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Old 2018-05-20, 22:40   Link #981
Psyco Diver
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This match.....

Its pretty bad when I earn more Base XP than almost the entire enemy team, got accused of camping the base, I tried running the channel but the enemy team decided to suicide through the nice open center, except it worked! So I turned around went back to base but there wasn't much to do expect farm damage at that point
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Old 2018-05-21, 05:07   Link #982
Sleepy Lurker
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Got Franz von Jütland yesterday night; I was seeing so few Russian ships (1st task requirement) on Randoms I was forced to relocate to Co-op and reach my quota, and I wasn't apparently the only player running into that issue.

I later ended up taking out my Alsace in CO to test a secondary-dedicated build I was musing about. It was quite ridiculous: I almost scored upwards of 300 secondary hits (and 8 fires, too) in just one mission, without even BFT and/or AFT.
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Old 2018-05-24, 11:52   Link #983
Psyco Diver
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Working in the Tachibana Lima mission, I don't know why because I don't see myself using it much
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Old 2018-05-25, 05:10   Link #984
Sleepy Lurker
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Well, a free premium is always good for the taking, especially since the prerequisites are relatively easy this time around (instead of torpedo fests-inducing missions and whatnot).

Besides, if the above calendar is to be believed, the next free premium will be the Indianapolis (as evidenced by that "Indianapolis Marathon" that stretches from 01.06 to 16.07), which might be more interesting (since it introduces radar at a tier where it is nonexistent, except for other premiums like the Atlanta).

P.S. Dunno why, but the WOWS portals have been horribly unstable for me for the past couple of days: pages and/or pictures just take an eternity to load, if they deign to do so at all.

EDIT: this game just completely wiped me out - and the weekend's only started. O_O

I got my Kraken, then kamikaze'd into a Musashi...but not before killing, at the last half-second, a Bismarck that was tailing the Musashi. We eventually lost the match (a Roon outlasted us and they won by points), but I'm not mad. With the Gamescom camo, I got over a million credits (only a Zulu flag, haven't got any Wyverns left) and some elite captain XP to redistribute. Anyway, it's my best kill score so far.

I collected a lot of credits in the past two days, but now all of it has vanished, converted into mods for my T9s and T10s and a couple of hull Bs. (ಥ︵ಥ) Damn you WG and your sudden "50% off mods" promotion!
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Last edited by Renegade334; 2018-05-26 at 10:33.
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Old 2018-05-29, 16:59   Link #985
Psyco Diver
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I focused all last week on just playing all my premiums (T5+) and managed to go from 100k credits to a little over 6 million. One more good match and the QE grind will be done (I really like this ship btw) and I'll be able to get the KGV although my Free XP reserves are pretty low which means I'm going to actually have to grind the ship instead of Free XPing all the modules.
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Old 2018-05-29, 18:39   Link #986
Sleepy Lurker
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The KGV was a strange experience for me: it either seemed eager to punish me (by eating more damage I was comfortable with) or reward me (I once got a Kraken in it, then an almost-Kraken right after that); I just couldn't find a middle ground for it.

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Anyway, 0.7.5 and the US heavy cruisers update are imminent. NOTICE: if you have the currently Cleveland and are slated to receive the Pensacola tomorrow, take care to play at least ONE match in your new Pensa, you'll receive 170K of elite (i.e. fully redistributable) captain experience, which will allow you to retrain your US CA commanders to better fit their new vessels.
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Old 2018-05-29, 20:13   Link #987
Psyco Diver
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I went ahead and rebought all the cruisers back and fully upgraded them, I'm looking forward to the captain skills I'm just not sure if I want to play these ships again though
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Old 2018-05-29, 22:49   Link #988
Psyco Diver
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Last battle in the QE was pretty nice, only me and a Warspite on the other team, the rest mostly cruisers. The British BB line is in their element in these kinda of matches because of the short fuse AP, I absolutely wrecked a couple cruisers in that match. I bought the KGV, seems like a nice ship even stock, to bad I lost all 3 matches I played with it, pretty much the same luck with the Tier 5 French BB I just bought a couple weeks ago, first couple matches just sad losses regardless how well I did
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Old 2018-05-30, 09:13   Link #989
Sleepy Lurker
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Just went back and made sure all of my US CAs were Elite - I just never bothered researching that FCS for the New Orleans (honestly, that ship is in a bad spot - not only does it offer little in terms of originality, it feels horribly impotent for its tier with that massive citadel and short gun range) and the Baltimore (I was too happy with my new Des Moines to even look back). Now I'm all set.

I didn't bother repurchasing the hull Bs, module upgrades and mods, since the split will automatically refund them anyway. I'll probably wait until tomorrow to get some mods for the T9 Buffalo, since the 50% upgrade discount lasts until June 1. I'll just grind my premiums until then.

That is, if I can even muster the determination to grind. It's 25°C and that blazing sun overhead is just snuffing even the slightest thought of getting off the couch or bed and moving around.
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Old 2018-06-06, 10:32   Link #990
Psyco Diver
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Trying to force myself to play, I've been on vacation for the past week and finally got back home yesterday and yet I didn't feel like playing even though I want to lol
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Old 2018-06-06, 10:55   Link #991
Sleepy Lurker
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Kinda hard to motivate myself, too. The US cruiser refresh hasn't been the explosion of pleasure I thought it'd be...and though I do log in and grind a bit to either...
  • get the US CAs campaign items in the daily containers
  • complete these Indianapolis missions that come once every 3 days
...the fun is not really there.

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Today was painful. I almost exclusively played the Yamato and Zao and got a lengthy string of defeats, courtesy of cowardly teams that just island-camped and forced me to sail forward and try to change the balance...a desperate move that more often than not culminated in my own painful demise. I have likewise never witnessed so many killsteals and RNG BS at my expense. Then I switched to Alabama and surprise, I kicked ass and won. (ಠ_ಠ) I suppose there are days like that, where a specific ship (or group thereof) just won't bring you any measure of luck. Conversely, vessels like the Missouri seem to increasingly guarantee me success nowadays. :-)
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Old 2018-06-07, 05:46   Link #992
Psyco Diver
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I've been trying to grind my Bregtane which is painful, not because it's a bad but because I'm getting the worse luck team wise
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Old 2018-06-08, 02:15   Link #993
Ha ha ha ha ha...
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IMO there's WAY too much radar right now. Let me explain my reasoning: It makes DD players really scared of insta-dying from the abundance of radar cruisers, thus they hang back and let cruisers do the spotting. Except that cruisers don't want to be directly on the frontlines either because they get annihilated by BB AP salvos at maximum range. And BBs don't want to push either because of the inherent incoming HE spam from aforementioned radar cruisers (except RN crusiers, ofc).

Radar throws off everything when it's so oppressive. And with the new Legendary module supposedly giving the Minotaur nearly 1 minute of radar (a whole freaking minute!), it's only going to get worse. Just imagine running into a Division of those when playing a DD. You literally won't be able to do anything but sit at max torpedo range, fire torpedoes and hope no players on the enemy team know how to use the WASD keys on their keyboards. Of course players will bitch at you for this. They will also bitch if you actually try to spot, cap, and then die due to radar as well, so you might as well try to farm some damage up until the point either team accidentally finds victory or defeat.

Wargaming needs to change radar so it can't go through islands. That alone would make it balanced, since, if that were to case, it wouldn't be an instant Get Out Of Jail Free card for any cruiser hugging an island. It would actually take some skill to use as well as inflicting some modicum of risk, just as smoke has some inherent risk (via torpedo threat and inability to spot for oneself).

Hell, due to radar, I don't even bother equipping Smoke on my Harekaze. I run Torpedo Reload Booster and just hug islands like I'm a mid-tier American DD and I fire torpedoes around corners and it works. Kinda. It's super passive and I'm not spotting for my team or really going after capture points, but if I'm playing a DD that's not my Akizuki I feel like I have ZERO chance if I'm within 10km of a radar cruiser.

@Renegade: I don't want to disparage your personal skill, but the Missouri is one of those ships it's hard to fail unless you're actively a potato. The radar means you have almost zero fear of DDs that would be within typical torpedo-ing range, and that confidence is subtle but game-changing. I missed my chance to get the Mighty Mo and regret it, but it's a great ship overall, mostly due to radar and it's unbeatable utility in the current meta (ignoring the obvious economic benefits). Considering the Iowa is basically the same ship but doesn't have radar, it's no wonder that the Iowa gets forgotten despite being excellent as well. Until the change to DD armor next patch, Might Mo is still going to be pretty dominant in most match ups she faces.

Completely new topic, should I save my free exp for the Kronshtadt, the USA CL line, or the eventual Akizuki continuation line? I'm thinking of just saving for the Kronshtadt in case WG does what they did to the Missouri, but I'm not sure.
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Old 2018-06-08, 02:57   Link #994
Sleepy Lurker
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@Spectacular Instanity: I wasn't talking about rewards (credits), but actual match achievements such as citadels, kills, even captures. For some reason, the Missouri makes me very productive lately (as does the Alabama). And, yes, I'm fairly aware that is due to the fact that this ship is basically optimized to pose a major threat to destroyers AND cruisers AND battleships thanks to the combination of good armor (see my note below), radar and excellent dispersion, but for me the Missouri stimulates me in a way few other ships can (aside, maybe, the Zao and a couple others). Conversely, other ships like the Scharnhorst seem to bring me bad luck for some reason, despite NOT being bad ships by design in any measure.

As for the Missouri, there is one perk that most people forget exists - the transerversal citadel bulkheads are actually thicker (by 81 to 87mm) on the Mighty Mo than on the Iowa, meaning that it can better bow-tank than its elder sister(ship). It does make for easier brawling.

Kronshtadt seems like an okay ship ("cruiser" my ass), though I did manage to make it eat plenty of citadels in the past week or so. Seems to deal damage even at angles where you'd assume to get shatters and bounces. By all means, go for it, though I think it'll be there for quite some time (otherwise the RU server will probably go up in arms) - the Missouri was, many suspect, taken out before it was overperforming at the bank and WG didn't want that (hence why the new T9 premiums have more humble, baked-in credit multipliers).

As for radar, you'll probably be annoyed to learn that they intend to give it to the Grozovoi in order to make it more appealing, as WG realized it's one of the least popular Tier Xs and they want to see it used more often.
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Old 2018-06-08, 14:11   Link #995
Psyco Diver
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Seems like WGs answer to any Cruiser or destroyer their having trouble balancing is a combination of 2 of the following; smoke, radar or heal. Nothing else really
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Old 2018-06-08, 15:06   Link #996
Sleepy Lurker
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Yeah, the so-called "Wargaming Balans"...

I feel miffed that the Russians get radar (cruisers and now DDs) even though in real life they were quite the neophytes in that field (most of their radars came through the Allies' Lend-Lease program - and their indigenous models only underwent testing in the final months of WWII). On the other hand, the Japanese, who had produced scores of indigenous radar systems (the Yamato itself had even received a gunnery control radar upgrade just before the fateful Operation Ten-Gô) for just about everything, from submarines to planes and battleships, get nothing.

Come and enjoy the historical accuracy, they said. I feel like the Pan-Asian DD line was when they gave up on finding unique traits (DW torps? Right...) and just jumped the shark.
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Old 2018-06-08, 18:51   Link #997
Bonta Kun
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Theres def too much radar now, smokes are on the whole abit useless, they have some uses but rather limited now.

Really enjoying the Alsace, it's probably gotta be my favourite ship atm.

As for the US cruisers, I'm still not sure.
Buffalo feeks abit meh, it's slow reload and small range make it somewhat limited in abilities.
Radar is handy and all but with the slow turret speed getting guns on a dd can be tricky sometimes.
Ok granted I don't have any 3mill mod on atm, still not sure if I should go reload or range.
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Old 2018-06-09, 02:08   Link #998
Sleepy Lurker
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Theres def too much radar now, smokes are on the whole abit useless, they have some uses but rather limited now.
One thing I regret is the fact that BBs can no longer stealth-fire from within smoke, which has made the latter even more useless lately. This comes at a time where it is relatively easy to pinpoint (especially if you have a spotter plane or if, from your point of view, the smoke area looks relatively narrow) large ships firing from within.

Heck, I can't even stealth-fire from behind smoke either.

I wish WG would roll back that change. Sure, it promotes camping, but it gives back value to buddy-smoking. Right now as a BB, smoke is pretty much worthless except for masking my approach...and not many DD drivers are willing to sacrifice one consumable just for that.
Really enjoying the Alsace, it's probably gotta be my favourite ship atm.
Alsace is pretty fun; the only downside is that the armor isn't as impressive as one might think...and the superstructures are especially sensitive to HE due to thin plating. Honestly, a cruiser volley can whack 3K HP from you each time, no matter where it lands. The secondaries, however, put the Germans' to shame.
As for the US cruisers, I'm still not sure.
Buffalo feeks abit meh, it's slow reload and small range make it somewhat limited in abilities.
Radar is handy and all but with the slow turret speed getting guns on a dd can be tricky sometimes.
Ok granted I don't have any 3mill mod on atm, still not sure if I should go reload or range.
That's the typical US CA/CL dilemma: range or reload.

Reload is brilliant because it allows to increase the pain you pile on your enemies, but only when they get close to you (15km or less). When applied to the DM, Baltimore or Cleveland, you can obtain pretty impressive volumes of fire.

Range is more useful for people like me, but beyond 15km, the high shell arcs and long travel times mean your targets can dodge your broadsides. It's less of an issue with high ROF ships like Des Moines and Baltimore, though, because you can very quickly adjust your fire and saturate a designated area with shells, leaving little breathing room...but others like Cleveland will suffer because their 152mm shells absolutely need IFHE to deal damage and not shatter on the superstructures.
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Old 2018-06-09, 21:46   Link #999
Psyco Diver
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These heart breaking matches need to stop, I winning matches where I get nothing done but these matches I keep losing. I was mad after this one even though it was a great match because it is frustrating

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Old 2018-06-12, 09:38   Link #1000
Sleepy Lurker
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There are unfortunately days like that where the game just refuses to throw you a bone or just work with you. Sometimes you have to turn your brain off to enjoy the game and that's rather counterintuitive seeing that WOWS requires that organ first and foremost.

Case in point: the latest Indianapolis mission required two kills in one victorious match...and, for the love of all that was holy, I just couldn't get that second kill out of the way as everyone was killstealing each other. I ended up passing from one ship to the other in my port, hoping to find one that would give me that much-sought victory. And when I finally gave up and went to play more casually, I instantly got my wish fulfilled when my Zao gifted me with a last-minute kill (I destroyed an Alsace with HE and that kill incidentally brought my team's point counter to 1,000). So's WOWS in a nutshell for me: if you PTFO, you get squat, but if you don't PTFO you might miraculously end up completing the task without even realizing it. XD

Aside from that, I finally got my Hipper. The Yorck was a bit painful as it felt very sluggish (it was a surprisingly good firestarter, even though the Germans aren't known for having good HE). Rudder shift and turret traverse weren't quick enough for my taste (even on hull B), and my AP was only doing good damage when my target was perfectly broadsided. The Hipper has better TT, but it seems like a Yorck 2.0 in certain instances. Still, it's somewhat of an improvement.

Also, I'm practically a month away from running out of premium time and I'm considering not renewing it in favor of getting Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. Those trips further back in time are increasingly winning me over, at a time where I was getting tired of Ubisoft's lackluster storytelling.
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