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Old 2009-09-17, 04:48   Link #3021
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Well in the end you came up with NaruSaku

At least they have more proof than NaruHina since only Naruhina moment I know are right before Neji fight and her confession.
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Old 2009-09-17, 13:59   Link #3022
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What I want is the real deal in the current timeline since it's pretty "BUSY" with the plot. Until that bright moment comes for NaruxSaku where I finally pin it's really them in the end as for now Naruto is working to get Sasuke back for Sakura up to now after seeing that nostalgic Naruto moments since he's a true friend.
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Old 2009-09-18, 22:18   Link #3023
The Insidious
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I can see another reincarnation of Jiraiya and Tsunade. Thats the future of Naruto and Sakura. I dont think they'll ever be together.

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Old 2009-09-19, 01:20   Link #3024
Join Date: Oct 2008
Originally Posted by Siddyus View Post
I can see another reincarnation of Jiraiya and Tsunade. Thats the future of Naruto and Sakura. I dont think they'll ever be together.
You've clearly either been missing or ignoring the repetitive metaphors, obvious foreshadowing, and clear point in that Naruto's future is to accomplish the things that Jiraiya had not - and that INCLUDES the revelation of Naruto and Sakura's relationship. Jiraiya was always rejected by Tsunade (the person hes loved), failed to save Orochimaru (his best friend), failed to protect Yondaime (his student), failed to protect Sandaime (his teacher), and has not found the answer to peace. Let's not forget to mention that Tsunade DID come to realize her feelings for Jiraiya, though it was unfortunately too late. If anything these comparisons foretell, its more in favor of NaruSaku than not.
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Old 2009-09-19, 08:09   Link #3025
Join Date: Sep 2009
More long ass posts. Great.

Originally Posted by Haak View Post
More important to them but not the plot. She still moved the plot considerably. Now sakura is a back bunner? I told you that the last Sakura chapter should be more than enough evidence.
all this aside sakura is perhaps the most two demensional character in the whole manga/anime every other chracter has something that makes them interesting or unique but sakura does nothing that to me qualifies her as an outstanding individual. yes in part 2 she can smash things (whoa stop the bus) but wait so can her mentor....but better she has no unique talents of her own and I find her personality one sided.

And another thing everyone always blab and blabs about sakuras growth when in reality she hasnt really done much in the emotional department. Yes she gave chiyo the last antidote in the sasori fight but who cares any other character (from the rookie nine and gai's team) would have done the same exact thing. I hate when people treat sakura as a saint shes nothing special (if lee was in her situation he would have sucked out the poison through his mouth and then carried chiyo back to suna) maybe that is why some people may like her shes an average girl who likes boys and shops and acts shallowly at times (her major weight infatuation) but thats what I dislike about her other characters have have some drive or reason for being (exempting shikamaru but he's a genius thats why he's awsome) but sakura her whole purpose is sasuke driven all of her motivation all of her feelings all of her goals and dreams...all revolve around sasuke and that is why she can grow for all eternity and never be more than a fangirl.

All these points are probably worthless to a sakura fan though so I will value your opinion....just as you should value mine.

To sum this up fo all the lazy members.....every other character is more interesting then sakura IMO of course.

Has nothing to do with the main reason for saving Sasuke. It's fate. Fate and Idealism.

Well anyway, that doesn't really prove anything to your way. Like I said Sasuke is a friend to Naruto and he doesn’t give up on friends. I dont’ see what Naruto learning Sasuke’s pain has anything to do with Naruto wanting acceptance from him.
From the beginning, the relationship between Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke has had its varying moments, running from tragic and cruel to heart-warming and heart-wrenching. Like their own internal battles, their view of each other is a constant struggle, each side desperately trying not to submit to the other, ending with the two young men walking different paths. And while it seems that this has become a merely one-sided relationship, with Naruto's enthralled pursuit of Sasuke and his well-being, one can't help but to question Sasuke's actions up until this point.

Is Sasuke truly as cold as he might seem, or does he have ulterior motives? Motives to deter the one he loves, so that Sasuke will not have to suffer being forced to watch Naruto be hurt by the one man that forced him to watch, helplessly, as his loved ones were slaughtered so ruthlessly?

This manga was build on these twos moral constrasts to each other which gave them a bigger bond. Naruto is interested in Sasuke's well fare more than any other character, he wants to be by his side as a "equal" than a goal. This instintues more than Sakura's character in Naruto's eyes.

No it’s not. Jiraiya reacted in much the same way Naruto has. The only difference is that he gave up.
J man had no strong feelings for Orochimaru like Naruto does for Sasuke. He saw him a friend and a enemy instead of a brother like Naruto with Sasuke. Sarutobi was the only person who saw Orochimaru as a human being and a bond, while J man and Tsunade always resented him in some fashion.

Because Sakura’s is the romance side of the story. Jiraiya’s and Tsunade’s relationship is exactly the same as Naruto and Sakura’s.
Jiraya and Tsunade's relationship was leveled and on equal terms, Naruto and Sakura's is a comedy dynamic that treats Naruto like shit. Sakura has always treated Naruto like a kid instead of a man. Standing up for him and crying for his safety are traits of a mother with her child than a woman with her man.

Orochimaru was also misguided. The only difference was that everyone gave up on him too soon. Sasuke does still seem to have a sense of morality but like Kakashi said "The next generation will surpass the last". Doesn't have to refer to power you know.
Oro was evil according to Tsunade. Always and has always put his sinster goals in front of his friends. Sasuke was good until he lost his family and even then he loved his new bonds until Oro convinced him he was getting weaker in the forrest of death. Orochimaru's character and Sasuke's character are two totally different concepts. But their theme is the same.

So just because it’s new to the story, that suddenly means it’s major character development? I fail to see how that works.
Read Harry Potter books.

Her’s is more genuine than Naruto’s? Give me a break. The only difference between his and hers is that his has more plot relevance. Besides Naruto loved Sakura before Sasuke was in the picture His rivalry developed because of his love, not the other way round.
LOL no. Naruto has always sought out Sasuke first and foremost as a person who he wants to impress. Sakura is in the picture because she's the main characters challenge to win her over so called rival. Naruto acknowledged Sasuke as his first bond, their is no evidence he's always harbored feelings for Sakura since he's never even met her since his school days in his child hood.

Okay so my point about us not knowing if Sasuke actually loves Sakura and so we can’t know if Sasuke will end up hating even more if Sakura chooses Naruto and my point that he can't since he broke those bonds for revenge and suddenly deciding that Sakura should still love him even when he's done nothing but hurt her would be idiotic is weak because of something regarding Sakura. I don’t know what because your grammar skills aren’t to brilliant and i can’t decipher what you’re saying.
If I know my shonen tropes, usually the most tragic character gets the most emotional recoperiation to the female. Sasuke in essence has brought up Sakura's deepest weaknesses to her face, and he suggested she'd need to improve herself if she were to intrest him. Sasuke is a guy who would need people to impress him to the point of reconigtion to create friendly ties to his character. Sakura to Sasuke now is weak and a big burden on his conscious to avenge his clan, he spent most of the time saving her because she filled his loneliness but never admitted it. I feel this Sasuke x Sakura thing goes further because Sakura never had a bond that would never open up to her and yet find her a burden to his own pain and sorrow.

If that’s your perspective then fair enough actually. I actually prefer ambigousity
Fair enough.

Yes, power because of hatred. And Orochimaru did want revenge. Why do you think he attacked Konoha?
Oro wanted power and control, not revenge. He attacked Konoha to control the village and kill Sarutobi.

Right now? Yeah I agree Itachi is probably more stronger but my point still stands. But it's still been hinted over and over that Sasuke will surpass him.
Right now, Sasuke is being half the genius his borhter is and is struggling against cannon fodder black men.

Besides Pain doesn't count since he's the reincarnation of a freaking God. He's an anomaly.
Rikudou's power lies in the Uchiha, not Pain. I doubt Pain could take Rinnegan as far as he could.

Maybe that's a foreshadowing of something? Ever consider that?

But Kakashi died at Pains hand and Naruto was able to save him. So what’s your point?
Okay maybe but Sarutobi wasn't saved by J man.

I don't see how this counters my point. Like I said, it doesn't matter where Naruto may have got it from. It still parralels with Jiraiya. Same with him wanting to save his friend. Same with his desire to become Hokage. Same with just about every other parrelel. It makes no difference.
Parrelels aren't the same if they don't match with the characters similar goals and ideals. J man wanted Tsunade and World Peace but Naruto wants Sasuke and to stop the chain of hatred. Different ideals from the same mindset.

Actually, you’ve misunderstood Nagato’s character here. Nagato used to believe in Jiraiya’s belief that people understanding each other would lead to peace but all the shit that happened to him afterwards convinced him it would never happen and pain and fear of pain was needed instead. He said as much to Jiraiya and Naruto.
It doesn't change the fact Pain/Nagato promoted the peace ideal litterally first before J man.

Jiriaya had a Sakura though. Getting the girl refers to that. It can't be anyone else. Jiriaya's love for Tsunade parrelels with Naruto's love for Sakura.
No by my logic, Naruto instead of failing will not give up and will convince Sakura to love him instead. I don't think you seem to understand the concept of 'surpassing'
Naruto would give up Sakura for his own happiness for the same reason J man would give up Tsunade, it's a sign of their nindo for being people who don't go back on there words and follow a path of good instead of selfishness. Hinata however has no chance to give up, she wants to be a winner for herself and her own problems. Naruto acknowledging Hinata's feelings would be more in tune with the manga's portrayal of Naruto's character as a guy who's worked for his due.

And Sakura's feelings for Sasuke were genuine love but that doesn't mean it'll happen. Right now I'm convinced Sakura is confused about her feelings with Sauke and Naruto and doesn't really know who she likes more. The latest data book say much the same. I'm denying Naruhina even though i know for a fact Hinata loves Naruto. What makes you think I'll accept Sasusaku just because of the same?
Sakura can't be confused if she doesn't acknowledge herself between the two's feelings in her own mind. She hasn't brought up Sasuke in a single perspective at all since Part 2. She's acting on his behalf as a former teammate and thats it. Theres nothing that indicates her impression of Sasuke has changed.

Plot devices do have major contributes to the main hero romantic wise or not.
Do you mean that plot devices don't have an affect on the plot any deeper besides resolving the particular situation it's used for? In that case you would be right.
So you admit Hinata contributes a far share of development to the plot in terms on how Naruto acts on that?

Important arc? Subjective perspective. Pain’s arc wasn’t really THAT important, imo. If everyone had stayed dead then it would've been but no. Lee confessed to Sakura in what i consider to be an equally important arc and his confession actually had an effect and development but in the end Sakura never returned the favour.
If you ask me, Lee made a scene for Sakura because of Gai, not because of Sakura herself. Lee has no character outside of Gai and Neji. Gai was his main catylist for everything Lee represents, Hinata however has a character outside of her feelings for Naruto, she has a father who disowned her and a clan's main position. Sakura developed because she realized that Lee was a part of her own weakness to rely on others for her own reasons, this was branched for her own feelings of being useful rather than choosing her one true love that she always admired and respected(aka Sasuke). But difference for Hinata and Lee's approach to Naruto and Sakura is that Hinata made the pledge to help Naruto for her own reasons and her own feelings, not because of the will of fire or being true to her own nindo, she really loved him and said her life is worthless without him. Lee did a Naruto for Sakura, but he never put his personal feelings and emotions for Sakura admitting he's totally expendable for Sakura, he wanted Gai sensei to be proud. Plus Lee is a nice guy, he'd risk his life for anyone he doesn't know.

I don’t see how that’s any different to Sakura. The difference is that she gained the will of fire in a life and death situation.
Sakura would never put her own life for anyone she doesn't know as a branch for her feelings of love and respect. Unless it's Sasuke. Hinata is the will of fire and is also true love incarnate.

Okay I can’t be arsed finding chapters relating to this so i’ll just point you to the Naruwiki:
Orochimaru’s Face heel turn did have a dramatic impact on Jiraiya. It’s a canon fact.[/QUOTE]I don't see shit.

We don’t know of Jiraiya’s relationship with Orochimaru before Orochimaru’s face heel turn. But Naruto’s rivalry has nothing to do with anything anymore. It was just used as way of developing a bond with Sasuke.
Naruto developed a bond with Sasuke because he was a outcast and he had no one his own age to connect to except Sasuke. Sasuke was automatically his friend and the rivalry was a excuse to make Sasuke acknowledge his existance and strength. Naruto called Sasuke his inspiation after the Hokages. Without Sasuke, Naruto would have no purpose in life or no hope.
Anything else would've worked.
Prove it.
Tsunade may not have liked Orochimaru but that maybe just her considering it from an objective standpoint during years of conemtplation.
Orochimaru was a genius and a prodigy, Tsunade should have fell in love with him if Sakura had a true comparison with her. And from the databooks, Tsunade never liked Orochimaru, not even when she first meets him, and from there Oro was Tsunade's ally and enemy.
Sakura could very well come to a similar conclusion about Sasuke.
No not really, because when Sakura sees Sasuke she fell for him and his reputation, even though Ino was the main reason she even heard about Sasuke. And from the looks of it, Sakura would never be in to medic ninjutsu or shit without Sasuke as a stepping stone.
Her relationship with Jiraiya is much the same as Sakura’s relationship with Naruto.
Tsunade saw J man as a pervert and thats it, she mostly treated him like an equal if not a best friend. Sakura sees Naruto as a child and someone who's perverted and stupid, and she treats him like a best friend if Sasuke's involved. Your one who needs to read the manga closely.
Stop making mountains out of moles. Just because they’re not EXACTLY the same doesn’t mean they’re nothing alike.
Your arguement is the Sannin parrellel the exact same way as Team 7, even though J man and Tsunade never invested and was in love with Orochimaru and seeing him as a great and inprational friend. And Oro had a shred of morality compared to Sasuke. Last but not least the way the Tsunderes treat Naruto and J man even though one has bigger respect for him as a man with the least immaturity than the other.

Originally Posted by kitten320 View Post
Wow... what a long posts... And I though that I was posting a lot when arguing

Anyway I say, yes it will happen!

Naruto always loved her and still does. Sakura also cares a lot and now that Sai finally opened her eyes, we can expect some progress.
If by progress you mean confronting Naruto about this whole love thing and letting him off by saying she feels nothing for him, then yes.

We really don't know Naruto's mindset on his feelings for Sakura after Hinata.

While on NaruHina part I see no progress. They almost never talk, I really can't see a relationship forming out of nowhere. Just because Hinata has confessed doesn't make big difference. Naruto doesn't seem to care at all.
Hinata made a big stride for her character and her self confidence with her love confession. It set a big impact for the main character and made it seem he is still thinking about what Hinata said even though it's not brought up currently. I believe Naruto will confront this issue with either Sakura or Hinata individually because Naruto hasn't shown his feelings for any girl lately.

And if to look even deeper... then SasuNaru has more chanced than NaruHina since Naruto seems to getting obessd with him
Sakura needs to hurry
Naruto and Sasuke is the story. Sakura is just a excuse to make the main heroes not seem gay. Because it's going to be nothing but bromance in this manga.

Originally Posted by clawer123 View Post
hmmm.. it would be likely to argue since you had some points that are quite OUT IN FLOW OF THE CONCEPT oF THE STORY LIKE BLAMING NARUTO FOR REPEATING LOVE ON SAKURA JUST LIKE J MAN AND TSUNADE, IS OUT OF BOUNDS, Sai's conclusion is composed of guesses an Sakura being the greates NARUHINA FAN.

So let me start...
I believe Kishimoto is complicated writer and often uses the oddest methods of writing his story without it being predictible. Therfore my opinion is that of Kishi.

Defying/RESISTING is alternative part.. but SURPASSING IS THE MAIN PART
And that is why stated Naruto's generation will surprass anything that the previous one has flaws/failed to complete and does include character development/LOVE even it would happen in any circumstances
True but surpassing and following the same flow of events in the exact same fashion is two totally different things. Naruto has to surpass the failures of the past his own way, not in the direction the failures left. While J man indicated his own failures, he used his own indirect perspective on what he could have done for the diration of his life. This doesn't relflect on Naruto at all since Naruto has done everything J man has never done but in different ways.

Jaraiya and Tsunade reletaionship really suite the part for almost late to realzied there is only one person to love her.. and that is Jaraiya who already died and it is really a need to fill this somewhat FAILED relationship and that is indicating to us about NaruSaku.. Girls make Boys STRONG as indicated by the Jman where NaruSaku is still capable.
J man was too much noble to make a move on a guy who died and left Tsunade a mess. Sakura by your logic has to make sure not to lose the same guy who got himself into shit by god knows what because of her true feelings for him(Sasuke/Dan). Tsunade loved dan and lost him, Tsunade acknowledged J mans feelings for her and lost him. Tsunade would give J man a chance in love but thats because she's the only one in this triangle that can take love and give it back without someone having his hers heart broken. In Sakura's case, Sasuke is still alive and isn't dead if she has to parrelel Tsunade she has to love the man she loved first and save him before he's gone and is dead and the fact Sakura acknowledges Hinata's feelings for Naruto )not once but twice) in a way that would give her a big empty victory over Hinata if she decieded to love Naruto back. As for Naruto, I really don't see him loving Sakura after what Hinata did for him out of respect and purity of his character.

Oh and yeah Girls do make boys strong, and by the looks of it Hinata brought the strength out of Naruto more than Sakura ever did litterally, the guy broke his own seal and realeased all 8 tails on the village.

NaruHina doesnt indicate in somewhat relationship measures because they lack bonds and the only thing that you guys are saying is about her CONFESSION where it could lead to Naruhina and blaming J MAN and Tsunade relationship about this and indicating about in order to surpass the previous ones is to have a turn... Please accept the confession as for her own development just like Sai clearing the issue for Sakura and Naruto. Again she already confessed, smiled in the hug, accept it NOTHING MORE THAN THAT TO HAPPEN
NaruHina works on a synchornized level of understanding, Hinata understands Naruto's Pain more than anyone. She works hard for herself and Naruto's sake as a hardworking underdog. They may not have the strongest bond, but that still doesn't mean they can't be compatible as a couple, they can learn from each other and see what big gaps in their flaws they see and helpeach other in different ways to overcome them. Naruto and Sasuke(the main dynamic in the story) lack bonds, they lack the same traits as each other and often work in different methods to acheive goals, yet they seem compatible due to their own sense of relation to their own struggles in life. The confession was left open not closed, it never showed any signs of resolve or even a equal decent conclusion that Naruto and Hinata have accepted each other as friends or lovers? Stop making such narrowminded conlusions because this story is more than simple. The hug was symbol of the villages expression for Naruto. Hinata smiled because she's relieved Naruto safe.

So are you telling if Naruto did not accept Hinata/ Sasuke still doesnt accept Sakura.. it indicates they already failed to surpass the previous generation?

What if Naruto and Sakura will get together and Sasuke and Hinata will also be together? that would be a canon..
I'm saying, the ends justifies the means. If Hinata didn't do anything of equal progress compared to Naruto, it would contridict the main ideal of the new generation surpasing the old as it makes Kakashi seems in favor of Naruto over the entire generation of shinobi of new.

whew.. Because it is indicated in the story that Hinata's is already solved so SAI flashback has nothing to do with HINATA.. and Sakura's reason of bringing Sasuke back is already known by Sai because of their BONDS/ team 7 not on LOVE PART..
Your being moronic, Sai is only involved with Naruto and Sakura as a guide to his character learning to become human. Dude doesn't know about anyone that ties to Naruto and Sakura personally. He only sees them and their progress, he questions others because he's as clueless as a 8 year old kid. Sakura wants to bring back Sasuke because it keeps her on her toes on in termd repeating the same mistake in losing him and failing to her own dispair of failure. The path to her future is with Sasuke, this is stated in her databook, it's not with team 7 or with Naruto, it's with Sasuke, the one she failed personally to save for his sake and hers and Naruto and for love.
and if you read the 2nd databook.. its states there Sakura's stopping Sasuke on defecting is somewhat a SELFISH ACT.
Sakura's love is known as selfish but passionate and geniune, it also says this.
again, Sakura's made another mistake due she thought the flashback(chapter3) is really Sasuke opening his fellings to her but that is really Naruto. so then again, the DEVELOPMENT OF PROMISE OF A LIFETIME IS MADE
LOL Sakura confessed to Naruto that Sasuke was so precious to her that she had the chance to make him acknowledge her due to her feelings for him which Naruto sympathsized with. Naruto again realizes Sasuke to Sakura is a struggle for her in terms of love just as much as Sasuke is a struggle for him.
i would like to add that Sai already know how Sasuke mean so much to Naruto because of the BONDS.. during Sai's secret assignment to assassinate Sasuke.. and THIS IS THE INDICATION of Sai's character development to possibly read/understand people's emotion..GET IT>?
Sai doesn't know about the Vote Flashback, the POAL, or the fact that Naruto can't be anything else without bringing back Sasuke. Sai is still in the dark, and he still wants to kill Sasuke despite Naruto's feelings.

OH MAN! not again. SHE WAS SURPRISED.. that Hinata had somewhat feelings for Naruto.. because she can't believe and... she's not a fan of NaruHina.. she was amazed on Hinata(herself) on her development
Sakura noticed Hinata had feelings for Naruto even when they were children, she stated she's always watching you. She knows Hinata loves Naruto more than anything. Hell everyone who knew Hinata or Team 8 knows Hinata loves Naruto, it's Naruto who didn't know up until now. Thats what makes the pairing so unqiue.

and yes it has to be solved. as you called foreshadowing if you still remember it was Naruto who was cheering on Sakura when she fights on Ino, where she gains strength and not on Sasuke..
Naruto cheered for Sasuke. Read the fight again. Again the whole point of the fight was Sakura and her rivalry over Ino concerning you know who.
and that is trying to point Sakura's earlier mistakes for knowing Naruto..She only thought Naruto is just somewhat not taking her seriously/ not fully understand her.
It's kinda contridictive that Sasuke of all people understood Naruto more than Sakura did.
And i am trying to say that this is somewhat the biggest foreshadowing in the series because it is where it began to state the true feelings of Naruto that is rarely can be seen. "and now i know why i liked her"- is the phrase of Naruto realizing he loves her. this must be solved next
And yet, he won't realize why Hinata loves him? LOL keep reaching for that rainbow, in fact, Hinata changed the whole ball game with her and Naruto, if she and Naruto talk again, it won't be Naruto being clueless and happy go lucky with her, it will be more deeper.

Originally Posted by noven View Post
Well, the fact that he states a reason why he can't love Sakura (when Sai asks him about his feelings for her) instead of denying that he feels that way implies that he does love Sakura. We know from part 1 that there was at least a crush and it carried on into part two in a playful/protective way. At the very minimum he does feel attraction to her on some level and he definitely cares a great deal about her happiness and well being. Sounds pretty close to what I would consider "love."
It's a matter on how serious he takes that level of being unworthy for Sakura's love. So far, we have Sai's opinion on it in past tense, and while this may have been relevant further on in the manga, we have Naruto hearing from the girl he never acknowledged as being in love with him for the same reasons he supposedly is in love with Sakura. Naruto so far has probably forgotten about those feelings of nobility for Sakura's sake and is focused on Sasuke as a general direction of his new found goals.

Originally Posted by Janifuu View Post
People are still denying that Naruto loves Sakura? Seriously? Even after its been confirmed and reconfirmed repeatedly that he loves her? When are the shipping fanatics going to open their eyes... the boy has loved her since the very beginning of the manga, and has never once shown any indicator of letting go of his love for her. Even an emotionally dysfunctional retard like Sai can see it.
Really? Is that the best source of confirmation you could go by, this guy is not even connect to any of the official cast or story and he's like you said a emotionally dysfunctional retard who has a little world outside of Naruto, Danzou and Anbu. When two newbs confirm the relationship between Naruto and Sakura, then you know theres something wrong with the pairing as a base of of the others. The main characters themselves acknowledge the feelings of others for them, Sakura knows she loves Sasuke and this hasn't been disputed, Naruto noticed Sakura loves Sasuke and still believes this, and last but not least both Naruto and Sakura have seen and proved Hinata is in love with the former. What part of Love triangle don't you understand. Hinata has feelings for Naruto who has feelings for Sakura who loves Sasuke. This is Kishi's attempt to bring angles for love potenital in this story.

Like it or not, NaruSaku is the most likely potential pairing to become canon before the end of the story,
And yet, Hinata is the girl who we seen treat the main lead as a love interest instead as a tsudere or unlikeable tramp to the lead, the main lead is a supposed to be a akward buffon who slowly gets respect from everyone not the main character which the main female warms up to and sees love like feelings in the first couple of chapters due to plot. Sakura like everyone else had to slowly grow to like Naruto before the whole bs on naruto and sakura romance shonen standard, meanwhile Hinata Hyuuga is the first character to show deep admiration and respect for the main lead no matter what and that dynamic hasn't changed. [
B]based on the obvious indicators [/B]that Naruto has since day one loved Sakura, Sakura has progressively shown continuous signs and portrayals in harboring romantic feelings for Naruto throughout the manga (especially part 2), and in thus giving Naruto and Sakura the most mutuality, continuity, chemistry, bonding, growth, progression, development, and panel focus - elements in which NaruHina and SasuSaku severely lack.
You want obvious, lets look at Naruto the character and what he's done to make the special dynamic between himself and Sakura look so special. He asked her on a date first te we see her with him(annoying), then we see him henge into the person Sakura had her eyes on and made a fool of himself and herself to Sasuke, then he managed to screw up Sakura's opinion on him by dissing Lee and Sasuke causing her to punch his lights out, then from there on while it was Sasuke that gave Sakura more respect from her she still felt Naruto was incompetant to actually save her from Gaara even when Sasuke said it was him then Sakura confessed to Sasuke Naruto doesn't understand her which by the way is the last thing she should say considering whats happened so far. If you want some continous signs and portrayals, then NaruHina is the obvious choice, we see them them one sided at first then we see them develop mutual feelings for their struggles and discovering new things about them they never seen before then they had meaningful talks, signs of worry, a chemistry, bonding, growth, progression, development and panel focus hell Hinata had her own arc and past focus more so than Sakura. This was Part 1, but to say Naruto and Sakura had that in spades is simple short of ignorance. Oh and by the way you say it you make sound the two spent each waking moment by each others side for all the moments they been in the manga, false. Naruto has been focused on Sasuke and how he measures to his growth, the guy was comparing all of his abitlies and traits that make him him to Sasuke, Naruto has worked with Kakashi and J man more than Sakura to mature his character to the point of where it is today, Sakura however is playing the cheerleader to Naruto since Sasuke is gone and from her own mind she wants Team 7 to be whole not Naruto being happy. The only mutal development they have is, Sasuke and how they both want him back.

That aside you gotta be some sort of ignorant fanboy if you think NaruSaku has the most pairing potential despite the obvious commentary feeling from characters that don't even know Naruto and Sakura as well as Kakashi or J man or Tsunade. Hell J man never brought up Naruto's feelings for Sakura, and that in itself is reason to believe NaruSaku is not going to happen.

Are SasuSaku and NaruHina still possible to happen? Sure, anything is possible. But you would have to be pretty damn stupid, ignorant, or be severely in denial to believe that those two pairings are more likely to occur than NaruSaku is, especially given how many more positive hints and indicators NaruSaku has carried as opposed to the other two, and in such that correlates to the 463 chapters and 10 years that this manga has been in progression. The fact remains that Naruto has never once harbored any romantic interest in Hinata, Sasuke has never once harbored romantic interest in Sakura, Sakura has shown constant signs in her feelings developing into love for Naruto (as even Databook 3 foreshadows), and Hinata's confession was a Hinata defining moment (lets not also forget to mention her smiling approval of the affectionate display between Naruto and Sakura in front of the entire village).
Funny, Positive indicators of NaruSaku happening is 80% of the fandoms interpetation and not the actual manga itself. The fact that Sakura wants Sasuke back and not tar and feather'd is reason enough to believe her feelings for her have no changed. And Naruto never harbored feelings for Hinata because he doesn't even know about her feelings(until now of course). It's a running gag, Naruto stays completely oblvious to Hinata. Sasuke has no interest in anything generallly speaking except power and revenge, but Sasuke is interpeted as a guy with mental problems and emotional repressed trauma, he's capable of loving someone else he just chooses not to. Sakura has never showed any interest in Naruto love wise, for his safety and his wellfare, she's showed deep concern, but as a love interest, none. Not even her databook disputes the fact Sakura still loves Sasuke, she's never shown a transition of loving Naruto over Sasuke because it would have been shown by now without it being ambigiously vindictive. Sakura knows Hinata loves Naruto she knows it's that trait that makes Hinata truly unqiue compared to others even her. Sakura would step over the main thing that makes Hinata more different from others and completes her character if she attempt to make Naruto hers. Plus you need to read the starting page into, a villages joy. It wasn't about Hinata moving on because Sakura has the hots for Naruto, thats conjecture.

oh yes - I'll just keep ignoring the fact that Kishi gives us all of these continuous NaruSaku moments to purely remind us of just what an amazing platonic relationship they have, while in the mean time having people like Yamato, Sai, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and even the goddamn village (450 anyone?) see it as otherwise.
Dude, half these people don't even know they have a love life. How can you assume they know it better than they know themselves? J man and Tsunade never brought up their relationship, ever. Kakashi truly knows Naruto and Sakura and I doubt he thinks they have more than a plationic relationship.

Originally Posted by clawer123 View Post
i really dont think so..

Sasuke is more popular than her..

and i think Kishi has NO CARE for fanbase either NaruHina, SasuSaku or NaruSaku..
I heard that Kishi loves how NaruHina is portrayed in the anime, but thats just me.

He is just creating/stating the STORY. giving some moral values and based on it as an author he can add many developments/obstacles involved in a pairing/ love relationships and for that
Getting the girl who's a total irrelevant part of the story ain't an obstacle. It's called fanwanking the character. In the end it serves as a plot device for the hero to seem less gay or lame. Naruto getting Sakura is not an obstacle, it's not even focused on in conjunction with the direction Naruto is going, it's just a way to hype up NaruSaku from the fans that want Naruto to end up with her.

NARUSAKU has a chance
If it did, Hinata would be dead because she's never going to stop loving Naruto.

Originally Posted by kitten320 View Post
You do realize that very close friendship is already love on it's own? Only without realizing it.
So NaruSasu is cannon?

Naruto always wanted to get a kiss from Sakura, kept asking her on dates countless of times, was trying to peep on her, was ready to go with Jiraya to hot springs when he promised that Sakura also will be there (hearts were popping out of his eyes), he was damn happy and blushing when Sakura tried to feed him and damn dissapointed when it was Sai instead... Naruto's LOVE is just glaring you into eyes.
Half of those moments were comedy relief, Naruto is a character based on Goku, he does rediculous things that seem outside the norm utterly redicoulous, it's like how Naruto kisses Sasuke by accident or Naruto being made fun of for his dick. NaruSaku has never had a serious moment that brought up some comedy. NaruSaku is a joke. Most of the time, Naruto never shows how serious he is with Sakura in terms of wanting to please her or love her. It's funny how most of his serious moments go with Sasuke and his character.

With Sakura it might be a bit different since she doesn't do it so openly but she kinda has same situation as Winry from FMA. She knows Naruto for so many years and has become fond of him. at first it could be friendship but then it started to grow in something bigger.
Except Winry loved Ed before Ed knew about it and always wanted to be by his side instead of Al. Also Sakura spent her childhood liking Sasuke and being the one to be by his side, instead of Naruto. Naruto however developed feelings for her due to immature reasons like her being pretty and being attached to Sasuke.

Love doesn't happen like BAM! I'm in love with you and I why cling to you!
It grows gradually and you don't always notice it although...
Why can't that be Naruto with Hinata. Even if he found her wierd, he should have noticed some hints from her.

I'm not really a good expert in love thingies
But what I see does imply love, pure one and not the passionate one to which we are usually used to in anime.
Who's the most passionate in this series then?

Originally Posted by Let'sFightingLove View Post
I lol'd too hard.

Actually it's quite simple; Naruto and Sakura were opposite ends of the same coin from the very start.
LOL, they look they're related to Minato and Kushina to me. Same, bright colors, same attitude, same passionate and impulsive personality, same Sasuke obsession.

Remember this? This is why Naruto loved her, she was the same as him.
Yet he said she was a babe in the first panel we see her in.


Notice the flaming unison and godly correspondence?

They're absolutely the fucking same.
Yeah it's like their related? Gwen and Ben much?

Now look at this. Sakura doesn't like Naruto because she thinks 'He doesn't understand anything about me'


Hao dew yuu sey...Development?
What exactly does this prove? That Sakura is ignorant of Naruto's true charms like almost everyone else who sees him?

[QUOTE]Well it's not really a fucking surprise. With all those chemical hair products used to maintain her vibrant pink colour there's no doubt the accidental seepage would cause noticeable mental impairment.

well point is.....she misunderstood naruto, but he understood her all too well.

so what does that mean?

Naruto -> Sasuke -> Sakura

Sasuke -> Naruto -> Sakura

cool, they both like each other and always did. game over.
You missed the part where Naruto has seen and misunderstood Hinata the same like Sakura did Naruto did you not?

Originally Posted by kitten320 View Post
Well in the end you came up with NaruSaku

At least they have more proof than NaruHina since only Naruhina moment I know are right before Neji fight and her confession.
So far, they have more interpetation because their the main characters and just so happens to be on the same team. Oh goody.

Originally Posted by Siddyus View Post
I can see another reincarnation of Jiraiya and Tsunade. Thats the future of Naruto and Sakura. I dont think they'll ever be together.
I agree. I do see Naruto finding true love in somebody else though.
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Old 2009-09-19, 08:26   Link #3026
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Originally Posted by Janifuu View Post
You've clearly either been missing or ignoring the repetitive metaphors, obvious foreshadowing, and clear point in that Naruto's future is to accomplish the things that Jiraiya had not - and that INCLUDES the revelation of Naruto and Sakura's relationship. Jiraiya was always rejected by Tsunade (the person hes loved), failed to save Orochimaru (his best friend), failed to protect Yondaime (his student), failed to protect Sandaime (his teacher), and has not found the answer to peace. Let's not forget to mention that Tsunade DID come to realize her feelings for Jiraiya, though it was unfortunately too late. If anything these comparisons foretell, its more in favor of NaruSaku than not.
So what gives Naruto the right to reject Hinata? He wants acceptance but he can't accept a girl who's loved him since his diapers? Oh and Oro wasn't J man's best friend, it was Tsunade, the girl he loved. Most of these comparisons are coicidences Naruto has done in comparison to J man, so your whole arguement is flawed. If anything Hinata is Naruto's Tsunade, because she was always there for him even if he didn't see it.
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Old 2009-09-19, 08:58   Link #3027
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Originally Posted by Janifuu View Post
You've clearly either been missing or ignoring the repetitive metaphors, obvious foreshadowing, and clear point in that Naruto's future is to accomplish the things that Jiraiya had not - and that INCLUDES the revelation of Naruto and Sakura's relationship. Jiraiya was always rejected by Tsunade (the person hes loved), failed to save Orochimaru (his best friend), failed to protect Yondaime (his student), failed to protect Sandaime (his teacher), and has not found the answer to peace. Let's not forget to mention that Tsunade DID come to realize her feelings for Jiraiya, though it was unfortunately too late. If anything these comparisons foretell, its more in favor of NaruSaku than not.
Thats a good point actually. Thanks for making me realize that. I was however, only stating an opinion.

But I will stick to my opinion. Regarding Naruto's love life. Im pretty sure in the end Naruto will find an interest in Hinata. For me they will look cute together.

So what gives Naruto the right to reject Hinata? He wants acceptance but he can't accept a girl who's loved him since his diapers? Oh and Oro wasn't J man's best friend, it was Tsunade, the girl he loved. Most of these comparisons are coicidences Naruto has done in comparison to J man, so your whole arguement is flawed. If anything Hinata is Naruto's Tsunade, because she was always there for him even if he didn't see it.
Another good point as well. I agree to most you've said. Except the relations between Jiraiya and Orochimaru. Oro is indeed Jiraiya's best pal. If you've seen the short cutscenes and their battle scene long ago.

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Old 2009-09-19, 11:02   Link #3028
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So what gives Naruto the right to reject Hinata? He wants acceptance but he can't accept a girl who's loved him since his diapers? Oh and Oro wasn't J man's best friend, it was Tsunade, the girl he loved. Most of these comparisons are coicidences Naruto has done in comparison to J man, so your whole arguement is flawed. If anything Hinata is Naruto's Tsunade, because she was always there for him even if he didn't see it.
Hinata was never there for him....She watched him being struggled for acknowledgement and she did nothing to ease his loneliness. Naruto already has the village's acknowledgement, he is no longer a poor puppy scrapping for attention.

Naruto made it clear in his fight against Gaara in part I that the people who saved him from loneliness were: Iruka and Team 7.

You have got to be kidding to say that Naruto has no right to gently, turned down Hinata if he does not feel the same way. He never had romantic feelings for her, heck, he never went to her after the confession and never thinks about it. Hinata did not appear sad when she saw Sakura hugged Naruto in chapter 450, if you compared to when Naruto look sad when he saw Sakura hugged Sasuke back in part I in the hospital.

Even before the whole Iron Country and Sasuke thing was brought up, he was sitting down talking to Sakura. And Kishi felt that it was important to reinforce just how serious Naruto is with Sakura.

You have got to be kidding to say that Hinata is like Tsunade.

Sakura is the comparison to Tsunade because Naruto, like Jiraiya, seeked her love and at the beginning, like Tsunade, keep rejecting his date requests, only until part II came and it was gradually some signs that Sakura's feelings may be growing into something more.

I can tell that you are Jizz from narutofan forums.....and since you and your dupe accounts keep being decided to move here.

Who cares about your LONG ASS POSTS most people realize that the majority of them do not even make sense and you even made some derogatory comments about Sakura (bi-polar BITCH)....only jizz can say something like that.

Guys, it is pointless to talk sense in ajnas. Ask people from narutofan forums, only someone like him can make up "arguments" like this:


Sakura was being a bi-polar bitch when hugging Naruto?

Very Jizz-like.

Last edited by Fruits Basket Fan; 2009-09-19 at 11:13.
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Old 2009-09-19, 12:44   Link #3029
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..I feel like there is a Troll in here

Man.. one Comparing Hinata to Tsunade is simply IMPOSSIBLE to accept..

and AJNAS please dont Narrow/Change the interpretation all the events/ developments that approves Naruhina and disapproves NARUSAKU .. it would take some time to develop some pairing on their romantic development.. i know NaruHina is cute but NARUSAKU is QUITE THE PAIRING FOR THIS MANGA

Sakura and Ino fight is about their Friendship/Womanhood and Sasuke is only a determinant completing their overall misunderstanding/war
why people still insist this? they really don't understand?

the part Naruto become sixtails.. is because the 4th's seal is WEAKENING and if did... remember on the land of the waves when SAsuke is near death.. Naruto also unleashed the power.. so it means Sasuke love Naruto/NaruSasu
will happen

Stating Sasuke is still alive for SasuSAku is quite Impossible.. the recent chapter states that SASUKE has a slim chance to go back to KONOHA.. he already embraced darkness/hate in the point like he is inloved with it

I didn't see/read that Sakura knows Hinata likes Naruto before she confessed CAn you give the Chapter/Anime episode?

Again i really hate say to repeat again... She was Surprised.. and the whole konoha knows Hinata loves Naruto before the her confession..?

how did you know Kishi love Naruhina pairing? all i know he had an interview and the reporter just asked if Hinata can finally confessed and he said I HOPE SO TOO but that doe'snt mean he is fully supportive of the pairng.. and if he really want Naruhina.. then he made BONDS betwwen Hinata and Naruto a long ago.. not on FILLERS

and because Hinata is still Alive that is basically calling a less/bloodshed/tragic/sad chance ending on the friends/comrades of Naruto universe and maybe the only tragic will mostly happen is Sasuke Dying

and Hinata maybe will encounter some situations that will make her SUCCEEDING the previous generation but it does't make sense if Naruhina will be the way to improving her character.. she already confessed FINISHED!

and on LetsFightingLove Love post concerning he post some Quite/ VALID EVIDENCE/STRONG EVIDINCE and telling its only a crap ben and gwen cousin relationship, It is quite NARROW/again baseless for you to say. and i know you would say that the Hug of Sakura on Naruto is like only a brother/friend, no romantic feelings invloved.. is DENIAL

NARUSAKU= more developments/more chances/LIKELY TO HAPPEN

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Old 2009-09-19, 13:28   Link #3030
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Im not saying narusaku wont happen but it going a little far to say that a hug makes them official
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Old 2009-09-19, 14:48   Link #3031
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Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
Really? Is that the best source of confirmation you could go by, this guy is not even connect to any of the official cast or story and he's like you said a emotionally dysfunctional retard who has a little world outside of Naruto, Danzou and Anbu. When two newbs confirm the relationship between Naruto and Sakura, then you know theres something wrong with the pairing as a base of of the others.
Your clearly missing the point - and no, obviously that is NOT the best source of confirmation for anyone to go by; the manga speaks for itself. The fact remains that Naruto has since day one always held romantic interest in Sakura, and has never once shown a distinct loss of interest in her, as the recent manga chapters even confirm this (AGAIN). Naruto's feelings for Sakura are selfless - as he has always suppressed them and has never once tried to impose his feelings onto her out of genuine respect and care for her, and especially when he believes that Sakura has romantic interest in Sasuke. You discrediting Sai as being apart of team Kakashi doesn't do you or your case a drop of favor, because Sai has been exposed to and affiliated around the team long enough to learn, see, and better understand their characteristics by now, and among the things hes picked up is the obvious in that Naruto loves Sakura. Kishi himself used Sai as his catalyst to reiterate that Naruto always has and still loves Sakura, and why he hasn't expressed his feelings to her yet (because he hasn't kept his promise to her), as was shown in the recent manga chapters. And please, don't give me lame BS excuses like "it was before Hinata's confession!" or "Sai is just assuming!" that every NH tard likes to desperately throw onto the table, because if this "flashback" were irrelevant to Naruto's current feelings for Sakura, then why in the hell would Kishi deliberately chose a time such as this to give us yet another reminder of Naruto's feelings for her, and after Hinata's confession nonetheless? Because its pretty obvious which direction things are going at this point.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
The main characters themselves acknowledge the feelings of others for them, Sakura knows she loves Sasuke and this hasn't been disputed, Naruto noticed Sakura loves Sasuke and still believes this, and last but not least both Naruto and Sakura have seen and proved Hinata is in love with the former. What part of Love triangle don't you understand. Hinata has feelings for Naruto who has feelings for Sakura who loves Sasuke. This is Kishi's attempt to bring angles for love potenital in this story.
Here's some more fantastic insight in which you perhaps might have missed while reading the manga with your foggy NH goggles on - Naruto has NEVER ONCE shown any romantic interest in Hinata, Sasuke has NEVER ONCE shown any romantic interest in Sakura, and Sakura has NEVER ONCE shown to remain "true" to her once selfish infatuation with Sasuke ALL throughout part 2. Hinata is a minor character with little to no relevance to the story and/or plot; as well as that her confession was a HINATA DEFINING MOMENT. Hinata had been LONG since overdue for her chance to be put into the spotlight to not only demonstrate personal growth on her part, but to also come forth with any said feelings in which have been seemingly bottled up within her for a long time. She finally got her chance, and I personally believe that her purpose has been served. Tell me though - at this very late point in the manga, with the current fast moving plot and approaching climax to the story, if there were still even a slight glimmer of hope that Naruto would suddenly fall out of love with Sakura, and suddenly fall for Hinata because of her confession, when Naruto has not ONCE thought about her since that ordeal, why was it ONCE AGAIN reiterated that he loves Sakura? Connect the dots and you'll get it.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
And yet, Hinata is the girl who we seen treat the main lead as a love interest instead as a tsudere or unlikeable tramp to the lead, the main lead is a supposed to be a akward buffon who slowly gets respect from everyone not the main character which the main female warms up to and sees love like feelings in the first couple of chapters due to plot. Sakura like everyone else had to slowly grow to like Naruto before the whole bs on naruto and sakura romance shonen standard, meanwhile Hinata Hyuuga is the first character to show deep admiration and respect for the main lead no matter what and that dynamic hasn't changed.
It's unfortunate to say that although Hinata is a minor character, a big basis of her character revolves around Naruto's influential motivation, as she was designed to be that way - considering that she too was among the underdog crowd, much like Rock Lee and others as well. Same in regards to Sakura, her character was DELIBERATELY designed to initially be flawed, but that is also why Kishi highly favors Sakura (as has been stated in his interviews), given the fact that her character is very much human and realistic, especially in comparison to the rest of the cast. You might recall though, that among the very first people to not only gain trust in Naruto but to also hold high faith in him, was indeed Sakura - as was shown in the Chuunin exams. Hinata blended in with the majority of the crowd in which was either doubting or unsure of what Naruto's turnout in the fight against Kiba would be; except for who though? Kakashi and Sakura, because they better know and understand him moreso than anyone else other than Sasuke.

Let me also ask this - despite that Hinata has indeed admired Naruto since the beginning, why is that the only thing that seemingly matters to you? Does it not matter as well that Naruto's romantic interest was ALWAYS held with Sakura, and not with Hinata, or anyone else for that matter? This is NARUTO'S story, that of which he is the underdog, and in which foretells that all of his ambitions will come to a reality - and that INCLUDES winning the heart of the girl of his dreams. What's great about that as well? Sakura is not a prize. Naruto has shown nothing but care and respect towards her, and has always prioritized her best interests over his own; among the most selfless acts hes ever displayed towards her was the POAL, and her recent realization of his selflessness is yet another big boost in their relationship towards eachother, whether they realize it or not. Kishi has spent extensive amounts of time to develop their characters both individually as well as a partnership, and its development such as this that brings Sakura to grow and develop romantic interest in Naruto ON HER OWN ACCORD, and NOT because shes designed to play as his fucking prize.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
[You want obvious, lets look at Naruto the character and what he's done to make the special dynamic between himself and Sakura look so special. He asked her on a date first te we see her with him(annoying), then we see him henge into the person Sakura had her eyes on and made a fool of himself and herself to Sasuke, then he managed to screw up Sakura's opinion on him by dissing Lee and Sasuke causing her to punch his lights out, then from there on while it was Sasuke that gave Sakura more respect from her she still felt Naruto was incompetant to actually save her from Gaara even when Sasuke said it was him then Sakura confessed to Sasuke Naruto doesn't understand her which by the way is the last thing she should say considering whats happened so far.
You cannot be serious? Have you not been reading the manga AT ALL? Did you miss the beginning segment of part two where Sakura DID accept his date offer? Did you miss the clear panels in which displayed Sakura's development as a character when she took it into her hands to want to protect the ones she cares about (Naruto, Sasuke, AND Lee) in the forest of death? Did you miss the panel that focused highly on Sakura's smile towards Naruto when she learned that it was HIM who saved/protected her from Gaara? Your selective reading is not doing you any favor. Please, reread the manga again, without the goggles on.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
If you want some continous signs and portrayals, then NaruHina is the obvious choice, we see them them one sided at first then we see them develop mutual feelings for their struggles and discovering new things about them they never seen before then they had meaningful talks, signs of worry, a chemistry, bonding, growth, progression, development and panel focus hell Hinata had her own arc and past focus more so than Sakura.
This is the biggest load of BS I have EVER read from a rabid NH shipper, or atleast, AMONG them. NaruHina with CONTINUOUS signs and portrayals? Is your idea of a continuous sign and portrayal a short time interaction between Naruto and Hinata every 50+ chapters, when in the mean time Naruto and Sakura's relationship has been further strengthening and developing much more frequently even inbetween those chapters? Please enlighten me as well, when did Naruto and Hinata EVER share a mutuality in feelings towards one another? When has there EVER been meaningful talks, chemistry, bonging, growth, progression, development, and panel focus involving BOTH Naruto and Hinata? Stop creating delusions in your head.

And suddenly now the Chuunin exams = the Hinata arc? Oh what will you rabid Hinatards come up with next. Sakura has had far more focus, panel, and development time than Hinata, and we see the fruits of Sakura's labor in the very beginning of part 2. Where does Hinata first showcase anything even remotely panel worthy in part 2? When Team 7 and 8 have their mission together, and the only thing Hinata had been useful for was tracking with eyes she was born with (notice I said born with and not earned). Her follow up also was when Naruto was in mid-combat and Hinata immediately grows worried thinking that Naruto was hurt when he was not - to which Sakura then said that it will take more than that to take down Naruto, and for Hinata to pay better attention and worry more about her own task. If this isn't yet another reminder to the reader that Sakura better understands Naruto's limits, capabilities, and strengths moreso that Hinata does, then all hope truly is lost for them.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
This was Part 1, but to say Naruto and Sakura had that in spades is simple short of ignorance. Oh and by the way you say it you make sound the two spent each waking moment by each others side for all the moments they been in the manga, false. Naruto has been focused on Sasuke and how he measures to his growth, the guy was comparing all of his abitlies and traits that make him him to Sasuke, Naruto has worked with Kakashi and J man more than Sakura to mature his character to the point of where it is today, Sakura however is playing the cheerleader to Naruto since Sasuke is gone and from her own mind she wants Team 7 to be whole not Naruto being happy. The only mutal development they have is, Sasuke and how they both want him back.
I never stated nor implied that Naruto and Sakura spend every waking moment together - but the fact remains that a majority (notice: MAJORITY) of their time is spent with EACHOTHER. It was even shown/demonstrated what a good combination they are together in the very beginning of part 2 during the bell test with Kakashi - as Kakashi himself stated that they are not a bad combination, despite that they had some time part from eachother to train. If you've also missed the memo from the recent manga chapters, it was reiterated (AGAIN) that Naruto pursues Sasuke not JUST for himself, but due to the promise he had made for Sakura. It's too bad that you don't wish to accept this fact, but irregardless, it is what it is. Sakura plays a part in Naruto's pursuit towards Sasuke.

And you could NOT be more foolish than to think that Sakura prioritizes team 7 becoming a whole again more so than she cares about Naruto's happiness, or that the only mutual development they have is that they both want Sasuke back. Selective reading at its finest. Among the MANY portrayals and panel time instances that Naruto and Sakura shared together that did NOT involve Sasuke was the infamous Yamato scene, or the scene where Sai noticed the informalities between Naruto and Sakura, or the ramen scene, or the 450 hug scene, or when Sakura cried for Naruto when she first learned of what happens to Jinchuuriki's when they get their Bijuu's extracted by Akatsuki, or when they first reunited in part 2 and Sakura asked Naruto if she looked more womanly now - just to name a few.

Seriously, get real.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
That aside you gotta be some sort of ignorant fanboy if you think NaruSaku has the most pairing potential despite the obvious commentary feeling from characters that don't even know Naruto and Sakura as well as Kakashi or J man or Tsunade. Hell J man never brought up Naruto's feelings for Sakura, and that in itself is reason to believe NaruSaku is not going to happen.
The only delusional fanboy here is you. Like it or not, NaruSaku DOES have THE MOST pairing potential and development essential necessities - a few of which (out of countless amounts) I have listed earlier above. Unlike NaruHina and SasuSaku, NaruSaku has spanned essential development and bonding that correlates with the manga in its entirety. Jiraiya himself saw and stated the parallels between him/Tsunade and Naruto/Sakura; but irregardless of that, it has little to do with the foundation in which Naruto and Sakura THEMSELVES have developed together, so for you to use the "J man never brought up Naruto's feelings for Sakura, and that in itself is reason to believe NaruSaku is not going to happen" card is among the most pathetic and desperate attempts to disprove NaruSaku. Unfortunately for you, it doesn't work.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
Funny, Positive indicators of NaruSaku happening is 80% of the fandoms interpetation and not the actual manga itself.
lmao. Is this supposed to be a serious statement? Every single portrayal that had been posted on this board regarding NaruSaku has been MATERIAL FROM THE MANGA ITSELF. NaruSaku tards don't need to rely on fillers and two panel interactions to justify their cases, unlike you NaruHina tards. And don't tell ME about misinterpreting fans, when people like you are the EPITOME of that.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
The fact that Sakura wants Sasuke back and not tar and feather'd is reason enough to believe her feelings for her have no changed. And Naruto never harbored feelings for Hinata because he doesn't even know about her feelings(until now of course).
There are numerous reasons why many people including myself fully believe that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke HAVE changed - for starters, she has never once demonstrated being "true" to her once childish and selfish infatuation with Sasuke all throughout part 2, and the fact that Sakura herself payed more focus, priority, and concern towards Naruto than she did Sasuke, DESPITE hearing the "news" from Shikamaru about how they plan to handle Sasuke, is just yet another reminder of whom she seems to prioritize the most at this point. Does she care about Sasuke? Certainly she does. Does she love him? Myself and MANY others have countless of reasons to believe otherwise. Does she care about Sasuke more than Naruto? Only fanatic and idiotic shippers brings themselves to believe that delusion.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
Dude, half these people don't even know they have a love life. How can you assume they know it better than they know themselves? J man and Tsunade never brought up their relationship, ever. Kakashi truly knows Naruto and Sakura and I doubt he thinks they have more than a plationic relationship.
You truly don't understand the principles of these stories. It's a rather typical though common cliche for the two individuals who have feelings for eachother to not always take notice themselves, or are too headstrong to admit it, etc etc. Jiraiya and Tsunade never brought up their relationship ever? Did you not read the manga at all?

And seriously, enough with the retarded "platonic" argument, because Naruto and Sakura clearly do NOT have a strictly platonic relationship - as Yamato, Sai, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and even the village (450, Hinata included) could see that. Explain to me for what reason was Kakashi himself, along with the children and other villagers, blushing in that chapter; and for what reason was there so much panel emphasis and focus between Naruto and Sakura hugging, not long after Hinata's confession, if their relationship were only "platonic"? Here is the answer - because it's not platonic, and Kishi wanted to remind us of that.

And you know, you can only go so far with the only-out-of-concern/platonic arguement before a sane person wonders why there've been so many of said moments that were meant solely to define a friendship we already knew existed.

Think about that one for a bit.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
I heard that Kishi loves how NaruHina is portrayed in the anime, but thats just me.
Your right, that is just you - because Kishi never made such a statement.

Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
So what gives Naruto the right to reject Hinata? He wants acceptance but he can't accept a girl who's loved him since his diapers? Oh and Oro wasn't J man's best friend, it was Tsunade, the girl he loved. Most of these comparisons are coicidences Naruto has done in comparison to J man, so your whole arguement is flawed. If anything Hinata is Naruto's Tsunade, because she was always there for him even if he didn't see it.
What gives Naruto the right to reject Hinata is the fact that he loves Sakura, and not her. He isn't obligated to return her feelings, and needless to say the fact that this is NARUTO's story, NOT Hinata's.

Yes, Orochimaru WAS Jiraiya's friend whom he couldn't save. Jiraiya even reiterates this in chapter 382, page 5. I'd suggest you learn to pay better attention.

You think Kishi created the Naruto and Jiraiya parallel as a COINCIDENCE? Could your arguments become anymore idiotic? Oh wait, they can! Hinata a parallel to Tsunade now? Two people of whom have no remote comparison, connection, relevance, or relation to one another? Any more desperate and pathetic attempts to try to make Hinata appear important when she isn't?

Jiraiya and Tsunade have always been partners and on the same team, and have always had romantic tension between them. Naruto and Sakura have always been partners and on the same team, and have always had romantic tension between them. Jiraiya harbored feelings for Tsunade, and Tsunade held feelings for him - though was too head strong to admit/accept it. Naruto harbors feelings for Sakura, and Sakura harbors feelings for him - though is too head strong to admit/accept it. If anything these parallels prove, they show that JiraTsuna and NaruSaku are the comparisons, NOT JiraTsuna and NaruHina; and if anyone's argument is massively flawed, its yours. Desperate argument is desperate.

Last edited by Janifuu; 2009-09-19 at 16:19.
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Old 2009-09-19, 15:32   Link #3032
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Wow Janifuu, stern words. But might I suggest reading this post, it makes a lot of sense to me now. And may save you from going insane XD
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Old 2009-09-20, 01:11   Link #3035
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Originally Posted by Fruits Basket Fan View Post
Hinata was never there for him
LOL the girl was the one who always stood by his side in spirit and acknowledged him strong and hardworking when everyone hated him, what the fuck are you talking about?
....She watched him being struggled for acknowledgement and she did nothing to ease his loneliness.
She still used his strength to bring her up to par with being a ninja. She was shy and couldn't face Naruto because she wanted to earn his respect, it's kinda like how Naruto was with Sasuke when he met him minus the shy part.
Naruto already has the village's acknowledgement, he is no longer a poor puppy scrapping for attention.
It really doesn't change the fact that she was acknowleding Naruto before the village and closely admired him as a shinbi who tries hard.

Naruto made it clear in his fight against Gaara in part I that the people who saved him from loneliness were: Iruka and Team 7.
Last I checked, the whole damn village was his whole existance not just Iruka and Team 7. It was Sasuke who brought him to the light and acknowledged him first.

You have got to be kidding to say that Naruto has no right to gently, turned down Hinata if he does not feel the same way.
So he has to ignore her then? What kinda of idiot do you take me for? Whether or not he feels the same for her, it's still common cortosy to return the mutal feelings of saving someone whatever it is.
He never had romantic feelings for her, heck, he never went to her after the confession and never thinks about it.
I doubt it I, I seriously doubt it. This marks Naruto to confront Hinata somehow, he did think about her during the whole damn fight, he did acknowledge her loving him in his moment of peril(look of expression), you just don't assume it's over because it isn't brought up otherwise there would be a indication of the guys mindset on what he thought of Hinata's sacrafice after he came back to fight Pain.
Hinata did not appear sad when she saw Sakura hugged Naruto in chapter 450, if you compared to when Naruto look sad when he saw Sakura hugged Sasuke back in part I in the hospital.
How can you read the mind of characters in a manga if they aren't directly shown thinking what their feeling in context, please don't be narrowminded. Hinata was crying for gods sake then smiling. how could you assume she follows that hug as romantic from Sakura's end, it's totally unfounded bias.

Even before the whole Iron Country and Sasuke thing was brought up, he was sitting down talking to Sakura. And Kishi felt that it was important to reinforce just how serious Naruto is with Sakura.
Well there teammates duh. And Naruto was still wanting to talk to someone about his past, why wasn't it Sakura? It goes to show you how much you know.

You have got to be kidding to say that Hinata is like Tsunade.
Well think about it, both are royal bloodlines that come from the same village and are the princesses of their clans. Both have relatives and siblings, both wear the same shoe style, both are considerably in love with the Toad Sages.

Sakura is the comparison to Tsunade because Naruto, like Jiraiya, seeked her love and at the beginning, like Tsunade, keep rejecting his date requests,
It's not that simple, Naruto and Jman only wanted to date them at the drop of a hat, and their childish feelings only emphasized that motivation until they grew to a point where they found deep affections for them but was forced to give up on them. It's no different from Obito and Lee. only
until part II came and it was gradually some signs that Sakura's feelings may be growing into something more.
If it was shown that Sakura was growing feelings, Sasuke would be in Sakura's mind compared to Naruto in terms of comparing the boys as a love connection. Sakura has not shown she's moved on with Sasuke.

I can tell that you are Jizz from narutofan forums.....and since you and your dupe accounts keep being decided to move here.

Who cares about your LONG ASS POSTS most people realize that the majority of them do not even make sense and you even made some derogatory comments about Sakura (bi-polar BITCH)....only jizz can say something like that.

Guys, it is pointless to talk sense in ajnas. Ask people from narutofan forums, only someone like him can make up "arguments" like this:


Sakura was being a bi-polar bitch when hugging Naruto?

Very Jizz-like.
Who the hell is Jizz?

Originally Posted by clawer123 View Post
..I feel like there is a Troll in here

Man.. one Comparing Hinata to Tsunade is simply IMPOSSIBLE to accept..
Why not? You guys assume Sakura is the direct comparison to Tsunade even though thats not the case.

and AJNAS please dont Narrow/Change the interpretation all the events/ developments that approves Naruhina and disapproves NARUSAKU .. it would take some time to develop some pairing on their romantic development.. i know NaruHina is cute but NARUSAKU is QUITE THE PAIRING FOR THIS MANGA
No you guys just argue like crazy in favor for you favorite pairing. OMG NARUSAKU IS CANNONZ!!!!!XD. NaruSaku won't happen, because it's not the definitive bond main dynamic in the manga. It's simply a joke.

Sakura and Ino fight is about their Friendship/Womanhood and Sasuke is only a determinant completing their overall misunderstanding/war
why people still insist this? they really don't understand?
Are you really that ignorant of the manga's direction? Seriously. Sasuke to me is everyones resolve now.

the part Naruto become sixtails.. is because the 4th's seal is WEAKENING and if did... remember on the land of the waves when SAsuke is near death.. Naruto also unleashed the power.. so it means Sasuke love Naruto/NaruSasu
will happen
The guys seal was broken by Naruto himself not because the seal was weakened, it's that simple. Naruto went berserker and brought all 6 to 8 tails out by his own will, it shows how much Naruto is shown making progress with his own tailed beast. It was freakin Hinata that triggered Naruto to escape Pain thats the real kicker, it wasn't Sakura or Iruka, it was Hinata. Geeze.

Stating Sasuke is still alive for SasuSAku is quite Impossible.. the recent chapter states that SASUKE has a slim chance to go back to KONOHA.. he already embraced darkness/hate in the point like he is inloved with it
We all know Sasuke will be redeemed in the end, Sasuke is one of those characters that is plot regressed for the main character to save. In a shonen manga, the hero always goes through with his goals no matter how impossible it seems.

I didn't see/read that Sakura knows Hinata likes Naruto before she confessed CAn you give the Chapter/Anime episode?
It was in the chunnin exams. Somewhere.

Again i really hate say to repeat again... She was Surprised.. and the whole konoha knows Hinata loves Naruto before the her confession..?
If she was surprised, why did she scold Hinata about doing it? She likely knows Hinata has big feelings for Naruto, but she's still her friend and was worried about her.

how did you know Kishi love Naruhina pairing? all i know he had an interview and the reporter just asked if Hinata can finally confessed and he said I HOPE SO TOO but that doe'snt mean he is fully supportive of the pairng.. and if he really want Naruhina.. then he made BONDS betwwen Hinata and Naruto a long ago.. not on FILLERS
This is based on a theroy but Kishi always seemed to have a fond preference of drawing Hinata with Naruto.

Kishimoto said he never thought of romance up until now. He said he was no good at it, he always had his eye on the NaruHina pairing though.

and because Hinata is still Alive that is basically calling a less/bloodshed/tragic/sad chance ending on the friends/comrades of Naruto universe and maybe the only tragic will mostly happen is Sasuke Dying

and Hinata maybe will encounter some situations that will make her SUCCEEDING the previous generation but it does't make sense if Naruhina will be the way to improving her character.. she already confessed FINISHED!
You act like Hinata finished her character, she didn't. If Hinata doesn't get with Naruto, her development to blossom into a more self confident woman would be all for nothing and that would be a poor marketing stick for little girls who watch this series. Telling you need to treat the guy you love like crap and boss him around via Wilma Flintsone style to get him to love you instead of making him feel good about himself and helping him out ina gentle matter.

and on LetsFightingLove Love post concerning he post some Quite/ VALID EVIDENCE/STRONG EVIDINCE and telling its only a crap ben and gwen cousin relationship, It is quite NARROW/again baseless for you to say. and i know you would say that the Hug of Sakura on Naruto is like only a brother/friend, no romantic feelings invloved.. is DENIAL
No whats denial is the fact you think a Hug is more romantic in context with the I love You confession. The fact Sakura punched him then hugged him is more proof that it's platonic.

NARUSAKU= more developments/more chances/LIKELY TO HAPPEN

Naruto has more developments with his Teachers than his teammates. So get keep reaching that rainbow.

Originally Posted by Janifuu View Post
Your clearly missing the point - and no, obviously that is NOT the best source of confirmation for anyone to go by; the manga speaks for itself.
If you were so knowledgeable about the manga then you would know that Naruto's romantic feelings are non existant to his life concerning the things he's destined to do as the main character in a shonen anime which is all about bromance.
The fact remains that Naruto has since day one always held romantic interest in Sakura, and has never once shown a distinct loss of interest in her, as the recent manga chapters even confirm this (AGAIN).
Isn't Naruto a pervert? I mean he prefers Sakura over other girls, and yet he still peeks on them in the damn bath, he henges into a sexy woman and gets passed off by men as attractive and he called a travestie woman more attractive than Sakura. The fact is, Naruto is a sexually confused character with inconsistant actions with her relationship with Sakura which is often played as comic relief. And funny, Naruto is the only one who treats Sakura like a princess while he speaks his mind with anyone else means his love for her is strictly selfish and immature to the most shonen pairings out there.
Naruto's feelings for Sakura are selfless - as he has always suppressed them and has never once tried to impose his feelings onto her out of genuine respect and care for her, and especially when he believes that Sakura has romantic interest in Sasuke.
Naruto: Sakura chan, date?

Naruto: Sakura chan, why don't you go out with me?

Naruto: Yeah thats the girl of my dreams!!!!!! Even though I'm pissed off.

Naruto: Sakura chan is right right right!!! Datebayo!!!!

Selfless you say? It's like with J man, he just only wanted to get into her pants because she was a babe and he was a dog. That still didn't stop him from using sexy no jutsu for konohamaru and Sakura telling him not to do that. The reason he respects and cares for her is because she's just like him in wanting Sasuke's acknowledgement(you know the guy with the sharingan) in being an equal. He brushed off real feelings for Sakura long time ago to me. Right now, he just wants Sasuke back for himself not for the POAL he uses the POAL to motivate him to keep him on his toes even though it's more than that.
You discrediting Sai as being apart of team Kakashi doesn't do you or your case a drop of favor, because Sai has been exposed to and affiliated around the team long enough to learn, see, and better understand their characteristics by now, and among the things hes picked up is the obvious in that Naruto loves Sakura.
Sai still doesn't know enough, Kishi has him in the dark with the true meaning of the manga's context like everyone else, Sai has earned his place on the team, but he's still not Sasuke's permenant replacement, it's been confirmed that Sasuke is the dream Naruto and Sakura envisions to complete Team 7. Sai uses a book to indicate the actions of others, not his own personal insight which is mainly wrong since he's never been around Naruto and Sakura enough to truly understand what Sasuke means to them and to their cause in life. Kakashi only knows and I take his word over Sai. Sai doesn't know that Sakura has feelings for Sasuke and I doubt he knows why Sakura wants to save Sasuke, he still thinks it's for Naruto and only Naruto. LOL N00b(not you)
Kishi himself used Sai as his catalyst to reiterate that Naruto always has and still loves Sakura,
Kishi used Sai? It makes no sense, why didn't he use a character he's already established in the manga that personally knows Sakura for that statement, why use Sai when he could have used Ino or Hinata or Kakashi or even Shizune who have history with the girl. Sai is just being put on the spot to make Naruto feel like the victim and be more appriated even if it means bending the truth for Naruto's sake and his feelings. Sai still has much to learn, I take it seriously if it was someone who knows Sakura personally to talk to her about Naruto and his situation.
and why he hasn't expressed his feelings to her yet (because he hasn't kept his promise to her), as was shown in the recent manga chapters.
He hasn't expressed his feelings because he refuses to, not because he's holding back, he feels he would be breaking more than a promise but a breach of his limits concerning Sasuke and Sakura. I don't know what translation your reading, but CNet and Binkitopa keep using Naruto and his retort as "like hell I could do something like that, I can't even keep a promise" Again this is more speculation. No definitive awnser.
And please, don't give me lame BS excuses like "it was before Hinata's confession!" or "Sai is just assuming!" that every NH tard likes to desperately throw onto the table, because if this "flashback" were irrelevant to Naruto's current feelings for Sakura, then why in the hell would Kishi deliberately chose a time such as this to give us yet another reminder of Naruto's feelings for her, and after Hinata's confession nonetheless? Because its pretty obvious which direction things are going at this point.
What are Naruto's current feelings, after the confession? Thats the real thing. Sai isn't a direct source for Naruto at all, he's a third party. It's Naruto who hasn't brought up anything until Sai did. Kishimoto wanted Sai to contribute into the plot as a character worried and concerned about Naruto and his direction in this arc. Thats it. Now he's brought Sakura to the table and thats the main direction these characters are going, period. As far as Sai knows, he wants the best for Naruto not for Sakura. He still wants Sasuke dead and that really isn't something I call positive development, even Gaara wants Sasuke redeemed.

Here's some more fantastic insight in which you perhaps might have missed while reading the manga with your foggy NH goggles on - Naruto has NEVER ONCE shown any romantic interest in Hinata, Sasuke has NEVER ONCE shown any romantic interest in Sakura, and Sakura has NEVER ONCE shown to remain "true" to her once selfish infatuation with Sasuke ALL throughout part 2.
You sure about that? Bitch got pretty emotional when Sai dissed him and had to hold back when Naruto did so, then she got in his face when he confronted Sai at the hideout, then now she got ballistic that Sasuke's in the akatsuki and when Karui questioned her feelings to him as a bond. No doubt in my mind, Sakura is still in love with Sasuke even if she's questioning her relationship with him. As for the others, ever heard of a running gag? I doubt Naruto sees her the same as always after she's heard her confess.
Hinata is a minor character with little to no relevance to the story and/or plot; as well as that her confession was a HINATA DEFINING MOMENT.
You might as well call Sakura that as well? Because she has no story outside of Sasuke and Naruto and her relevance is only tied to how much Team 7 grows. I like to be optimistic though, Hinata has more going for her than Sakura, she's a heriess to the clan and a potential love interest for the main character. It's like she's some common ninja who has no back round story or ties to Konoha's plot with the three legendary doujutus.She's not Iruka or Ten Ten.
Hinata had been LONG since overdue for her chance to be put into the spotlight to not only demonstrate personal growth on her part,
Actually this was part of Kishimoto plan to bring the pairing wars to a conclusion via interview and Hinata was singled out as the main instrument. Her growth is still in effect until Naruto comes back and confronts her.
but to also come forth with any said feelings in which have been seemingly bottled up within her for a long time.
This is only part of Hinata's growth, now she has to confront Naruto without drastic measures.
She finally got her chance, and I personally believe that her purpose has been served. Tell me though - at this very late point in the manga, with the current fast moving plot and approaching climax to the story, if there were still even a slight glimmer of hope that Naruto would suddenly fall out of love with Sakura, and suddenly fall for Hinata because of her confession, when Naruto has not ONCE thought about her since that ordeal, why was it ONCE AGAIN reiterated that he loves Sakura? Connect the dots and you'll get it.
You seem to mislead by the constant narrowminded response you given to me, It was not some final conclusion to Hinata to go out and save Naruto from Pain, it was a important relvelation to the main character that needed to be taken seriously in terms of Naruto's maturity at this point which was learning about peace and the main ideals of hatred and solving them. The confession was added so Hinata could open Naruto's eyes in a sense of realization of the world outside of Team 7 and Sasuke. Hinata loves Naruto to the point of sacrafice, it's not something that Kishimoto would ignore in the long run plus Hinata wants to be strong and respected not only to Naruto but to her clan and much is left to be desired. Right now, Sasuke is the focus and it's not even going to make much sense of Sakura deciedes to love Naruto back considering Naruto has not brought it up directly after the all thats happened now. The main thing that matters is how Naruto resolves Sasuke and thats it whether it be for his sake or for the world.

It's unfortunate to say that although Hinata is a minor character, a big basis of her character revolves around Naruto's influential motivation, as she was designed to be that way - considering that she too was among the underdog crowd, much like Rock Lee and others as well.
Hinata was based on the same terms that Naruto and Lee were concieved, an outcast underestimated by the prime status quo. But she was the one who carried Naruto's will of fire all her life compared to the people who never saw him outside of the freak Jinnchuriki kid. She's special in that sense.
Same in regards to Sakura, her character was DELIBERATELY designed to initially be flawed, but that is also why Kishi highly favors Sakura (as has been stated in his interviews), given the fact that her character is very much human and realistic, especially in comparison to the rest of the cast.
Kishimoto stated in an interview that she wasn't the type that would be a heroine in a story, she among others was common because she never had meaningful development that actually mattered to the plot. Kishimoto never favored Sakura, he said that she was a representation of human weakness and a normal girl that didn't really do much for the story. But even then, her build up was realtively normal, she had family, friends and was a intellegent person who passed all her classes. It's contridtive to say she's just as flawed as Naruto, Hinata and Lee because she's just like them. And no she's not more human, she's just generic as a medium towards Naruto and Sasuke as a girl, kinda sexist since she isn't on their level.
You might recall though, that among the very first people to not only gain trust in Naruto but to also hold high faith in him, was indeed Sakura - as was shown in the Chuunin exams.
Sakura was the most vocal in expressing how much she wanted Naruto to win, Hinata still wanted to cheer for Naruto but Kiba was also her friend so she played neutral. Then there was Shika, Kakashi and even Sasuke in spirit who said he was the one who he wanted to fight first. So no, Sakura and Hinata both played equal roles into showing belief in Naruto to win.
Hinata blended in with the majority of the crowd in which was either doubting or unsure of what Naruto's turnout in the fight against Kiba would be; except for who though?
You might want to re read that fight though, she never doubted Naruto, she was worried but she never doubted him. She's the number one person in that place who would gather strength from him and fight for his sake, which she did. Kakashi
and Sakura, because they better know and understand him moreso than anyone else other than Sasuke.
Funny you mentioned that, Sakura thought Naruto was weak then she was wrong when it was Naruto's turn. It was Sakura revelation that Naruto was strong at that time rather than Sakura's belief in him like Kakashi and Sakura.

Let me also ask this - despite that Hinata has indeed admired Naruto since the beginning, why is that the only thing that seemingly matters to you? Does it not matter as well that Naruto's romantic interest was ALWAYS held with Sakura, and not with Hinata, or anyone else for that matter?
Well it matters if the show of affection from his side is actually serious, to me Naruto was more or less selfish than anyone bar Sakura with his feelings with Sakura, he always put down Sasuke when he failed when he knew Sakura hates when people insult Sasuke and he kept pestering her with date requests got dissapointed when she cut her hair in the Sound nin confrontation. Naruto is a nice kid overall but sometimes he has negative qualties about him as well as the others, that in which is claiming Sakura over other girls. But a sweet girl like Hinata would never claim anything.
This is NARUTO'S story, that of which he is the underdog, and in which foretells that all of his ambitions will come to a reality - and that INCLUDES winning the heart of the girl of his dreams.
Naruto is not an underdog, he's been destined to be great and has been gimped from his awesome lineage of ultra ninja since he was kid. Yes this is Naruto's story, but his own path is dicatated on how much he's grown from then till now, now he doesn't seek much from Sakura, he doesn't even bring her up like he used to. He's starting to change.
What's great about that as well? Sakura is not a prize.
She might as well be, if Naruto keeps sheltering her from the big things in life and keeps saving her life like a damsel in distress instead of an equal, then he's no better than a pimp. I doubt Naruto sees Sakura as a equal, he sees her as a precious comrade who's weak and fragile.
Naruto has shown nothing but care and respect towards her, and has always prioritized her best interests over his own; among the most selfless acts hes ever displayed towards her was the POAL, and her recent realization of his selflessness is yet another big boost in their relationship towards eachother, whether they realize it or not. Kishi has spent extensive amounts of time to develop their characters both individually as well as a partnership, and its development such as this that brings Sakura to grow and develop romantic interest in Naruto ON HER OWN ACCORD, and NOT because shes designed to play as his fucking prize.
Naruto has a big ass preference to her above others? Thank you for making this pairing suck even more, Naruto isn't even a man around her, big wuss more like it. When a man takes shit from girl he likes and not even try to stand up to her negative attributes of PMSing, then it's not true love, it's pussy whip. He never argues with her, mocks her, or fucks around with her, he's always kind and nice to her. It's one sided affection and it's kinda like SasuSaku, Sakura can find no wrong in him even if he's being an asshole. Kishi made sure they grow close so they can stay main characters, without Sasuke they would grow apart, thats why they bond so they can save Sasuke with common determination. It makes it sound like Sakura is forced to love Naruto because he's the main character and she's the prize at the end of the road even though it takes one guilt trip to act on that. What makes this pairing fail most of all is it's incredibly easy to write as and it is more or less predictible which makes the pairing fail hard due to extreme favoritism for the main lead. It's like a bad fan fiction created by the worlds n00bish Narutard and Sakuratard. I still think Naruto should give up on her, she's a good partner and team mate but it's awful to be his lover as well. Seriously they fucking clash.

You cannot be serious? Have you not been reading the manga AT ALL? Did you miss the beginning segment of part two where Sakura DID accept his date offer?
Only if he was going to pay, which he failed. And Sakura interrpued him so Sakura had no reason to go with him for his sake.
Did you miss the clear panels in which displayed Sakura's development as a character when she took it into her hands to want to protect the ones she cares about (Naruto, Sasuke, AND Lee) in the forest of death?
Yeah did you miss the part where she saw Sasuke go berseker and hugged his curse seal away after she and Lee was getting pwned? Did you see Ino see Sakura do that and flashback over her and Sakura's promise become rivals for Sasuke's love which she admitted was impressed by what she did and would do the same?
Did you miss the panel that focused highly on Sakura's smile towards Naruto when she learned that it was HIM who saved/protected her from Gaara?
Did you missed the part where Sasuke got Jealous and butt hurt from saying that to her about Naruto and Gaara? It's like you single out the main aspects of the scenes with Sakura for your pairing wank. BTW, if Sasuke kept his mouth shut he wouldn't have been tempted to leave the village because obviously he got jealous of Naruto after Sakura smiled at Naruto for saving her.
Your selective reading is not doing you any favor. Please, reread the manga again, without the goggles on.
Goggles are clear, it's those Yellow and Pink Goggles you need to take off.

This is the biggest load of BS I have EVER read from a rabid NH shipper, or atleast, AMONG them. NaruHina with CONTINUOUS signs and portrayals? Is your idea of a continuous sign and portrayal a short time interaction between Naruto and Hinata every 50+ chapters, when in the mean time Naruto and Sakura's relationship has been further strengthening and developing much more frequently even inbetween those chapters?
At least it help Naruto grow up. It was in that short time that Hinata spent with Naruto made him grow into a man. Sakura is regressing Naruto, not helping him grow. Ever since Naruto made that stupid ass promise to Sakura about Sasuke, Naruto has been becoming more and more of a pussy and a wimp. Sakura has never encouraged Naruto to go out and beat the crap of anyone who steps on his nindo, she has to rely on him and use him as a crutch to be more useful. Her weakness is making Naruto weak. Hinata however has been giving Naruto a reason to fight for his own beliefs, she gave him confidence to fight Neji and that extended to her and Neji as characters which was the main reason Naruto won. She gave Naruto the will to not cheat off of anyone while Sakura almost blew his chance of passing, and she saved Naruto from Pain by sacraficing her life and giving Naruto the emotional trigger to unleash the full power of Kyuubi, these moments are probably the most manly moments of Naruto's life.
Please enlighten me as well, when did Naruto and Hinata EVER share a mutuality in feelings towards one another?
As friends obviously. They were mutual when they talked before the fight with Neji. They even relate to each other on similar terms of being imperfect and yet using there own drives to overcome those flaws. And Naruto replied back to saying to Hinata a person he really likes.
When has there EVER been meaningful talks, chemistry, bonging, growth, progression, development, and panel focus involving BOTH Naruto and Hinata? Stop creating delusions in your head.
Part 1 moments during the chunnin exams. Oh the eventual farewell scene, the meeting in part 2, the search for Sasuke arc and the whole confession scene.

And suddenly now the Chuunin exams = the Hinata arc? Oh what will you rabid Hinatards come up with next. Sakura has had far more focus, panel, and development time than Hinata, and we see the fruits of Sakura's labor in the very beginning of part 2.
Of course she has more focus than Hinata in Part 2, where have I disproved that?
Where does Hinata first showcase anything even remotely panel worthy in part 2?
Juho Sosiken much?
When Team 7 and 8 have their mission together, and the only thing Hinata had been useful for was tracking with eyes she was born with (notice I said born with and not earned).
She not only tracked Madara's movement but she spotted the hideout to where Sasuke and Itachi were and her range surpassed her cousins. LOL, a tool is only as good as a shinobi just because she was born with a doujutsu that sees over 360 degrees means she's less than a ninja than Sakura, she had to train hard to get as good as her Byukugan.
Her follow up also was when Naruto was in mid-combat and Hinata immediately grows worried thinking that Naruto was hurt when he was not - to which Sakura then said that it will take more than that to take down Naruto, and for Hinata to pay better attention and worry more about her own task.
And? She hasn't seen Naruto in a long time and hasn't seen him fight since the chunnin exams, Sakura has more history with him so it's natural, but the fact is she shows concern over Naruto's safety because she's geniunely kind and loving, Sakura however is more direct. These two are polar opposites. Hinata was paying attention to Madara she has 360 vision, Sakura told her keep her gaurd up even though she never talked to her ever, damn thank you for confirming why I hate Sakura so much.
If this isn't yet another reminder to the reader that Sakura better understands Naruto's limits, capabilities, and strengths moreso that Hinata does, then all hope truly is lost for them.
Just because Sakura knows Naruto is tough and can take alot of punishment doesn't mean that Hinata doubts and underestimates Naruto. Why is she the one who knows nothing about Naruto and Sakura is? She fucking grew up with the dude from stalking him. Hinata worries about people thats who she is.

I never stated nor implied that Naruto and Sakura spend every waking moment together - but the fact remains that a majority (notice: MAJORITY) of their time is spent with EACHOTHER.
On the missions they do, on free time it's usually Naruto with Konoharmaru and Kakashi. One moment Sakura spends with Naruto is when Sai is introduced as the new Sasuke. It's usually a Team 7 interaction over all.
It was even shown/demonstrated what a good combination they are together in the very beginning of part 2 during the bell test with Kakashi - as Kakashi himself stated that they are not a bad combination, despite that they had some time part from eachother to train.
Yet Naruto did all the work.
If you've also missed the memo from the recent manga chapters, it was reiterated (AGAIN) that Naruto pursues Sasuke not JUST for himself, but due to the promise he had made for Sakura.
I never disputed that. But I do acknowledge Sasuke is Naruto's biggest obstacle in his life that overrides what sort of bond his friend Sakura has with Sasuke. It's more than a promise, it's a destiny for him.
It's too bad that you don't wish to accept this fact, but irregardless, it is what it is. Sakura plays a part in Naruto's pursuit towards Sasuke.
Again I never disputed that, but what ever.

And you could NOT be more foolish than to think that Sakura prioritizes team 7 becoming a whole again more so than she cares about Naruto's happiness, or that the only mutual development they have is that they both want Sasuke back.
So which is it, does she care about Naruto more or Team 7 more?
Selective reading at its finest. Among the MANY portrayals and panel time instances that Naruto and Sakura shared together that did NOT involve Sasuke was the infamous Yamato scene, or the scene where Sai noticed the informalities between Naruto and Sakura, or the ramen scene, or the 450 hug scene, or when Sakura cried for Naruto when she first learned of what happens to Jinchuuriki's when they get their Bijuu's extracted by Akatsuki, or when they first reunited in part 2 and Sakura asked Naruto if she looked more womanly now - just to name a few.
Scenes that interpet nothing but solitary instances of Sakura's emotions for her friends. Yamato is a lost cause as much as Sai is, he thinks Naruto doesn't need the Kyuubi to save Sasuke so I wouldn't take him for value either. Plus I doubt he would talk about love due to his databook stating he keeps a professional outlook on things that bother his team mates. Sai notices shit that makes him look like a freak like calling Naruto's penis small, again who would you actually want to take seriously Freaks? or Kakashi? Sakura cries for alot of people not just Naruto. Again myth debunked. And Sakura is a generally shallow about her looks anyway so I doubt it was a pairing moment for your side.

Seriously, get real.
You first.

The only delusional fanboy here is you. Like it or not, NaruSaku DOES have THE MOST pairing potential and development essential necessities - a few of which (out of countless amounts) I have listed earlier above.
LOL you're getting poor with your reasoning, the only development NaruSaku has is the amount of panels they're in because of this whole rescue Sasuke shit. Thats the only thing that makes the pairing exist, if Sasuke was never a issue with them, they would never have been this close as friends to begin with.
Unlike NaruHina and SasuSaku, NaruSaku has spanned essential development and bonding that correlates with the manga in its entirety.
Until I see the I love Yous from their side of the picture then their development is based on conjecture and fannon theories.
Jiraiya himself saw and stated the parallels between him/Tsunade and Naruto/Sakura;
No he didn't he just called Sakura the second coming of Tsunade and thats it, he never said to Naruto that Naruto is just like him in loving Sakura like he loves Tsunade.
but irregardless of that, it has little to do with the foundation in which Naruto and Sakura THEMSELVES have developed together, so for you to use the "J man never brought up Naruto's feelings for Sakura, and that in itself is reason to believe NaruSaku is not going to happen" card is among the most pathetic and desperate attempts to disprove NaruSaku. Unfortunately for you, it doesn't work.
Isn't J man and Tsunade supposed to be big infuneces on Naruto and Sakura, even in how they view each other like J man and Tsunade do. I have not once seen Tsunade bring up J man with Sakura or Naruto with Sakura. I have not seen Naruto and J man have a man to man talk about those ladies at all. So why so serious, especially about something that doesn't exist.

lmao. Is this supposed to be a serious statement? Every single portrayal that had been posted on this board regarding NaruSaku has been MATERIAL FROM THE MANGA ITSELF. NaruSaku tards don't need to rely on fillers and two panel interactions to justify their cases, unlike you NaruHina tards. And don't tell ME about misinterpreting fans, when people like you are the EPITOME of that.
Material that you bend as true love. Even the most narrow minded idiots can say that most scenes between NaruSaku is platonic. But look who I'm talking to, people like you who think a hug and bunch of tears mean more a love confession than an actual love confession.

There are numerous reasons why many people including myself fully believe that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke HAVE changed - for starters, she has never once demonstrated being "true" to her once childish and selfish infatuation with Sasuke all throughout part 2,
Well if you count the henge scene with Sai and Sasuke, probably yes she still wants to get in his pants.
and the fact that Sakura herself payed more focus, priority, and concern towards Naruto than she did Sasuke, DESPITE hearing the "news" from Shikamaru about how they plan to handle Sasuke, is just yet another reminder of whom she seems to prioritize the most at this point.
I doubt she's accepted Sasuke as a lost cause, and if she does, then she once again is going to learn why Naruto is always right once again.
Does she care about Sasuke?Certainly she does.
I doubt it's that simple, she hasn't had a geniune opinion on him since Part 2 started, however she's begining to doubt him, but thats just plot device to get her to see how much she doesn't truly know about him, so to me until she states it, she still loves him due to her own conscious of saying so and she has yet to dispute that her confession to Sasuke and feelings were childish and fake.
Does she love him? Myself and MANY others have countless of reasons to believe otherwise.
Of course, but some of you think she loves Naruto as a bond and friend better than Sasuke which is just scratching the surface.
Does she care about Sasuke more than Naruto? Only fanatic and idiotic shippers brings themselves to believe that delusion.
She cares about them equally because she knows she's an ant in their little game. But she doesn't stop from trying to matter in their lives, thats the kind of character she is.

You truly don't understand the principles of these stories. It's a rather typical though common cliche for the two individuals who have feelings for eachother to not always take notice themselves, or are too headstrong to admit it, etc etc. Jiraiya and Tsunade never brought up their relationship ever? Did you not read the manga at all?
So if Sasuke finds Sakura more than a friend? Then what.
And seriously, enough with the retarded "platonic" argument, because Naruto and Sakura clearly do NOT have a strictly platonic relationship - as Yamato, Sai, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and even the village (450, Hinata included) could see that.
Again with the NARUSAKU googles, the characters don't give a flip about Naruto and Sakura's feelings accept for the characters that have no clue about them to begin with aka Yamato and Sai.
Explain to me for what reason was Kakashi himself, along with the children and other villagers, blushing in that chapter;
The weren't blushing they were dirty as hell.
and for what reason was there so much panel emphasis and focus between Naruto and Sakura hugging, not long after Hinata's confession, if their relationship were only "platonic"? Here is the answer - because it's not platonic, and Kishi wanted to remind us of that.
Well lets see, Sakura is one of Naruto's best friends, and her teammate and by that logic is allowed to hug Naruto becasue of those reasons because she's the closest equal to the bond with Sasuke in reguards to Naruto. Of course their platonic, it's like a girl having a boy as a best friend, it's obviously not going to be the same as boy on boy friendship. And Sakura reminds me of a relieved mother who's son just came from war. There was a thank you a mother flipping thank you in that context that shows how much the villagers emphasized Naruto and his actions.

And you know, you can only go so far with the only-out-of-concern/platonic arguement before a sane person wonders why there've been so many of said moments that were meant solely to define a friendship we already knew existed.
Most people are insane on these boards.

Think about that one for a bit.
Nah I'm about to go to bed.

Your right, that is just you - because Kishi never made such a statement.
He's implied it though.

What gives Naruto the right to reject Hinata is the fact that he loves Sakura, and not her. He isn't obligated to return her feelings, and needless to say the fact that this is NARUTO's story, NOT Hinata's.
Hinata's the same concept as him when it comes to not getting anywhere with the ones they love. It would suck if Naruto didn't grow from his crush and seek love from a source that is the same as him. Thats just me.

Yes, Orochimaru WAS Jiraiya's friend whom he couldn't save. Jiraiya even reiterates this in chapter 382, page 5. I'd suggest you learn to pay better attention.
Not his best friend or brother like a explained, J man had a stronger bond with Tsunade than with Oro whom he was always jealous of.

You think Kishi created the Naruto and Jiraiya parallel as a COINCIDENCE? Could your arguments become anymore idiotic? Oh wait, they can! Hinata a parallel to Tsunade now? Two people of whom have no remote comparison, connection, relevance, or relation to one another? Any more desperate and pathetic attempts to try to make Hinata appear important when she isn't?
I explained this before, I'm not doing it again.

Jiraiya and Tsunade have always been partners and on the same team, and have always had romantic tension between them.
When we were introduced to Tsunade, she and J man had a professional relationship with each other and acted like colleagues instead of lovers. Naruto and Sakura act like Brother and Sister and often play roles of damsel in distress and scolding mother to his son.
Naruto and Sakura have always been partners and on the same team, and have always had romantic tension between them.
Name one moment where the tension between them wasn't Sasuke related.
Jiraiya harbored feelings for Tsunade, and Tsunade held feelings for him - though was too head strong to admit/accept it.
As far as I know Tsunade harbored feelings for Dan before she saw J man go off and find info on Nagato. J man harbored feelings for Tsunade but never took them seriously because of his nature as a traveler and a pervert.
Naruto harbors feelings for Sakura, and Sakura harbors feelings for him - though is too head strong to admit/accept it.
Naruto harbors feelingsto Sakura due to his rivalry with Sasuke and Sakura is still harboring feelings for Sasuke because Sasuke is the main key to their lives.
If anything these parallels prove, they show that JiraTsuna and NaruSaku are the comparisons, NOT JiraTsuna and NaruHina; and if anyone's argument is massively flawed, its yours. Desperate argument is desperate.
And you make it sound like NaruSaku is fate, which this manga goes against. I'm still not convinced by your argument, it's like NaruSaku is going to happen because you say so. The Parallels have nothing to do with how the main characters are going to execute their development in this story. It's just baseless conjecture, I still think Hinata is going to win in the end because the unexpected plot devices always come to be in the end game of the story.
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Old 2009-09-20, 01:25   Link #3036
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I seriously doubt theres time for a reaction from naruto on hinatas confession i mean right now the only person on his mind is sasuke
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Old 2009-09-20, 01:29   Link #3037
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You know what would really suck? Making posts ^^ that long and then being wrong in the end.
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Old 2009-09-20, 01:33   Link #3038
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Originally Posted by Alchemist007 View Post
You know what would really suck? Making posts ^^ that long and then being wrong in the end.
Will see who's wrong.
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Old 2009-09-20, 01:35   Link #3039
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Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
LOL the girl was the one who always stood by his side in spirit and acknowledged him strong and hardworking when everyone hated him, what the fuck are you talking about?
So? Actions speak louder than words, and hoping and praying for someone (being with them in spirit) means diddly-squat if you don't actually hold out a hand in support. Fact of the matter is, the only time she actually tried to help Naruto was after his loneliness had already been broken by his family (Team 7) and friends (the other genin, Hinata included). In fact, and I say this somewhat jokingly, Hinata is a bit of a bitch; she knew of Naruto's pain far more than any other character, but she never actually tried to help. Consequently, it really doesn't matter if she was with Naruto in spirit (which she really wasn't, considering that Naruto didn't even really know her until the Chuunin Exam), or that she secretly acknowledged him (from afar), because at the end of the day Naruto still walked home by himself wishing for someone, anyone, to pay attention to him, and Hinata never actively did (Talking to someone new is as easy as saying "Hi", and helping someone is as easy as holding out your hand; Hinata did neither when it mattered (when they were younger)).

This is not to say that Naruto doesn't share some of the blame (though far smaller than Hinata) - he never attempted to make friends with Hinata (for unknown reasons), in fact it does not appear he ever attempted to make friends at all (presumably he felt socially pressured to not make real friends, btu that is conjecture).

I do not really feel like responding to the rest of the post (I have neither the time nor the patience). Suffice to say, many people here are not using the Spoiler Tags for Manga material that has not been shown in the Anime yet. Since this is, technically, and Anime-viewing thread, please take the time to be courteous enough to place manga information behind spoiler tags. Just read this to know what is acceptable, and what is not.

edit: btw, as a general rule of thumb, it is often also courteous to place extremely long posts inside of a Spoiler Tag, if for no other reason than making navigation on a page easier for the readers.
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Old 2009-09-20, 01:39   Link #3040
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Originally Posted by ajnas View Post
Will see who's wrong.
Yes, we'll certainly see. If it's not an ambiguous/non-romance conclusion anyways (I just hate it when that happens).
many people here are not using the Spoiler Tags for Manga material that has not been shown in the Anime yet.
Perhaps it should be requested to add a [MANGA] tag to the thread title?
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