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Old 2016-12-01, 21:20   Link #341
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Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
Though, whatever was Yuri's line got translated into, I am 100% sure Viktor didn't take it a marriage proposal.

Because Viktor can't speak Japanese. (I think everyone noticed this by now.)
And Yuri's line only work as a marriage proposal if spoken in Japanese only.
It's not going to meant the same if said in any other language.

So there is no way Viktor is going to recognize it as a marriage proposal despite that's what Yuri meant.

He explicitly said it sounded like a marriage proposal because Yuuri worded it as one. The language they are speaking is Japanese, because of seiyuus, but the meta language is English. I really can't understand what are you trying to even say in this. It doesn't matter that Viktor doesn't know Japanese, the authorial intent spoken and lampshaded by a character was like it was like a marriage proposal, so anyone with two braincells would have worded it as one when trying to make the message gone through, whether it was in English, Spanish or French. It doesn't matter. The way they translated it makes absolutely no sense with Victor's response. Because it was just shoddily done like half of the effort they put in the show.

Languages are never literal, they are always contextual and have social catchphrases.

Edit: I forgot to put an example, if I tell you: "shmaster, I'll be faithful in sickness and in health!" You'll go: "woah, it's almost like a wedding vow!", regardless of what we were addressing before, because for our culture, that is part of wedding vows. It's not necessarily like that in Japan, though. They could probably say that I'm just a loyal friend without the cultural knowledge that makes that a wedding vow. So it wouldn't be appropriate to make a literal translation when there's going to be some cultural dissonance.

"Who would understand you after I die? Who else would march forward by your side?"

Last edited by Thess; 2016-12-01 at 23:17.
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Old 2016-12-02, 04:44   Link #342
The Last Visible Dog
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Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo View Post
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
I was going to say the exact same thing.

Originally Posted by karice67 View Post
JJ is based on Michal Brezina, actually:

JJ's personality is nothing like Patrick's, at least, not as far as I know.
Is his personality anything like Brezina's though? Lawd knows he hasn't had the same level of success as Patrick and JJ. Plus Patrick has a tendency to say doltish and arrogant things, especially before Sochi when all he had to do to win was show up.

Ep 6:

- Guess they couldn't get the rights to the actual ISU fanfare.
- Christophe's coach is a doppelganger of Czech skater Michal Brezina's coach Karl Fajfr. He does wear those ridiculous glasses and was also fined for sexually abusing some of his students.
- Singles skating started allowing lyrics in program music in the 2013-14 season. I don't like it there or here.
- I can't think of a coach/skater team who were as close in age as Yuuri and Victor. This is probably a good thing.
- Leo de la Iglesia's coach at 17:00 is a reference to Rohene Ward (on the left), who is fucking fabulous. Does this mean Leo is Jason Brown? Neither of them have quadruple jumps but get high performance scores.
- And now I hate Christophe because actual Swiss skater Stephane Lambiel is my favorite and he's infinitely more charming and sweet and perfect overall.

Ep 7:

- Pull yourself together, Yuuri. Lock yourself in a bathroom again or something. Shit.
- Already referred to, but the flower crown is such a clear Johnny Weir shout out. He's such a Russian fanboy he must be delighted.
- Actually, Yuuri, you're okay. Pull yourself together, Chris. Other people have to skate on that ice.
- One of the little details: Yurio skates on MK Revolution blades, the "X" shaped blades you might see younger skaters wearing. Most older skaters, and every other character in YoI, are wearing the usual straight blades (well, sort of usual, in that they have design enhancements for high level skating).
- What about those gas fumes in the parking lot? A rooftop would have been more romantic, Victor.
- Georgi's programs remind me of all of the random programs by people who seem to understand they're not in top contention and so do something sort of outside the box.
- "This program realizes all Victor lacks as a skater." The hell does that mean, since there seems to be nothing that Victor lacks as a skater, despite being a lucky fuckup as a coach.
- A quad flip was only just achieved this year by Shoma Uno of Japan. Incidentally, he is going to the actual Grand Prix Final in a week and a half.
- While dating or marrying a partner or fellow skater is more common, a few have been in relationships with their coach, most recently Samuel Contesti (ITA) who was coached by his wife. For more ill advised hookups in the skating world, look no farther than Nikolai Morozov, who has been seen creeping on literally every skater he has trained in the last decade or so and recently married one once she turned 18 and he was done grooming her or whatever. Once I watched him eat hot dogs off of a trash can.

Ep 8:

- No reference to what's been going on vis a vis Victor and Yuuri's relationship over the last couple of weeks. I wasn't really expecting there to be, but couldn't help hoping.
- Victor's already faced Yuuri in competition. Do your homework, journalist lady.
- Yurio is bitter as hell, but still kept Victor's program.
- Connection issues, no one broadcasting, having to stay up till all hours to watch events going on on the other side of the world... the struggle is real.
- Seung-Gil's calculations mid-program is not quite accurate, considering he's only thinking of his technical skill. He'd also get dinged on having a bad landing, which would be a deduction on his presentation score.
- Is Emil Tomas Verner? Did I already ask that?
- Good thing Mickey and Sara didn't end up an ice dancing sibling pair or his obsession would be way worse.
- Poor Yurio.
- Yeah, you mean to tell me whether Victor would stay and keep coaching his damn boyfriend even if he failed to make the GPF didn't come up a single time in three weeks? Hell no.
- lol the organ music that started playing when they saw Yurio of the ever changing hairstyle and length.
- I can't really imagine Yurio playing Eros, because he's got no sex appeal yet.
- Too bad there's not really this much original music in skating. Obligatory music - Carmen, Nessun Dorma, Firebird, Scheherezade, Malaguena, Requiem for a Dream and Amelie were everywhere for a while, Swan Lake, Romeo and Juliet, Phantom of the Opera. There needs to be a moratorium.
- Skaters should only be allowed to kiss the ice if they've just skated a lights-out program for the Olympic/World gold or if they're retiring. Plus that ice is filthy.

Ep 9:

- That katsudon pirozhki looks rad.
- Music from Tron and the Matrix were popular, too.
- Did they let Japanese announcer guy write his own lines? "Four quads, a superhuman feat" sounds like something he would say.
- For a second I thought Yurio was going to be doing eight quadruple jumps in his free program. What's his repertoire of quads? Toe loop, salchow, and...
- Yurio's collar would hit him in the face during his program and the pieces on his boots would get caught. This is not a feasible getup, plus it is ugly. At least his hair looks good.
- It's not unusual for skaters to put their skates in checked bags when they fly to competitions (although I've never had a problem taking them in carry-ons) leading to the occasional crisis if the bags are lost. Competitors have lent them their skates for such times. Heh.
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Old 2016-12-02, 10:47   Link #343
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Originally Posted by Thess View Post
Victor also beat him by 20 or more points in difference. That shows just how good Victor is. He's like the skating god.

I think the problem is that wasn't what the line is meant to be translated, if you're going to take liberties, at least try to make sense in what you translate. It was meant to come off as a marriage proposal in Japanese. So it'd have been better have translated it as: "Viktor... would you stay by my side 'till I retire?" a variation of that which would convey the real intention. If you go to literal, western audiences wouldn't understand Viktor's comment, if you're going to add stuff, at least add stuff that would make sense in how Viktor reacted and commented.
While I agree the way you worded it is certain better based on the context of that scene, my initial point was that the translator not using the translation that zztop suggested was most likely not a mistake on their part, but a choice. Whether it was the right wording choice to convey the fulling meaning of that line is up for debate of course, but I wouldn't call it a mistranslation, at least not in the way zztop seem to be suggesting.
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Old 2016-12-02, 11:15   Link #344
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Maccachin-shaped tissuebox holders will be sold this January. Get one for 3400 yen.
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Old 2016-12-07, 15:36   Link #345
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Episode 10

Wow that ring. I, didn't expect to see that scene at all. Anyways, good breather/build-up episode this week. So hyped for the final few episodes with the competition again.

Also, that ED theme song this week is masterfully crafted!
<img src= border=0 alt= />
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Old 2016-12-07, 15:41   Link #346
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Spoiler for spoiler for 10:

They don't beat around the bush, do they.
Spoiler for spoiler for 10:
Can you hear the calling of the raving wind and water?

Last edited by chi4ko; 2016-12-07 at 17:59. Reason: add content
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Old 2016-12-07, 15:44   Link #347
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Originally Posted by Stark700 View Post
Episode 10

Wow that ring.
So that's what it was about because I heard that wall of scream again. It was louder than Episode 7's.

EDIT: The special ending for Episode 10 is golden. Golden. XD And what we have been seeing was all because of Yuri planting that seed of an idea.

Last edited by leongsh; 2016-12-07 at 16:08.
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Old 2016-12-07, 15:57   Link #348
Maddo Scientisto
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I'd like to point out how amazing the ED sequence was and how cute and beautiful it is that Yuri was the one actually asking Victor to be his coach - he just didn't remember because he was drunk . Adding that touch so casually was a wonderful plot beat IMHO - it makes us re-evaluate the entire show in a different light, and it was a scene coming from what seemed like a throwaway joke during the episode.
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Old 2016-12-07, 16:28   Link #349
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Yeah, the ED sequence was amazing, and turned things on their head. For all the people who asked just why Victor decided to become Yuri's coach, this was the thing that started the ball rolling. The way that was just dropped in as part of a conversation was perfect.

While this week's episode rested heavily on recap - presumably to give the animators time to gear up for the big finish - that ring sequence I think leaves no doubt here.
Liked Yurio escaping from his fangirls too.
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Old 2016-12-07, 17:37   Link #350
BPD Renegade
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Just some quick thoughts: That ED was unexpected and completely fantastic. I thought it was a cute joke at first, but that scene afterwards explains and changes so much of what we've seen.

Other highlights for me were everyone leaving as soon as JJ showed up (started guffawing there) and Phichit's best man toast.

The ring exchange happening in front of the church with bells ringing was pretty reminiscent of a wedding. And we got a lot of insight into Victor, finally.

Also, nice to see what the other skaters are up to:
-Georgi is finally moving on.
-Michele doesn't seem to realize it's Seung-Gil who Sala is after.
-Minami has become the leader of Yuuri's fan club.

Lastly, Chris overload. Someone censor that man!
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Old 2016-12-07, 18:50   Link #351
AS Oji-kun
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Enlarging that frame with the invoice on it shows that Yuri paid about 1,200 Euros for those rings, "on installment." What Barcelona jewelry store is going to let some guy from Japan pay on installment?

More to the point, where did Yuri get that kind of money? He clearly isn't working at other jobs. It seems unlikely he earned enough from his few skating appearances to pay the bills either. At home he can live with his parents, but who is financing the international travel for these guys? Do they get stipends from national skating organizations?
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Old 2016-12-07, 19:58   Link #352
Gravitas Free Zone
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The other question burning up the Internet is "Where did that pole come from?"

Top answer is "Chris just brings it with him everywhere."
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Old 2016-12-07, 20:20   Link #353
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Originally Posted by Gravitas Free Zone View Post
The other question burning up the Internet is "Where did that pole come from?"

Top answer is "Chris just brings it with him everywhere."
He keeps it up his ass.
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Old 2016-12-07, 20:34   Link #354
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Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
Enlarging that frame with the invoice on it shows that Yuri paid about 1,200 Euros for those rings, "on installment." What Barcelona jewelry store is going to let some guy from Japan pay on installment?

More to the point, where did Yuri get that kind of money? He clearly isn't working at other jobs. It seems unlikely he earned enough from his few skating appearances to pay the bills either. At home he can live with his parents, but who is financing the international travel for these guys? Do they get stipends from national skating organizations?
Maybe he has corporate backers. He's Japan's best skater. I can't imagine skaters in real life doing all of this without backers.

Viktor is prob getting some royalties from the Macchin toy.
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Old 2016-12-07, 20:44   Link #355
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Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
Enlarging that frame with the invoice on it shows that Yuri paid about 1,200 Euros for those rings, "on installment." What Barcelona jewelry store is going to let some guy from Japan pay on installment?
Japanese credit cards operate slightly different from what you understand the US/UK credit cards operate. The expectation for Japanese credit cards on repayment is that like a charge card, i.e the full amount of purchase is paid off in the subsequent month. They also have an option for the purchase to be paid on instalment but it has to be specified upfront on purchase for the purchase to be marked as such.
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Old 2016-12-07, 20:47   Link #356
AS Oji-kun
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Originally Posted by leongsh View Post
They also have an option for the purchase to be paid on instalment but it has to be specified upfront on purchase for the purchase to be marked as such.
I see. So the retailer probably gets paid the full amount up front while the credit card issuer has to monitor its customer's installments. My reaction came from the idea that a retailer in Barcelona would somehow have to make sure Yuuri kept up with his monthly installments. It makes more sense if that task is taken on by the credit-card issuer.
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Old 2016-12-07, 20:51   Link #357
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Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
More to the point, where did Yuri get that kind of money? He clearly isn't working at other jobs. It seems unlikely he earned enough from his few skating appearances to pay the bills either. At home he can live with his parents, but who is financing the international travel for these guys? Do they get stipends from national skating organizations?
I personally don't see how money should be an issue in this case. If being that nitpicky, why not instead ask where he got the money to study abroad or to train under coach Celestino? That would cost a lot more than a few hundred Euros. Plus, he's 23 or 24 and paying in installments. A more relevant question would be how could he not be able to cover his expenses at that age? As for the other questions, I think some skating federations pay for their skaters' travel expenses and such, and like orion said, he's one of the top skaters in Japan. It would be strange if he didn't have sponsors.
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Old 2016-12-07, 22:40   Link #358
AS Oji-kun
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i wasn't being nitpicky, just asking what seemed a reasonable question since I know nothing of the world of professional figure skating. I'm guessing they get some money from endorsements; I recall seeing someone, Yuuri I think, wearing an item with a Mizuno logo. Equipment endorsements seem like they would be less lucrative than in sports like golf or skiing.

I know more about professional golf than other sports. When players start out in their careers they usually have private sponsors who pick up the tab in exchange for a share of future earnings on tour. Often these are wealthy local businessmen who may know the prospective player from his spending time at their country clubs. I suppose one might imagine the same process at work in figure skating, though I doubt hanging around rinks would be as lucrative as hanging out at private country clubs.

All that led me to wonder whether there are professional sponsorship organizations that pay people like Yuuri a stipend to develop their talents.

A more relevant question would be how could he not be able to cover his expenses at that age?
I don't understand this question. I could easily imagine him not being able to cover his expenses; many 23-year-olds hardly make enough to pay the rent, much less fly around the world, hire coaches, and the like.

I realize Yamamoto-san is more interested in the glitz and romance and less concerned about the more mundane aspects of being a professional skater. I myself wonder about those things so I asked.
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Old 2016-12-07, 22:52   Link #359
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Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
I realize Yamamoto-san is more interested in the glitz and romance and less concerned about the more mundane aspects of being a professional skater.
She actually did. JJ has a Canadian Tire (well, not really, since they changed the name to Cast Wheels) logo on his jacket. From the Canadian Tire website you can learn that they have something called the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charity which:

Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a nationally registered charity dedicated to removing financial barriers so kids across Canada have the opportunity to get off the sidelines and into the game. Whether it’s the chance to try a sport for the very first time or to continue with a favourite physical activity, Jumpstart makes it possible for all kids to participate. Jumpstart helps kids between the ages of 4 to 18 by assisting with the costs associated with registration, equipment and/or transportation for sports and physical activity programming.
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Old 2016-12-07, 22:52   Link #360
White Manju Bun
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God where do I start?

We get Viktor's narration.
We get the actual reason he came to coach Yuuri
We get Phichit being Phichit
We get an ED for the ages
We got rings.

At this point the GPX is the icing on the wedding cake because I'm floored at how good this anime is every single week.
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when the Doctor was me."
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