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Old 2024-05-11, 05:20   Link #41
Cyclone Magnum
Join Date: Apr 2004
Wow...the mother is even more immature/childish than her own daughter! Well, I suppose since it takes 3 Earth years to equal 1 Wido year, Mira would be more mature.

I don't feel quite sold on this episode. Miyasaka just witnessed a whole bunch of things and he doesn't go into any real kind of shock. He's just feeling down but doesn't question anything really.

Aoi looking creepy at the end there with the insect flyer.
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Old 2024-05-17, 09:35   Link #42
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Who could resist the offer of a date with a cute girl like Aoi? Even if it means attending an insect festival and delighting in insect food .

Mira is digging herself into a hole with her feelings for Miyasaka...quite literally, in fact, when she learns Naosuke helped set up Miyasaka and Aoi together for a date. Though conveniently, the next leg of their search for the key takes them to the exact same festival they're going too .

Poor Aoi. She was head-over-heels for Miyasaka from the get-go, and accidentally set up the Meet Cute between him and Mira, all the while stalkin...I mean, observing him throughout the season. She still remembers their time together working at the same hotel where she had long hair (and it looked good then!) and was a klutz of a waitress with no friends, money, or prospects...but she and Miyasaka were able to bond over their mutual love for a radio show and Miyasaka was able to help her realize how tasty eating insects can be (which he seems to have forgotten). She fell for him hard but could never work up the courage to talk to him again after that .

Things really did not go Aoi's way though. First the hotel goes bankrupt, she's left homeless, she runs out of money...and she ends up living in a park. The only good thing that happened to her was being taken in by Tasuke who saw in her the same person in need that he saw in Mira's mother. Mira's father helped her love rival because Aoi reminded him of her mom .

Aoi really putting herself out there to make Miyasaka remember her...and then of course Shoin and Mira shows up. And the gossipy old bat, as if this wasn't crazy enough .

Look, it's the rest of Astro Lodge! Including Matsubara doing an idol performance! Nice to see her get work and get cheered on by her lodgemates! Even if neither Shoin nor Aoi care for how into it Mira and Miyasaka get together .

It's time for Miyasaka to step up and eat wasps to help out Mira in an eating contest! They make an effective team! And Matsubara even goes to the trouble of helping promote their relationship while she's emceeing .

I honestly can't tell if Shoin was so thrown off by watching someone eat what he regards as his old alien classmates from school or Mira and Miyasaka working so well together. Or maybe both ?

Miyasaka won! A...cardboard key which they didn't need, but hopefully the bike he gave to the old bat will keep her occupied for the foreseeable future .

Everyone is happy and sleeping...except poor Aoi who is crying herself to sleep knowing Miyasaka doesn't remember her. And the Alien Hub squid is active again .
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Old 2024-05-17, 10:58   Link #43
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Honestly, I get that she hoped he remembered her, but if she can't even manage to say "I'm onigiri chan" that makes hard to root for her. Not that it would change anything, the best she can hope for is being paired with Mira's friend after both they'll be rejected.
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Old 2024-05-17, 15:40   Link #44
Cyclone Magnum
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This was a wonderfully funny and happy and heartbreaking episode.

I blame Miyasaka for not recognizing Onigiri Girl after she cut her hair, and especially after she showed him the radio channel prize, but it was just a one time initial interaction so I'll let it slide. Props to her for getting better at her job but sad that she didn't have any friends at the hotel, nor did she fall back on going home after the hotel went bankrupt. As per usual, Tasuke was there and if Aoi reminded him of Miwa's mother, then things could get interesting later on...

Miyasaka is the reason why Aoi likes bugs and him in the first place. Was a bit surprised she didn't volunteer or at least voice interest in eating in the contest. Also was surprised the father and son did not partake in eating as well.

That lady sure knows how to make things awkward! Now that she has the moped, she can get to places and spread that juicy gossip even faster!

The idol song was just off the wall kiddy and funny! It was kind of refreshing to see and I enjoyed that bit! The idol herself did a great job trying to bring the two MCs together. She deserves her champagne!

Ultimately the prize key was NOT the key! The search continues - Alien Squid cameo ... (did they ever fill up those deep dug holes?)
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Old 2024-05-18, 23:27   Link #45
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Honestly I found bits of this episode annoying, and its for the simple fact that they shoehorned Mira into going into the insect festival. We already know its going to be Miyasaka x Mira, so if you're going to have someone have an unrequited love for one of them, at least give them a whole episode together. Not only that, they decided to have Miyasaka see Mira at the pivotal moment where Aoi makes the connection between her current self and past self. Yeah, he still wouldn't have remembered even if Mira didn't pop up in that moment, but could have at least gave her a chance to say something. After that he didn't focus on Aoi for the remainder of the episode. Its like, 'why even bother'? Guess they are going for Aoi x dog.
Pure of heart, precious as life (^,^ )

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Old 2024-05-18, 23:45   Link #46
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Originally Posted by frubam View Post
Honestly I found bits of this episode annoying, and its for the simple fact that they shoehorned Mira into going into the insect festival. We already know its going to be Miyasaka x Mira, so if you're going to have someone have an unrequited love for one of them, at least give them a whole episode together. Not only that, they decided to have Miyasaka see Mira at the pivotal moment where Aoi makes the connection between her current self and past self. Yeah, he still wouldn't have remembered even if Mira didn't pop up in that moment, but could have at least gave her a chance to say something. After that he didn't focus on Aoi for the remainder of the episode. Its like, 'why even bother'? Guess they are going for Aoi x dog.
I think it re-emphasized that, yeah, Miyasaka only has eyes for Mira and we see how well the two of them can really work together during the contest as Mira is slowly realizing her own feelings.

It did end up screwing over Aoi in her own focus episode but I hope she can still find some happiness by the end.
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Old 2024-05-18, 23:55   Link #47
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Aoi basically exists only to make Mira feel jealous.
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Old 2024-05-19, 02:55   Link #48
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The plot device Aoi's date makes Mira realizes she has feeling for Takumi.
Many anime and manga implements love triangle for just because. This show has some purpose.

Takumi's advice on eating anything is dangerous. There are news about people dying from eating snails. Most reason is due to not cooked, because some people prefer more raw taste. Some animal, even cooked, are health hazard.
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Old 2024-05-24, 09:32   Link #49
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Aoi is sad about how chummy Miyasaka and Mira are getting, Naosuke is still trying to lecture Mira on her love life and acting the part of a princess, she gets payback by sending him off with Shokichi so Shokichi can get some attention of the feminine persuasion, and Ren is set to try and expose Naosuke. Just a day in the life for the Astro Lodge residents .

Miyasaka and Mira are really getting along well! Especially as Miyasaka is coming to better understand Mira's life on Planet Wid and why she enjoys the freedom of Earth so much .

Miyasaka is now in the know, which means he can help Naosuke try to sell his cover as a dog in front of Ren by teaming-up with him to do as many classic dog things as possible, no matter how degrading they are for Naosuke. He's liable to go native at this point .

But stolen keys is a sign that the Hubby Spy is acting up and they're going to need to work together to catch it! And make sure Ren doesn't expose Naosuke!Good thing they've got Mira's fantastic acting skills .

Hey, Naosuke actually acknowledges Miyasaka and Mira are similar! That's as close to giving him any credit that Naosuke's done all season. And Miyasaka helped Mira realize that she'd been taking Naosuke and his sworn duty to protect her, even to the point outliving her, for granted !

Poor Aoi...caught up in her complicated feelings for Miyasaka with only "Octo-san" there to emotionally support her .

A blackout is the perfect time for the Astro Lodge residents to sit, drink, and be merry, and Miyasaka to tell Mira that, to him, she's just an ordinary girl. Probably the one thing she most wanted to hear at that point !

Too bad the Hubby Spy had possessed Aoi and made her act out her frustrations with Miyasaka and resentment towards Mira by having Aoi beat Miyasaka up (and force him to endure every anime gag in the book) and try to take out Mira. Though I feel like Aoi might've appreciated the solution to rescuing her...having Miyasaka kiss the squid out of her. Right in front of Mira. Too bad Aoi can't remember it, but Miyasaka and Mira definitely do. Awkward .
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Old 2024-05-24, 14:16   Link #50
Cyclone Magnum
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This episode was full of all kinds of ridiculous action and I loved it!

From Takumi stating to Mira that she's a normal girl to getting Naosuke to play up being a dog under Ren's observations, to kissing/sucking on Aoi to get the Spy Squid out of her made for a crazy episode!

It's kind of weird that none of the other residents who have seen Mira's room think anything of how hi tech it is, despite it being not enough according to Naosuke. And Takumi is ALWAYS there!

And while that was the running gag of the episode in several instances, Takumi suffered many a hit by the Spy Squid. But let's not forget that Posessed Aoi can really deal some punches! All her true feelings came out, thanks in part to Spy Squid, but also the build up by Naosuke from Room 8.

Next week, the awkwardness continues!
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Old 2024-05-28, 21:36   Link #51
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Imagine if Aoi was actually a spy alien the entire time, deep undercover just doing things an earth girl might. But I knew it wouldn't be the case.
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Old 2024-05-31, 09:36   Link #52
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Miyasaka, Mira, and Aoi are all feeling really awkward after the kiss from last episode...and Matsubara is so here for all the drama .

Yeah, I'm not surprised Ren doesn't want his dad to come to his school for parents day. Just from his thoughts alone he's been a pretty big mess every time he's come before. Though I understand why Wakabayashi wants to do his duty as a father and be there for Ren .

C'mon Naosuke, you KNOW that kiss wasn't Miyasaka being a creep but to get the Alien Hubby spy out of Aoi's body. Though he at least has the decency to try to clue in Miyasaka as to his past with Aoi .

Mira is more at home playing a proper landlady than a future queen of Planet Wid, and she doesn't want to confine herself to the rules and standards other set or expect from her, but Shoin gets straight to the point and asks if it's possible she's fallen in love with someone...and Mira's response basically confirms it .

Ren's ran away from home! Which is inconvenient for a girl and her bodyguard trying to hide they're aliens when he sleeps over in their room .

Matsubara is happy to give relationship advice to Miyasaka over some beer on his dime, and while she has no interest in relationships herself (fitting for an idol), that doesn't mean she doesn't have good advice to share .

Wakabayashi may look like a jobless bum who is hopeless at life, but he actually DOES have day jobs. If only just to have some cash. He can't always sponge off food !

Ren is the spitting image of his mother but not his father...because Wakabayashi isn't his biological father, he just loved Ren's mother and loved Ren even more, and adopted him. He's very much Ren's father and wants to do right by him, and even someone like Aoi, who was raised in an orphanage and had a piece of trash for a father, can tell he's a good dad. And it's nice to see Ren recognize and acknowledge that .

Well, Miyasaka takes Aoi out on a picnic just to let her know as gently as possible that he doesn't return her feelings...but at least he FINALLY remembered her and complimented how much she makes food look good when she eats. At least she's got that going for her .

Honestly Aoi took losing in love better than I expected, especially since in the process Miyasaka was able to make her feel more confident and self-assured in the process. Happy Aoi is best Aoi .

It's great that Ren just thinks Naosuke is a cat like Tom from Tom & Jerry...but poor Naosuke, Aoi doesn't like the real version of him because she doesn't like dogs. And now she thinks SHOIN is him !

Next week: Matsubara focused episode !
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Old 2024-05-31, 12:36   Link #53
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Yeah, I thought Ren knowing Naosuke's secret was just a tease and he didn't actually learned he's an alien, but I wasn't expecting him being mistaken fir a cat. I wonder if Ren is serious about that or is only saying it as a joke.
Aoi now thinks Shoin is her mysterious confidant, so maybe the author is really going to pair the rwo.
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Old 2024-05-31, 16:02   Link #54
Cyclone Magnum
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I'm so delighted to write about this episode! So much to unpack and notice. My personal opinion, this was the best episode of the season thus far.

Starting with the awkward morning after, Aoi "remembers" being having that "drunken" kiss.

Matsubara notes it's rare to see Aoi up early for breakfast and gets all giddy eyed at the obvious attraction between Aoi and Miyasaka.

I love it when the "side plot" is a huge character development moment. We see Ren not wanting to have his father at his school event for a multitude of reasons. The talk his father had with Mira about how much he loves his adopted son strikes a chord in Mira when she's asked if she knows what true love is. Of course parental love is different from romantic love, but it still has her thinking (as if she hadn't been thinking about it all day)

Shion returns and it's obvious Mira is distracted from the mission. We get to see the inside of his layout which is full of Planet Wid gadgetry.

Naosuke has a heart to heart talk with Miyasaka - I like how the characters just silently "creep" up on each other - reminding him about Aoi and telling him to do something about her. I wonder how that would turn out? Interestingly, Miyasaka was looking for more employment opportunities but this chat drove him to declare and stay as "head chef at Astro Lodge".

I still find it funny that none of the residents raise a concern at how different Mira's room is compared to theirs. Cross dressing Ren "runs away" and proceeds to "strangle"/cuddle Naosuke in slumber. The following morning his father documents his son's "running away", while Miyasaka is now aware of Aoi's feelings and gets nervous when she shows up to the table.

Speaking of silently creeping on others, this time Matsubara gets Miyasaka to buy her drinks and mocks everything about him, but she does give him advice on what to do with Aoi.

Ren's father reads some "interesting" books. They look like some ancient language. It's here we learn about Ren's upbringing, his mother, and his adoption. And now they're off to "war" at the supermarket to get the best discount deals. feels like we are all stumbling our way through life, doesn't it?

Anyways, over math homework, we learn Aoi was orphaned and had a terrible father so she heard, so Ren has it lucky to have one who dotes over him. In return, he spills the secret about Naosuke to her, putting him at unease.

The "war" is cancelled as Miyasaka notes there's food he can cook up for dinner. I believe this is the first dinner we've seen with the entire cast (minus Shion and Naosuke). This scene struck me as Aoi always sits besides Miyasaka, but he can see Mira across the table. There's a fine juxtaposition between what Mira eats and declares as delicious and what we see Aoi eat in response (grains of rice).

Days and meals go by with everyone doing various things. And then...Miyasaka takes Aoi out to have a picnic. At least he didn't make plain rice balls, but somehow (and not awkwardly in a lot of other anime), he went straight to the point. Aoi knows and now determinedly takes a big bite of her rice ball...and it was at this point he finally remembers her as Miss Riceball!!! Boy...that was the happiest (sad) break up I've seen.

Mr. Hachi get's his thanks from Aoi for all the advice and she spills the big secret that Naosuke is a cat! But the even bigger kicker is that she doesn't like Naosuke (well not really because we know she was attacked by dogs during her homeless days).

And the last there a new ship that's going to sail? Mr. Hachi and Shion sound nothing alike, but to a girl who is infatuated over someone, it probably won't matter.

Regardless, this was a great episode. So much detail packed into it (We even see Ren's father reading the same book with ancient text...or it looks similar to the text of Thailand?)

Preview dives deeper into another unexplored resident of Astro Lodge. This time Terurun Teruko has doubts. I wonder how they will dissect her character next week.
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