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Old 2008-03-25, 05:34   Link #22541
Sword Wielding Penguin
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Finally, chapter three draft done...

Spoiler for Lawmaker:


@_@ good night...



Last edited by AdmiralTigerclaw; 2008-03-25 at 05:53.
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Old 2008-03-25, 06:26   Link #22542
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Kha View Post
"You can't kill that which has no life..."

Kha ~It which won't die even if after it is killed~

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Meanwhile, in other news, here's some crack for Ghaz's RF6:
Spoiler for One fine day, 4 years before Operation Strikers...:


True Ending GETTA! ^_^


I wonder who'll you pull into your epic Khrack next.

Originally Posted by KNS View Post
Alright, lets try it again with the few tweaks made to it thanks to some suggestions! I think I've fixed most of the background problems. Also, next time I edit there shall be drawings to go with them! Just need to find the time between work and other stuff to fit in drawing time...Hauuu

I'm a little rusty on my Nanoha History line so feel free to continue to point out my errors and I will continue to edit until it has reached ultimate perfection!


I don't see any faults in particular (( I rarely see so unless how they're used in the story context )) but have we ever heard a rough timeline of when The Project F Thesis was presented? I don't recall so...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Loud explosions echoed all around him. Rubble and dust was thrown around the area, landing only for a few seconds before being launched again by another impacting shell. Hidden behind the edge of one of the larger craters, he could see a young officer running up to him.

"General! Sir! They're almost completely all around us, our last retreat lies north-north east of here. Our amunition is running low, but casualties are within paramiters. What are your orders?"

He growled. "You know the orders soldier. 'Hold this place at all cost.' Those were the orders we were given. They will have to trample over our corpses before we yield. Break open any spare case of amunition! Grab anything with a sharp edge! Prepare for a counter-attack."

The young officer saluted and ran off to spread the word. He worked fast, as soon every man stood ready to charge at his command.

The enemy realized that too, as their fire stopped. An eery silence envelopped the field, like the calm before the storm. He held his order, not untill they could see them would they charge. Dust was still in the air, walking into a trap was not his idea of a good battleplan.

Then they apeared. Legions of them. Numbers to great to count. He held his order, not untill they were close enough would he strike.

Unfortunately, one of his subordinates had a different idea. In terror of the numbers before him, he dropped his Lasgun and turned tail.

He surpressed a growl of frustration, shifted his aim. The red-hot beam burned through the Imperial Guardsman's back, and he slumped to the ground.

The message was clear: Nobody would be allowed to run. If you would run, then you would serve as a reminder of what would happen to deserters. The message was not needed, as another soldier who had run out of ammo picked up the dropped weapon and readied himself.

A smile of pride made its way on his face. These were good men, loyal, brave and determined. He turned his eyes to the battlefield, the endless flow of backlog was now close enough, he raised himself and bellowed the order to attack.

They surged forward. Impossible odds. Certain death.

Just the way Cadians liked it.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Oh, and on a side note, I have seriously been reconcidering Tesla becoming a captain. It sounded cool and all in the beginning, but recently I realized that it's not realistic at all. Tesla is a Wolkenritter first and foremost, and becoming a captain would mean that she would spend long periods of time away from Hayate. This is something the Wolkenritter have done a lot to avoid, so having Tesla go of without a doupt would be... strange at best, and OOC at worst.

Ideas? Thoughts?
It's not like they never done so before, albeit being a captain herself would be far more distancing than all the rest, which was pretty much just in different divisions, but always ready on standby when Hayate needs them for some important mission, like the bodyguard job of Midget.

A captain role would of course, put her time-constraint far more, since she's not just an 'officer' and holds greater responsibility overall.

I can see it working, so long as deep down, Tesla's really passionate about it. Hayate AND the rest of the Wolkies would most definitely consent even if she feels doubtful.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
It's the hardest ending to attain.

Put roughly:

Early UBW, you must act in ways that get Keroko fuming at times, endure beatings before you are able to start getting into her dere side somewhere after midgame, which means for most of the way, you will be getting almost no support from any of the Aces, be it buffs, attacks or words of encouragement. This makes battling other Servants and Masters rather tough.

Then when it's time to rescue Sophia from Thomas Kluize, you must pick Keroko and not Saber or Fate when breaking into his holdout, which actually weakens you against Thomas due to the missing of Sankt Kaiser's barrier or the Sonic Boost to match Kluize's speed. (I designed Nanoha/Cente Gravia to be a harem game with Action RPG elements :3)

Heals, bubbles, one long fight later (the easiest specialization to win this battle is to be in Protection/Holy), if Kha survives, then we'll unlock the epilogue that shows everyone living happy lives, and a KhaxKeroko that is an extension of the events during the battle against Kluize and the Daemon Prince. :3

Wow... I just wrote something meant for Gamespot.
-_-; ....


Something feels off in that, really.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I took that and integrated Chrono's words about Graham and came up with generations. Like Siesta's family from ZnT.

But Graham wasn't really... must've misread something here.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
.I have an announcement to make: I am rolling back changes to the Rebuilt timeline. Evoluder Subaru? Gone. Marg Vita? Crashed. GAR Eisen and Kyosuke Bardiche? Out the window. Nanoha Ray? Hell Alpha will fix that. Lightning Squad seems reasonably uncracked and should remain relatively unchanged.

I was informed that for continuity, Yuuno's druidic magic is out of the question, so regretably, no Wild Ferret of the TSAB. Arf will not see action in StrikerS; I know that's a 100% reversal from my earlier promise, but continuity holds sway. Zafira might see more lines, and maybe a few more shots of him in humanoid form, but that's all.

The nature of Einherjar remains limited, and I've yet to come up with an appropiate answer. Riot 6 remains similar to canon, except with the addition of Drake Squad, and a GF-certified landing airship that could double as a mobile HQ to stand in for Asura until it is shot down in the Jail incident. Training sessions remain, as there are more OCs to train now, so that justifies the time spent. Kai will be added to the Tech department.

TSAB remains totally incompetent, so as not to dull the effectiveness of several other units. However, the nature of the Brains' bodies have been changed, as well as the ruling system of the TSAB has been updated to a Paliament under an overriding High Council. Jail's second Cradle, the Silver Throne, has been dropped in favor of focusing fire on the original.

On the Church side, extensive revisions to the organization of Adeptae Belkarum and Licht von Belka will go ahead, as it is with the inclusion of Outer Cadia Shock Troopers in the Saint Guard. The Shock Troopers will be modelled on the USMC as planned, but my lack of understanding of the corp might mean that Goose and Kagerou and Tiger and other subject matter experts must be consulted before anything can be solidified. There will be more machinery on Midchilda on both Belka and Mid factions, and certainly a bit more Cleric-Knights then just 4. The Gundam and GN-X are being reviewed, and may be dropped in favor of normal Power and Terminator armor. However, in order to remain competent, Cleric-Knights retain their ability to fly on WM particles, but their main mod of closing would now be either Teleport or Greller Schritt (Flash Step).

Jail's drone army gets several more modifications. Numbers remain the same 12, but will appear earlier. Two extra sentokijin have been included: Trieze and Uomo, and hopefully once I work things out it will go through quickly. ERW will make their appearance at the Einherjar assault, which is now remade into a trap laid for the capture of the Numbers.

The movie feature Riot 6 Goes to Tokyo will go ahead, and is pretty much completely original take on the SS events; there will be fanservice, but the action and depth has been increased. Arisa and Suzuka retain their Warp Magica Devices Throne and Mikoto, and will return with Riot 6 to Midchilda after that as planned earlier.

Please note that all the above is subject to change, and that Rebuilt itself might be dropped. As it is, I realize that minimal changes needed to be made in actual fact, all that needs is a summary of events, not a full crackfest that does nothing but amuse me and leave the rest of the thread either in bewilderment or non-plus. And that doesn't amuse me for long.

Thank you for your time, and sorry for distracting you all from Alpha.

Kha without KHRACK? Does not compute, but a Rebuilt doesn't need Khrack after all.

Though I cringe at the thousands of words lost in translation...

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
... Am I the only one who is actually happy that Rebuilt will once more become the serious rewrite of StrikerS it was originally promised to be instead of the khrackfest it became?
No, me too.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Don't blow my cover when I'm enjoying the spectacle!


Goodbye, Space Khaboy.

Originally Posted by Anita View Post

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Maybe I should do something to make Kagerou feel less disturbed. Here's some major Khrack:Only some of you will get what this is, but thank Nighty and Kagerou for giving me the reason, impetus and.

Gosh I still can't :3 at crack like I used too... I'm turning into Vice, bakayarou...

And Kha shows us why his Khrack is unbeatable.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
God, it's done. My longest profile ever. Alpha Franz bio is one step closer to completion: history is done, next is relationships, then lastly skills & abilities. Comments welcome.

Be warned: some Alpha spoilers (not really that many) and explicit spelling out of bad things in the past. This is a spoiler for why Naomi currently hates him.

Spoiler for Alpha Profile: Franz Jaeger, Assault Compamy Commander of the Order:

And with that. I'm done. Night all.

*sighs* Gotta wake up in 4 hours -_-

Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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Old 2008-03-25, 08:10   Link #22543
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
The three hours is from Chrono's fleet time from sortie to Earth. The ~1 hour timeframe for 97-HQ travel is based on events in A's. See how fast they evaced Nanoha to TSAB HQ's hospitals, or how Chrono can arrest our familiars on Earth, bring them to TSAB HQ for interrogation and run back. Even an hour is probably pessimistic.
Hmm, good point. It couldn't have taken long, her parents would have gone frantic if it had taken more then a couple of hours, concidering the battle started around nighttime.


Waitaminute, that means that bringing Nanoha to the TSAB HQ, getting her patched up, deciding the Asura needed the Arc, planning the next move, deciding that the shipless crew would be send to earth, finding and aquiring a location for said crew was all done in the timespan of a few hours.

My opinion of the TSAB is rising.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
They might not always go back, but it seems like all of known TSAB space is compressed to such an extent that it is never hard to find a place where you can just skip back to HQ (or Mid) for a bit.
Perhaps dimensional space carries with it different laws of physics, enabeling speeds far superior to FTL.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Obviously, the ship is highly automated, so it can run by itself for routine ops
Does that mean I get my long-range shot stabilizers back?

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
It was, on the other hand, the most important thing, and something that her son and Nanoha could not do.
Which may explain why she sortied in the first place, because it was something only she could do.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Point. On the other hand, TSAB sensors have about two sensitivities - very high and just about zero, depending on energy output. Above a threshold they get excellent intelligence, otherwise they are effectively blind. Given this, a regular patrol circuit for maximum search area catching transients is arguably more productive than just orbiting a planet for orbit after orbit.
Yes, but the TSAB has to scan more then one planet. Our world alone contains several galaxies worth of planets.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
I still vote for salvage and Maximum Data Retention
The forced reqruitement is still rejected, though.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
I think Tk wants his elite mages to be Executive Officers (not Enforcers, we've made a mistake in creating a whole culture based on an incorrect Triad translation). The problem is that this causes a rank/capability inversion, which is generally not a good idea in command and control.
Well, elite mages often get promoted faster then normal mages. And its not as if the Ground Forces have no elite mages at all (Zest comes to mind).

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
It's not like they never done so before, albeit being a captain herself would be far more distancing than all the rest, which was pretty much just in different divisions, but always ready on standby when Hayate needs them for some important mission, like the bodyguard job of Midget.

A captain role would of course, put her time-constraint far more, since she's not just an 'officer' and holds greater responsibility overall.

I can see it working, so long as deep down, Tesla's really passionate about it. Hayate AND the rest of the Wolkies would most definitely consent even if she feels doubtful.
And that's the problem: Tesla's motivation. Like I said, Tesla is a Wolkenritter first and foremost, she would choose to avoid any tasks that pull her away from Hayate for prolonged periods of time, and would choose the ones that have the highest chance to 'stay with the familly' as it were.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
-_-; ....


Something feels off in that, really.
The main problem is that since it is centered around 15 years of Kerokanon, its going to be hard to imagine the 'getting Keroko mad' scenario. Since she is already adopted by the Takamichis, already has seals, she is a lot more stable. Getting her mad no longer is like flipping a switch, we need something else as the drive to get Keroko points in this case.

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
No, me too.
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Old 2008-03-25, 08:27   Link #22544
Secret Society BLANKET
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For the second part of Epsila Synaisthima's profile:

Spoiler for The Once Shattered Girl:

Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.

Last edited by LoweGear; 2008-03-25 at 21:38.
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Old 2008-03-25, 08:30   Link #22545
Wild Goose
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Quick posting on the run...

On the question of bridge crew, talking to my retired Royal Navy Captain (O-6) friend, he said that the bare minimum of bridge crew would be as follows: Captain, Navigation Officer, radar operator, helmsman, Communications officer, commo operator. This is, mind you, for a Frigate, but it does show the bare minimum you can get away with.

The XO and Gunnery Officer/Tactical Action Officer/Tac Officer/Guy who shoots guns and missiles would be in CIC belowdecks, along with the bulk of the CIC crew who CAN reach up to 20-odd.

Say what you will about Gundam SEED, but it WAS one of the first shows to have a CIC complement (Commo, sensors, weapons, ECM, Flight coordinator, tac officer...) FMP's got some overlaps of roles but then that's what happens on a sub... if it's a sub you've got Captain, XO, Officer of the Deck, Chief of Boat, helm, Weapons officer... everyone else is spread all over the ship. <.<

Regards TSAB competance... well, remember, it's the Navy who're running around and getting Nanoha checked out, etc etc. Not the Army. They're the guys out patrolling, on the sharp end of the spear, mind you. ^^
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

Last edited by Wild Goose; 2008-03-25 at 09:21.
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Old 2008-03-25, 09:17   Link #22546
Love Hina?
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Further, Tk's thing about "gone months" simply does not apply to the TSAB patrol zones. Travel times in the TSAB is generally very short - Unadministered 97 is somewhere around an hour at most to TSAB HQ, which itself is three hours travel to Midchildra. In fact, there seems no place they couldn't get to so far within a day, or even 12 hours.
Notes down. This is going to raise some problems for me.............. Although at least it's been pointed out now instead of later down the track. Thanks
Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Ma-oh Shounen Lyrical Nanoha - Of Bishounen and GAR and WUUUD?!
Meh, I'm unphased by the gender bend. In fact, go with the Gender bend of Nanoha and Fate, get someone to draw it up and present it to the Image thread.
Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
But F4????? I pray to God they don't end up becoming a boyband.

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Now for something the IRC guys know, and now posting the first part now:

Spoiler for The Shattered Girl:
Pic Looks like Gimmy.. With different Hair colour.. Maybe it's just me (Wait, Gimmy was the girl right? right?)

Her background looks good though
Originally Posted by ghazghkull View Post
And now presenting, CHAPTER 5!
Spoiler for MGLN Riot Force 6:
Going through as I read it. This might sting a little.
Originally Posted by typo
they would be able to stand as taller,
as tall
He had long knew that Vivio and Syn were the type to prefer working together, especially since their spell sets heavily complimented each other
When he had first met him, the boy’s combat skills were fairly basic, possibly on the level of Enforcer Lanster when she had left Riot Force 6 when it disbanded.
You call Teana's skills at the end of Strikers Basic? Err that's a bit of an understatement don't you think? She's a proficient all-rounder with at least Intermediate skill in both Ranged and Melee (if not more).
said Farukon. “Our afternoon/even sessions
and them if I feel that we have enough time,
- You could probably break that sentence up in to two as well, getting rid of the and to start with Then but it's not really a concern
Originally Posted by missing word?
“What you do now?”
(This is just after Syn's Drone get's upped 2 ranks) It doesn't read right.. Did you miss a word or something?

Hahahaha, lol at the entrance of the BakaBelkarangers.

Sorry about that.. But other than those I couldn't see anything utterly disturbing with your piece.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
I think Tk wants his elite mages to be Executive Officers (not Enforcers, we've made a mistake in creating a whole culture based on an incorrect Triad translation). The problem is that this causes a rank/capability inversion, which is generally not a good idea in command and control.
I know I saw this in the Tech thread before but could you fully explain what you mean by that. Since this could potentially screw me over. Failing that or a re-write of my background.

Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
Finally, chapter three draft done...

Spoiler for Lawmaker:
Major Crash? I must have missed the memo on his promotion...
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Old 2008-03-25, 09:52   Link #22547
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Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
I know I saw this in the Tech thread before but could you fully explain what you mean by that. Since this could potentially screw me over. Failing that or a re-write of my background.
Once upon a time, there was one 執務官 (jitsumukan), Chrono. We saw him basically as the next senior guy to Lindy, the Captain. It is in retrospect, obvious that he's the Assistant commander of the ship - they even pretty much tell us that Amy's third in the chain after Lindy and Chrono in Ep7 A's...

Then, Triad mapped jitsumukan into Enforcer. Of course, there is nothing in the canon or language to back up the claim - the kanji literally read Execute Duty Officer. Enforcer might be 強制員 or 実力行使員 (note, not even an officer) if you want to get crude and literal.

Well, while it was a mere mapping, it is pretty harmless. Occasionally, other mappings go up. Once a fansubbing group called it a "Commissioned officer", and some said "Investigator". But it was Enforcer that stuck.

A whole culture began to arise around this fictional group based on a term that is an arbitrary mapping, at least on this OC thread. They became, as near as I can determine, some kind of TSAB SWAT team (which for some reason often operate alone). Hordes of "Enforcers", for example, were sent against Erusia. Then someone (put your hand up please) created the Shock Enforcers as in some kind of uber SWAT team... We wonder what branch they are from. Those are just examples of what I call "Enforcer culture".

Meanwhile, we wonder why Hayate doesn't even herself get an assistant, instead relying on aides.

One day, the cards came out, and we know the truth. Ahh, now everything makes sense with the new English words, doesn't it... The "Shock Executive Officers" just doesn't have the same ring, no? At least Hayate has an XO now, much to our relief...

So, depending on what your charas are doing, you might need a rethink.
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Old 2008-03-25, 10:11   Link #22548
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
In all honesty, StrikerS partially fueled the thought by giving Fate a black uniform, which is different from the others and is, if I recall, unique. The only other jitsumukan we could compare with was Chrono, but by the time we saw him in something different then his Barrier Jacket or casual clothing, he was a Navy Admiral.

Which raises another question:

The TSAB crest has three collors, black, blue and brown. According to the emblems they should represent Navy, Ground and Air forces. Navy and Ground have their uniforms according to the emblem, yet Air Force mages wear white uniforms (judging by Nanoha and Tiida Lanster)

What do the black uniforms belong to?
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Old 2008-03-25, 10:19   Link #22549
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
In all honesty, StrikerS partially fueled the thought by giving Fate a black uniform, which is different from the others and is, if I recall, unique. The only other jitsumukan we could compare with was Chrono, but by the time we saw him in something different then his Barrier Jacket or casual clothing, he was a Navy Admiral.
If uniforms are the judge of anything, then it is somewhat likely that Fate is in a different part of the TSAB altogether. Military Police, maybe? Hmmm.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Which raises another question:
Spoiler for TSAB Crest:

The TSAB crest has three collors, black, blue and brown. According to the emblems they should represent Navy, Ground and Air forces. Navy and Ground have their uniforms according to the emblem, yet Air Force mages wear white uniforms (judging by Nanoha and Tiida Lanster)

What do the black uniforms belong to?
The airforce mages wear both white and blue if I note that correctly, and then there are those who wear all blue (I don't know what's with the people who wear blue, but well )

Like I said earlier, Black Uniforms probably refer to some other thing altogether, and since I see they are (as they are) rather...rare in the series, I would hazard a guess that it's some secret service of sorts, though I would find it strange to have my secret service people parading around in THAT kind of uniform...
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Old 2008-03-25, 10:23   Link #22550
Love Hina?
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Once upon a time, there was one 執務官 (jitsumukan), Chrono. We saw him basically as the next senior guy to Lindy, the Captain. It is in retrospect, obvious that he's the Assistant commander of the ship - they even pretty much tell us that Amy's third in the chain after Lindy and Chrono in Ep7 A's...

Then, Triad mapped jitsumukan into Enforcer. Of course, there is nothing in the canon or language to back up the claim - the kanji literally read Execute Duty Officer. Enforcer might be 強制員 or 実力行使員 (note, not even an officer) if you want to get crude and literal.

Well, while it was a mere mapping, it is pretty harmless. Occasionally, other mappings go up. Once a fansubbing group called it a "Commissioned officer", and some said "Investigator". But it was Enforcer that stuck.

A whole culture began to arise around this fictional group based on a term that is an arbitrary mapping, at least on this OC thread. They became, as near as I can determine, some kind of TSAB SWAT team (which for some reason often operate alone). Hordes of "Enforcers", for example, were sent against Erusia. Then someone (put your hand up please) created the Shock Enforcers as in some kind of uber SWAT team... We wonder what branch they are from. Those are just examples of what I call "Enforcer culture".

Meanwhile, we wonder why Hayate doesn't even herself get an assistant, instead relying on aides.

One day, the cards came out, and we know the truth. Ahh, now everything makes sense with the new English words, doesn't it... The "Shock Executive Officers" just doesn't have the same ring, no? At least Hayate has an XO now, much to our relief...

So, depending on what your charas are doing, you might need a rethink.
*raises hand for Magical SWAT team*
Although that has been beaten out of me somewhat from discussions with TK. There are still SWAT/Military elements that I will be part of my OC's roles (since like hell I'm scrapping my 20k fic section that I've written) but it looks like I'll have to be renaming them at the very least, if not going and ret-conning heavily once I get a clear idea of the mechanics around the whole jitsumukan thing.

As it stands now, I've got a group of highly ranked officers from the looks of things... which doesn't really work with the orignal premise that I had in mind. Actually scrap that, doesn't work with most things since who the hell is going to make a unit of just officers

I'll pick this up tomorrow once I sleep on it.

Thanks for the clarification Ark (Even if it means that things are going to have to be re thought to make things work, but w/e that's life.)

Last edited by Liingo; 2008-03-26 at 04:50.
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Old 2008-03-25, 10:46   Link #22551
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis View Post
If uniforms are the judge of anything, then it is somewhat likely that Fate is in a different part of the TSAB altogether. Military Police, maybe? Hmmm.
The card says something about 'Administrative Bureau Sailing Force Executive Officer' which makes little sense to me. Do they mean Navy? But that doesn't really make sense concidering that you can become a 'jitsumukan' no matter where you came from. Teana is a Ground Force mage and aims to be an jitsumukan, her brother was an Air Force mage and yet had the same goal. Chrono was most likely part of the Navy, and he was a jitsumukan. Fate never was part of the Navy, yet changed into her black uniform in the A's manga.

It is clear that being a jitsumukan is something special, special enough to allow recruits from all 3 elements of the Bureau, and stand-alone enough to have their own uniform.

Isn't there a wiki article to shed some light on this confusion?

Originally Posted by XenahortCharybdis View Post
The airforce mages wear both white and blue if I note that correctly, and then there are those who wear all blue (I don't know what's with the people who wear blue, but well )
Yes, white and blue. The people with all blue are most likely Navy, judging by the amount of times we see blueshirts on ships. Lindy wears a blue uniform, even Teana wears a blue uniform in the epilogue after she joins Fate onboard a ship.
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Old 2008-03-25, 10:46   Link #22552
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To be fair to Triad, without them we won't be discussing this. Without Triad, we probably won't even have watched MGLN. For general purposes they are fine, it is just that you don't want to use them if you start getting into anything involving semantics, where the meaning of each word makes a difference.
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Old 2008-03-25, 10:54   Link #22553
Adeptus Animus
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Age: 36
I'm not going to go 'boo Triad' any group makes translation mistakes. Most sources I have in manga terms translate 'jitsumukan' as officer, which is rather vague. The manga translation I have described Fate as a 'cadet officer' now note that the word officer sticks in both this and the card that came out. It may mean little, but perhaps jitsumukan are translated as 'officers' but that still leaves us with the question of what they actually do.
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Old 2008-03-25, 10:58   Link #22554
Jimmy C
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Further, Tk's thing about "gone months" simply does not apply to the TSAB patrol zones. Travel times in the TSAB is generally very short - Unadministered 97 is somewhere around an hour at most to TSAB HQ, which itself is three hours travel to Midchildra. In fact, there seems no place they couldn't get to so far within a day, or even 12 hours.
I have to disagree partially on this one. While travel times may indeed be short for most of the distances shown in all 3 seasons of Nanoha thus far, ships like Asura bear features that are designed for long-term accomodations. Case in point, in season 1 ep13, we see Amy sleeping in a nice bed as opposed to a spartan bunk. More importantly, in StrikerS, Hayate choose to use Asura as a mobile HQ after RF6's base was destroyed. You can't have a mobile HQ if it isn't equiped to hold people for days on an end. Or were you expecting them to go back to their ruined groundside quarters at night?
Therefore, regardless of travel times around TSAB-controlled dimensional space, patrols for ships like the Asura lasts days if not longer. Which means Tesla would be away from Hayate for extended periods, as Keroko stated.
And the one hour from Earth to HQ was because Chrono used teleport (unless you want to argue that the Asura took the time to lug them back to HQ while the battle was ongoing), we still don't know the travel time for ships. Other than it's much slower.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
The TSAB crest has three colors, black, blue and brown.
What do the black uniforms belong to?
If you look at Nanoha and Signum's ID cards that came with the DVDs, the symbol in the black sector is the Air Force's.
Ground Force uses the G.A.S crest and Navy uses the tripartite crest.
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Old 2008-03-25, 11:13   Link #22555
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The Girl who Lost her Tears
Well, that was a nice 2-week break.

Knowing myself, I usually get burned out after doing anything for too long. Be it playing a game, reading, or even watching anime. So I usually have to change hobbies every once in a while. Lately, I've been doing a lot of gaming - I dont think I've watched any anime after rewatching Gurren Lagann with a few friends a few weeks ago.

Maybe I was getting burned out of the OC too... losing interest in discussing stuff over the internet was perhaps the leading factor, since at the same time I lost interest in reading what was being said... but the fact that I have not stopped dreaming about new additions to this world, and more importantly, the fact that I'm here again proves that I am still not burned out. Perhaps I just needed a small break.

Anyway, that was just a bit about the reason why I've been very inactive lately, not to mention that I went to the beach again for easter weekend.

So, what's new people?
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Old 2008-03-25, 11:20   Link #22556
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
If you look at Nanoha and Signum's ID cards that came with the DVDs, the symbol in the black sector is the Air Force's.
Ground Force uses the G.A.S crest and Navy uses the tripartite crest.
That part I figured out. The next phase is figuring out what jitsumukan/oficers do in the TSAB.

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Well, that was a nice 2-week break.

Knowing myself, I usually get burned out after doing anything for too long. Be it playing a game, reading, or even watching anime. So I usually have to change hobbies every once in a while. Lately, I've been doing a lot of gaming - I dont think I've watched any anime after rewatching Gurren Lagann with a few friends a few weeks ago.

Maybe I was getting burned out of the OC too... losing interest in discussing stuff over the internet was perhaps the leading factor, since at the same time I lost interest in reading what was being said... but the fact that I have not stopped dreaming about new additions to this world, and more importantly, the fact that I'm here again proves that I am still not burned out. Perhaps I just needed a small break.

Anyway, that was just a bit about the reason why I've been very inactive lately, not to mention that I went to the beach again for easter weekend.

So, what's new people?

A lot?

*cough* Many things happened. Alpha continued trudging on, Ghaz started his own continuation of StrikerS, Kha actually dropped crack!

... I didn't do that much though. Wrote a few tidbits here and there.
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Old 2008-03-25, 11:30   Link #22557
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Age: 38
Regarding that Enforcer thing, I had always been inclined to believe that it's more of a 'solo officer in the field sent to take care of things within a defined region for a particular incident.' He would have powers that allow him to not be required to report up the chain of command, and execute acts by his own judgment, both, of course, up to a certain reasonable extent. In a way, I can call it a one-man Rapid Deployment Force, so that would minimise time wastage in handling issues. And as is the nature of such forces, there is the possibility that he might not be able to handle it alone, but at least he can stave off some of the urgency before all the red tape which binds proper mobilisation can be cut.

In this respect, Keroko's inquiry can be answered. As there are a wide variety of jobs that need to be accomplished due to the vast number of worlds, there would also be a need for various types of proficiencies that are required to be an Enforcer (singly, who would usually be equipped to deal with a certain type of crisis). As such, the job can therefore be open to members of all three services, in case they miss out on potential talent or something.

Going back to the Chrono example, he's probably like a jack of many trades, and probably a near-master of some. So it makes sense for him to be attached to a dimensional-ocean-faring fleet where all sorts of nonsense can happen. Since he is equipped to deal with most types of nonsense.

And sorry for the naziness, ark and thread: but it's actually shitsumukan「しつむかん」.
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Old 2008-03-25, 11:31   Link #22558
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Originally Posted by humbug23 View Post
Regarding that Enforcer thing, I had always been inclined to believe that it's more of a 'solo officer in the field sent to take care of things within a defined region for a particular incident.' He would have powers that allow him to not be required to report up the chain of command, and execute acts by his own judgment, both, of course, up to a certain reasonable extent. In a way, I can call it a one-man Rapid Deployment Force, so that would minimise time wastage in handling issues. And as is the nature of such forces, there is the possibility that he might not be able to handle it alone, but at least he can stave off some of the urgency before all the red tape binding mobilisation can be cut.
It reminds me of those judges you see in Western genre movie.

/mentally picture Fate walking in a nearly deserted bar while bushes tumbles by, wind blows and Morricone's "Man with the Harmonica" play.
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Old 2008-03-25, 11:45   Link #22559
Evangelion Xgouki
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
No not Orks. Fungal lifeforms got KINSHI'd even in the IRC.

Thrall on the other hand...
Thrall: Lok'tar!

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
There's too many retcons in there for us to recognize as canon, that's why we never refer to it, but if you like there are translations on the net somewhere...
I see...I'm still curious to take a peak at it though

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Mana pots are for the WEEK! [Mana Potion Injector] for me. :3

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
...just need to stop making Khrack long enough to write!!! that possible?

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Is... is...! Is that...? HOLY WRATH?!?!?!

And the Cross is present!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG...

Older!Taiyo approves.
I thought you'd like it :3

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Genderbent of Kha

Bring Me To Life... Feito-kun...

Ma-oh Shounen Lyrical Nanoha - Of Bishounen and GAR and WUUUD?!

Like Kagerou-chan, this Khrack was born in the Chaotic environment that is the IRC. Unfortunately, even the IRC was destroyed by this bomb...



First HERE?!

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
We outnumber the males in my household so they're basically doomed
Ah, I know that feeling all too we...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Probably not as surprised since you already spoiled us... but still At least you picked Caren Ortensia as template

Genderbend fever is RISING
It's already invaded the IRC...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

Now for something the IRC guys know, and now posting the first part now:

Spoiler for The Shattered Girl:
Yay! New character!

Man, Lowe. You and your characters with multiple forms

Originally Posted by ghazghkull View Post
And now presenting, CHAPTER 5!

Spoiler for MGLN Riot Force 6:
Very nicely written chapter as usual . The guest instructors sure opens up a lot of possibilities of other OCs making cameos (or causing a lot of facepalming amongst Hammer members ). And BelkaRangers FTW!!!

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
... The Belkarangers... Hoooh boy, I sense many facepalms and snarky return comments aproaching from Syn's side.
Oh man...Syn's gonna be having some FUN on this mission

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

For the second part of Epsila Synaisthima's profile:

Spoiler for The Once Shattered Girl: I really want to see her in action . Definitely gonna be interesting to see how she manages her different bodies at the same time . Oh, and then there's how she reacts to Ryotaro...

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Well, that was a nice 2-week break.

Knowing myself, I usually get burned out after doing anything for too long. Be it playing a game, reading, or even watching anime. So I usually have to change hobbies every once in a while. Lately, I've been doing a lot of gaming - I dont think I've watched any anime after rewatching Gurren Lagann with a few friends a few weeks ago.

Maybe I was getting burned out of the OC too... losing interest in discussing stuff over the internet was perhaps the leading factor, since at the same time I lost interest in reading what was being said... but the fact that I have not stopped dreaming about new additions to this world, and more importantly, the fact that I'm here again proves that I am still not burned out. Perhaps I just needed a small break.

Anyway, that was just a bit about the reason why I've been very inactive lately, not to mention that I went to the beach again for easter weekend.

So, what's new people?
Welcome back, Erio!!

You like us! You really still like (and can stand) us!!
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Old 2008-03-25, 11:57   Link #22560
OC Belka Scriptor
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

For the second part of Epsila Synaisthima's profile:

Spoiler for The Once Shattered Girl:

*sneaks in*

*starts scribbling*


*sneaks out*
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