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Old 2010-07-08, 13:49   Link #5621
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Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
Jumping on the Incredibly Lame Pun bandwagon: I like my women like I like my coffee--cold, creamy-white and bitter. (I drink unsweetened iced coffee with half-and-half like a fish.)
Continuing the Incredibly Lame Pun bandwagon....

If it's cold, creamy-white and bitter, I'll still take it, just put add sugar in it.

Overall, I'm not good with relationship, since I drink black coffee, black and bitter just like my heart.

I been enjoy reading these humorous replies, some helpful. I see this thread is growing pretty fast. Hope it continue so I can post more lame puns.
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Old 2010-07-08, 14:39   Link #5622
Fuyu no Sora
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Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
I thought that was pretty obvious that it went without saying, heh. Obviously, yeah. Things do take time to develop, but I go into each relationship knowing that if it's ultimately going to work, it's going to take sacrifice and compromise. Obviously, if the other person has no intention of doing any sort of sacrifice or compromise, they aren't gonna find a long-lasting relationship, either.

Amorphous? Society has pretty much been able to assign proper guilt and responsibility in various forms. In any encounter, there is a certain amount of guilt and responsibility to distribute; rarely is it the fault of one person alone. So I make it a point to be honest with myself, so I know what is and what is not my fault. Unfortunately, I've found people will generally *not* want to take much, if any, responsibility. So it pretty much becomes: "It's mostly his fault! He did all these things for me, listened to me, gave me advice and cheered me up, and only wanted my friendship, and that made me feel guilty! Damn him for making me feel guilty; I shouldn't owe him anything, least of all friendship!"

So yeah.

As for the latter point, you'll need to restate more clearly, as it's a bit unclear. What do you feel I should be focusing on?
Okay, seriously? It's getting more than just annoying to see you always bitch about how you were abandoned, how women don't know what they have and value your fiendship, boo-hoo, poor, poor you. It's more than a drag, and frankly it's boring as hell. Why don't you find a new topic to talk about?

Your "new toy" theory is also not only dumb, but is based far too much on your own jaded view of things. Stop making indirect jabs at people, and if you have something to say, then say it to that person's face instead of only making comments here and there while trying to "help" or "give advice" to other people. You'll poison them.
"You wanted to say that, but you didn't have enough common sense."
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Old 2010-07-08, 15:07   Link #5623
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Originally Posted by Ricky Controversy View Post
What I meant when saying guilt is amorphous was an extension of the 'people don't always understand their feelings' point. Situations arise where people can feel guilt without knowing whence it comes from, and dealing with it becomes harder under those circumstances. Additionally, people are just as likely to lay blame on another party because they don't actually understand the situation as they are to understand the situation and shirk responsibility.
That is true; but the only solution to ignorance is education. And if a person doesn't want to be educated, well, then I suppose there's nothing I can.

But then again, part of the reason I dislike humanity is due to ignorance and stupidity in general. Perhaps that's the way people are, but there are also those who do choose to figure things out.

So, if a lack of self-knowledge is part of the blame-game--and personally, I think lack of self-knowledge is as often the root of personality problems as anything else--what I am suggesting is that you weigh that in your relationships going forward. You're concerned an awful lot with others being responsible for their actions, and that's good. But a person with a responsible nature can still end up causing the sorts of blame problems you're describing just because they don't understand themselves fully, and thus can't identify their own responsibility in a situation.
It's possible, but what we're dealing here is essentially meaningless in generic terms you're trying to drag it too. Someone can throw up their arms and say, "Yeah, a fish can swim up, down, left or right, and it's possible it can go any other direction so what's the issue?" But that only works if ignore the shark above it and the wall to the left. Reality is reality, regardless of what we would like to believe.

Just don't be too quick to pin an ensuing blame issue on unwillingness. They simply may not know their responsibility.
There was a time when none of us knew much, but we learned because people taught us. Of course, we have to be willing to learn as well. Or let those we care about stumble through ignorance and never make right what was made wrong. If you really care about someone, would you try to educate them? Or let them continue to stumble around? I suppose it's a personal choice, but I prefer the latter, even if they end up hating me for it. Same way I'd take the keys away from a drunk friend.

And, of course, it's always worth double-checking yourself on this issue. Even if you have the willingness to acknowledge your faults/responsibilities, just how deeply do you question yourself and your actions? A second look at the self can be quite helpful.
Heh, I spend a lot of time in meditation each day. Introspection was a valuable tool I learned long ago, to question myself constantly, looking at things from all angles. And so I go forth the best I know at the moment, unless new information presents itself. I know there are things I did wrong, mistakes I made, and I apologized several times for them. But I also know everybody does, and one of the things I value is a willingness to accept the mistakes a friend makes.

Originally Posted by Fuyu no Sora View Post
Okay, seriously? It's getting more than just annoying to see you always bitch about how you were abandoned, how women don't know what they have and value your fiendship, boo-hoo, poor, poor you. It's more than a drag, and frankly it's boring as hell. Why don't you find a new topic to talk about?

Your "new toy" theory is also not only dumb, but is based far too much on your own jaded view of things. Stop making indirect jabs at people, and if you have something to say, then say it to that person's face instead of only making comments here and there while trying to "help" or "give advice" to other people. You'll poison them.
You sound like you have some issues of your own, and I can probably hazard a guess where they are coming from, but won't go into it. Suffice it to say, a lot of people probably like to feel something is about them, when the truth is I've met many people over the years, so most of my thoughts come about from many things. As always, I tend to speak more generally unless pressed for specifics, as my experiences accompany a wide range of people.

Also, sometimes I tend to speak for other people who have gone through the same; and I seem to be discovering more and more of those as time goes by.

At any rate, this thread is about people sharing life experiences, thoughts, and feelings. People are free to listen or not. Personally, I've generally tried to make it a point not to talk to people who didn't want to talk to me. Though I am amused at those who tell me that don't plan to listen to anything else I say, and yet still feel the need to share their unique thoughts, anyway.
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Old 2010-07-08, 15:13   Link #5624
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Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
Though I am amused at those who tell me that don't plan to listen to anything else I say, and yet still feel the need to share their unique thoughts, anyway.
And yet, when people ask you about your opinion on things, you seem to consistently sidestep what they say and simply respond to the questions they ask with questions of your own that resolve nothing. But, eh, it works as a good strategy for avoiding debates, I guess.

EDIT: To keep this thread on track, just a general question for all: What was the funniest moment you ever had a date, with anyone?

For me, I think mine would be when I went to see The Last Airbender with my boyfriend and spent the whole movie nerd-raging into his ear and making him laugh at how huffy and annoyed I was.
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Old 2010-07-08, 15:22   Link #5625
blinded by blood
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I don't know what the hell happened to you to give you such a warped view on how women work, Kaijo, and I'm not sure I want to know.
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Old 2010-07-08, 15:40   Link #5626
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Originally Posted by RadiantBeam View Post
And yet, when people ask you about your opinion on things, you seem to consistently sidestep what they say and simply respond to the questions they ask with questions of your own that resolve nothing. But, eh, it works as a good strategy for avoiding debates, I guess.
Quoted for truth.

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Old 2010-07-08, 15:53   Link #5627
Honyaku no Hime
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Looks like another 'Asuki dating thread world' vs Kaijo' battle going on and this time, he didn't toss in anything too crazy to set people off.
So what's the general deal here? *looks at syn, RB, Ricky and Fuyu*

Tired of pessimism and cynicism?
(True, after so long, it can begin to grate and drag an a person's emotions)
Tired of Kaijo stating this views and thoughts on the world, based on experiences of his own?
(just like we all do, we can't live each others lives)
Tired of him analysing relationships, emotions or feelings with such clincial, scientific precison?
(hey, we all can't be hippies)

Understandably we can't get on with everyone on this board or in the world, but despite past run ins with each other, shouldn't we sometimes check ourselves to see if we have this subconscious 'dislike' towards a person that comes through our posts to that person without realising it?
(Ie, in your tones and the way you direct your posts to the person in qestion rather to the topic at hand)
Personally, I'm not too chuffed about the +1, +2 thing, if you were on the receiving end of that, it'd not feel nice.
(Though knowing Kaijo, he'd probably shrug it off and add it to his 'I hate humanity' tally)

And to tie it into relationships, should many years down the line, your partner experiences a major trauma in life (or an accident occured that disabled their body or whatnot) and they were 'no longer the same person', but sadly filled with remorse, hate, cynicism and so on, how long could you tolerate supporting them, trying to help them heal before you feel like you should step out or break away.
If the relationship just became emotionally abusive, would you stick with it simply cause you knew that they are a good person (save the 'incident')
Or would the bitterness just be too much, when a person cannot let go and you'd end the relationship?

In otherwords, I wonder (alike now with Kaijo) where everyone's tolerance and limits lie when it'd come to their loved ones.
It definitely is a 'when push comes to shove' moment, it's very difficult to specualte on, on theory alone but I guess one could self analyse how far their patience lasts.

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. - Van Wilder
"If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'." - Carlos Mencia
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:12   Link #5628
blinded by blood
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I do not need to check myself and it has nothing to do with a subconscious dislike. It has to do with a very conscious need to call people on their bullshit.

When people start miring themselves in self-pity, enabling them is not the answer.
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:12   Link #5629
Ricky Controversy
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Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
Looks like another 'Asuki dating thread world' vs Kaijo' battle going on and this time, he didn't toss in anything too crazy to set people off.
So what's the general deal here? *looks at syn, RB, Ricky and Fuyu*
Now, now. I disagree with Kaijo often, but if you look at what was being exchanged recently, we weren't really having a disagreement this time. It was more like brainstorming.

Tired of him analysing relationships, emotions or feelings with such clincial, scientific precison?
(hey, we all can't be hippies)
This, however, is another matter. What causes me to lose patience at times is that he speaks as if he holds a monopoly on logic. Yet, precious little from him actually constitutes formally sturdy logic. It is subjective, internal logic. That's fine, and most people aren't going to hold relationship discussions up to scientific rigor, but as someone with years of formal training as a logician, I feel a tad irked when 'logic' is bandied about so recklessly as a catch-all to mean 'I am right'.

Now, I give the benefit of the doubt that this is not his intent, but it is nevertheless the way he presents himself, and I believe people are growing tired of said pretension.

And to tie it into relationships, should many years down the line, your partner experiences a major trauma in life (or an accident occured that disabled their body or whatnot) and they were 'no longer the same person', but sadly filled with remorse, hate, cynicism and so on, how long could you tolerate supporting them, trying to help them heal before you feel like you should step out or break away.
As a general rule, I say that the point at which a relationship should end is when either it loses meaning to you, or it detracts from your basic ability to function. What you're describing would probably lead to the latter first. Sticking around to help someone that is looking to you for support--a safe assumption in a lasting relationship--is certainly a good thing, but how long one can do that depends on the degree of difficulty of the situation, and the patience and strength of the helping party. If you duck out as soon as it gets rough, then you never should have been there to begin with. Conversely, if you're still hanging on when the only feelings you have left for a person are sadness and longing, you've probably become too dependent on them.

Last edited by Ricky Controversy; 2010-07-08 at 16:41.
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:17   Link #5630
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Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
And to tie it into relationships, should many years down the line, your partner experiences a major trauma in life (or an accident occured that disabled their body or whatnot) and they were 'no longer the same person', but sadly filled with remorse, hate, cynicism and so on, how long could you tolerate supporting them, trying to help them heal before you feel like you should step out or break away.
If the relationship just became emotionally abusive, would you stick with it simply cause you knew that they are a good person (save the 'incident')
Or would the bitterness just be too much, when a person cannot let go and you'd end the relationship?
I have actually been in this situation....
2001 was a very difficult year for my hubby (and me/the kids by extension); his father lost his battle with lung cancer, and he had to assist his mother with that, as he was the executor.. later, his company shut their entire building down, letting go a couple hundred people, and he was unable to find a new job for a while. Then, 9-11 happened, and as my husband had served in the military, etc, it affected him perhaps stronger than it did others. The fact that we spent the day worrying about friends who worked in the Pentagon didn't help.
He slipped into a severe depression, and stopped looking for a job, entirely. I ended up working 2 jobs (by day, an admin asst by night a waitress, sleep 4 hours rinse repeat for a few months), and ignoring my please/subtle and not so subtle suggestions to see a counselor. he pulled away enough that he all but totally ignored the kids and I, and eventually, at a loss as to anything else to do, decided it wasn't healthy for my kids to be ignored, etc, and spoke to a lawyer, and drew up separation papers. Mind you this was an ongoing thing for almost a year... it was affecting my kids pretty badly, I HAD to work the 2 jobs and they were left w/ a father who fed/bathed/clothed them but that was about it.
The night I presented him w/ the papers, he asked what it was about and I told him, it FINALLY got through to him that while we understood/supported him in his grief, it had gone too far and was destroying his family, his bond w/ his kids, and in the end, himself. It took him less than a month to start working again, and me to quit my 2nd job, and then all was well.

That was before our communication was what it is now, obviously...

EDIT: I realized I didn't actually answer the question. I gave my hubby nearly a year of continued "neglect" of me & the cubs, until it got to the point where I felt better when we weren't around him. That's when I visited the lawyer and decided to try to make it a clean break. I just lucked out in that it inspired him to stop moping
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Last edited by cheyannew; 2010-07-08 at 17:17.
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:34   Link #5631
Honyaku no Hime
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Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
I do not need to check myself and it has nothing to do with a subconscious dislike. It has to do with a very conscious need to call people on their bullshit.

When people start miring themselves in self-pity, enabling them is not the answer.
No one really enbaled him or is supporting it, but from the numerous debates and posts that Kaijo has written he has given background and reason for it to the point where you can take a pinch of salt or ignore it.
"Calling on it" (depends how you do so) also when someone is emotionally trapped in a vicious cycle doesn't necesarilly pull them out or improve things, especially when we've all called on it over the last few months.
I find that a fine line to tread on actually.
Verbally bitchslapping a person where they 'logically' know their faults but cannot 'emotionally' work past them and thus, the frustration just sends them into a deeper self pity mode, or playing the 'gentle gentle' game to slowly coax them to recovery.
Guess methods vary for each culture or person.

This isn't anything new.
Originally Posted by Ricky Controversy View Post
Now, I give the benefit of the doubt that this is not his intent, but it is nevertheless the way he presents himself, and I believe people are growing tired of said pretension.

As a general rule, I say that the point at which a relationship should end is when either it loses meaning to you, or it detracts from your basic ability to function. What you're describing would probably lead to the latter first. Sticking around to help someone that is looking to you for support--a safe assumption in a lasting relationship--is certainly a good thing, but how long one can do that depends on the degree of difficulty of the situation, and the patience and strength of the helping party. If you duck out as soon as it gets rough, then you never should have been there to begin with. Conversely, if you're still hanging on when the only feelings you have left for a person are sadness and longing, you've probably become too dependent on them.
*pokes Ricky*
Wait wait, isn't this a "generic" answer, rather than a personal one related to how you feel or what you may do (alike Chey's, although hers is from actual epxerience).
More curious on people's responses based on themselves, even if it's hypothetical.
The human element is kinda nice ^^

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. - Van Wilder
"If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'." - Carlos Mencia
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:35   Link #5632
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Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
More curious on people's responses based on themselves, even if it's hypothetical.
The human element is kinda nice ^^
Well, I have an experience, but it's something I'm hesitant to post here because it happened with my best friend and not with anyone I was dating. ^^;;;;; So I don't think it would belong here.
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:41   Link #5633
Ricky Controversy
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Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
*pokes Ricky*
Wait wait, isn't this a "generic" answer, rather than a personal one related to how you feel or what you may do (alike Chey's, although hers is from actual epxerience).
More curious on people's responses based on themselves, even if it's hypothetical.
The human element is kinda nice ^^
Ah, sorry if that wasn't clear. I started it off with:

As a general rule, I say...
by which I meant that usually, I would act according to what I described. XD I clarified that it was general because under certain extremes, I have and might again act differently. In situations where a person's life has been on the line in some way, I have endured drastically more abuse than I'd be willing to otherwise.

Also, to answer this:

To keep this thread on track, just a general question for all: What was the funniest moment you ever had on a date, with anyone?
It's tied between two things. First: any of the times a helicopter passed by while I was on a date with Radiant. Because she's the first person I've dated that I have also told about my weakness to the word 'helicopter'--when said aloud, it makes me laugh quite wildly. Second: I once helped a girlfriend pick out cute clothes in one higher-end store or another, and I was so proactive about it that one of the women who worked there said "It's so great to have a gay friend for this sort of thing, isn't it?" to her and walked away. We died laughing after we left the store.
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:42   Link #5634
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Originally Posted by RadiantBeam View Post
And yet, when people ask you about your opinion on things, you seem to consistently sidestep what they say and simply respond to the questions they ask with questions of your own that resolve nothing. But, eh, it works as a good strategy for avoiding debates, I guess.
Never avoided debates before, and indeed, for any that go off a forum a topic, I always invite people to PM or VM me, or start a new topic. Sadly, I've yet to run into many who would. Most people seem to run or make excuses for things.

Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
Looks like another 'Asuki dating thread world' vs Kaijo' battle going on and this time, he didn't toss in anything too crazy to set people off.
I'm used to it. =) I try to tell people I'm different, and they generally don't want to accept that. Humans have a natural tendency to not like differences, though. If they feel I've sidestepped a question, they are free to ask, but when it is "group vs. Kaijo" I get a lot of people tossing things at me, so it's hard sometimes to get to everything.

Tired of Kaijo stating this views and thoughts on the world, based on experiences of his own?
(just like we all do, we can't live each others lives)
You hit a nail on the head here. Apparently, only other people are allowed to share their thoughts. Certain people aren't. :P Thereby proving me correct about humanity, but, eh, sometimes I'd love to be proven wrong about things.

Understandably we can't get on with everyone on this board or in the world, but despite past run ins with each other, shouldn't we sometimes check ourselves to see if we have this subconscious 'dislike' towards a person that comes through our posts to that person without realising it?
(Ie, in your tones and the way you direct your posts to the person in qestion rather to the topic at hand)
Personally, I'm not too chuffed about the +1, +2 thing, if you were on the receiving end of that, it'd not feel nice.
(Though knowing Kaijo, he'd probably shrug it off and add it to his 'I hate humanity' tally)
Haha, you're getting to know me. Apparently, if I offer up a general trend I've noticed, that's not anyone in specific, there are people who feel it hits too close to home and thus feel compelled to speak up because it makes them angry? Just a hypothesis. I generally don't direct things at anyone in specific, just general behaviors I've noted from quite a few people in my past.

And to tie it into relationships, should many years down the line, your partner experiences a major trauma in life (or an accident occured that disabled their body or whatnot) and they were 'no longer the same person', but sadly filled with remorse, hate, cynicism and so on, how long could you tolerate supporting them, trying to help them heal before you feel like you should step out or break away.
If the relationship just became emotionally abusive, would you stick with it simply cause you knew that they are a good person (save the 'incident')
Or would the bitterness just be too much, when a person cannot let go and you'd end the relationship?
It's hard to say. I've known some people who ended up changing down the road, but as I've said before, I've yet to abandon someone who I called friend, or something more. Maybe it would get too much, maybe it wouldn't, but so far I've managed to weather practically every personality without dropping anyone.

Hell, if I was the type to give up easily I wouldn't still be here.

Originally Posted by Ricky Controversy View Post
Now, now. I disagree with Kaijo often, but if you look at what was being exchanged recently, we weren't really having a disagreement this time. It was more like brainstorming.
And I disagree with Ricky often, but yeah, didn't see it coming. Then again, who can say what will set someone off?

This, however, is another matter. What causes me to lose patience at times is that he speaks as if he holds a monopoly on logic. Yet, precious little from him actually constitutes formally sturdy logic. It is subjective, internal logic. That's fine, and most people aren't going to hold relationship discussions up to scientific rigor, but as someone with years of formal training as a logician, I feel a tad irked when 'logic' is bandied about so recklessly as a catch-all to mean 'I am right'.
I could say that I find people don't use logic, and let their emotions interfere with their reasoning, but then again, that wouldn't be logical because it would be a blanket statement to apply to someone.

Now, I give the benefit of the doubt that this is not his intent, but it is nevertheless the way he presents himself, and I believe people are growing tired of said pretension.
Told ya I was different. :P As I've told people like Mystique, people and I generally don't get along because I'm different, heh. No one is better or worse, but people generally don't having someone too different around. I'm sure everyone has things about them that they'd like others to accept, and not shun them for.

Our brains are wired the way they are, and that goes for more than just gay, straight or bisexual.

But perhaps we really can't accept things that are too different, after all? Honest question: how different a person are you willing to accept? Not for just a close friend, but people you can be around? Acquaintances, co-workers, carpool mates, etc. Or do you agree there are certain people who should just go away because they are too different?
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:46   Link #5635
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Mama Mystique keeps an eye on the children!

Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
And to tie it into relationships, should many years down the line, your partner experiences a major trauma in life (or an accident occured that disabled their body or whatnot) and they were 'no longer the same person', but sadly filled with remorse, hate, cynicism and so on, how long could you tolerate supporting them, trying to help them heal before you feel like you should step out or break away.
If the relationship just became emotionally abusive, would you stick with it simply cause you knew that they are a good person (save the 'incident')
Or would the bitterness just be too much, when a person cannot let go and you'd end the relationship?

In otherwords, I wonder (alike now with Kaijo) where everyone's tolerance and limits lie when it'd come to their loved ones.
It definitely is a 'when push comes to shove' moment, it's very difficult to specualte on, on theory alone but I guess one could self analyse how far their patience lasts.
I have no idea.
My endurance is rather high when it comes to loved ones. I'm not generally very sensitive but if it's about the people I love I become very protective and/or an emotional mess. Their pain becomes mine tenfold, specially when I know the cause for their odd behaviour.

Judging from how I handled past situations, I think I would stick with my man until I have to realize there is no chance anymore and it does me more bad than good. I'm a very stubborn and loyal person so I'll stay on the ship until it's almost sunk. It doesn't do me good, but I rather try than feel remorse later and I can't change who I am.
Who knows if I'm the only he has or can count on, I'll stick around, even when the boat already hit the bottom.
Also hope is the last one to die, so I would try to get him on his feet again, whatever it takes. Or until I break.

Since I haven't been challenged with something extremely tragic happening to my partner ever (thank god), I'm only judging from hard times with other loved ones, so bear with me.

@cheyannew, wow, I'm glad it all ended well :/ Must have been incredible hard
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:52   Link #5636
Honyaku no Hime
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In sort since I'm running late now.
There's "different" Kaijo and then there's 'pessimism', 'cynicism' and cold objectivity when in a thread like this 'dating, relationships, the human element', 'matters of the heart', it just serves to irk, grate and annoy after months and months of it.

If this was a physics thread, your 'difference' would probably be 'common' and thus tolerated a hell of a lot better, but in here as you can tell from the general tone, its more warm, light hearted and fuzzy.
If one person tosses in a cynic comment, let them speak but don't be so quick to go 'amen to that, I know how you feel man! I had this event' etc etc.

Most of us that frequent this thread already know, rather try to offer positive alternatives or check out the situation of 'what went wrong' rather than a 'see!! Humanity and people are just uuugh!'

We're all part of society and humanity that we claim to hate, we're not that 'different'

Zebra, that's Mystique-neesan to you!
Chey's the real mama here

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. - Van Wilder
"If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'." - Carlos Mencia
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Old 2010-07-08, 16:58   Link #5637
Ricky Controversy
Frandle & Nightbag
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Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
And I disagree with Ricky often, but yeah, didn't see it coming. Then again, who can say what will set someone off?
I don't even know what to make of this statement. Could you clarify? It doesn't seem terribly pertinent, but maybe and is and I just don't get it.

I could say that I find people don't use logic, and let their emotions interfere with their reasoning, but then again, that wouldn't be logical because it would be a blanket statement to apply to someone.
Ah, but you do the same as well at times, do you not? We all do, and it's not anything to be ashamed of.

Told ya I was different. :P As I've told people like Mystique, people and I generally don't get along because I'm different, heh. No one is better or worse, but people generally don't having someone too different around. I'm sure everyone has things about them that they'd like others to accept, and not shun them for.
I don't understand where this comes from, though. People like yourself are quite common, and it's not really surprising. It's easy to have a strong reaction to the feeling that many things in life don't seem reasonable, and most of us will go through a phase of accepting and learning to cope with it throughout our lives. But it doesn't make you any kind of outcast, so you don't need to worry about that. I accept you completely, but can you accept that I'm hard on you because I've been through what you're going through right now? I just want to see you come out the other side a little stronger, rather than being preoccupied with your sense of being 'different'.

But perhaps we really can't accept things that are too different, after all? Honest question: how different a person are you willing to accept? Not for just a close friend, but people you can be around? Acquaintances, co-workers, carpool mates, etc. Or do you agree there are certain people who should just go away because they are too different?
I'd be interested to hear the responses of others, but in any situation I personally welcome difference. But that's not really at issue here, because you're a pretty normal person. Please, if any of your low view of humanity is based on the feeling of being an exile, try to get over that, because there's nothing about you that separates you from the company of your fellow human. You are just like everyone else!

In truth, all this actually makes for a good dating question. How important do you think it is in a relationship that partners share their view of humanity? Should partners balance each other out? Agree with one another? Are certain views of humanity inherently helpful or harmful to relationships? Perhaps a complex set of questions, but one worth asking.
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Old 2010-07-08, 17:21   Link #5638
blinded by blood
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Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
But perhaps we really can't accept things that are too different, after all? Honest question: how different a person are you willing to accept? Not for just a close friend, but people you can be around? Acquaintances, co-workers, carpool mates, etc. Or do you agree there are certain people who should just go away because they are too different?
I accept anyone who doesn't piss me off, and a lot of people who do piss me off. I'm pretty tolerant, all things considered.
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Old 2010-07-08, 17:23   Link #5639
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Age: 29
Just a pointer to you guys, Is this even about dating anymore? :P
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Old 2010-07-08, 17:24   Link #5640
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Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
Zebra, that's Mystique-neesan to you!
Chey's the real mama here

I'm sorry! v_v Bad zebra! D: Forgive me, Mystique-sama!
You just gave off these maternal vibes, is all xD

You know, everyone is different. But we are all human, with the same needs and feelings. And someone, somewhere is always more crazy than you and will be able to understand you.
Our opinions are different, our experiences are different.
I actually think that is the beauty of our world. The many types of people, the different opinions and the resulting (civil) discussions. And yet, underneath it all we're still the same.

But I really don't think, that 'being different' automaticly results in not getting along with others. That's being socially awkward or incapable.

The only people I truly can't tolerate are people with a miserable character (aka assholes). And even then I'm still polite. I'm such a nice person

Has anyone of you ever been together with a polar opposite?
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