originally Posted by Renegade334 View Post
Urgh. Winrates always open the door to ugly discussions on what defines and makes a good player...and the very nature of statistics. Elitism like that is one of the reasons why I set my own profile to private (the other two reasons are 1° despite my eagerness to unlock new content, I remain at my very core a casual who plays for fun and not for bragging material 2° My learning curve for online games is rather steep i.e. it usually takes me some time to fully grasp and master the minutiae of certain mechanics and the tricks that lie behind).

Anyway, no clan membership for me. I don't like being tied down by obligations and whatnot.

BTW, it seems the Musashi's unlock fee will be 920K FXP (confirmed on NA Discord). Still salty that the Missouri will be going away indefinitely, I was hoping to get that ship in the long run (though I have stopped purchasing premium time for a couple months already, which ultimately means lower FXP output for me in the future).
I just don't have the time that I want to commit to a clan right now nor be in a division because I like playing my own game

I'm alright with the Musashi right now, let some noobs get that ship because right now I've seen way more sub 500 game players sailing the Missouri than I care for. They plan to swap them in and out I bet, that way they can make a bunch of money on "limited time offer" deals
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Old 2018-01-02, 08:43   Link #906
Sleepy Lurker
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Just played two matches today, for the first time in what? Two months? And boy, I was quickly reminded of how reliant on premium time I had become during this year. I was hoping to boost my FXP pile a bit, but even with the 300% FXP signal AND a premium ship (I played the Scharnhorst), my FXP output remained quite lackluster.

Looks like the Mighty Mo is definitely out of my reach, unless I decide to fork the money, which is a big "hell, no". Here's to hoping they'll make a Mighty Mo event or permanent campaign in the future once this lady goes off the tech tree. Additionally, older premium ships like the Atlanta are now disappearing from the shop, leaving it a bit depopulated compared to a month or two ago. I could understand with the Kutuzov and Belfast, which were arguably overpowered and disruptive, but I guess Wargaming is cleaning house to make way for the newer premiums like the Kii, Ashitaka, Giulio Cesare and company. It's a bit sad seeing them go almost completely (MK and Belfast can still be had through supercontainers), though.

EDIT: according to NoZoupForYou, the Musashi won't be printing credits as profusely as the Missouri. To be fair, it's not certain whether he was referring to the baked-in credit multiplier or the fact that the Yamato-class requires a more calculated approach/playstyle and therefore cannot be used as aggressively as a Mighty Mo (the multitude of Shimakazes in high-tier RBs will quickly cool off any urge to go Leeroy Jenkins with a Yamato). I don't know whether there'll be much appeal to grinding this pseudo-T9 (let's be honest: it IS an actual T10 with all that HP, armor and firepower), aside from the obvious sealclubbing potential the ship presents (since the matchmaker will allow it to meet hapless T7s like the Colorado). Yamato owners probably won't even bother. The Nelson, OTOH, might be more attractive as a FXP ship, since its ABC configuration offers a more unique experience.

In other news, I free-XP'ed Queen Elizabeth and unlocked the KGV. I'll however take my sweet time grinding the credits for it, because 1°) no premium time 2°) real-life keeps interrupting me with work and issues that just seem to jump out of nowhere (last headache on the list: my central heating system's pilot burner kept shutting off due to a deposit of soot in the nozzle, which caused the flame to not envelop the thermocouple properly and therefore triggered the interruption of the gas circuit --- and this had to happen before a VERY cold weekend) into my lap, one after the other.
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Last edited by Renegade334; 2018-01-05 at 05:25.
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Old 2018-01-08, 00:22   Link #907
Psyco Diver
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I just had a 7 kill 120k damage game in my New Mexico while bottom tier, to say I carried my team would be a understatement lol. I don't get to take the ol' girl out very often anymore but when I do she sure puts the smile on my face. I especially needed this match because this weekend has been pure bad for me. I played my area, didn't over extend, I picked the easiest targets I could hit and with RNG on my side for once I was able to exploit enemy mistakes. While the damage wasn't crazy good I was able to put shots where they were needed. Heres the replay for anyone interested along with the screen shots
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Old 2018-01-08, 04:53   Link #908
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I finally bought myself the Missouri yesterday, but haven't had time to play her yet. Just play her like an Iowa but more aggressive i guess?
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Old 2018-01-08, 06:20   Link #909
Sleepy Lurker
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For my part, my sporadic returns to WOWS since January 1 (following a two-month hiatus) have been rather positive. Out of five matches, two ended with me in first place and a third one in second (almost had a Kraken, but a RN BB decided to pop up and delete my low-HP Edinburgh). Eighty percent victory. Not bad.

To my greatest shame, I finally caved in. I gathered the doubloons I got from the Santa event, bought some more, converted XP to FXP and added the resulting points trove to my existing pile...and got myself a Missouri, too. I used the remainder of my doubloons to demount the upgrades of my Iowa and transplant them on my new acquisition. Haven't played her yet either, due to a severe degradation in my amount of available free time, but with that ship now safely ensconced in my port, I can say goodbye to credit-making issues after my relocation to a standard account. I have been musing about purchasing a six-month premium pack with the money I got from Christmas, but I'll probably hold off on that one now that I have the Mighty Mo.

For the Missouri, it should play as a more aggressive Iowa, yes, since its radar makes it perfect for DD-hunting. The only thing I'll probably change on my ship is switching my AA upgrade to Artillery Plotting Room to have some more range (to counterweigh the loss of the spotter plane).

Anyway, now I'll have to grind to afford the next ships and pieces of equipment:
- Cleveland (sold it to finance my Yamato; will repurchase it before the US CL line split so that it be upgraded to a full-fledged T8)
- KGV (it should be a step-up from the QE, despite its AP-HE shenanigans)
- Nelson (will be hoarding the FXP just for this one)
- Ibuki hull B + upgrades

Optional for me:
- Fuso (sold it to finance my Zao)
- Baltimore

And maybe a foray into the Soviet cruiser line, which I've eschewed for the longest time? Who knows. The French BBs are coming, too.
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Old 2018-01-08, 13:44   Link #910
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I also just came back from a 40+ day break from warships. Player base is still as crappy as ever.
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Old 2018-01-08, 16:16   Link #911
Sleepy Lurker
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It's kinda funny, really...I was hoping to return sometime in early February, but the Missouri's announced withdrawal forced my hand and, now that I'm reconsidering what to grind in the regular tech lines, I feel sort of lethargic...

I should have been feeling like this:
...but I'm actually feeling like this:

I can't even muster the motivation to try my hand at the Duke of York campaign. Not only does this battleship not really enthuse me as much as the Bismarck did (not to mention I'm going to grind credits to grab the KGV, which is a better ship), but I don't want to start speed-grinding again...which is what led to my hiatus in the first place (I did the same thing in Armored Warfare with the M1 Abrams in PvE, resulting in a similar outcome). XD
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Old 2018-01-08, 19:03   Link #912
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KGV is a very good ship for sure, but it is very boring to play. You can easily be semi-afk in between shots because nothing will hurt you, not even broadsiding another BB. With it's detection ratings, you can simple disengage and heal when low on HP. I rather play my Nagato any day.
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Old 2018-01-13, 11:06   Link #913
Psyco Diver
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Decided to try operations since I'm kinda burned out of the game thanks to the DoY campaign, it's pretty fun I wished I tried them sooner. It's easy to do well and the current one is really easy with the Scharnhorst
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Old 2018-01-13, 14:27   Link #914
Sleepy Lurker
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Originally Posted by Pen3 View Post
KGV is a very good ship for sure, but it is very boring to play. You can easily be semi-afk in between shots because nothing will hurt you, not even broadsiding another BB. With it's detection ratings, you can simple disengage and heal when low on HP. I rather play my Nagato any day.
Well, regardless of that, I'll be happy to pull myself off the QE. That thing was giving me herpes with its slow turret traverse. I hope to completely extricate myself from my self-imposed hibernation by next week and start grinding again.

Oh, and apparently, the Musashi's FXP cost has been definitively fixed to 750K, same as Mighty Mo. And the French BBs have been announced.
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Old 2018-01-14, 05:32   Link #915
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I was running a few of my double XP for the campaign today and had a very interesting game. I was in the Tirpitz and actually got a triple citadel on a Missouri about 19KM away.... I finished him off before he even got a second shot off in the first 4 minute of game. Sometimes RNG is in your favor, even if the ship has German accuracy and low caliber. Ended up killing two MO that game with about 100k dmg for them two alone.

I just started step 5 of the Duke campaign and there is only 3 days left. I am not sure if i could finish it in time.
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Old 2018-01-15, 00:25   Link #916
Psyco Diver
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Finished the Nagato grind finally, after like a year and a half lol. I rage sold it a while back, the original A hull was that frustrating. Took 57 matches all and all but only managed a 50.8% WR and only averaged 56843 DPG. I did pretty poorly in her to begin with, iirc I was only at 38% WR when I picked her back up and damage was allot lower.

That said half the matches I ran BFT and AFT skills along with the AA mod (the guns are accurate enough) and she was surprisingly ok against same tier and lower CVs, during the skill reset though I changed over BFT and AFT to BoS and CE because I planned to take this captain to the Amagi. The change in AA was pretty bad, even had 1 match where a T6 CV had its way with me like no joke. Mix that with her wide turn radius and slowish rudder made for a painful experience at times

Guns were good, better than the Shiney Horse sisters but about on par with Colorado which is odd because technically the Nagato has better guns but the Colorado seems to hit harder. Armor wise she is pretty soft, I have citadelled and been citadelled bow on to 14" guns which shouldn't be possible. I found her to take full penetration damage fairly easily where as the Colorado feels like she always eats over-pens and the Sisters seem to bounce allot more shells.

Remember when 25 knots at T7 was fast? God she felt sluggish to me, at least the Colorado is agile for being slow and the Sisters feel allot faster and feel more agile than the Nagato

This is just some random thoughts, I'm putting together a review for her soon. Good ship and I see why people like her but I never really enjoyed my time with her, it always felt like I was fighting her more than the enemy to get the performance I wanted out of her. I loved the Fuso and I played the Amagi on the PTS every time it comes up and I love her also
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Old 2018-01-15, 02:46   Link #917
Sleepy Lurker
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I have to confess I probably didn't play the Nagato the right way when I got her. It's very easily to get drawn in by its butch lines and the high number of turrets...and forget that this is not a battleship (though WOWS presents it as such), but a battlecruiser, born from the "battlecruiser craze" of the interwar period (the effort to bridge the gap between battleship and cruiser, which gave birth to fast battleships, battlecruisers and pocket battleships). It's not a ship that should be used to brawl or get in close and personal.

It's a drive-by shooter/sharpshooter, so stay away from the frontlines and just pelt broadside ships while trailblazing from one point to another. The secondaries are nice, but that doesn't mean you have a free ticket to go Leeroy Jenkins. This thing doesn't have enough armor (unless bow-tanking, high-angling) on it to condone player recklessness or acts of bravery. That will only change once you reach the Izumo (which is when the Japanese decided they needed high levels of armor to properly duel with the USN BBs, which they already knew would become their adversary in a decade or so), but that BB will make you wish you were back at the Amagi once you get acquainted with its caveats.

Be forewarned: the Amagi (hull A) plays like a drunk, fully-upgraded Nagato. That however didn't prevent me from repurchasing it before going on a hiatus; with the right tactics and strategy, this ship is really fun to play.
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Old 2018-01-19, 06:13   Link #918
Sleepy Lurker
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So...I've been driving my Missouri around and...
My Missouri Miseries
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In other news, I'm hard at work farming credits and (re)purchasing old and new ships, especially in anticipation of the US cruiser line split that is scheduled for somewhere around April, if I'm not wrong.
Repopulating my Port
Sorry; dynamic content not loaded. Reload?

And I'm back at ~30K FXP in only four days. Nice. I expect to have the Nelson in two months' time if all goes well and I don't run out of FXP flags before that.

BTW, WTF is with those new HSF camos? Lame as hell.

EDIT: praise be to Raptor Jesus, I've had a much better day today with the Missouri after these past two days of trial and error. My survival rate is now much higher. *wipes off sweat*
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Last edited by Renegade334; 2018-01-19 at 14:12.
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Old 2018-01-20, 20:07   Link #919
Psyco Diver
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I'm 25,000 Free XP short of the Nelson and I'm officially out of any free XP flags. I was able to earn 300k in the last 2-3 weeks thanks to New Year's special and a couple bonus codes that came out and I have been saving my flags. I'm stuck earning normal levels of FXP (200-400 per match). This is going to take a while
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Old 2018-01-20, 20:24   Link #920
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OK, the Roma with that goofy camo makes just as much credit as the T9 Missouri. I am making a steady 900k per win and 1mil+ on good games on both ships and having the exact same flags. The Roma is stress free to play because nobody expects you to do much but the general BB stuff. MO on the other hand kind of expects you to play more aggressive because of it having radar.

If you want a stress free credit maker, get the Roma. Even a crappy 70k damage game (getting targeted by CV) on a loss still nets you a good 700-800k credit.
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