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View Poll Results: Claymore - Chapter 107 rating
Perfect 10 21 14.89%
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7 out of 10 : Good 20 14.18%
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Old 2010-09-04, 17:31   Link #961
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....and like Gooral said,she should have attacked during the night......or maybe she feared that if she losed time A&B could return.......

Out of topic:Sigh,99% of the times i see a post that i like and i want to give rep.... i have to spread rep!
Dammit!Not again!
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Old 2010-09-04, 17:37   Link #962
The Burned Man walks!
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Originally Posted by matsunaga_hisahide View Post
A strong emotional side =/= charging into battle trying to overpower everyone.

Seems you got that wrong.
Not trying. Doing it, until she hesitated about killing the twins. And as I have explained before on this thread, the emotional side comes to play when she has to face a critical decision: kill or not to kill. Before that, her 'crazy battle plan' was running quite well. I've already explained why I think her idea of attacking the Org headquarters wasn't crazy nor dumb.

And itīs funny how people make fun of people who care about something they are interested in.
I'm not making fun of anyone, just pointing out how funny can be some evident contradictions.

You said it yourself. Aftermath. After losing a lot of comrades. And blaming herself. Yes.

Iīm not talking about that, dear Sir or Madam, I was talking about the fact that she just walks "in" there, thinking sheīs ready to take them on alone. Seriously?
Without a backup plan? With all that experience she has and the things she learned about them?

Miria is a deep character and yes, she has a an emotional side, but this has nothing to do with a calm pre-battle plan. She allways had one. She even came up with one in the most desperate situation.

And thatīs her plan this time? Say Hi and then slay everyone?
She didn't 'walk in there'. Read again chapter 106 if you need to. She attacked with speed and precision when the garrison of the base was evidently weakened (Alicia & Beth dispatched somewhere else), with nš4 in Rabona and knowing nš3 and nš5 were far far weaker than her. The fact that Miria got killed doesn't make her plan 'stupid' or 'crazy' by default. She saw an opportunity (a very good one, and it's highly unlikely she would got another one like that) and jumped on it... she failed cuz she just got emotional, she hesitated, in the worst possible moment.

Next, what was that about not killing other Claymores? Sheīs up against the Org. What did she think sheīd be fighting against? Stormtroopers? Hollows? Carebears?

Of course sheīd have to face other Claymores, she had to face some before allready. And now, during the most dire situation, she suddenly thinks what to do with them? Really?

Maybe everyone is right, itīs good she died, donīt want to know what she mightīve turned into if this went on.

From strong confident experienced intelligent but still caring and emotional Phantom Miria, to overconfident naive dumb oversentimental wreck? Great development and plot twist.
I don't see any 'overconfidence' in Miria. She just underestimated her enemy, mostly because she couldn't have known about Raftela's abilities. If it were only the twins, she would have won. But in the critical moment, she hesitated... and that hesitation meant her death. "Naive dumb oversentimental wreck"? Wow, I suppose you wouldn't even blink an eye in such a situation like that.

And not, being intelligent or an experienced warrior doesn't make you inmune to doubt or hesitation. Quite a number of battles and even wars in history have been won or lost just because one general or one king wasn't able to take one right decision in time. Look at Hannibal, probably one of the most brilliant and cunning military minds ever witnessed by this planet. He lost a war because he just didn't crush Rome when he could, mostly because he didn't want to destroy Rome from the very beginning (he just wanted to restablish a more equitative balance of power in the Western Mediterranean, restoring Carthage to its former glory). The problem was, the only way to fully restore Carthage's power was wiping out Rome, because the Romans would never accept any peace treaty that made their most feared and hated enemy regaining power and imposing them any condition. Hannibal hesitated, we know how it ended. Miria's problem is comparable: she wanted to destroy the Org, but when faced with the need of killing the Org's soldiers, she hesitated... and got killed. Not everyone can be Michael Corleone.

So Yagi's message is pretty clear (and obvious): you hesitate in war, your chances of winning evaporate.

I still think that the fact that Miria died has angered fans so much that they sistematically and blindly assume her plan and actions were all completely stupid, dumb and childish, now suddenly raging and complaining about everything Yagi has done with her. Miria just hesitated for a moment, in fact she quickly decided to get truly serious with the twins... but that moment of doubt and the resultant release of yoki (to evade the twins' attack) allowed Raftela to put her technique into work. And then Miria was pretty much fucked.
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Old 2010-09-04, 18:10   Link #963
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Originally Posted by MalakTawus View Post
....and like Gooral said,she should have attacked during the night......or maybe she feared that if she losed time A&B could return.......

Out of topic:Sigh,99% of the times i see a post that i like and i want to give rep.... i have to spread rep!
Dammit!Not again!
Their are plenty of what-if's, but Miria probably paid them all mind, and at the same time, just didn't care; as I said, her actions were purely instinctual.

She wasn't thinking "I have to go, but I'll consider all the possibilities and wait till the right opportunity", she was thinking "I'm going, and I'm going right NOW, and nobody is going to stop me". If she were to going to consider all the possibilities.....shoot, she never would have even left at all.

Her actions were purely emotional and instinctual; sure, their was some logic in what she did, like waiting for A&B to leave, but that's pretty much as far as it goes.

As for night time...for all we know, the chapter could have taken place at night; the bad thing about black and white stories like this, is that it forever feels like it's always the middle of the afternoon. The trip from Rabona to Staff could have taken days, not the instantaneous feeling we get from reading.

Heh, and thanks for the kind thoughts (wanting to rep me )
"You know, their are as many ways to live as their are people in this world...and each one deserves a closer look."
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Old 2010-09-04, 18:15   Link #964
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She didn't die because she hesitated. She died because #10 had a hax ability that directly counter a solo claymore who is unaware that something like #10's ability existed. Even if she didn't hesitate and killed every claymore and the twins, something else could have forced her to use youki, may be AFs or may be something we have not yet seen. The fact that she is alone and the fact the moment she releases any youki = she is doomed, is a scenario that was constructed specifically to kill her off to produce shock value.

After biding her time for so long within the org and having trained with ghosts for seven years together with all their goal being revenge on the org and save the other claymores, it is only a plot driven necessity that made her choose to go after the Org solo. The Miria from Pieta would have never made this choice. The Miria from after slasher arc wouldn't have made this choice. Only the Miria from right after Hilda's death might have made that choice. Emotional as she is, when she is acting in the capacity of a leader, she remains cool headed and would have choose a course of action that will have the highest rate of succeeding combined with the lowest danger to her fellow claymores. Miria, following her character's progression as we have seen should have went to help Clare and co with Galatea's help, gather all the ghost together, persuade and enlist other claymores with the truth and only strike the Org when they have strength in numbers and better intel from her inside contact (which has still not been revealed).

I found it especially ironic that she died happy seeing Hilda's illusion being alive and yet didn't choose to save Clare and others. All the ghosts should have meant as much to her as Hilda and given her last moments, the choice to go solo against Org for revenge rather then saving her friends runs contrary to what is shown.
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Old 2010-09-04, 18:32   Link #965
Ravages of time-Zhang Fei
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Yes your are right, with everything you said, m`kay?
I canīt argue with someone who has Dio Brando as his avatar.
Just reminds of some good old Jojoīs Adventure and how a perfect manga/anime looks like...especially Dio as the villain
Letīs get on now, shall we?

So again, whatīs next?
Miria is down, Claire is down, most of the Awakened Beings are down...

Are we back to Deneve and Helen?
Or is there really more to Miriaīs plan than we first thought thanks to that cliffhanger ending?
Maybe Priscilla? Raki?

Whatīs next? What will we see? Who will die next?

Though one thing:
So Yagi's message is pretty clear (and obvious): you hesitate in war, your chances of winning evaporate.

Sima Yi once said:
There are five possible operations in war:
If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender...die!

Miria only planned untill point one.
She didnīt plan in the factor that their might be a long battle where sheīll be cornered. And as Sima Yi said, if you canīt defend flee. Thatīs called a plan R, for run away.

So itīs not only you hesitate in war, your cances of winning evaporate.
Itīs also never underestimate your enemy. Never overestimate yourself.
Be prepaired for the impossible. Hide your weakness as your strength and use your strength to strike the enemies weakness.

There are many more mistakes that Miria made and that Yagi probably doesnīt know of (since he made up that useless battle plan) and what you said is a nice message, but probably not what he meant.

Seeing the scene were she said sheīd never stain the pillars she founded her hatred to destroy the Org on, namely to prevent victims like the Twins to be created again, it just leaves me with the impression, that she chose to die rather than betray her own oath. She doesnīt want to "free" Claymores by killing Claymores. Thatīs why her emotional side got her: The end, justifies the means just wasnīt the right thing to do for her.

Never stray from the path of your own justice, even if it means to die for it.
Follow your dream untill the end. Get rich or die tryin.

Thatīs the message I got out of those final moments.

Oh and SagaraSouske, you really hit the nail with your list of what would be Miriaīs course of action, if that were still the Miria we know and learned to love.
So again, this is not the Mirira Yagi developed over those years.
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Old 2010-09-04, 18:33   Link #966
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Originally Posted by Sagara
All the ghosts should have meant as much to her as Hilda and given her last moments, the choice to go solo against Org for revenge rather then saving her friends runs contrary to what is shown.
While this is true, and not to say that the other Ghosts haven't been just as important to her...Hilda has always remained special and easily the greatest friend she ever had.

It's funky, because, in a way, after the Extra Chapter, I almost felt like she put Hilda behind her; she certainly was happy, but content and happy within herself and her friends, not because she found Hilda's sword and thought back to her; she was merely happy to have seen something from her past, think back, and feel happy that, although Hilda was gone, it was okay because she was with her new friends and was confident about the future.

At the same time, if their was ever one person that would have the most affect on her in the form of an illusion, it would be while, in a way, Miria HAD put Hilda behind her and moved forward with her life, she was obviously the one that would get to Miria the most.

It's like seeing your dead parents again after 10 years; in that time span, you have (hopefully) grown to accept reality, what has happened, and are moving on with your life with, again hopefully, confidence and happiness...regardless, if you saw them again, you would be just as shocked, speechless and as happy as Miria was.
"You know, their are as many ways to live as their are people in this world...and each one deserves a closer look."
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Old 2010-09-04, 18:43   Link #967
The Burned Man walks!
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Originally Posted by SagaraSouske View Post
She didn't die because she hesitated. She died because #10 had a hax ability that directly counter a solo claymore who is unaware that something like #10's ability existed. Even if she didn't hesitate and killed every claymore and the twins, something else could have forced her to use youki, may be AFs or may be something we have not yet seen. The fact that she is alone and the fact the moment she releases any youki = she is doomed, is a scenario that was constructed specifically to kill her off to produce shock value.
I don't see it that way. At all. Her hesitation about killing the twins causes her to not fight at full force, what gives advantage to the twins, what forces Miria to release yoki to not be killed, what allows Raftela to mindfuck Miria. Had she killed the twins without hesitation, she probably wouldn't have needed to release yoki and then, after sensing Raftela (who went unnoticed because Miria was fighting two people who release a huge yoki due to awakening), she would have kicked her ass the same way she did to Audrey, Rachel and the others.

After biding her time for so long within the org and having trained with ghosts for seven years together with all their goal being revenge on the org and save the other claymores, it is only a plot driven necessity that made her choose to go after the Org solo. The Miria from Pieta would have never made this choice. The Miria from after slasher arc wouldn't have made this choice. Only the Miria from right after Hilda's death might have made that choice. Emotional as she is, when she is acting in the capacity of a leader, she remains cool headed and would have choose a course of action that will have the highest rate of succeeding combined with the lowest danger to her fellow claymores. Miria, following her character's progression as we have seen should have went to help Clare and co with Galatea's help, gather all the ghost together, persuade and enlist other claymores with the truth and only strike the Org when they have strength in numbers and better intel from her inside contact (which has still not been revealed).

I found it especially ironic that she died happy seeing Hilda's illusion being alive and yet didn't choose to save Clare and others. All the ghosts should have meant as much to her as Hilda and given her last moments, the choice to go solo against Org for revenge rather then saving her friends runs contrary to what is shown.
You seem to forget that Miria only took the decision of attacking Staff after she got interesting info from Dietrich. If she hadn't known Alicia and Beth were off, she would have never attacked. As I've said many times, she just saw a chance and bet hard on it... it was risky, but again, knowing #3 and #5 were no match for her, Miria's decision was not illogical, not even emotional then. A successful attack would have destroyed the Org... too tempting for someone who has made revenge her ultimate goal.
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Old 2010-09-04, 18:49   Link #968
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Their are plenty of what-if's, but Miria probably paid them all mind, and at the same time, just didn't care; as I said, her actions were purely instinctual.

She wasn't thinking "I have to go, but I'll consider all the possibilities and wait till the right opportunity", she was thinking "I'm going, and I'm going right NOW, and nobody is going to stop me". If she were to going to consider all the possibilities.....shoot, she never would have even left at all.

Her actions were purely emotional and instinctual; sure, their was some logic in what she did, like waiting for A&B to leave, but that's pretty much as far as it goes.

As for night time...for all we know, the chapter could have taken place at night; the bad thing about black and white stories like this, is that it forever feels like it's always the middle of the afternoon. The trip from Rabona to Staff could have taken days, not the instantaneous feeling we get from reading.

Heh, and thanks for the kind thoughts (wanting to rep me )
Lol,I totally agree with you (infact it's evident by my other posts,i was simply adding another "what if" to the post above yours, lol.
(But indeed it was your post that i wanted to rep but since we often agree it seems it's not possible atm)
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Old 2010-09-04, 19:00   Link #969
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Had Miria killed one of the twins while the other was down, she might not have died.

Edit: I'm also thinking maybe Raftela has been around for quite a while. Maybe even back to the time of Rafaela and Teresa training.

It's time to start letting her make her own decisions. - Mom's dermatologist~
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Old 2010-09-04, 19:05   Link #970
The Burned Man walks!
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Originally Posted by matsunaga_hisahide View Post
Yes your are right, with everything you said, m`kay?
I canīt argue with someone who has Dio Brando as his avatar.
Just reminds of some good old Jojoīs Adventure and how a perfect manga/anime looks like...especially Dio as the villain
Letīs get on now, shall we?
Well, now that you bring JoJo's to light...
Spoiler for JoJo's plot & deaths:

And yet, Stardust Crusaders' finale is SO genuinely AWESOME.

So again, whatīs next?
Miria is down, Claire is down, most of the Awakened Beings are down...
Clare is dead? What? She just was absorbed by the Destroyer... and not for the first time.

Are we back to Deneve and Helen?
Or is there really more to Miriaīs plan than we first thought thanks to that cliffhanger ending?
Maybe Priscilla? Raki?
Not really a cliffhanger... those 'Miria falls?' words are likely introduced by the editors and not the mangaka, so as far as I'm concerned, Miria is completely and absolutely dead.

Whatīs next? What will we see? Who will die next?
Can't really tell. That's where the emotion is

Though one thing:
So Yagi's message is pretty clear (and obvious): you hesitate in war, your chances of winning evaporate.

Sima Yi once said:
There are five possible operations in war:
If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender...die!

Miria only planned untill point one.
She didnīt plan in the factor that their might be a long battle where sheīll be cornered. And as Sima Yi said, if you canīt defend flee. Thatīs called a plan R, for run away.

So itīs not only you hesitate in war, your cances of winning evaporate.
Itīs also never underestimate your enemy. Never overestimate yourself.
Be prepaired for the impossible. Hide your weakness as your strength and use your strength to strike the enemies weakness.
If you play that straight, Miria would have sit down in Rabona and never take any action against the Org until having recruited about 200 claymore deserters or got a nuke... anticipating, taking advantage of a weakened enemy garrison, striking fast and hard (so you don't have to strike again)... those are also keys in warfare. If Miria had succeeded, almost everyone here would be hailing her as a great strategist (oh, she's so clever! she waited 'til A&B were gone and then caught the MiB with their pants down!).

There are many more mistakes that Miria made and that Yagi probably doesnīt know of (since he made up that useless battle plan) and what you said is a nice message, but probably not what he meant.
And those many mistakes are...

Seeing the scene were she said sheīd never stain the pillars she founded her hatred to destroy the Org on, namely to prevent victims like the Twins to be created again, it just leaves me with the impression, that she chose to die rather than betray her own oath. She doesnīt want to "free" Claymores by killing Claymores. Thatīs why her emotional side got her: The end, justifies the means just wasnīt the right thing to do for her.

Never stray from the path of your own justice, even if it means to die for it.
Follow your dream untill the end. Get rich or die tryin.

Thatīs the message I got out of those final moments.
Her failure won't help to free anyone. So keeping faithful to her own justice and ideals proved not worthy at the end. Extreme situations require extreme measures, and that includes blowing your own moral and ideals away if neccesary. Miria couldn't, now she's dead and the Org will keep doing their bussiness. I don't really think Yagi wanted to say something like 'stick to your ideals even if that means an epic failure that won't hurt not only you but even future generations'.

Oh and SagaraSouske, you really hit the nail with your list of what would be Miriaīs course of action, if that were still the Miria we know and learned to love.
So again, this is not the Mirira Yagi developed over those years.
Seems another point in where we'll continue to disagree.
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Old 2010-09-04, 19:05   Link #971
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Well,going to "save" her friends at that moment would have been REALLY useless,a lot more useless than attacking the org......and it seems you don't understand a simple fact:Miria attack happens BEFORE her friends are in deep sh*t,not after,so there was absolutely no real reason to go help the others........
......but even if that wasn't the case (and it is) in a scenario with A&B,Riful,AF,the destroyer with her minions and a bit later even Priscilla,there is nothing that Miria can do,she is strong,but those powers are on a completely other level.
Between the ghosts only Claire has the potential to fight at that level thanx to her mysterious powers,no one else.

I absolutely don't agree that Miria acted out of char,in previous page (pag.48) i explain why,if you are interested take my reply from there.
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Old 2010-09-04, 19:35   Link #972
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If Raki gets ZA WARUDO I will die in my seat.

Something Jojo related in mah claymore?
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Old 2010-09-04, 19:46   Link #973
Valor Kira
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Nooooo!!! Miria!! My beloved claymore character!!!
Why so crueL? D:
You will be in my heart forever Q_Q
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Old 2010-09-04, 20:00   Link #974
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Originally Posted by Korinov View Post
I don't see it that way. At all. Her hesitation about killing the twins causes her to not fight at full force, what gives advantage to the twins, what forces Miria to release yoki to not be killed, what allows Raftela to mindfuck Miria. Had she killed the twins without hesitation, she probably wouldn't have needed to release yoki and then, after sensing Raftela (who went unnoticed because Miria was fighting two people who release a huge yoki due to awakening), she would have kicked her ass the same way she did to Audrey, Rachel and the others.

You seem to forget that Miria only took the decision of attacking Staff after she got interesting info from Dietrich. If she hadn't known Alicia and Beth were off, she would have never attacked. As I've said many times, she just saw a chance and bet hard on it... it was risky, but again, knowing #3 and #5 were no match for her, Miria's decision was not illogical, not even emotional then. A successful attack would have destroyed the Org... too tempting for someone who has made revenge her ultimate goal.
You make a good point about #3 and #5 been weaker than Miria. From the beginning of the manga #1 was suppose to be stronger than any other Claymore.
If this is true then Miria had noting to fear from the Org ( logical conclusion). We are only complaining because the Org had an Ace up their sleeve (something no one new about, not even the once complaining).

Yagi must have planed it this way, or he just made it up. I think he planed it that way. We always new there was a #10 but we new noting about her until now.

Remember, the Org sent all the useless Claymores to Peita and kept the brainwash ones.
Miria is alive
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Old 2010-09-04, 20:04   Link #975
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Kinda weird...Miria did act out of character from not being willing to kill the twins...I mean last chapter she threatened Galatea and anyone that she would kill anyone standing in her way...but here...she knew just how strong the twins were...yet...she still tried to go for the immobilization rather than the kill...seems a bit odd..but was expected for her to die going up against the org by herself anyways...imo...was a fitting a death...wouldn't have made sense otherwise if she single handedly took down the org without the org having a secret weapon like the #10...
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Old 2010-09-04, 20:06   Link #976
Ravages of time-Zhang Fei
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You really donīt make it easy for me, do you Korinov?

Is a discussion with me really so much fun?

Spoiler for About the message of Yagi:

Spoiler for Cliffhanger matter:

Spoiler for About Jojo:

Spoiler for The numerous Mistakes:

Spoiler for Warfare and doing nothing:

Spoiler for MalakTawus:

Last edited by matsunaga_hisahide; 2010-09-04 at 20:30.
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Old 2010-09-04, 20:14   Link #977
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Sometimes numbers can lead to big mistakes.
Imagine if the same thing that Miria did now, someone else did before when Miria was still a claymore:

Rebel:"Yeah,I'm definitely stronger than n.3 Galatea and since A&B are dealing with Riful there is no one else that can stop me now!!!!!I'll have my revenge!!!"

***Suddenly Raphaela comes out of nowhere***

Rebel:"Who cares,she's just n.5! I can beat her even in my sleep!"


...............rebel dead..............
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Old 2010-09-04, 20:31   Link #978
Jean Claymore
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Miria chose taking a good opportunity but did not plan an orginised attack. After analysing the fight, noticed the Org was running out of hands when I just saw that TRUMP CARD we had been talking this long. Well, Miria could have finished this if she wasn't so weak-minded having mercy on not killing the shrimp twins or the others as Audrey or Rachel... I don't understand why some of you are just overstimating Raftela just because she can create hallucinations. So if that was the trump card, then the MiBs are not having any defense against cold-minded rebels on Miria's level after all? That's stupid... Miria's death was already set by Yagi even though she was capable of finishing with all this. Somehow, i was wondering if the trump card has the ability even to manipulate emotions by its yoki syncronization. Think about it. Miria had no reason distracted by a hallucination taken form of Hilda knowing she was in the middle of fight to reach the goal she planned.
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Old 2010-09-04, 20:37   Link #979
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Originally Posted by SeanQ View Post
Kinda weird...Miria did act out of character from not being willing to kill the twins...
Not at first. She only tried to resort to that when she saw that she might be outmatched. As was stated earlier in the chapter (several times I might add), Miria could only get away with not killing them when the gap in their power was great. The twins were inferior to Miria, yes, but not so much that Miria could just dispatch them without killing them. Not to mention there are two of them... the smaller power gap + 2v1 fight means Miria had trouble, delaying her enough for #10 to perform her Jedi Mind Trick lobotomizing mind-hacks.
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Old 2010-09-04, 21:04   Link #980
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OK after giving it some thought, now that I think back, it makes perfect sense for the existence of no.10 solely to defend the org against rebels.

1. They are at war. In wars there are rebellions from time to time.

2. If there are yoki manipulators who can make a body move involuntarily (aka bodyfrak?) why not the mind to think involuntarily? Obviously we all knew Miria to be intuitive and tactician but if someone just forced you to feel emotional and hallucinate, it cannot be helped right? Now here I think theres another way to think. For example lets say it doesnt fully control a mind but as Rubel said mess up emotions. Now we know for a fact that Claymores can control their hormones, body temp etc and Helen getting drunk was a perfect example. I think all no.10 did was drive Miria senses overdrive ie let her human side of things take over. If Gala can tweak the body by messing up with yoki manipulation the next step could be this.

3. Why is no.10 in the org and never goes out? Well it makes sense to think that in fact she has a unique skill but is not nearly as strong as Raph or Galatae to hunt deserters who are much more stronger and has been hiding for years. And who would suspect someone who never leaves the org to be that special? so I think wtf drop on our heads makes sense (also on Miria's head).

4. The only way no.10 ability can be used is when yoki aura is leaking again, so someone who suppresses it and hides like Irene did for a while or even Teresa did (before she killed a yoma to save a town) cannot be hunted unless they have exceptional tracking or sensing skills. So clearly Yagi wanted us to realize this on our own that their is logic to her introduction and to her skill. And obviously points out that she is not that strong to be sent out to hunt uber deserters like Irene or Teresa. I mean the org sent Gala to hunt Clare also indicates that she is not a good sensor at all.

5. Now why did Miria release her yoki aura? simple she underestimated the capabilities of the org. She didn't suspect a second A&B program to be running parallel (why? Coz ven Miria left to attack A&B just started to moveout and is not dead and she just met no.3 wetting herself, no.4 is a mental nutcase and a muscle head no.5), ie she underestimated. In short she had no choice and got overwhelmed. And why not? She was on par with Clare's WC with mirages so if something is faster needs more speed you would naturally release more power.

Miria has always been a great leader and plan ahead. She took the perfect chance to attack the org. Perhaps she could have taken Taby (as Gala willingly did not offer to help, Miata and Clarice just defected so you can never know clearly where their allegiance lies). But then she has to worry over Taby's battle potential and getting injured (coz thats how caring our Miria is). And maybe explaining things to her wouldn't help might be what Miria thought, so she did what she did (Taby loves Miria too much ). As a matter of fact if she had Clare and only Clare alone she would not hesitate to take her along coz she clearly trust her battle potential. So Miria was not stupid in taking the decision to rush her Kamikaze mission (as she didn't know Yagi planned it that way). And finaly I think Yagi wanted us to remember that Claymores are still women, and no matter how cool they act on the surface, theres always a drama queen hiding somewhere inside their hearts to make them all emotional and weepy.

SO as some of you have been saying, we can now start thinking of what this would implicate for the story. I think this is Yagi's way of saying that Clare should take up the leader role. Why not? She just got more than 2 decades of experience and knowledge from one of the longest lived Claymores. She greatly cares for her allies and friends... Though I know we are all sad from Miria's sudden exit, lets start thinking of whats next (instead of scorning Yagi for poor script and illogical explanations).
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