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Old 2008-04-19, 10:33   Link #1141
Sleepy Male Claymore
Join Date: Nov 2007
Epic Soul Searching - ???????

In a vast, thick forest, on a tall oak in between the branches and needles peeked out a pointy hat, hooking down with a bell tied to it's tip. Circles of multi colored smoke expanded from a long smoking pipe pointing out perpendicularly.
A coarse voice seemed to be grumbling:

Voice: What in the dry crap gritted heathan's name are you varmints looking at?
Looking to buy something? get lost!

A gas lamp illuminated the dry, oaken bole and an ugly big nose gnome appeared.

Pee Wee: Oh yeah, you're here for my stories aren't you..? Well let us make clear then what you missed with your eye ballin..

Pee Wee the gnome sprinkles special tobacco on the mouth of his pipe and lights it; enhaling, he releases a cloud of mistifying smoke that slowly reshapes the oak and it's surroundings into an open, green valley with a river in the middle. Three people are present - a guy bearing two swords on his back, standing cross armed and watching a girl and another guy fight, in a seemingly friendly display of power.

Pee Wee: Now notice how nicely she cuts his face, leaving him totally surprised..!
Not so friendly now are we..


You see...., You might have thought this girl to be innocent, but is it possible for someone who was given so much power by her appraised diety to be so harmless and good natured. Despite her hot temper she does give off that vibe doesn't she now?

Giving her oath to the diety of Teresa, she gained a potential beyond imagination. Even though physically weak and not excelling in swordsmanship to a point of mastery, she defeated enemies ten times more powerful than her as she plowed through countless obsticles to get close to NSW and his associates. In a deal for exchange of information about his plans regarding the "ultimate goal" she agreed to serve him and executed many various assignments, leading taskforces of middle class warriors to supress rebellious acts in the south.

There was one man who's flow of yoki she couldn't read, whos swift movement's she couldn't predict; after besting her in a duel they became associates, striking their own contracts of agreement. In exchange for not turning him and his group in, he was to side with her in her endevours.


Leader of a small band of rebels that originated from a raid on a small town they chose as their home, by an awakened being that went berserk. Giving his oath to the diety of Deneve, he gained great brute strength, speed and the ability to regenerate among other latent abilities that are still hidden. Amazed by his newfound powers he struck down the firebreathing awakened being and swore to destroy the bastards that dispatch those creatures to kill innocent people under the guise of uncontrollable accidents.

After some time Mikke was captured, having his friends executed one by one in front of his eyes. By miracle he managed to escape NSW's dungeons along with a fellow inmate Hell88. The two gave an oath to each other they will one day meet again and split ways.

Returning to his town, Mikke found it burnt to a crisp and exploded in a furor that led him to his limits for the first time, increasing his strength and speed greatly. Certain and overconfident in his abilities he gathered up some low to middle class warriors and ravaged a camp of NSW followers in the south eastern border; there he met Bishou.


Little is known about his past, aside from him being subjected to immoral experiments conducted deep in the underground labs of those labeled the death bringers by their NSW counterparts. - The NightWish fraction. Having been deemed a questionable product no.88, Hell was released with close observation and lived his life peacefully in the heights of the midlands, travelling and being a mercenary for dimes.

When the order was issued to destroy all awakened and half awakened, Hell was discovered and captured. Being brutally tortured, it didn't take him too long to figure out that he was wished to awaken. Even the puritan lord NSW was interested in him because he sensed there is hidden power in him that is either to be made his, or destroyed..

After meeting Mikke in a dungeon cell, they combined their strength to dig out a tunnel and escape south. Splitting up, Hell lived the next few weeks in fear of being caught. He hid everywhere he went, constantly shifting in disguises and supressing his yoki. A girl named Torren welcomed him in her house and let him stay, but one day he came back and discovered she was gone when the rest of the villagers lay dead from a strange epidemic.

Inraged, he set out to look for Mikke and eventually found him with Bishou, strolling by a river in a valley.


Pee wee smirked and stretched his fingers as the name came up, taking another suction of the smoke.

The man who mysteriously appeared from his home, claiming he was summoned by non other than NSW from another realm to serve his purposes. Doubtfully I see that to be pure fact since he teleported, using his genuine and superior yoki sensitivity yet straight into the jaws of the awakened Chiba. In addition to not remembering what happened beforehand; how he got there and refusing to talk about his past - I might have no choice but to deduce that he's either a dreamer, a lunatic, or a really bad liar.

In any case, his growing power over sensing yoki and yoki tarnsmission which allows him to teleport from virtually any spot to - any spot on a physical plane, has prooven itslef more than useful. Even though his true intentions are probably as clear as his past, which is as transparent as a mirror reflecting your own stupified face when you ask him about it, he's still is a decent fellow and a good friend.

Pee wee: About this next one I will say very little; say I any more and it's off with my head. Hee hee..


Living in the east, infatuated with the "ultimate goal" project led by the midland lords - Shelter was in the center of acticity in his section, regarding the matter. Disclosure of details about it also means my immediete death so.... BE PATIENT! and contribute your own stories to make it all worth while! *wink* Anyway, one day he was paid a visit by dark lord Kai; seemingly an immortal entity that lived longer than the sands of time, holding the power of illusion and fulfilling the bidding of the only one whom he considered above him, lord NightWish. DGK's orders were simple; to keep the eastern section from the "ultimate goal" project by "all" means necessary/

The powerful Shelter faced DGK in battle, but even his ultimate pre emptive yoki skills given by the diety of Teresa, were no match for the dormants' power of illusion wielded by the dark lord. After his defeat, Shelter abandonded his land, his companions and his goals for the sake of more secretive ambitions; living his life in the shadows, staying vigilant and covert in everything he does, Shelter nurtutured newfound skills and abilities as he trained on his lonesome.

It is not clear when he had met Bishou, and how he became her mentor but it seems they go way back anybody can imagine.... Everything else, lies in mystery.

Pee Wee: Satisfied! Now pay up.. Before I turn you into a limp toad! How do you think I fund this joint.. No information comes for free!

Last edited by Mikke; 2008-04-19 at 10:46.
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Old 2008-04-19, 11:53   Link #1142
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canada, but sometimes in La La-Land hanging out with Midori-chan89
Age: 35
Those bios were good Mikke. You should do bios for some of the other characters we have all used so far in E.S.S.
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Old 2008-04-19, 12:26   Link #1143
bitch in the shell...
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: in the dark with the music on...
Age: 34
This was really good. But there have to some of this for the other chars too. Also there might be some interesting stories for Pee Wee to tell on how actually the chars met, like Mikke and Bishou, and I smell a "prison break" like story for Hell and Mikke look into that

*The darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep...*
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting...
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Old 2008-04-19, 14:19   Link #1144
Sleepy Male Claymore
Join Date: Nov 2007
And now for the continuation. Sorry about the joke above.. some things needed to be cleared out.

Epic Soul Searching - A Dark Beginning - Part II

Shelter remained on his knees with mouth wide open with astonishment and fright over what just happened. A troubled look beset by confusion; as if the confidence and knowledge attained by ages of experience were shattered with one piece of the puzzle that didn't fit it's place. Mikke and Wierdo, still exhausted from their fight with the dormants, felt as if a curse had befallen them and that they have been sucked into a whirlpool of misfortune, never to be at peace again.

As Bishou came to her senses, her eyes returned to their normal color along with her skin tone. A keen chest pain and a ringing in the ears coming as a side effect from the mind control now disappeared; if only it wasn't for her mental exhaustion and strain of the nerves she would be easily able to piece what happened together, regardless of how bizzare the turn of events was. Choosing to giving to her tireness she decided to trust herself with the care of her old mentor and fell asleep.

Sometime later, sitting on a rock by the river coast Mikke seemed to have sunk into deep thought, refusing to take a bite of good pork or drink the sweet wine out of Shelters miracle supplies during the night camping.

He couldn't believe Hell would just snap and run off like that to face someone he has no chance of defeating and meet his own awakening without there being sufficient reasoning behind it all. Then again, maybe it was just his time? Hell told Mikke when they were prisoners at NSW's castle high up the balkan mountains, that he was one of many experiments conducted by nightwish back in the days and that his true meaning was to awaken and become a weapon of mass destruction.

The mere thought of that caused Mikke to experience a despair he never thought
was in him.

Shelter: Hey, wasting a good meal is never a good thing ya know..

Shelter put his palm on Mikke's shoulder, trying to show sympathy but the latter showed very little response.

Mikke: I never thought It'd come down to this.. I allways hoped he would have enough will power in him to keep that thing at bay! darnit...

Shelter: I know how you feel.... I've lost more than one comrade to such accidents.... But you know better than I do that Hell probably saught the challange all along, flowing with the wind and never looking back.

Mikke: Yeah, as much as he feared awakening, he couldn't miss a chance to have a good spar. I guess all of us guys are like that in the end.. *chuckles*

Shelter: Yes, well.. Each has to find their own inner balance and enjoy the game while it lasts. But in the end.... We all.....

Mikke: Something else bothered me though. Why did YOU appear all of the sudden? Even though I have enough evidence in my head to believe that Hell was a key figure of the freak show those cloaked clowns were trying to pull, Some how I feel you had a greater role!

Shelter: Ummm.. Errrr.. Well *clears his throat*

Mikke: Secretive as allways, heh.. Don't worry.. Hell was too engulfed by himself and his problems to suspect you but me you won't fool.. I will discover your motives one day.

Extanding a wide grin to match Shelter's, Mikkes's spirit was finally lifted but before he could get up. *BOOM* a ten pound coconut splattered over his head, leaving him in intense pain.

Bishou: Mikke you jerk! You cut my shoulder! Admit it.. it was you wasn't it! You're the only dimwitted swordsman who could ever touch me with a sword!

Mikke: What?! No it was Wierdo I swear!!

Wierdo: Rat! How dare you say it was me?! *throws a banana that sticks right into Mikke's open mouth.

Mikke: Whaa wha whahk whak awwhh!

Running to Bishou by the fireplace, Mikke took off his shirt and shoved his punctured kidney wound right to her face.

Bishou: Bwah!! So?! I wasn't myself back then..! What's your execuse?!

Mikke: GAWHA HAWH GWAH!! *spits out the banana* @$%#$^#$^#$%!!!

Bishou: How dare you!!

Shelter clapped his hands to have everybody's attention; amazingly everyone complied, thought the claps were silent.

Shelter: I would honestly like to keep this party going but we have something very important to discuss, and have to finish it quickly before we go into hiding again.

Mikke: Hiding?

Shelter: As we speak, an elite hunting team led by NSW himself is being dispatched to capture Hell and is heading this way. Unless we want to get sucked into this twister we might as well move out as quick as possible.

Wierdo: (H.. How can tell that when we're so far from the midlands?! Even I can't predict such a thing!)

Shelter: Mikke, you said you knew why Hell was being persecuted.. Do you mind sharing it with the rest of us?


Bishou: Mikke..?

Mikke: *sighs* If I'm not mistaken, Hell is just a guinea pig.. A prototype weapon of mass destruction. And now as his true power is unleashed.. There is only one thing for NightWish to do to make his plans complete..

Wierdo: What the hell.. are you talking about? No way!

Shelter: Just as they can control their minions, the way they controlled Bishou and Enara.. They can get into Hell's mind and control him.. The way.., Kai controlled me..

Bishou: Well.. So what? Hell is tremendously powerful and can destroy whole cities on his own, but it's not like he can't be beaten! Especially if he's being controlled.. Not being able to use your own mind makes you vulnurable!

Mikke: Fools.... What makes you think Hell is the only one?!

Everyone: Huh??

Mikke: There are thousands of them across the land! Sleeping.. concealed in giant test tubes! All it took was to have one of them awaken, and his awakening yoki signature would be like a key to unlock them from their sleep! they will all instantly break out from their prison and asnwer to their master's call!


Shelter: I feared it would come to this.. I allways knew something like this would happen so I kept an eye on the south just in case.. But this time I was too late..

- No! It's not too late, we still have time! - A familiar voice echoed in the darkness. As she stepped into the light of the campfire, her brutally scarred face was visible.

Wierdo: En...

Bishou: Enara! Traitor, I'll kill you! Where were you all this time huh?! I bet you're a red eyed freaking dormant just like....

Shelter: Enough!

Shelter raised his voice, opening his eyes for the first time in aeons, revealing that they are completely black.. Including the eyeballs..

Shelter: Look at her Bishou.. Her scars prove that she resisted them, and it's very unlikely she did it to herself. Besides.... You are....

Enara: There is a way to stop the mass awakening of the monsters.. The raging yoki emmiting from Hell this very moment is automatically alligning itself with the sleeping embryos's yoki but the proccess is like a timer that needs to reach a critical point..! In other words, we still have time to..

Mikke: Kill Hell?! Forget it! You do that!

Bishou: But there is no others choice is there?!

Wierdo: Didn't you say NSW was already out to get him Shelter?

Shelter: Yes, but NSW may not care if countless people will die as a result of a thousand rampaging awakened.. We have no proof that he hasn't such weapons himself! or isn't trying to use Hell to create them!

Enara: at the last moment? He has no time!! If Hell isn't stopped everything will be reduced to ashes!!

Bishou: I say we team up with NSW and stop Hell together.. We might not need to kill him in the end! NSW isn't interested in chaos like NightWish, I did work for him at one point remember!

Mikke: Yeah well that's a relief! and you call ME an idiot!?

Shelter: Be quiet!!

Enara: Please.. We can't afford to lose anymore time, we gotta do something!

Shelter: Alright then.... It is decided, NSW and three of his most powerful elite are coming this way at ful speed.. If we go north west we will eventually run into their yoki and lock on to them.. Just remember, if NSW's plan is indeed to capture Hell rather than kill him, then We will be a burden to him and there is no telling if he won't decide to crush us right then and there..

Bishou: It won't matter to him! Capturing or killing him will take effort, and he is the type to allways accept help when it's needed.. He won't kill us!

Mikke: Tch...

The five braves took off northwest with their hearts set in prayers for the best, yet prepared for the worst.

To be continued.....

Last edited by Mikke; 2008-04-19 at 14:32.
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Old 2008-04-19, 14:43   Link #1145
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canada, but sometimes in La La-Land hanging out with Midori-chan89
Age: 35
The plot is thickening again. I like it.
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Old 2008-04-19, 14:47   Link #1146
bitch in the shell...
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: in the dark with the music on...
Age: 34
Ok, I'll be writing the next part.

*The darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep...*
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting...
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Old 2008-04-19, 15:20   Link #1147
Join Date: Apr 2008
I sound like Luke Skywalker... "THATS IMPOSABLE!"
its random but thats what popped into my head
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Old 2008-04-19, 16:58   Link #1148
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canada, but sometimes in La La-Land hanging out with Midori-chan89
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Tempest35 View Post

Tabatha: *mutters under her breath* Should that even be called a 'talent'...?

Miria: *back at her* It makes her happy and I don't want it used on us ever again.

Cynthia: Besides, she even got you to admit that you have a thing for -

Tabatha: Okay! Okay, I get it. ... Good job Yuma...

Yuma: Thanks a lot Tabby!

Tabatha: Ta-ba-tha! I'm not a cat!! >.< *starts to noogie Yuma* I'm taking your share of the food next time!

Yuma: *whines* Stop that...!

Clare: Miria, your stalker is attacking my stalker.

Miria: Fun~ny.
Decided to add on to this.

Yuma: Clare is better than Miria!

Tabitha: No she's not!

Yuma: Yes she is!

Tabitha: NO SHE'S NOT!


Stare down.

Tabitha: Yeah well... Miria is the fastest!

Yuma: Clare is the strongest!

Tabitha: NAH UH!


Tabitha: Miria can beat anybody!


Tabitha: Yes she can!


Tabitha & Yuma: Grrrrrr

Clare and Miria look at each other.

Clare: Our stalkers are fighting each other again.

Yuma: Oh wait! I know something Clare has that Miria doesn't.

Clare & Miria: ?

Tabitha: What?

Yuma: Clare has a guy!


Clare: *laughing*

Miria: (Damn Clare really does have something I don't!)
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Old 2008-04-19, 17:44   Link #1149
Senior Rider of Bikes
Join Date: Jun 2007
a small aside to that.

Helen: Umm.... isn't Yuma not allowed to use her talent on us ?

Deneve: There are no rules in a stalker fight.
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Old 2008-04-19, 18:34   Link #1150
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canada, but sometimes in La La-Land hanging out with Midori-chan89
Age: 35
Yeah Bikerider your guts were pretty good.... But now I know who's guts it is that was giving me all those problems. ROFL
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Old 2008-04-19, 18:58   Link #1151
Sleepy Male Claymore
Join Date: Nov 2007

Damnit Hell why did you kill biker? such a character is needed..

Here's Shelter btw, or at least the way I see him..

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Old 2008-04-20, 01:38   Link #1152
bitch in the shell...
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: in the dark with the music on...
Age: 34
I knew made him look almost like Xellos, but better though.

btw, I'm still working on the next part, sorry but you'll have to wait a little longer than usual, I'm kind of preoccupied and I don't have much time to write, but 1/3 of it is already finished, but you'll have to wait till I'm done with the whole thing.

*The darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep...*
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting...

Last edited by BishounoTeresa; 2008-04-20 at 08:33.
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Old 2008-04-20, 13:14   Link #1153
Join Date: Apr 2008
omg shelter looks like me ... or at least what i would look like if i was grinning and had gotten around to regrowing my ponytail after it got sliced off by my lack teleporting skill
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Old 2008-04-20, 18:47   Link #1154
Senior Rider of Bikes
Join Date: Jun 2007

Some one will have to attempt a reserection of Bikerider... Or do flashback scenes for him. It's best the despicable creature is dead. Every one would want to kill him.

Nice drawing too.
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Old 2008-04-20, 18:50   Link #1155
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canada, but sometimes in La La-Land hanging out with Midori-chan89
Age: 35

I have an idea, mabye Nightwish could reserect you in some sort of crazy experiment. Mabye Temptest too.... Or we could bring in the dragonballs.
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Old 2008-04-20, 19:14   Link #1156
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canada, but sometimes in La La-Land hanging out with Midori-chan89
Age: 35
(This isn't the actual Dark Beginning story, its what else is going on in the E.S.S. world.)
Epic Soul Searching - Dark Beginning - Side Story

Deep in the swamps of Nightwish's secret layer.

DGK: I have collected all the body parts I could find.

Nightwish: Excellent.... Now go back to the task I already have you working on.

DGK: Yes my master.....

DGK leaves.

Nightwish: Now to bring back some of Nightwish's warriors from the dead to add to my army.

Surrounding Nightwish in his dark lab were thousands of test tubes, needles, and all those other things you would find in an lab.

Nightwish took the body parts from four of what was left of some dead warriors and started to put them back together while adding other body parts kind of like docter frankenstein.

After endless hours of work his new experiments were ready to come back to life. As he flipped a switch the electricity from wires that were hooked up to there bodies started to bring them back to life.

Nightwish: Now rise my new warriors!

The four stood up and spoke to each other.

Temptest: Wow what a dream! Wait where am I?!

Chiba: Hey didn't I eat you?

Isley: Hey wasn't I eaten?

Biker: Yeah what happened?

Nightwish: *evil laughter* I will call you guys the undead four.

Undead four: ?

Nightwish: You work for me now! Not NSW! You will do my bidding.

Temptest: Chiba I will get revenge for when you ate me.

Chiba: Don't count on it.

Isley: Biker do you have all your organs? Because I don't.

Biker: No I don't.

Nightwish: Don't worry you guys won't be needing them because you aren't completly dead or alive.

To be continued...

There Bikerider your alive again.... Well sort of, and Temptest, Chiba, and Isley too.
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Old 2008-04-20, 20:35   Link #1157
Awe of She
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Orlando
Oh wow. lol "Dawn of Claymore Dead"
"Focus entirely on me, you ordinary soldier."
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Old 2008-04-20, 20:53   Link #1158
Awe of She
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Location: Orlando
Originally Posted by Bikerider View Post
a small aside to that.

Helen: Umm.... isn't Yuma not allowed to use her talent on us ?

Deneve: There are no rules in a stalker fight.
Cynthia: This sounds like a game show. How about, "How well does your Stalker know You!"

Helen: XD Good one! The Force is strong with you!

Cynthia: Kuruppo~ ^.^

Yuma: And that's not all, Clare has lots of girlfriends too!

Tabatha: So does Miria!

Yuma: Flora!

Tabatha: Hilda!

Yuma: Jean!!

Tabatha: .... ummm...uh...Ophelia!

Deneve: *makes a buzzing sound while making an 'X' with her arms above her head* No good! Enemies don't count.

Tabatha: ... nooo....

Yuma: Galatea!

Tabatha: Damn Miria, you're boring.

Miria: Well excu~se me! ><

:bows: Sorry to Miria but she's just too cute this way.
"Focus entirely on me, you ordinary soldier."
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Old 2008-04-21, 10:28   Link #1159
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canada, but sometimes in La La-Land hanging out with Midori-chan89
Age: 35
Looks like Yuma wins that contest. GO YUMA!

Tabitha: Miria you have a boring life.

Miria: Yeah yeah.

Cynthia: Hey Yuma how many times has Clare been kissed by a guy?

Yuma: Clare has kissed two different guys.

Clare: *blush* Yeah well....

Tabitha: Well Miria kissed.... Uh well.... MIRIA YOUR BORING I'M STALKING CLARE NOW!

Miria: Finally she's not following me anymore.


Deneve: Why are you looking at me Tabitha? Don't you dare think about stalking me.

Helen: Or me.... Unless you want to look for anything I can eat?

Tabitha: NOOOO! *cries* Miria I'm sorry. Please let me stalk you again.

Miria: *sigh* Fine.

Tabitha: YAY!
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Old 2008-04-21, 11:15   Link #1160
Sleepy Speculator
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Location: Marshland
Clare's stalker problem.

Clare sits writing in her journal...

Dear diary, it appears my stalker problem has got out of hand, i tried ignoring Rubul watching me every time i took a bath, hoping he'd get the hint and leave me alone, so i had to pretend i'd found another, but then that annoying little kid got all clingy, i kinda feel guilty about lying to him, to make him run in the opposite direction, and then it was Jean, with her i won't leave you alone Clare until i have repaid my debt... that really led to some uncomfortable nights... I find out the #3 and #5 have both chased me around the countryside, and Flora invited me to secluded spots away from other claymores... and that was all 7 years ago. I've hid away from human society, like Irene did, but i couldn't get away from the other six survivors, especially damn Yuma. Half of them are just stalking Miria, and Miria's stalking me... even my stalkers have stalkers... This small army is following me everywhere i go, and i just noticed that the coloured hair claymore i saved looks like she's gonna want to follow me as well, and she's got a kid with her... I swear it's like that scene in forest gump where he goes for a run...
Everything i've said up to now is speculation... remember that.

Biki Biki Biki Biki... (raaarrrggghhh!!! i need some coffee!)
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