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Old 2004-04-21, 18:44   Link #81
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no..i didnt mean naruto > kgne.. no way i meant that i was thinking of naruto when i first said 'now i cant stand watching animes that arent as good as kimi' .. haha! im on my quest to make all of my friends watch kimi.. this anime is so good and yea..the part where mitsuki drops her ring into the cup is such a bummer.. but for me it wasnt as sad as the other scenes.. like mitsuki singing the lost cat song =( or any time when mitsuki tries to take care of takayuki and he brushes her off.. *shakes fist at takayuki*

and to bobbyboy what i've been watching now is other anime that are supposed to be really good, but in different genres.. i dont even bother trying to watch more drama-romance animes cuz i already 'know' they wont be as good as kgne :P~ so..ive watched crest of the stars (seikai no monshou), and banner of the stars (seikai no senki).. if you havent seen them yet PM me CotS is super good..
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Old 2004-04-21, 22:09   Link #82
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ya im still on my quest for other animes too. i have 5 narutos that i havne watched but i watched kgne and now i dont feel like watching it also i told my friends that not to tell me ne more anime that is like kgne cuz i said to me no other anime can top it. i was an idoit my friend gave me this anime like 2 months and i was like ya ill watch it later but i was bored so i said ill give it a try and bam i was hooked on finished the anime in 1 day heh sounds a lil obesed but all well u should rahxephon or eva but kimi is much better 1 kimi 2 rahxephon 3 eva
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Old 2004-04-24, 02:39   Link #83
Ambience Blue
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Anyone want a creepy recommendation for post-Kimi blues?

You could always pull the Fumoffu hilarity card, but there's a 2-episode OVA called Mizuiro (avail on fansub of course).

Much of the storyline of Mizuiro is very similar to Kiminozo-- a forgotten promise, the lives of two individuals of a trio which have continued after the disappearance of one. There's even a striking (almost beyond coincidential) situational similarity (which I won't mention for the sake of spoiling) between the two. There was not quite as much drama as Kiminozo, but many of the themes, such as friendship, promises, and saying goodbye were the same. Plus, this OVA ends on a happy, hopeful note (not that I didn't think Kimi ended unhappily).

It's certainly not a tearjerker and has more of a artsy, situational anime feel (think a dried-out Spirited Away), but I thought it was excellent. Many points were so much like Kimi, I swear the producers were trading plot secrets or something. It's highly possible you may not like it, as it's not a soapy drawn-out series, but IMO, it's worth the watch.
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Old 2004-04-24, 05:49   Link #84
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Theres so much to say about this series. Watching this brought out some very powerful emotions a good 85% or the story mad me sad. In episode 2 when i saw what Mitsuki was doing i felt a great dislike for her and then when the end came i plain hated her cause i felt if she didn't interfear it wouldn't have happoned. As it went on for the next few i still hated her and just wanted her to fall off a balcony or something. But later as it shows how torn she was i finally relized that 3 years had gone by you know?. So i was at a loss for words and thoughts. I still liked Haruka more but i disliked Mitsuki less then i did at the start and even though i wish it was Haruka in the end, im still pretty content with how the ending turned out.

Its probably just cause im a writer that my feelings became so strong (Anime usually affects me deeply when it has to do with romance) but still im at a loss for words at how this turned out. The whole story was simply breathtakeing. I wish it could have just been a simple love story cause i do enjoy those more as i am not so emotionaly affected but still im glad i got the chance and took the time to watch every episode (at some points i was about to stop myself from watching more because of the extream saddness of it all).

Im glad i had a chance to say all that even if no one really bothers to read it. oh and this is my 1st post too good way to start eh? ^_^. Somehow i find it hard to belive that im a guy yet something can affect me so greatly and so powerfully (but then again i do enjoy a good action anime hehe) well thats it im done XD.....>.>
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Old 2004-04-25, 14:22   Link #85
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I've had anime affect me emotionally, but none as powerful as KgNE... A friend of mine on Winmx recommended it to me and it took me 2 weeks to get the series... I've never been so hooked in my life.

I'll be honest. I liked Mitsuki from the very beginning(blue eyes and blue hair *sigh*). I never disliked her character. I'm not real big on the "timid" girls like Haruka(sp?) portrayed in the beginning. I guess that's another reason i was drawn into Mitsuki... But anyway, I absolutely loved the trio, and was happy with the ending. I wanted to beat Takayuki to a bloody pulp the way he treated Mitsuki. After everything she did for him. Baka Taka! This now tops my list of Anime...

And most of my favorite are action type! Goes to show how even guys can get drawn into something so dramatic, and painful as this anime was...
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Old 2004-04-26, 00:39   Link #86
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Originally Posted by Ambience Blue
Anyone want a creepy recommendation for post-Kimi blues?

You could always pull the Fumoffu hilarity card, but there's a 2-episode OVA called Mizuiro (avail on fansub of course).

Much of the storyline of Mizuiro is very similar to Kiminozo-- a forgotten promise, the lives of two individuals of a trio which have continued after the disappearance of one. There's even a striking (almost beyond coincidential) situational similarity (which I won't mention for the sake of spoiling) between the two. There was not quite as much drama as Kiminozo, but many of the themes, such as friendship, promises, and saying goodbye were the same. Plus, this OVA ends on a happy, hopeful note (not that I didn't think Kimi ended unhappily).

It's certainly not a tearjerker and has more of a artsy, situational anime feel (think a dried-out Spirited Away), but I thought it was excellent. Many points were so much like Kimi, I swear the producers were trading plot secrets or something. It's highly possible you may not like it, as it's not a soapy drawn-out series, but IMO, it's worth the watch.
I'd agree KNGE is one of the more depressing series out there but it didn't quite hit me.. OK, I agree a few scenes were quite heart wrenching like Haruka getting hit and Akane telling her the truth. At least it didn't make me cry, unlike Saikano.
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Old 2004-04-26, 11:52   Link #87
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I think thats what makes this series so good, the emotions are strong, and you can really identify with the characters.

I also found it very interesting to watch the split between Haruka and Mitsuki supporters. Doesnt seem to be much of a balance, most folks strongly support one or the other. I am kind of curious to see where the percentage split is between Haruka/Mitsuki supporters and what the gender split is there as well. Maybe we should do a poll?
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Old 2004-04-27, 05:16   Link #88
Ambience Blue
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Look around a little. I can't remember the names of them, but there are two threads that I had seen in the past that pertain to your topic. One is a direct poll of ppl's responses. The other is embedded within a different Kimi thread. Basically, if u can find it, it's a big discussion between men and women on how they feel about Mitsuki. If I remember correctly, it covered two whole pages, but showed no real split (there were women/men who went either way). It's out there somewhere.
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Old 2004-06-06, 22:07   Link #89
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the whole series made me feel uneasy. the love triangle and broken friendships. what made me sad the most was the ending song where there is a telescope looking at the sky. It shows how happy they are in the past, but in the present the friendship is no more. I feel sad about that because I can relate to that the most since this is the year where I graduate from school and the friendships I have with friends are going to be gone.
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Old 2004-06-06, 22:37   Link #90
Ambience Blue
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Well, the telescope is in the ED, but teh actual premise of Haruka's story is that they should be together again and be happy. The anime cut it all out so it wasn't so clear, but personally, I thought it was a happy ending. Here's a link to the full translated story: Hope that clears some things up for you.
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Old 2004-06-07, 00:15   Link #91
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Originally Posted by abc1
the whole series made me feel uneasy. the love triangle and broken friendships. what made me sad the most was the ending song where there is a telescope looking at the sky. It shows how happy they are in the past, but in the present the friendship is no more. I feel sad about that because I can relate to that the most since this is the year where I graduate from school and the friendships I have with friends are going to be gone.
The ending credits also clenched me. Or, it used to from about episodes 3-7, after that, I took a break on it for about 18 hours, and when I came back, it didn't bother me so much anymore. Besides that, it's really hard to say. The series is reletively short, so it's hard to pinpoint exact points of emotion, while you start to associate the entire thing with your emotions. But for other "benchmarks" that I remembered getting a lot out of in the series: there's
Spoiler for no. 1:

and there's also
Spoiler for no. 2:

and another:
Spoiler for no. 3:
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Old 2004-06-07, 04:08   Link #92
Blue Dawn
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Ok I'm going to come off as something of an oddball...

KGNE is probably something I've added to my list of top series' in any form of media, and it sits atop all of them.

The emotions I felt for this is probably a bit different than most due to a certain attachment to the story, ok a bit of a backstory from me is needed.

Some almost 9 years ago in about the 9th-10th grade years of my life I was a part of a small, but fairly close-knit group of friends. 7 of us were in this group together, 4 girls and 3 guys...most of us had been friends since early childhood, myself and one of the other girls were the oldest friends of the bunch going back to I'd say 3rd grade (been so long). Anyways, we were all doing things together always, be it just hanging around, studying with one another, or what, we would always do it together. Now, fast-forward about halfway through 10th grade, most of us doing our things, still hanging out together....anyways, Samantha whom is the one I've been friends with since forever was telling me she wanted to do something one night just the two of us, now I'm thinking it's just another one of our little get-togethers and that the other friends were too busy, so I think nothing else of it.

So, she told me that she wanted to talk to me and to meet her at one of our local hang-out points, which basically was nothing more than a parking lot of a fairly-underused K-Mart. So here I am sitting in this parking lot at about 8:30pm when I noticed traffic was getting pretty backed-up, and just out of the blue I noticed why, an accident had just happened. I know most of you reading this are already getting the picture, but my twist doesn't get to follow KGNE's storyline...

Sadly I walked over to this scene to notice that the car involved was that of Samantha's, so in my dazed state I ran over to it and noticed she wasn't inside but next to it. Well, to make a long story short, I had the one friend I had forever profess the feelings she was going to tell me that night just before she died right in front of me.

Anyways, as you can see KGNE hit a bit close to home, however emotional I did get through the series I came to realize how not unlike I am of each of the characters in the series. I had the same grief period that I shut everyone out of my life...I unfortunetly didn't have the luxury of having a friend like Mitsuki, in a way that they were there daily to support me.

I have since only been able to watch the series, in it's entirety, once...but I have felt that it was some sort of therapy for me. I know it sounds corny, but unless you've been in a situation like this some people can never understand what goes on. The basic question of what-if...what if I wanted to know what she wanted earlier in the day, what-if we didn't meet where we were meeting, what-if this, what-if that. I buried all the emotions of that time fairly deep, so deep that I've only told a very, VERY select group of people I know (not including places like this that I've got the anonymous way to do so) about the story outside of the group of friends. I kept it away for a good 8 years after the fact until I watched this series, and there's nothing like a flood of repressed memories and emotions to get the best of you. So now, I've taken this series and turned it into something more than just a form of entertainment, I'm going to use this to help me remember the times I had with her, and to tell others close to me about her.

That's the strength that KGNE gave me, and it's pretty strange to say that I got that from an anime, but it's something. Thanks for reading this, I'll probably go back to lurking around here some more.
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Old 2004-06-07, 09:54   Link #93
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Originally Posted by DarkCntry
Ok I'm going to come off as something of an oddball...

KGNE is probably something I've added to my list of top series' in any form of media, and it sits atop all of them.

The emotions I felt for this is probably a bit different than most due to a certain attachment to the story, ok a bit of a backstory from me is needed.

Some almost 9 years ago in about the 9th-10th grade years of my life I was a part of a small, but fairly close-knit group of friends. 7 of us were in this group together, 4 girls and 3 guys...most of us had been friends since early childhood, myself and one of the other girls were the oldest friends of the bunch going back to I'd say 3rd grade (been so long). Anyways, we were all doing things together always, be it just hanging around, studying with one another, or what, we would always do it together. Now, fast-forward about halfway through 10th grade, most of us doing our things, still hanging out together....anyways, Samantha whom is the one I've been friends with since forever was telling me she wanted to do something one night just the two of us, now I'm thinking it's just another one of our little get-togethers and that the other friends were too busy, so I think nothing else of it.

So, she told me that she wanted to talk to me and to meet her at one of our local hang-out points, which basically was nothing more than a parking lot of a fairly-underused K-Mart. So here I am sitting in this parking lot at about 8:30pm when I noticed traffic was getting pretty backed-up, and just out of the blue I noticed why, an accident had just happened. I know most of you reading this are already getting the picture, but my twist doesn't get to follow KGNE's storyline...

Sadly I walked over to this scene to notice that the car involved was that of Samantha's, so in my dazed state I ran over to it and noticed she wasn't inside but next to it. Well, to make a long story short, I had the one friend I had forever profess the feelings she was going to tell me that night just before she died right in front of me.

Anyways, as you can see KGNE hit a bit close to home, however emotional I did get through the series I came to realize how not unlike I am of each of the characters in the series. I had the same grief period that I shut everyone out of my life...I unfortunetly didn't have the luxury of having a friend like Mitsuki, in a way that they were there daily to support me.

I have since only been able to watch the series, in it's entirety, once...but I have felt that it was some sort of therapy for me. I know it sounds corny, but unless you've been in a situation like this some people can never understand what goes on. The basic question of what-if...what if I wanted to know what she wanted earlier in the day, what-if we didn't meet where we were meeting, what-if this, what-if that. I buried all the emotions of that time fairly deep, so deep that I've only told a very, VERY select group of people I know (not including places like this that I've got the anonymous way to do so) about the story outside of the group of friends. I kept it away for a good 8 years after the fact until I watched this series, and there's nothing like a flood of repressed memories and emotions to get the best of you. So now, I've taken this series and turned it into something more than just a form of entertainment, I'm going to use this to help me remember the times I had with her, and to tell others close to me about her.

That's the strength that KGNE gave me, and it's pretty strange to say that I got that from an anime, but it's something. Thanks for reading this, I'll probably go back to lurking around here some more.
...That's as sad as KGNE!!! I'm really sorry about that, but I do think it's interesting how powerful the show is. You shouldn't feel corny about being healed by an anime, because KGNE's not a normal anime by any means. I think this really speaks well for the series, and really re-enforces the idea that the story is EXTREMELY realistic, and could happen to anyone, any day.
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Old 2004-06-07, 10:46   Link #94
Nee kikoemasuka?
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Well i'm touched with almost every second of the serie. Maybe because i'm just that emotional, cried a lot during the series.

I read the story of DarkCntry and that really is sad
It's good that your feeling better due this serie, cuz you know now it's not good to shut yourself away from everyone, it'll only hurt the one who loves you.

Well, i'm not so good at giving other people advise or tell them what to do (also because english isn't my main language) so i'm not gonna say more before i accidently say stupid things.

Wish you the best
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Old 2004-06-11, 15:23   Link #95
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I think it's hard to judge an anime such as this one.
Since I can't say that I enjoyed the anime, and by that I mean that when I'm enjoying myself I am not sitting around crying.

I watched to episode 8 first with several rough moments that I had to work hard not to act like a crybaby (actually I cried several times during a few moments), but after a few days pause I resumed from ep. 8 to 14, and I didn't feel anything I just thought silently to my self "Baka, Baka, Baka" because Takayuki never spoke his feelings... Felt unrealistic in some way, noone can be that stupid I thought.

Spoiler for But in the last episode:

So this anime is one... no it is THE ONE anime that made me feel like I was a child again, actually grasping my heart and squeezing out all emotions.

And yeah... I know, I'm not normal... In life I never cry due to sad things, because of certain events, but anime or movies in general can really get to me.

Anyway... I hope to see more of these animes in the future, but hopefully they'll be a bit easier on the heart. And oh yeah, I didn't like the ending somewhat, maybe because it's all sad.


So... Sayonara

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Old 2004-06-14, 01:48   Link #96
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I love to read everyone's thoughts about this anime. Personally, when I just visited Animesuki boards, I was browsing through the FMP! board but I noticed KimiNozo had alot more posts, and I was curious what it was. I don't think I need to tell you that the entire series was spoiled for me because of the spoiler filled posts here Still, I don't regret it; what was said here really gripped me, and I went to get Kimi and watched it over a four day span. And I'm glad that I read the spoilers, because I don't think I could've got through this series so... peacefully without them. I'm sure I would've been so troubled and heartbroken it would affect my mental processes for the next week.

My thoughts about Kimi? I thought it was pretty obvious how the story was set up towards Mitsuki. From the start, Takayuki already had feelings for her, but later he developed *genuine* feelings for Haruka. I thought that it was impressive how Haruka wasn't just a flat cardboard character. Although she was shy, she still asserted her feelings. Her reaction of covering her ears while at the tree in the first episode because she was afraid to hear what Takayuki said.. That scene was incredibly realistic to me. It seriously gave her that bit of life that is missing in all animes; this is because I know someone like her. Or perhaps.. knew. I was wholly impressed by this singularly, because the events displayed in Kimi are very realistic.

The slamming of the books on Takayuki's face.. that's exactly what someone might have done; or what I might do myself. I was shocked; because the anime wasn't some retarded mediocre series... it really had a life and story of its own. Everything was impressive; but I wasn't really moved to tears.. I guess it's because I read all the spoilers, so I basically knew what was going to happen Still, it was gripping throughout. I didn't only like Haruka, Mitsuki was close to my heart as well. She was very caring and loving, and I think very well of her. Her pains.. were great indeed. Haruka suffered in some sense, but not as actively as Mitsuki. And Haruka actually is just a complimentary character; she isn't given as much screen time and development as Takayuki and Mitsuki.

The ending scene was brilliantly executed; although I felt there could have been more elaboration. I would have liked to see Takayuki and Mitsuki together, and I don't think Shinji is integral to the ending (but he's probably there to bring a sense of linkage to the final photo).. but having studied literature.. I find Haruka's story beautiful, with its "Yoisho, Yoisho, Yoisho"... the repetitive linking really rounds off the story beautifully. And it ends on a high, calm note... of hope, reconciliation and happiness. I would argue that we REALLY should have seen more of Takayuki and Mitsuki together.. we don't even see their faces in the ending. I *can* somewhat understand the artistic direction of that.. but it gives the sense that the ending is very rushed. I NEED MORE CLOSURE!!!!!!

Finally, commenting on the animation. I thought the quality of the animation was pretty weak.. maybe.. about a 7-8 / 10. It's not always fluid and it's not always beautiful. The events that occur and character behavior are realistic, but there's this lack of... certain... detail, that REALLY convinced me the characters were characters were real (the sometimes awkward animation reminds me its an anime). Music was good, the normal EP was great.. Very romantic, very nostalgic.

I really like both of the lead girls... if I had to choose... hmm.. I'd want both of them! ~. And the nurse! XD.. And Akane!... ALL OF THEM!!! *slurp* But all in all, it was a pretty beautiful story. I liked it very much.. although I won't be watching it anytime soon.. I think it can hurt real bad.

So... what's the moral of the story, boys and girls? Haven't you learnt..? Hmmm?

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Old 2004-06-14, 02:03   Link #97
Blue Dawn
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Originally Posted by arias
Finally, commenting on the animation. I thought the quality of the animation was pretty weak.. maybe.. about a 7-8 / 10. It's not always fluid and it's not always beautiful. The events that occur and character behavior are realistic, but there's this lack of... certain... detail, that REALLY convinced me the characters were characters were real (the sometimes awkward animation reminds me its an anime). Music was good, the normal EP was great.. Very romantic, very nostalgic.
Well, I did find out one thing between what most people have seen in the TV rips and the DVD versions. The DVD has much more fluid and lifelike movements, as they are also more detaied. Yes, for the ecchi otaku, Mitsuki's nipples are drawn in this time.......but that's the least of the changes. Their faces are a lot more refined and they do show more movements when expressing the different emotions. So hopefully that'll help you on the animation aspects

Originally Posted by arias
I really like both of the lead girls... if I had to choose... hmm.. I'd want both of them! ~. And the nurse! XD.. And Akane!... ALL OF THEM!!! *slurp* But all in all, it was a pretty beautiful story. I liked it very much.. although I won't be watching it anytime soon.. I think it can hurt real bad.

So... what's the moral of the story, boys and girls? Haven't you learnt..? Hmmm?

Hehe, I would've thought it was to stalk and be stuck to the significant other like glue But yea, I agree, each character had their own special qualities that did help in contrasting the main group, and I'm glad to see this type of detail used in character development. As for the ending, I think everyone agrees that there could've been a bit more closure, and who knows, we might get that in Akane ManiaX's OVA (doubtful though). At least it did have more closure than a lot of other series' out knew who Takayuki ended up with and what the other did with her life...the pain of being happy is the hardest and they portrayed it nicely.
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Old 2004-06-14, 02:26   Link #98
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Yeah I get what you mean by knowing how it ends pretty clearly. Some anime like Video Girl Ai are far too ambiguous for my liking. Still, I think that it could have been executed more perfectly. It was the ripe moment to really pull the heartstrings of the viewer and sum up the series beautifully. It did achieve that somewhat with Haruka's beautiful story, but don't you think it really could have been much more? It's that "could have been more" that I'm trying to protest here.. I'm not always dissatisfied with anime; most Ghibli movies I watched are almost perfect to me. Kiminozo just.. could have been that much more!

Hmm.. Sounds like the DVD version is a big difference ;D I'm not sure whether I'd invest in it though. It's quite a painful experience ;__; I'm quite a sensitive person :|

Still, although I feel a little troubled after watching this anime (it lifted into the hopeful ending too briskly to alleviate my miseries).. It's an experience I don't regret Ahhh... I feel... like.. I want more of Kimi..!!
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Old 2004-06-14, 21:25   Link #99
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Did anyone notice this little thing.. Where the beginning episode was Haruka accepting the pains to "start again" with Takayuki, and the end was Mitsuki rejecting the pains.. It's a thin line to draw a difference, but I was just wondering about it..

I just kept thinking about Kimi today .. Hope to read more of you guys' thoughts and insights in this thread.
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Old 2004-06-15, 03:22   Link #100
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Rejecting the pains? I don't think I agree - she rejected going back to the old life, in the crampy apartment, with a noncommital Takayuki. Which I can definitely understand.

She was breaking down in tears giving in when Takayuki finally promised - in a believable way - that this is not his intention, and that he wants to move on and build something new, something serious.
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