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Old 2009-07-29, 03:32   Link #2589
The Owl of Minerva
Join Date: Apr 2006

残念ながら何だか話題は 「Learning Japanese」 から別の方向に逸らしてしまったようですね。せっかく良い雰囲気になりましたのに。

個人的な意見ですが、このスレのタイトルが 「Learning Japanese」である限り、難易度を問わず、「Learning Japanese」に関わるあらゆる質問、感想、討論などでも妥当なのではないでしょうか。と言いますのは 、初級の質問でも高級の質問、英語の発言でも日本語の発言でも適切なわけです。

成り行きで日本語書き込みばかりになったのが、別に誰のせいでもないように思われます。もしまた簡単な質問 があったら、きっとここの住人の皆様が親切に説明されるでしょう。

確かに、この論争が一部のメンバーに不快の気持ちをさせてしまったので、「Learning Japanese (日本語書き込み限定)」のようなスレを立てて、そして日本語書き込み希望の方がそちらにご移動頂ければ、 いかがでしょうか。ただ、「難しい話題だから、ここには禁止すべきだよ!」という呼びかけには、恐れ入りま すが、いかにも賛成しかねます。


Sorry for hijacking this thread.

It is disappointing that a thread with the title "Learning Japanese" ended up discussing trivial stuff like this when we had a really good discussion atmosphere.

IMO, as long as this thread is called "Learning Japanese," any question, comment, discussion relevant to "Learning Japanese" should be allowed here. Of course they include questions of any level of difficulty, as well as relevant discussions conducted in English and in-depth discussions conducted in Japanese.

It is by no means anyone's responsibility that the number of Japanese posts has increased recently (they are relevant discussions after all). I also think that if there are simple questions again being asked here, everyone will try their best to answer them instead of shoving the posters away.

But it is also true that some members are not happy with the recent developments here. Maybe we can set up a thread like "Learning Japanese (日本語書き込み限定)" and continue the discussions in Japanese there? However, I am afraid I cannot support the idea that all difficult discussions should be banned here.

Please let me apologize if anyone is offended by my message. I would appreciate if the above could be considered.
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